Never Forget - Mono X Six - L...

By Writer0001-

49.6K 1.5K 1.1K

After the betrayal, things never quite were the same. Things changed in both Six and Mono that day and contin... More

1 - Mono
2 - Six
3 - Mono
4 - Six
5 - Mono
6 - Six
7 - Mono
8 - Six
9 - Mono
10 - Six
11 - Mono
12 - Six
13 - Mono
14 - Six
15 - Mono
16 - Six
17 - Author's note
18 - Mono
19 - Six
20 - Mono
21 - Six
22 - Mono
23 - Six
24 - Mono
25 - Six
26 - Mono
27 - Six
28 - Mono
29 - Six
30 - Mono
31 - Six
32 - Mono
33 A - Six & Gabby
33 B - Gabby
34 - Mono
35 - Six

36 - Mono

180 6 1
By Writer0001-

"Yeah! Just like old times!" I look over my shoulder to see her raise her hands shooting white beams at the undeads. As much as I am pissed off at their bickering, I decide I will give them a piece of my mind later. 

I swallow quickly as they surge towards us, huddling. To my surprise they squeeze around me. I get pushed away from the two but they're not hurting me. All they do is move around me. I look out among them confused. Being near them fills my nose with the most putrid smell. It smells like dead rotting flesh. 

They have the rough shape of humans but they're like forms of knotty lumped flesh with terribly distorted features. Bones stick out of their masses of skin and they're riddled with many eyes. "They aren't touching me." I look to the girls to see them grabbing at them. 

"That's great...But help me!" Six shrieks, she's blasting them with white beams of magic. I watch as the used to be people disintegrate into a black lump of ashes. This does nothing, there's too many and they're overpowering us. Gabby meanwhile motions her hand at a flesh mass and it rips in half. The creatures let out animal like growls. 

Quickly I rush towards the two. I'm shoving the flesh masses away, I point my hand at one and it shrivels up into a dehydrated mass of jelly skin. I can feel myself sweating, a hot mass of heat burns through my face. I can hear the voices again. They're very upset. 

Why would you kill you're own kind? Feel their pain. Feel them twisting and writhing. WE are all one. 

I feel my vision blur for a second, my eyes becoming unfocused. No. I have to resist. I have to, this is important! 

As Six disintegrates another, I feel my body turn into fire. I feel as if I had been engulfed into flames. I cry out, emitting a strange guttural sound. I feel as if all of me is being ripped apart and burned from the inside out.  As if I too, am disintegrating. 

"Agh! Guys! Something's wrong." I clutch my stomach, wincing. Still I look up and try to fight through the pain. Six is getting overwhelmed by them, they rip her clothes and scratch her body. I grabbed one by the malformed neck and squeeze, watching it's head pop off and blood gush over my hand. I grit my teeth, fighting to keep my eyes open as I feel as if my head has been ripped off my body. 

Something is very wrong here. 

"What's happening? Talk to me." Gabby says, panting as she motions towards more flesh bags, 5 or so all deck and drop to the ground at the same time. She starts ripping them off of Six and flinging them out into the air to ragdoll to the ground, knocking more of their companions down. Six continues blasting, frying them as soon as they take too many steps close to her. 

"I can feel it. I can feel you killing them." I shudder. "It feels terrible. Its-its hurting me." I gasp, as Six disintegrates a hole straight through one. 

"God damn it. It's worse than I thought." Gabby groans. 

Six is struggling for breath. "I can't hold them off any longer Gabby. What do we do? Aren't you a ghost can't you fly us somewhere." 

"I'm sorry but my powers don't really work like that!" 

"What the hell do you mean they don't work like that? Do your freaky ghost voodoo magic shit. NOW!" Six bickers with her as the two fight off these creatures side by side. 

I feel sweat pour down my face but I feel guilty if I don't help them. What kind of man would I be if I couldn't fight through the pain? These women are kicking ass in front of me and right now I'm acting completely useless. I'm supposed to be the tallest motherfucker here. 

One lunges at Six, ripping at her shirt, I yoink it away from her and spin and fling it like a light projectile. It flies into a street sign and impales itself on a pole. "Thanks!" she beams at me. 

"I say we make a decent team still." I pant, even as I'm destroying them they seem to have an inability to fight back, they never aim for me, they always move around me. In systematic fashion. 

"Hey they're not touching you!" Gabby notices. 

"Does it make you feel special?" I chime before clutching my stomach and groaning again. I survey the surroundings all while multitasking and back fisting one of the creatures into their probably face. We're in the middle of the street, it's vaguely foggy all around us and there's hundreds of them surrounding us. In the near distance though I see a work vehicle, one of them with those giant wrecking balls. I get, probably, the most genius idea I've ever gotten. They'll thank me later. 

Quickly I run off, as I move throughout the crowd they turn around me, brushing against me lightly but otherwise moving around me like they are all singular drops of water and I am a smudge of oil. 

"Mono!" Six calls after me. "Where are you going? He's ditching us isn't he? He's fucking ditching us!" She snaps. 

When I get to the vehicle I climb up into the cab and onto the seat. "Let's see let's see.." Frantically my eyes scan the controls and levers and I have no idea what any of it means. "I'm sure it's just like a car-" My self talk was quickly interrupted. 

Six let out a sharp cry, it cuts through me like a knife. Pierces my senses I forgot how much I hated that sound. I looked up immediately seeing the two get overwhelmed. 

