Tom kullerson x male reader (...

By Pi11bug

112 2 2

wattpad wiped the first one, don't be surprised if this one's shit. More



80 1 1
By Pi11bug

i fucking hate this app sm.

I stepped out of the helicopter and looked around the area, kids, people, pests, they're all the same. i wanna go home to velvet. mom nudged me forward causing me to stumble slightly "go make some new friends. i'm sure Jun's here. go give her a hug" my mom urged with a sweet tone. gods how i hated her voice when she faked being nice. i rolled my eyes and walked toward Jun, she was messing around with tarot cards, i got on the crate and sat behind her, he leaned back onto my back and i did the same. comfortable silence as we both relaxed, i got out my phone and started playing around quietly with headphones in.

time had passed and i hadn't realized there was a blonde boy here now until he waved his hand in my face, i took out a earbud and looked over slightly annoyed. he looked a little startled but before he could say anything i spoke first "do you need something?" I asked raising an eyebrow "he just wants to know who you are." jun said from behind me "k. my names y/n l/n, nice to meet you i guess." i said calmly before turning back to my phone "wa- don't you want to know who i am?" the blonde boy asked a bit surprised "nope, don't care." i said calmly before Jun hit me with her elbow "ack- alright alright, ow. what's your name blondie?" i asked sitting up straight and turning to him "Tom, Tom kullerson." he said proudly "Jun's friend? that jumped into-" i got cut off "yeah" he groaned. i chuckled "i woulda done the same, don't worry" i said, he smiled. "so.. uh. where's this orientation thing supposed to happen?" he asked us and i shrugged before Jun could answer Phil's voice came up "it'll be in the ICARIS Visitor's center." he said as he walked over, hands behind his back. he stopped in front of us "we'll be heading there once the other students arrive." he added in a quieter voice, calmer. i smiled at him and shot a small smile to me before it disappeared. D'angelo ran over, Phil's son "i'm here pops! and i am.." a beeping came from his watch "on time!" he said proudly, turning it off. i waved to D'angelo and he waved back "we're still waiting on one more teen." phil said turning to Tom "uh- pops?" D'angelo spoke up, getting Phil's attention before Phil looked back and quickly slid away "woah! where'd you come from?" he asked surprised. i chuckled as the girl hid her face behind her tablet and slowly side stepped away "alright. everyone, close order on my son here." Phil said looking down on us. D'angelo stood up tall and i got down from the crate and stood on the left side of Tom while the others looked confused. phil sighed, i chuckled at his annoyance "that means shoulder to shoulder! move!" he ordered causing the others to get up into a line. Phil calmed down a bit "okay, we have D'angelo baker." he started off, D'angelo raised his hand up high "here! i mean-" he lowered his hand halfway "you already knew that" he said in a quieter tone, he put his hand down "Jun Wong." phil read the next name "present in this dimensional timeline" she said making a line gesture with her fingers. phil made a face at her "i'm here, too, phil." Jun said raising her hand up slightly like D'angelo. Phil clicked her off and she put her hand down "Tom Kullerson" phil turned to Tom "yep! i am also here." he said slightly raising his hand before putting it down "Alex Gonzalez" phil read off, Alex rose her hand but no noise came out. i turned my head toward her, a bit confused. she put her hand back on her tablet "sorry, what was that?" phil asked confused, Alex looked a little scared "here" she said softly and quietly, Phil cupped his ear and leaned in "i can't hear you" he said "maybe it's your old age catching up to you" i muttered, phil side eyed me "she said 'here'." Tom answered for Alex, Phil looked at Tom for a moment before standing up straight and checked off Alex. Tom and alex glanced at each other, Alex giving him a grateful smile and Tom returning it with a kind smile. Phil sighed as he read my name "i don't have to call you out, i know you're here, y/n." phil looked at me then turned away "mean." i murmured "what was that?" phil turned to me again "nothing." i innocently smiled before phil rolled his eyes and turned back around "okay." he began to walk "for those of you who don't know, in security chief phillip baker. welcome to project ICARIS." he said as he stopped and turned to us all, a helicopter flew in the background. "international crevasse and researcher investigation station. your safety orientation, starts now." phil started a timer and began to walk, we began to trail behind in a line, i was in the very back since it was two per row. i put my music in one ear "your names kullerson? like, named after the fissure?" D'angelo asks interested "actually it's named after my mom. she figured out the comet would tear it open." Tom responded calmly as if it was nothing "yo! that is crazy!" D'angelo said excitedly "so you're famous?" he added "more like infamous." Jun butted in, i looked at her confused "he climbed into a polar bear habitat when he was 5 made the local news." Jun said smirking slightly "in my defense, the best looked lonely." Tom retorted quickly "oh. man, polar bears might look cute but they can be very aggressive." D'angelo said a tad concerned "nah. he just needed a friend" Tom said trying to be cool i rolled my eyes and before i could speak up phil spoke "alright everybody, simmer down. except you, you're fine." phil looked at Alex then to me "i like my elevator rides quiet." the elevator beeped behind him and the door opened as he turned around and went inside. we follows behind and got into the elevator.

