Blissfully Lucidic (Chainsaw...

By Lonely-Psychopath

16.1K 647 268

Y/N is an angel, the name given to him. There's nothing special about it neither is him as. . .something. He'... More

Falling towards You
Unblurry Image
Sympathy of Inside Voices
Marriage Contract
Deep Down
White Suit
It was only Temporary
Vivid Sights
Snakes Eyes & Raven Call
Bye Marriage
The Devil May Cry
Burning Heart
Shampoo & Lipstick
Drinks 4 Later!

Lucidic Daydream

992 47 20
By Lonely-Psychopath

[3rd Person POV]

What's life now?

Y/N looks down at the city below from the balcony, standing close to the edge as his wings appeared.

Now he can try to have a mind of his own but it'll be hard, everything seems so difficult to understand.

The days seemed so blurry now, he couldn't see things the same as he once did now.

Himeno was his only guide to unravel the twisted world Makima made him think, though its hard to try to understand Himeno's words when she herself doesn't understand them well too.

Today Himeno was told to look into another Devil case with Y/N, he found himself between listening to her or Makima who now stood in front of him with a warm smile.

She expected him to have a cheery smile run into her and exchange a small hug, it was all just a thought though, he looked broken to move towards her. Why did she feel hope that it may happen? She doesn't need it. . .

Makima: "After Himeno write a report and I will take Y/N into my office for his own breifing of things"

Finishing her briefing both left leaving her alone to continue working on papers while making more plans to travel around Japan. Though it was hard to search for he desire when today she was announced to bring in someone and compare them.

Compare and Contrast

Both angels

It bothered her, as she was a flower and a child was picking off the petal one by one. The longer she waited the more her mind began to play with her strings, each string pulled Makima made a mistake that she started all over again. In the end she had thrown away fifty pages of paper covered in ink, each page there was a mistake.




In the end she let herself take a break from doing work, tapping her finger on the edge on of the table of where she sat next to on a office chair.

Himeno looks around the scenery of the graveyard where a Devil was reported walking, it was odd though. There was no Devil but a person who looked pale.

Their skin was pale as white chalkboard that she looked sick, her eyes were bright yet dim, was she a ghost? If anything she had the same expression when Y/N first looked at her, speaking of the angel he was staring at a dead tree.

Himeno: "You've seen a Devil around here?"

???: "No, there's no Devil only me"

Replying in a low tone while her gaze was kept on Himeno, she looked rather annoyed with the eye patch woman.

???: "People call me a Devil because I eat here, I think in this world your happy to eat where you want"

Opening a bag of chips while Himeno sighs that the report was only to kick a teenager out of the graveyard. She curses under her breath making the teen smile a bit, her snack time was ruined but she was glad that the woman's time was wasted too. A fair trade.

Then she looked behind her to see Y/N hold a stick while he poked the dead tree, he looked like a five old playing explorer.

???: "Go now before I get annoyed"

Himeno sighs before she walks away and grabs Y/N by the wrist and drags him out of the graveyard but before they can pass the gates the girl calls out to Y/N.

???: "You go to school?"

Y/N: "School?"

???: "You look like a depressed kid not wanting to go to school"

Depressed kid, Himeno looks at him then back at the girl munching on chips while she sits her back to a grave. They both look about the same age, have the same type of bored, soulless face. Her eyes glued back to her skin color that was about the same, pale white chalkboard that was close to a person who was sick.

Y/N's a Angel which Himeno made out with his quite attitude but everyone around him saw him as a  Angel Devil maybe it was the pale skin.

As she stood before the gates she let's go of Y/N's wrist and walks away, he follows after her before glancing back at the girl who made a double peace sign.

He did the same back thinking it was a way of saying goodbye.

Two angels in a room, Makima and a few other Higher-ups look at them while trying to notice a difference in their appearance.

Why was this such a big deal that had the one's Makima considered "the one's above" so curious?

Two considered Angels but who was the one "mimcing the other?"

Stupid owners

One's an Angel the other is a Devil

Wait, their stupid, cruel and believe in themselves too much


As the one's above started to talk amongst themselves both Angels stared into each other's eyes to maybe see if there was difference that they can find.

There was a difference one had a halo while the other had did have halo but it was dim white color the other was a bright yellow. Beneath Y/N's wings there was another pair of wings hiding so the Angel Devil saw him as a moth. Y/N looked to see the Devil he was fascinated with the bright yellow halo he looked to see his, it barely lit the dark room.

