Totally Dramatic High

By OijTehDuck

5.2K 185 148

After everything the newest cast of Total Drama has been through, they're ready to leave behind the spotlight... More

Hey, What The Hell Is This?
Episode 0: Sleepover of Death
Episode 1: Full Drama Takeover
Episode 2: The Great Ripper Revolution; 2023 Colorized
Episode 3: The Chart
Episode 4: Zee No Evil
Episode 5: Axel & Ripper's Romantic Date
Episode 6: I Cant Stan It
Episode 7: Sexual Eggsucation
Episode 8: The Episode Inwhich Julia Is A Terrible Person
Episode 10: Hockey Drools
Episode 11: Escape Room
Episode 12: Nicolas High School
Episode 13: Full Nicolas Takeover
S2 E1: The Bite
S2 E2: Wayne-Ing Hope
S2 E3: The Expired Cheese
S2 E4: Survival Island
S2 E5: A Nightmare on Elmo Street
S2 E6: Axel & Julia in: Typical Buddy Cop Movie
S2 E7: All Hallows Eve
S2 E8: Who Wants to Be A Billionaire?
S2 E8.5: Late Valentine's Day
S2 E9: Axel & Ripper Go To College
S2 E10: 4 Idiots, 1 Icepick
S2 E11: Another Episode Inwhich Julia Is A Terrible Person
S2 E12: Pride
S2 E13: Perfect
S2 E14: Damien Vs Karl
S2 E15: Karl-Mas
S3 E1: The Hate
S3 E2: Lost: An Informative Essay
S3 E3: Me & Your Axel
S3 E4: The Ripped Ripper
S3 E5: The Very Secret Origins of Karl

Episode 9: iKarly

144 3 3
By OijTehDuck

The episode starts with Karl walking into the school with a happy expression.



An egg is thrown at Karl, but he remains happy.

He then gets tripped over and pantsed at his locker.

"Oh! Very funny dudes!"






The jocks start to walk away as Karl pulls up his pants, as Julia goes by her locker.

Karl then leans on the lockers and puts on his best macho voice.



Julia then opens another locker on Karl's face, making his nose bleed.

"Say good morning to the nurse!"


Julia storms away.

Karl gets up still smiling, but a little dazed.

Karl walks into his classroom and everyone starts to throw everything they have at him, as he remains in a happy mood as he sits down with Damien, Ripper and Axel, who are playing cards.

"Sup guys..!"


"Oh. Hey Karl."


"So.. uh.. why do you guys think I'm in such a good mood?"


"I dunno why you would be, everyone hates you."


"You don't have to remind me."


Someone throws a sharp pencil at Karl which hits the wall.

Ripper sighs.

"Okay.. why are you so happy..?"


"Guess what day it is?!"


"Well, it's National Toilet Paper Day today! I don't see why you wouldn't be happy about that!"


"What- no it's.. guys it's my birthday.."




Axel laughs at this.

"Oh.. that's just.. that's precious.."


"Uh.. happy birthday then Karl."


Everyone goes silent after this, going back to playing cards as Karl looks around.

"..that's it..?"


"What? Oh, the birthday thing.. yeah, uh. Good for you."


"Yeah, pretty good."


"..D-Do.. do you guys not care.."

-Karl says, with his voice starting to crack a little.

"Uh.. of course we care Karl.. right guys?"


"Oh, that's none of my business."


"He's not my friend."


"You guys are terrible! Zee!"


Zee is at another smaller table, drawing and coloring.

"Hey! Look what I made!"


Zee shows the table a picture of all of them together, except Karl.

"Hey.. where am I..?"


"Oh, hey, what's your name again?"


Karl hears this and drops his head on the table.

"Guys! You're hurting his feelings! Cmon! There's gotta be people who like Karl!"


Damien gets up and helps Karl up.

"HEY! Everyone! Raise your hand if you like Karl!"


No one raises their hand.

"Okay.. tolerate Karl!"


No one raises their hand.

"What the heck?!"


"WHY?! WHY DON'T YOU GUYS LIKE ME HUH?! Give me ONE good reason!"


Everyone starts going on and on about why they hate Karl.

"You smell like a bag of burnt chicken drowned in water."


"You remind me of a Hillbilly."


"You LITERALLY have a gun!"


"You're a terrible human being."

-Miss Robertson

Karl's eyes start to twitch before he starts to scream.



Karl then runs out of the classroom, as everyone immediately goes back to what they were doing.