"Shit shit just do something." I fidget with the controls. The rusty machine still had the key in it, I turn it but it makes no sound. It was all out of gas. "fuck god damnit just turn on this was the only idea I had." I started smacking the thing in an annoyed rage. I looked up again to see the undeads now piling on top of the group. Six was getting suffocated, Gabby was barely able to keep them off. 

"No!" I yelp to myself. As my hand met the dashboard the surface of it started to ripple like water and the engine shook, roaring to life. Soon the vehicle was buzzing to life and surging with electricity throughout it's parts. I examined my hands, "Woah I didn't know I could do THAT" 

I cranked that bitch up and slammed on the gas. It lurched forward at as fast as it could go. When I got to the group I turned the ledger and started swinging the giant metal ball. It plowed into the undead and the giant tracks of the machine crunched over the ones I was squashing. The two girls ducked as they saw the wrecking ball blast into the mass of bodies, even flinging a few into the air. 

Pain spread throughout my body but I was enjoying this too much, I refused to quit now. 

"Wow I for sure though you were ditching us." Six looked up. 

"Dude just get in!" I yelled down at them. The two climbed up and only then did the creatures below begin to start swarming and climbing the cab. 

"How'd you get this thing going?" Six asked. 

"I worked a bit of my magic and my charm." 

"Do you even know how to drive this thing?" Gabby questioned my abilities. 

"I figured it's like a car. Too bad dad never took me to get my permit though." I shrug. 

"WHAT?" they both said in sync. 

I blasted through the town at full speed, half the time I wasn't even on any actual roads. I swerved around abandoned parked cars, and accidentally smashed into road signs more times than I'd like to admit. But I don't think it was too bad for my first time driving a vehicle. The girls blasted undead to keep them from climbing up the cab and Gabby directed me on the fastest route to the radio tower. 

We were fast approaching when I noticed our path blocked with a giant wall, a sign posted, "DO NOT ENTER" 

"Uh Gabby we have a situation." I glance over at her, she was busy blacking and kicking an undead in the face. "Gabby. Gabby. GABBY" 

"WHAT?" She looks up. "Oh shit. Mono stop the tow truck." She screams at me. 

I pumped on the breaks but they were so rusted up they barely moved. "Shit!" I slammed my foot on it and looked down as it became even more jammed. 

"Mono slow down! We're gonna crash." Six screamed at me. 

"I KNOW. God the one thing my magic couldn't fix was the fucking brea-" I swerved trying to miss the concrete wall but it was too late, the whole side of the vehicle collided with the wall. The girls screamed and tried to hold onto anything. The whole thing went to shit, all my magical workings were done. The engine died down and it wouldn't started back up no matter what I tried. The biggest problem was the hoarde of undead that could somehow run up to 80 fucking miles per house. Like seriously? "Uh is everyone okay?" 

"I hit my fucking head on the wall do I look okay?" Six snapped. 

"You always look bitchy." I reply with a shrug. 

"We have an even bigger problem!" Gabby said trying to keep the creatures from crawling into our cab. 

"Cmon let's crawl out and over the wall." I say scrambling to get up on the hood. 

"What if we break our legs on the way down?" Six says 

"We have bigger fish to fry." I say standing on the hood and climbing shakily onto the long tow trucks pole. 

The undead pounded against the truck, there were so many of them that it shook. They had begun crawling up the tire tracks now. The truck thundered again as they swarmed us like bees when they swarm their queen. It thundered a third time, my foot slipped and Six yelped but we all regained our balance and tried to ease and climb over the pole and over the wall. 

I got close to the top, just a few steps away before the vehicle thundered again. This time I slipped tumbling off and into the mass of flesh stench. They broke my fall but when I tried to stand I found I could barely move. I looked down to find the flesh melting onto my body. 

"Oh my god- ew gross! What is happening to me?" I asked them. I tried to move my legs but the flesh melded and morphed into eachother around me. 

Merge. Merge we must merge. It is time for us to merge. It is time for you to become one with us. 

The voices called so loudly to me that I could barely hear Six and Gabby shouting for me. Thousands of different voices, together in unison. 

I couldn't take this anymore. Too long I had listened to what they had wanted for me. When was it time for me to live my life? What if I could live, if only for a moment? 

The decaying mass formed all around me, climbing onto my face, blocking my eyes and my nose. I tried to scream, but it was muffled and my mouth tasted rot. Still I kept trying to scream. I wriggled as much as I could. I moved my hand through the warm bloody flesh, and broke free. I grabbed onto the shit clamped onto my face. I wriggled my other arm until it felt the forgiving coolness of air. I clamped onto the mass on my face, writing and screaming as I began to tear it off. 

Finally my voice made sound, and the freshness of the air touched my mouth. I screamed, now just in frustration as I began to rip more of it off. The voices only got louder. 

Accept it. Accept it Mono. This is your purpose. You were made to be the new host. 

"I am so sick and tired of listening to the bullshit." I screamed until my voice felt hoarse. Until my lips dried. I ripped it all off me, blood raining down my arms and neck and any other of my skin that it tried to merge to. 

A/N: Sorry I've been so busy with school starting up for me again in the past few months but I am so excited to get working on this again. I wanted to this whole time I just either needed free time or I forget about things very easily. Anyway hope yalls enjoy. 

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