Legend of the White Wolf (OLD...

By mollysue

784K 3.6K 299

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Author's Note: This version of Legend of the White Wolf is the OLD version. Chapters On... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three

Chapter Four

25.5K 801 40
By mollysue

Edited...So, this is a sad chapter. Sorry guys, but please enjoy even though this is sad! Vote, fan, and comment!

Chapter Four

We sat in silence in the car. Andrea and Tony were up front, and Ethan and I were in the back. The surprise of Ethan and I dancing was still processing through Tony and Andrea's heads. I wasn't going to say anything about it either. And obviously neither was Ethan. We all just sat there in uncomfortable silence until Andrea couldn't stand it anymore. Neither could I.

"Um...so..." Andrea said.

I smiled. Whenever there was an uncomfortable silence, she always tries to break it. Typical Andrea.

"Yes Andrea?" I asked.

Anthony paid attention to the road and Ethan was looking out the right window.

"Where are we going Anthony?" I asked.

I realized that he wasn't on the right road to take us home. That got Ethan's attention from the window and he looked ahead, out the front window. Then he sighed.

What's wrong with him?

Anthony glanced back at me and I smiled a huge smile at him. The anger he had seemed to slowly fade away and Andrea seemed to notice. She took Anthony's hand and he smiled. So Anthony and Andrea were now happy, but....what's wrong with Ethan?

"What's wrong?" I asked in Ethan's head.

"Nothing." He replied quietly.

"Don't you lie to me Ethan Taylor Cole." I said sternly.

He turned to face me and I saw the sadness in his eyes.

"Why are you so sad, Ethan?" I asked.

He looked away and I put my left hand on the right side of his face, turning him so he was facing me. Face to face.

I scooted closer.

"Tell me what's wrong." I whispered out loud.

He looked at me and the sadness in his eyes went away and I saw something else there....something I couldn't place. But it brought a warm feeling to me.

I started thinking about us dancing again. That was something that was so unexpected. But I have to admit that Ethan is a really good dancer. And singer. And he's really warm....wow did I just think that?

I looked back at the road and realized we were taking the back roads home. I glanced at Ethan and he was staring at me.


He just shook his head and smiled. I rolled my eyes.

"Do you want to know what was bothering me earlier?" I heard Ethan ask in my head.

I nodded. His glowing smile turned into a grim one.

"I'm worried....about you." He said.

"What? Why?" I asked him.

He started to explain.

"You ran into two vampires today. Two!! That's too many in one day for a seventeen year old girl that doesn't even know if she's a werewolf or not."

"What? When did I run into two vampires?" I asked.

"That waiter that kidnapped you was a vampire. And Mia whatever he kidnapped you for...it looked like he was going to give you to someone...."

I didn't say anything to this.

"Mia, what did he say he was going to do with you?" Ethan asked.

I sighed.

"He said he was going to give us to his "boss"....Andrea and I.....it scared me."

I looked at him and saw a flash of anger in his eyes.

"Well, don't worry about it now because I'm here and no vampire is gonna be able to even lay a finger on you."

I smiled a small smile and he smiled in return.

"So, who was the second vampire I ran into?"

He sighed and looked at me with worry etched all over his face and rage burning in his eyes.

"The leader of the vampires."

"What?" I asked, shock clear on my face.

I thought to myself, how could I have met the leader of the vampires without knowing it? What would he want with me?

I looked at Ethan and he looked at me.

"Ethan, who was it, who was the leader of the vampires?"

He looked at me with an even grimmer expression than before.

"Tanner. Leah Ann's date."

"What?! Oh my gosh, did she even know or what?"

He shook his head.

"There's something fishy with this guy. When he walked past us he had this powerful aura, a leadership aura, but he stayed away because of my Alpha aura."


He smiled meekly at me.

"Oh my god, you have the Alpha gene!?" I practically yelled.

"What?" Andrea asked.

Ethan sighed, but he had a smile on his face.

"I have the Alpha gene." He said meekly.

"Wow." Andrea said.

"Congrats man." Anthony said.

"Thanks." Ethan replied.

So, that means that when my dad passes away, or decides to stop being Alpha, or if Ethan challenges him anytime soon, then my dad would have to give up his leadership....to Ethan.


"Don't you have to find your mate before you can become Alpha?" Anthony asked.

Ethan started rubbing the back of his neck uncomfortable.

"Yeah, I do."

"Maybe you'll find her soon." Andrea said.

Ethan mumbled something under his breath, but I didn't catch it.

"So, what do you think Tanner wanted?" I asked.

He shrugged.

"Whatever he wanted, it had nothing to do with Leah Ann. It had to do with you..."

"What? Me?" I asked.

He nodded his head. I opened my window a little so I could cool off. All this stuff....vampires?

Why vampires? Why me?