"Man, that was weird."


"Guys! We've gotta help him..!"


Ripper, Axel and Zee aren't even paying attention anymore.



"What? He's your friend!"


"Yeah, you go talk to him!"


Damien groans before walking out of the classroom.

Damien is walking down the hallway shouting for Karl's name.

"Karl..! Karl..! KARL..!"


Damien then starts to hear the inside of the locker someone crying.



Damien opens the locker and sees Karl crying.

"Hey.. dude.. cmon out."


Karl then drops out of the locker, falling flat on his face.

"This is all so hopeless.. what's the point of living anyways.."


"Woah! Karl, hey.. no need to get all.. yeah.."


"Why..? No one even.."


Karl starts to think.

"Hey.. Damien, do you love me..?"


"OH! Uh- erm, 'love' is a strong word!"


"Oh.. am I your friend..?"


"Uh.. 'friend' is also a strong word.."


Karl holds his head down and starts to walk away.

Damien sighs.


Karl is at his house laying on his couch watching television and eating ice cream.

" can I make people like me, huh Micheal?!"


Karl switches the channel from The Office Nickeloden, which is playing iCarly.

"Huh.. Miranda Cosgrove is one sweet woman.. too bad she Ariana Grande'd her skin.."


Karl then starts to really focus on the content of iCarly.

"Wait a second.. that's IT! That's how I make people like me! I'll start my own webshow! And it'll be called.."


Karl then thinks for three seconds exactly.

"iKarly! It's got a nice ring!"


Karl then runs to his room and grabs his camera.


Karl is exhausted, as he slumps down into his chair.

"Alright! After ALL the editing.. Time to upload this!"


Karl then uploads the video on OurTube and patiently waits for the views to start rolling in.

Karl refreshes the video and sees his video got one view.



Karl then hears the notification sound and instantly goes to check it. He sees someone has commented on the video.

"straight goobey goop garbage never make another video again bruh"


Karl is devastated by this, and lays his head on the desk.

"Nothing's ever gonna change.. is it..? I'll always just be Karl.."


Karl then gets up from out of his seat and hops on his bed, with his parents clothes on the side of him.

"Night mom, night dad."


Karl then goes to sleep.

We then see the notification sound going off more and more throughout the night.


Karl drags his body over to the school door, he sighs before walking inside.

The two jocks from earlier walk up to Karl.

Karl instantly falls to his knees.

"Come on, I have two stale bags of chips and a dried up bottle of Coke."


"What? We're not here to rob you! Oh mighty Karl!"




The jocks help Karl up.



Everyone sees Karl and runs up to him, trying to get his autograph and try to touch him.

"What's happening?"


"That video you made was amazing!"


Julia pushes everyone out of the way and jumps into Karl's arms.

"OH MY GOD! I love your fame!"


"Wow.. this is all so gratifying..!"


We then see Damien in his lockers, as Zee is sipping his soda.

Zee then spits out his soda.

"WOAH! Bro! Karl's coming!"




Karl is walking to his locker as everyone is following him.

Millie runs up to Karl with her journal.

"KARL! How did you figure out that you wanted to become a viral sensation?"


"Um.. when I found out no one loves me."


Damien hears this and feels a little bad.

"Wow! Very common stuff.."


Millie writes this down in her journal.

Damien walks up to Karl.

"Hey! What's-"


Chase pushes Damien out of the way.

"KARL! Karl! Old buddy old pal! How ya doing dude!"


Chase takes Karl around his arm as Karl's newfound fans start to follow them. As Damien is left on the ground.

Zee runs over and helps him up.

"Ugh.. why.. what even.. how did KARL get popular?"


"Because of this video he uploaded dude! Have you not seen it?"


"Um.. no.. not really."


Zee pulls out his phone and shows Karl's video.

We start the video with Karl holding up a sign with the text:

"iKarly Episode 1: cake instructions"

-Karl's Sign

"Hi. I'm Karl Andreyev. I uh.. I'm gonna make a cake.."


Karl then starts the process of making a cake.

Very interesting stuff.

Karl then puts the batter into the pan and places it into the oven.

"Okay. And.. cut.."


Karl then snaps his fingers and we transition to the cake being done.

"Okay. Taste test."


Karl starts to eat the cake.

"Pretty good. 8/10. Thanks for watching."


Karl puts up a thumbs up and goes to shut off the camera.

"..that's it..?"


"So cool! I know!"