the doors opened to the green floor showing the research area and people "on this, the green floor, you'll find our amazing research division. it is state of the art." phil said as we all looked around "nicee" Tom tried to walk in but Phil pulled him back causing Tom to grunt "children are not allowed." phil said abruptly, Tom took a small step back, disappointed. "still leaping before you look?" Jun spoke out calmly yet a bit quiet, Tom side eyed her as she had a small smirk. the doors opened to the blue floor "the blue floor is home to our high tech control center and security hub-" alex's head peeked up "the virtual brain of the station. it is state of the art" phil finished "can wee-.." tom started "children are not allowed." phil answered turning to Tom "what's on the red floor?" Tom asked as phil turned back around to the front "the hanger, it's a highly restricted area. home to our explorer class drone fleet. it is state of the art." Tom raised his hand "children at not allowed." Tom's hand went down, i chuckled as Tom crossed his arms slightly pouting without the stupid lip thing most people did "so where are children allowed?" he asked.

the elevator doors opened to the visitor center "the visitor's center." phil answered "you have three jobs while you're here. 1, go to school. 2, stay away from the fissure. 3, make sure you stay away from the fissure. look all you want but touch nothing!" Phil said as he lead the group out the elevator but i had other plans. to go see the fissure and it seemed like Tom had the same one as me, since he didn't get out like everyone else. Tom pressed the button causing Jun to turn around and shake her head, tom shrugged with a smirk and i gave a small thumbs up to her as the doors closed.

when the doors opened Tom immediately walked out with me behind him "woo.. wow." he cooed as he stopped for a few moments, i went ahead and hopped off the platform and slid on the slanted ground. i then walked when i was on flat ground. i could hear Tom following a drone behind me, i looked back and smiled slightly. i couldn't explain why but seeing others enjoy simple things made me smile, i think it's because.. i can't enjoy simple things in the ways others can. we both went off to the fissure, Tom running ahead to the railing to watch the drone, i approached a few moments behind. i have him a small pat on the back as i walked back, he glanced back and smiled before turning to the fissure again i walked to the left side near the front and saw a familiar dark blue-ish in the clouds. i smiled as i saw the silhouette rush past, i felt the faint wind hit my face. then i saw a ball of lightning rush quickly through the smoke. it was gone in a flash, i was surprised "what're you kids doing out here?" a girl called out. i looked back "i-i saw something! it was.." Tom started but a rumbling was heard. the ground started to shake slightly "what is that?" Tom called out "earthquake!" the lady called out before the ground started to shake harder. my knees buckled and i fell to the floor, i heard Tom and the lady fall onto the ground as well, an explosion? cracking? i look up and saw the floor was breaking. Tom sat up and pushed himself against the railing with his knees up, i looked down and saw the crack was right beneath me, Tom grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me back taking me by surprise as the ground broke. the lady screamed, Tom yelled out, my eyes widened, i couldn't speak. i quickly got up and ran over, to the edge with Tom "get help!" the lady yelled. I ran inside with Tom behind me, i ran up the stairs quickly up multiple floors, by the time i reached the second one i heard an alarm. that's when i saw Phil. "phil! at the fissure! Tom! a lady! the floor collapsed! she's hanging on!" i yelled out between gasps of breath, Phil ran over confused "what?" he asked before i grabbed his hand and started to run back down.

by the time we got down there i saw Tom sliding on the floor, toward the edge. My eyes widened and i ran, i could've sworn that was the fasted i ever ran in my entire life "wait!" i heard phil yell as i ran, i ignored him. just as Tom fell over the edge i grabbed him by the back of his jacket and began to pull, straining slightly "hold on. i got you!" i yelled, mainly to Tom as i began to pull him back up, slowly, each step felt like an eternity before Tom was finally up and we were both pulling on the rope. Phil showed up, he grabbed the rope from Tom and me "hold on Linda, i got you!" Phil shouted as he pulled. i took a few steps back, panting and leaning against the railing, Tom sat beside me "holy shit.." i murmured before Tom nudged me "what? you almost died, don't you think it'd be an appropriate time to cuss?" i asked before leaning my head back.

it wasn't long before Tom's mother got here, along with Mrs. wong.. and my mother. i got up and stood up straight "hon.." my mom started. i swallowed nervously, i saw Tom staring at me threw the corner of his eye while his mother hugged him. I turned back to my mom "you know you aren't supposed to be here, you were supposed to stick with the group." she said a tad gritting her teeth at the end. she grabbed my wrist, i flinched slightly with a quiet small sharp intake of air. i could feel my heart beating faster, her grip tightened, it hurt. i knew what was going to happen as soon as we got to our dome. she let go with a scoff "meet me at our Dome when all is done." she spoke coldly, quietly, so the others wouldn't hear her. i nodded and she turned around, her demeanor completely changing. "chief baker show the kullerson's to their dome and drive y/n to his." Mrs. Wong said calmly. Tom and I walked forward, however i stayed in the middle away from everyone for a few moments to calm myself. i walked out finally, tom's mother right behind me.