I sighed and turned my head away from the window and almost hit Ethan's. His head was right next to mine. He was sniffing the air coming in through the window. Then, I noticed that Tony and Andrea were doing the same. I looked at them, confusion clear on my face. I breathed in deeply, but all I could smell was....the trees and Ethan, but there was something else there....something really super sweet. Some kind of cologne or perfume I guess.

But that's when I heard a growl rumble from inside Ethan's chest that was now really close to my face. I could smell how amazing he smelled.

"Um....." I said, embarrassed.

He sat back down.

"Sorry Mia."

Then he turned to Tony and Andrea.

"Do you guys smell what I smell?" He asked.

They both nodded.

"Are you guys talking about that sweet smelling cologne?"

Ethan, Andrea, and Anthony all looked at me.

"You can smell it too?" Anthony asked his eyes now back on the road.

"I smell....something. Something really sweet. What is it?"

"Vampires." Ethan replied.

My face went pale.

"They're in the forest? What are they doing around here? Why?"

"Calm down Mia, it's fine. They won't come near us with Ethan in the car." Andrea said, but I could hear a little doubt in her voice.

Ethan grabbed ahold of my hand.

"Don't worry Mia, I'm right here." He whispered in my head.

I slowly relaxed.

"How do you kill a vampire?" I asked curiously.

Anthony turned around and looked at me and Andrea took the wheel.

"You kill a vampire with fire Mia." He said, straight to my face.

Fire? No, no, no, no. I can't go through with IT again...I can't control it....

I looked at Anthony with wide eyes and he sent me a message in my head so no one else would hear it.


I shook my head.

"No Anthony I can't." I said in his head.

"You might have to Mia. If we run into them....the rest of the pack went the other way home so we're by ourselves out here. If they attack then we'll be killed for sure..."

"Anthony I can't control it! I'll lose control and kill everyone!"

"You can control it Mia. I know you can do it."

I gulped. I really, REALLY hope we don't run into vampires. But tonight just wasn't my lucky night. I looked out my window and we drove straight past a beat up truck parked on the side of the road. A very familiar truck.

"Anthony, stop the car." I said.

"What, why?"

I turned around and my eyes widened. On the ground over by the truck was a puddle of blood. I had a very bad feeling about this. I looked back at the car and realized why it was so familiar.

I screamed at Anthony

"Turn around NOW! That's mom and dad's truck! Go back Anthony!"

He slammed on the brakes and put the car in reverse. When we got close enough to our parents truck, I jumped out of the car before he even parked.

I ran over to the puddle of blood with Ethan running over with Andrea and Tony behind him. Tears started streaming down my face as I followed the blood trail that led from the puddle. The tracks were a mixture between wolf prints and hand prints. And then I found where they stopped.

Laying at the edge of the forest on the ground a couple of feet away from the car was...


I ran over to him. When I got to him the first thing I noticed was that he was still breathing. Thank god.

"Dad, daddy, it's me, Mia, your daughter."

He slowly opened his eyes.


"Dad....who did this?" I asked.

I already knew the answer, but I wanted to hear him say it.

"Vampires....Mia, listen to me. The vampires kidnapped your mother. You and the pack have to save her before they do what they've done to me, to her."

I looked at him as my tears started to fall off of my face. He lifted his hand and touched my face. I heard Tony, Andrea, and Ethan behind me now, but I didn't turn around. Just then, Tony came up and fell to his knees next to me.


"Tony, son, you need to stay strong. Keep Ethan in check and make sure he takes care of the pack."

I looked at my dad. He thinks he's dying. I looked at his wounds. The first wound I saw was bite marks on his left wrist. I should be able -

My thoughts were cut off by my dad.

"Don't try Mia....it's too late."

"Dad please, let me try. Please."

"No Mia. Now listen, have you heard that legend about the she-wolf that's supposed to bring the mythical world together, that has special powers and has two mates?"

I nodded even though I had no idea what this had to do with the vampires killing my father.

"That legend is true. It's about you. And it involves Tony too."

"What? You're kidding; please tell me you're kidding."

He took in a shaky breath.

"No Mia. Your brother is the next air to the throne. If he chooses not to take the crown, you must take it. And your vampire mate is the leader of the vampires."

I heard Andrea gasp, and Ethan and Tony both growled.

"Tanner?" I asked with shock.

He nodded.

"Your werewolf mate....well, you'll find out soon Mia. Now, go. Find your mother."

Ethan came over to my dad then. 

"Sir, what happens if the vampires take over our world?"

"Then they'll start with the human world."

I drew in a shaky breath as my dying father drew in an even shakier breath.


"Yes sir?"

"Take care of my daughter and treat her right and the pack or I'll have to haunt you."

My dad laughed a shaky laugh and then started coughing.


"I love you Mia and Tony...find...find your mother and tell her I love her...."

"I love you dad." Tony and I said at the same time.

Our dad slowly closed his eyes and a couple seconds later, his chest stopped rising and falling. He was gone. I started trembling with anger.

Then I heard a laugh I never wanted to hear again come from inside the woods. I shakily stood up and faced the direction of my father's killer.

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