"That was the lamest video I've ever watched Zee! Ugh.. cmon, we're gonna be late.."


Damien and Zee walk to class.

We see Chase and Karl walking together down the hallway.

"Okay, Karl, let's talk, celebrity to celebrity."




"Do you recognize how important you are now that you mean something to the world?"


"Um.. uh.. I-"


"Great! Now listen, as your friend, I'm gonna make an offer with you that you CANNOT refuse!"


"I can't?"


"Listen Karl, I'm gonna be your manager!"




"GREAT! Now sign all these papers or whatever! Just some legal stuff saying that I own you or something.. nothing too important!"


"Oh, okay."


Karl then signs the papers as Chase shakes his hand.

"This.. is gonna be the start of something beautiful my friend.."


"I'm your friend..?"


"Of course Karl! I care about you! Everyone does now, all YOU have to do is constantly upload mediocre content until you bleed to death!"


"But.. what about my personal life..? What about my friends..?"


"What 'friends'? Those people who berate you everyday and crap on everything you do or say? Not even Damien wants anything to do with you anymore, who cares about them?"


Karl starts to think about it before getting up and sighing.

"Who's ready for another episode of iKarly?!"


Everyone cheers as Karl proudly looks on.

"Now then.. let's upgrade you.."


We then transition to Damien sitting in class, with everyone doing absolutely nothing.

"Hey, what are we supposed to do in this class?"


"It's Computer Science. No one does anything in computer science class."


"Makes sense."


Damien is writing on the desk.

Zee is still sitting in the smaller table.

"Hey! Damien! What are you writing yo?"


Axel looks over and sees Damien writing down Karl's name.

"What.. why are you writing Karl's name?"


"I dunno!"


"Dang dude, you already miss him? It's only been 10
minutes since people started liking him!"


"Yeah, it's a phase, people'll get over it.."


"Guys.. I think we treated Karl too harshly.."


"Seriously, who is Karl?"


Damien, Ripper and Axel look over at Zee.

"..I'm really scared for your future Zee."


"Thanks for the concern Karl!"


Damien sighs.

Meanwhile, out of school, Chase starts to transform Karl into more of a traditional YouTube douchebag.

Slanted hat, ripped up Supreme shirt showing Karl's arms, and a horrible girlfriend.

(AKA Julia)

We then see in the same progressing week, Karl making more and more money and even worse content than before. AKA, Logan Paul vlogs.

We see Damien on the computer watching these videos getting progressively more uncomfortable.

Priya walks into his room, and lays on Damien's bed.

"Whew.. yoga is really tiring.."


"Hey.. Priya.. have you been seeing what's been happening with Karl?"


"Ugh.. that's barely even Karl anymore.. I dunno what happened to him, but he's a horrible person now."


"Horrible.. huh.."


Damien sighs.

"You know? I can't help but feel like this is my fault.."


"Oh.. well, maybe it is."


"Geez, thanks for the positive affirmation babe.."


"No, it's just, you've never really been a GOOD friend to him. You know?"


Damien starts to ponder.

"I mean, I don't really like his methods, but he's always there for you, always so willing to help anyone really. But really, mainly you."




"Do you feel like you did all you could as a friend?"


"No.. not even close. Karl's done so much for me, he's saved me more times than I can count.. and I haven't even done anything to help him out.."


"Have you even told him that you care about him?"


"No.. no.. I'm a terrible friend.."


"Well? Maybe you should go tell him then silly!"


"You're right..! You're right..!!"


Damien gets up and smooches Priya on the cheek.

"Thanks Priya! You're an angel!"


Priya blushes as Damien runs out of the door.

We then transition to Karl doing an outro.



Karl turns off the camera and sighs.

"Great work Karl! You're gonna make some serious DOUGH! And to ensure that, I'm signing you into a new contract with The Cortex!"


"What are they?"


"Oh, just some uh.. people who um.. sell.. things.."


"Well I wanna know-"


The doorbell rings.

Karl goes to the door and opens it, seeing Damien

"Hey buddy!"




Chase sees them and walks out the door.

"I'll just leave you guys to it.."


"Hey, buddy, I know I haven't really been around for you much.. and well, I'm sorry-"


"NOPE! Hah! No.. no. Screw off with that. You're not sorry, you're just sorry that you didn't get to have a little ride of the fame machine with me!"


"WHAT?! No I-"


"Damien- it's too late bro! I'm in my zone man! And I don't need little characters like you running around trying to take a bite out of my success! I'm gonna keep biggering my channel, and there's NOTHING you can do about it!"