the car stopped right by the Kullersons dome, great, i was their neighbor. i got out and walked to mine. the moment i opened the door i was dragged inside, the door shut behind me 'great, not even a second in and already being dragged? fun.' i thought before i felt something hard rush down and hit my back causing me to flinch and yelp "shut up! be a real man and take it." i heard my mother say before she grabbed my hair and pulled my head up, before i could react i felt something hit my eye, slightly pushing it inward. i tried to pull away as i held my hand over my eye only for her to use that moment of weakness to kick me in my stomach, knocking the wind out of me. i crumbled down onto the floor coughing and gasping for air as small tears fell from my eye and in between my fingers, along with a bit of blood dripping from in between my fingers 'blood?..' i looked up and saw my moms nails 'newly done. most likely just a cut.' i thought to myself as she walked out of the dome. i slowly stood up and staggered to the bathroom. i lifted my hand away from my eye and saw the cut with a piece of my moms fake nail still in. i grimaced and pulled it out before washing it off, my eye was already starting to subtly bruise at the edge, you could only tell if you really looked. i sighed and out a bandaid over the cut and washed my hands. it wasn't as bad as the other times, i think she's trying to tone it down so others wouldn't notice while we're here. i went to my room and changed my clothes. i went outside and stretched, wincing a bit from the pain in my stomach "y/n!" i heard Jun's voice, i looked over and smiled "hey hey!" i called back and ran over and started to climb "how did you?-.." Jun gestured to me after i was done climbing "i used to go climbing with my grandparents, remember?" i asked with a chuckle "ohhh right." she smiled. i look around only for a drone to almost hit my in the face, i ducked and heard tom chuckle quietly "sorry" he said a bit sheepishly. i playfully rolled my eyes and sat beside them both "have you guys ever wondered if the winds ever trying to tell us something but we don't know how to hear it anymore?" i asked calmly "i want you to stop saying odd stuff. first lit was 'have you ever wondered what position you were conceived in?' now it's this?" Jun asked a tad annoyed "what? can't a guy be curious every one in a while?" i asked with a snicker "you call that being curious?" Tom asked "that's too curious." Jun added, Tom laughed. Jun the took the control for Tom's drone and started to fly it "Jun!" i called out surprised "no no no! jun! it takes a lot of practice to-" Tom got cut off "oh- hey!" Jun said pleasantly surprised with her skills as she drove the drone "this is kinda fun" she said to Tom "okay! easy! these things are expensive!" Tom advised "maybe land it and give the controls back to the owner? you're driving it all wonky-like." I said calmly "y/n, i'm a professional at this. i got it-" Jun retorted !but the drone nearly took our heads off as it flew past and into something, crashing. "oh! sorry. my bad.. where did it go?" she asked looking around with the controller tablet over her head. the sound of a sheep caught our attention. they both gasped, i shrugged.

Jun was comforting the sheep, Tom was shaving the sheep and me? hell i stayed cleared away maybe three feet away to its side "y/n help us comfort it or get the drone out" jun said pleadingly "with that thing? fuck no. it stinks, they're mean, and it looked like it wants to kill us right now." i said getting ready to run if need be. "i've never shaved a sheep before" Tom said as he strained a bit to shave it "it shows." i retorted. once the sheep was free from the drone it ran off. i watched it until it was out of view "you're welcome." tom said as jun laughed. i walked over now that it was gone "i should get going, it's getting late, you gonna be okay?" jun asked Tom "yeah" tom breathed out as he stood up and walked away a little bit "i'm just gonna take one more flight and check out the fissure." he said as he picked out cotton balls from the drones propellers "your chart was right. you have an unquenchable thirst for adventure." jun said as she stood up with her hands on her hips, tom laughed "i told you, i saw something weird. I wanna take another look." Tom said "just be careful. like i said, you were fated to be here, all of us were. and something big happens." jun said catching Tom's attention "something big?" he asked life changing." she said as she handed him a tarot card before walking away. "night, jun-bug" i called out "night n/n" jun called back. i watched as Tom walked away. i gently grabbed the back of his sleeve, he turned to me "listen, Tom. be careful, don't get caught. keep in mind, the answers you look for may not always be what you expect." i said calmly. he nodded and i smiled "good night Tom."i let go of his sleeve "goodnight y/n." he then walked away.

about nearly i think fifteen minutes later i went to the fissure. it wasn't exactly at the fissure but it was near it, at the cracks edge i could've sworn i saw Tom down there. when i didn't get an answer i took a step back only to feel something suddenly ran into my back, pushing me forward. i look back as i fell to see that damned sheep from earlier, i screamed as i fell. i swore i saw something fly right past me, black and white... i screamed again, my body was filled with of fear at the moment and as if right on cue something wrapped its arms around me i look up and sure shit, it's not what i was expecting. my smile dropped it started to fly toward a cave but i quickly pushed myself out of its arms. dumb decision. but nearly immediately i saw those familiar dark blue and green eyes staring at me as we fell, we both held eye contact, pupils constricted. it's mouth opened to show razor sharp teeth's, multiple rows of them.

it went dark.

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