The curtains were closed along with the windows, doors locked on the other side of the door two guards stood on each side of the door making sure no comes in.

Why would they not accept the fact a real Angel is here? They stopped believing in something other then Devils that can kill Devils. This world is Devils eat Devils its how it's always been. No one will accept a real Angel now, even if they did.

He will be a Devil in their eyes waiting to turn against them

When the meeting was over the Higher-ups wanted to speak with Y/N alone so Makima escorted the Angel Devil towards his cell. Though if only the Angel Devil knew what he bared witness earlier before he entered the room, the room will be covered in stains of red. Wait till he breaks from control.

Everyone wanted Y/N to answer the questions they had for him, the Angel tried his best to answer but didn't really want to answer them.

His mind was focues on the words the girl spoke, "do you go to school?" Why did such a moment live throughout his head so much?

Y/N: "Can I go to school?"

Silence entered the room as now everyone's eyes were not on the paper in front of them but the Angel that sat across the the table.

Who was he to demand something, he's a. . .it doesn't work that way anymore. He's something new a change of pace.

There were so many rules, chains and methods of torture to make sure a Devil is limited to freewill but now that a Angel is finally here who did not gasp freewill instead thought he was free.

There was nothing they could do because in his small little word he was free to do as he pleases.

Now Y/n sits on a bench in the lobby of the building, Himeno was still writing and signing off a few paperwork. Makima had came out of the elevator after leaving the Angel Devil in his cell, she caught glimpse of Y/N's face.

Looking both ways before she made her way towards Y/N, he looked up to see her smiling down at him. After Himeno had explained emotions to him and the basics of things he felt conflicted.

Should he defend his girlfriend's words or a person he just met?

Maybe if he stayed quiet Makima won't notice his conflicts he had going on. Sadly his mind was so easy to enter for a manipulated person as all it took was to fake a relationship.

Makima: "I haven't gotten time to see you, this new promotion has gotten me busy"

Y/N: "Oh okay"

She wanted to keep him in check but the doors opened to reveal two Higher-ups come out the door, they started to talk to Y/N with Makima listening on the sidelines.

Why did she feel so envy about Y/N's newfound situation? Was it because the Higher-ups finally recognized Y/N as a Angel and were now going to give him special treatment? Maybe that's what it was now that a force of "good" has come down they need him to eliminate Devils so maybe this was a way to get him to join them? Or perhaps, Y/N is following in her footsteps of manipulation?

Tomorrow he'll start his first day of school, which Y/n found a bit exciting but there was something he struggled to gasp. The concept of dreams, emotions and relationships.

Everything he's ever learned was from Makima, only such small parts of theses concepts were covered by Himeno meaning he will try to use what he learned and apply it to his school life. Though the voices in his head maybe will lead him not to do or say the things she said instead listen to what Himeno says.

Deciding to leave the problems to tomorrow he went home with Himeno now fully aware of the situation.

Makima watches as they leave but why is there something unsettling about this whole ordeal? Looking towards the Higher-ups that spoke and talked amongst themselves leaving her in the dark.

Makima: "Why are we sending him to school? He could be a Devil playing with our minds"

Higher-up: "We need his trust"

Where was this coming from now? Moments ago they were all mad but now all calm and understanding, they gone soft on the angel.

Himeno was worried that she had given a underage teenager beer and now fiddled with her fingers occasionally looking at Y/N then her hands. Maybe she can tell Y/N not to tell anyone but at the same time he may say it without realizing it.

Himeno: "About the beers"

Y/N: "What about it?"

Himeno: "Don't tell anyone I gave you any"

She at first wasn't worried about it but when it's announced Y/n will be going to school, her eyes widen a bit when she realized Y/n was underage. Which came to the thoughts that worried her now.

Y/N: "Okay"

He wasn't going to remember the memories of when he was drinking their unpleasant ones he wishes to forget.

Just as he felt words that weren't the voices that played with him.

She's rude, maybe break up with her

If you love you can stay but you'll be unhappy

Abuse isn't part of a relationship

Who was this male voice? They voice was soft and smoothing he found it comforting to listen to. Just as looking at himself in the mirror, a hypnotizing yet beautiful boy presented in the mirror.

Himeno had gotten the school's uniform also a backpack with the basics supplies. She felt as the girl from earlier had influenced Y/n to get "the one's above" approval of going to school.

Though something, something, something really bothered her.