"Karl! This needs to stop! You're going down a slippery slope! You KNOW this won't be sustainable forever!"


"Well.. maybe to you! But my channel is gonna grow! My money is gonna grow! And my fans will eat it ALL up!"


Damien seems stunned.

"Karl.. that's not what I'm talking about..! I came here to apologize for hurting you.. but now I see that you're just being covered in PRIDE.."


"Pride?! Pride?!? I'll show you PRIDE! GET OUT OF HERE!"


Karl slams the door on Damien.

Damien then holds his head down as he walks out of the building.

Chase comes back from around the corner and goes into Karl's apartment.

"WOAH! You totally told him off! That's good Karl, good.."


"Hm.. something doesn't feel.. right.."


"It's alright Karl! You don't need friends! They're pointless! You can do anything you want with your own two hands.."


Karl then looks at his hands.



"Now go make that video on The Cortex bud!"


"Yeah.. YEAH!"


Karl goes to make the video as Chase chuckles to himself.

"This'll show you.. no one takes Chase's spotlight!"


We then transition to Damien bursting into Ripper's house.



Axel is laying on Ripper's lap, seemingly asleep as Ripper looks over at Damien.

"Dang.. I always forget to lock the door. What's up with you Damien?"


"It's Karl! He's become something so.. horrible.."


"What did you expect? Most influencers are horrible people. That's why Axel told me to never get any social media."


"So, what you're saying is that I should help Karl by-!"


"WOAH! Bro! First- I didn't say anything, second, you can't save an influencer, they can only go so high before they crash and burn. I'd say just let it happen."


Damien thinks about it before sitting down on Ripper's couch.

" know.. after thinking about it. I think we did take Karl for granted."


"You do?"


"Yeah.. he is sort of.. a good friend.."


"I concur with that statement."


Axel rises up.

"We really messed up with Karl."


"Let's hope his downfall isn't too painful."



Karl gets up and yawns, he hears the notification sound going off on his computer and smugly walks over to it.

"Let's see.."




"You think scamming kids is funny bro?"


"hehe poopyhead"


"I know where you live."


Karl is shocked by the comments and he dials a number on his phone.



"HAHAH! You just signed onto the worst crypto scam website bro! HAHA-! You just got played idiot!"


Chase hangs up the phone.

Karl then looks on his screen and sees that he's rapidly losing support and subscribers.

"Oh my giffy.. what have I DONE?! I'm a horrible person!"


Karl then slaps himself.

"This wasn't worth it.. all of this money.. made from the coattails of people less fortunate than I! There's only one thing that can really make this right..!"


Karl gets in his car and starts to look for every single person he had scammed. Going to thousands of people's houses and giving away all his money and possessions, including cards, cars and his food.

Karl then goes outside and goes on stage.

"PEOPLE! This is Karl Andreyev! From the iKarly channel! I am truly sorry I have hurt you all.. I-!"






"Irrelevant human being."




Everyone starts to throw things at Karl, as he sighs and walks away.


Karl walks into the school, getting expectedly bullied as usual.

"Yuck, who is that?"


Karl walks past all of this, and is about to walk into his class.

Karl sighs before walking inside.

Karl walks past Damien's table and is about to sit in another seat, thinking their friendship is over when:

"Hey! Karl! Come here!"


Karl cautiously approaches the table and sits down.



Damien reaches for a present on the side.

"Happy Late Birthday!"


Karl stares at the present for a moment.

"I-Is that.. is that for me..?"


"Yeah! Of course!"


Karl grabs the present and shakes it around.

"How do you.. open it..?"


Karl then starts to bite on it before ripping the wrapper off.

Karl gasps.

"Wow.. is this a wristband?! I've never had one before!"


"It's a friendship bracelet.."


Karl starts to sniffle.



Zee pulls up his friendship bracelet along with Ripper and Axel.

Damien then pulls up his.



"Maybe, it's because we love you!"


"Love is a strong word, that's good to use."


Zee then walks up to Karl.

"Wait.. are you Karl?"


"Y-YES! Yes! I am Karl! I am-!"


Someone then throws their book bag at Karl and he's instantly knocked out.



"Hey! I'm gonna give you three seconds to start running before I maul your face out.."


Damien goes to Karl.

"Karl?! You okay?"


"Never.. been better.."


Karl smiles before passing out.

"That was a really weird week."


Zee then sips his soda.


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