It was midnight, Makima had found herself walking within the empty city enjoying the silence that can only be experienced when the citizens were asleep.

Walking, walking, walking to a path with so many turns. Looking up at the sky that was only dark no moon or stars to shine onto her to give her a clear picture of the terrain she walked upon. It wasn't until she stopped by a light post where there was sign to a road.

A road where a very specific Angel lives, just across the street. Her intention to walk was so the night can pass by a breeze not for the night to lead her back to him.

Nights were truly the most unsettling time to walk.

[Makima's POV]

I wanted him to be something. . .something special.

I wanted to mold him to another admirer like everyone else who watches me from below, allowing me to step over them.

If he obeyed listened to my every word I could have perhaps see something more then a "dog." Your not a friend, lover or even a brother to me Y/N instead merely another one who wants to court me.

First before you can lay your lips onto mine you must first be noticed as an equal, you bored me so many times.

Your fragile as glass, easy to mold as clay and like a dog don't clearly see the wrongs in words. Even if you do, you still listen to me that it made me happy for at least a minute.

Though you scared me, my heart mourned for you for three minutes that I didn't understand it until the fourth minute where I let it all go.

Love is a nonexistent emotion but for me it's a tool and a way to break you, manipulate you. It's fun I had lots of fun toying with now that you go to school tomorrow I'll be there to pick you up.

You owe me as your owner that you were able to reach heights faster then I was ever to make it.

Do you value my dream?

[3rd Person POV]

Standing now at the gates of his new/first school, he felt an unsettling pit of failure. Himeno has walked him to school as he requested he didn't wanna go alone but she felt as he will embarrass himself.

Most teens dislike when their parents take them to school as they will find it difficult to make an impression on their friends or other classmates.

Y/N didn't know that, luckily he wanted to be just like Makima.

Why? Why did he want to be like Makima?

"Be something I can see as an equal maybe then I'll say sweet things to you"

The only page he ripped from Makima's book was that of how to get admires but he did it in a way Himeno suggested.

Himeno: "Why not try to show yourself that your valued by dressing up?"

She didn't understand Y/N well enough or who had a relationship that made him think the way he did. It was odd to see an actual Angel, everyone lost the doubt of an actual Angel coming down. Mostly due that everyone accepted Devils maybe people were too broken to even realize there was a glimpse of hope.

Though she felt proud Y/N was going to break a cycle of conflict amoung other things, she thought maybe dressing him dress up will take his mind off of things. The dress up part was an excuse to mess with his hair and face.

Y/N sat on a chair while Himeno brushed his hair with a comb, besides them was a coffee table where she placed a few make-up brushes and color (don't know what their called).

Himeno: "Y/N are you a boy?"

Y/N: "Yes"

Looking at a magazine that had a female idol then at Y/N, she felt puzzled mostly due to how he has a face similar to a girl. Then her eyes landed on the make up kit. She thought he was girl. So when Y/N was looking away she threw the make-up kit across the room hiding her mistake.

After finishing his hair she liked back to see a new side of Y/N but he didn't see it mostly due that a strand of hair blocked on of his eyes.

Himeno: "Have fun"

She waves goodbye as he does the same before walking into school grounds, none the of teenagers noticed the exchange between the two so Himeno felt a bit relieved. Though the one who did notice was the girl with pale skin, she walked behind him as quietly as she could Y/N didn't notice.

Y/N now stood in front of a classroom, filled with students the teacher standing besides him was introducing their new classmate.

Teacher: "Tell them something about yourself"

What should he tell them? He didn't know what to say so he just looked at the teacher then back at the students.

Where was the part?

The part where you were to play for her?

Be like her, have admires surround you?

Instead now your afraid, scared to speak a word all you could do is shudder in fear.

He was just told where to sit after he stood there for two whole minutes without saying a word.

???: "You do go to school"

Turning his head he saw the girl from the graveyard, she drinking something he couldn't make out what the words were on the can of soda.

???: "I would have liked to hear what you would have wanted to say"

She still wanted to know?

Y/N: "I want to find a dream"

Staring at the front of the class to the professor that started to write symbols on the chalkboard it confused him. Everyone around him started to write on paper either with a pen or pencil, he took out both a notebook and a pen and started to write down what was on the chalkboard.

Every single symbol written he made sure was neatly written to make sence of it later, the girl watched his hands delicately write down each symbol to the math solutions presented on the chalkboard. He was writing in a desperate way as if his life depended it, though he was calm his hands began to sweat. Which caused eventually his grip on the wooden tool to slip from his hand causing a large mark scribbled across his paper.

The angel started to panic at the error so he tried to undo with the pencil but had no idea how to, it made the girl again look at him all nervously struggling.

The more the teacher wrote on the chalkboard the male fell behind in writing it down on his notebook that it made the girl happy that she gets to witness someone suffer curing the boredom she had sitting in a classroom. Though in the end her mind started to wonder to why he panicked so badly?

He's seen teens have a major breakdown when test scores were posted on the board, Y/N was about to have a breakdown. She hated when any human will do it because it'll ruin her appetite to eat.

???: "Here"

Looking towards the girl she held out an eraser.

???: "Gently rub it where you made a mistake on the paper"

Looking at the white rubber cube object, Y/N took it gently from her hands before erasing the mistake. His eyes filled curiosity to how this tool was able to erase his mistake.

Y/N: "Thank you"

Fami: "It's thank you Fami, remember my name. I demand something in return for the eraser though"

The class bell ringed causing everyone to hurry to leave the class and head to their next classroom. As he saw everyone left he looked down at the eraser but then a sudden knock onto his desk caused him to look up.

Fami: "I pefer if my payment is in food"

Then she finally left making Y/N feel the same feeling when he was first ordered to do something from his girlfriend or like Himeno said: "Soon to be ex-girlfriend." Was that a new level of relationship between two people?

It was apparently lunch time according to Fami when she found him leaving a class where he learned about more symbols that still made no sense (it was a Japanese class).

Following her as she said she knew a place where Y/N can get her a "return gift." It was a vending machine, Fami told him to insert money paper inside the slot of the machine.

Himeno had given him money so in case when he walked home he wanted to buy a drink, Y/N didn't understand the value of it so he just gave all the money to Fami.

Y/N: "I don't have that paper money but I have this cash"

"Cash" the term Himeno used for money but for Y/N he didn't know cash and paper money or money were the same thing. It made Fami chuckle a bit at how stupid Y/N is.

He had given her all the money, all she wanted was a bag of potato chips but now wanted to see how much snacks she could buy with the cash now in her hands. Though she was lazy to insert the money into the slot looking at where Y/N stood she found it easier to tell him to get all the snacks he could buy with the cash.

Though when she did, she felt even more stupider just watching Y/n figure out how to work a vending machine. In the end she did it making sure Y/N payed attention to what she did so next time he owes a favor he'll do it correctly.

Though he didn't seem to pay attention, he was busy.

Today in the classroom where one learns the art of writing he felt so memorized by reading a text from a book. Everyone hated reading but Y/N it was a first now he understood to read better.

While he read the book he felt as he was in a dream, this whole place was filled of dreams. Thinking of Makima once again, he wanted her to be apart of the dream he's forming. Hearing the sound of her sweet voice

"Y/N my dream is absolute, think of it as yours"

Even when she's so far away, she's still here.

It'll make anyone uncomfortable but the Angel needed to hear her voice to make sure he's okay

As he read more and more he felt trapped by the words hidden between other words, turning the book upside. The picture of a person that was standing up now was upside, Y/N held the book up in the air while he saw the words and pictures upside down.

He was doing the opposite of what everyone else did, he wasn't reading but watching a unmoving picture.

While Fami ate, occasionally looking down at the empty bag before she grabbed a new bag out of the varieties of snacks, though her mind seemed to stop upon getting a scent.

One to familiar to her nose, her dear sister.

Looking finally at Y/N who she hadn't notice was in deep though, the scent came from him. Makima. . .

Going to reach a hand out towards him to pull him out from his still state but twitched.

Y/N: "I want a dream"

Fami: "What?"

Her voice was soft for once, confused to what Y/N meant it made her wonder what he hid. Then she remembered when he first said the words upon their second time seeing each other.

Y/N: "I think I know what my dream is"

"Oh a dream, something everyone has when they start to grow older. A dream comes from desperation to reach out towards something they never had. That's a dream?" Fami was also puzzeled as her trail of thought ended.

Y/N: "I wish to feel so lucidic,  I want an endless trailing dream"

Fami: "Lucidic is a made up word"

Y/N: "Then I guess my dream is to see and feel the word lucidic"

"Stupid human" She mumbles just as a smile begins to form. Why did he find him funny instead of a handful?


Goodnight. . .

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