Sycamore Tree {Complete}

由 rainbowkiller0

304K 10.6K 550

The Queen is dead and her best friend is angry. Elowen Redfort, Queen Aemma's Lady-in-waiting and close... 更多

Part One
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Part Two
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Part Three
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Part Four
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine

Chapter Thirty-Four

3.4K 156 15
由 rainbowkiller0

Lord Lyonel briefed the council on the conflict brewing in the riverlands, though Elowen paid him little mind as she watched Rhaenyra from across the table. The Princess also seemed quite distracted, and Elowen wished to know what ran through her mind. She wanted to know of Rhaenyra's thoughts, to hear her worries and soothe her concerns. Elowen wanted nothing more than to have the young girl she had watched grow up back.

"It is Lord Blackwood's contention, therefore, that the Brackens moved the boundary stones in the dead of the night and put their horses to graze in his field." Lord Lyonel finished telling the Small Council of the tension between House Blackwood and House Bracken.

"Why was this issue not brought before Lord Grover?" Elowen asked. "It is a quarrel between two of his sworn houses, is it not within Lord Grover's power to settle."

"I've heard tale that Lord Grover's son now rules Riverrun in all but name." Lord Jasper Wylde answered from the other end of the table. The Master of Law's beady black eyes unsettled Elowen as he stared at her.

"Well he is also a Tully, so this remains a Tully problem." Elowen spoke, her voice carrying a note of finality.

"I would agree." Viserys spoke, siding with his wife. Elowen smiled to her husband in thanks, leaning over the table to lay her hand over his. Viserys grinned, turning his hand over to catch Elowen's.

"If we may move on, my lords-" Ser Tyland began.

"And yet," Rhaenyra interrupted, her sharp gaze meeting Elowen's. "The Brackens and the Blackwoods will use any excuse to spill each other's blood. So this dispute bears looking into." She tore her gaze from Elowen, turning to address Lyonel where he sat beside her. "There will be countryfolk who know where the lines have been drawn for generations."

"That is easy enough." Lyonel said, appeasing the heir to the throne as he looked to the foot of the table. "Ser Tyland?"

"Oh, uh," The blonde man stuttered as he sat up in his seat, glancing around the table. "We should address the latest developments in the stepstones, my lords."

"Will we ever be shut of that blasted place?" Viserys groaned.

"If you ask me, I think the Blackwoods have the upper hand." Lord Beesbury spoke, adding to the former conversation.

"We've moved onto the stepstones, Lord Beesbury." Orwyle whispered to the old Lord.

"And the Triarchy's new alliance with Dorne." Ser Tyland added loudly.

"I was hoping our negotiations with Sunspear might persuade them to see reason." Viserys coughed. "To trust a Martell is to be disappointed."

"And where I wonder is our Prince Daemon?" Lord Jasper snidely questioned. "Or I suppose I should call him King, as he styled himself when he won a battle there once."

"That was a decade ago and he has since left the region undefended." Elowen defended her husband's brother.

"We have left it undefended." Rhaenyra corrected. "There should have been fortifications built, watchtowers, a fleet of ships, a garrison of soldiers sent to hold our ground."

"We cannot afford it, Rhaenyra." Elowen interjected. "Our coffers are great but not infinite. We must consider the cost to our subjects." The Queen's attention was stolen as Viserys pulled his hand from Elowen's, pressing it to his lips in an effort to stifle his coughs.

"I must agree with her Grace, fortifications would-" Lord Beesbury began.

"The cost of war is greater." Rhaenyra loudly spoke, interrupting her father's chief financial adviser. "But we have been lax and the old monster now lifts its head."

"Let us be finished." Elowen spoke, still looking at Viserys as she stood and walked to his side. The rest of the small council members followed their Queen's lead, and also stood up.

"Wait." Rhaenyra ordered. "I wish to speak."

"Be seated." Viserys sighed, motioning for everyone to sit down. All sat but Elowen, who remained standing at the King's side.

"I have felt the strife between our families of late, My Queen." Rhaenyra started, much to Elowen's confusion. The Queen had felt only strife coming from her step-daughter. "And for any offense given by mine, I apologize. But we are one house. And long before that, you were my favorite Aunt. My son Jacaerys will inherit the Iron Throne after me. I propose we betroth him to your daughter, Helaena. Ally ourselves once and for all. Let them rule together."

"A most judicious proposition." Viserys praised his daughter before looking at Elowen. Though the Queen was still frozen from Rhaenyra's speech. There had been no strife coming from Elowen, only endless love and now Rhaenyra spoke as if any came from Elowen and her children.

"Additionally, if Syrax brings forth another clutch of eggs, your son Aemond will have his choice of them, a symbol of our goodwill." As the Princess spoke, Elowen noticed a dark spot began to grow on the front of Rhaenyra's dress. She quickly averted her eyes, not wishing to bring attention to the wet stains and cause Rhaenyra any embarrassment.

"My dear," Viserys spoke as Rhaenyra sat down. "A dragon's egg is a handsome gift."

"The King and I thank you for your generous offer, and will have an answer shortly." Elowen smiled at Rhaenyra, as she took Viserys's arm and helped him to his feet. "You must rest now, husband."

"Yes." Viserys agreed, allowing Elowen to wrap her arm around his and escort him from the room.

Servants and Nobles rushed through the Red Keep's main hall, moving out of the King and Queen's way.

"Do you believe there has been strife between our families?" Elowen questioned as she rounded a corner and started up the stairs.

"I believe that is how she sincerely feels." Viserys answered.

"That does not answer the question, Viserys." Elowen looked at her husband sharply, wanting him to soothe her restless mind and comfort her.

"I think that she felt betrayed in her youth and that has affected how she viewed things, but now she sheds that belief. I do not believe that you have done anything to warrant those beliefs." Viserys answered, taking his wife's hand. "The proposal is a good one, Elowen."

"I do not care if it is a good political match,"Elowen argued. "I only hope for Helaena to be content. She could marry a peasant for all I care as long as he made her happy. I do not need my daughter to be Queen, I only want for her happiness."

"As if you do not wish for your blood to be on the Iron Throne." His eyes widened as if the words he had uttered had also shocked him.

Elowen felt herself freeze at her husband's tone, her blood running cold at the callousness of his words. She felt tears began to well up in her eyes, and all the sudden she was to exposed. There were too many people around, too many witnesses to her husband's cruelty.

"If that is what you truly think of me, husband." Her lips pressed together in an effort to compose herself. She turned from Viserys, quickening her pace up the stairs.

"Elowen," When his wife didn't stop, Viserys tried again. "Elowen!"

Throwing the doors open Elowen walked to the chaise lounge and picked up a blanket, waiting for her husband to enter. She didn't have a moment to think or compose herself as a cough from the hall alerted Elowen of Viserys's arrival. Without saying anything Viserys sat in one of the chairs near the fireplace, groaning as he did so.

"I do not need the blanket-" Viserys attempted to wave off his wife, though she placed it on his lap anyways. He stared at her as she smothered the fabric out, tucking it around his legs. "Elowen-" Viserys began, apologies already gathering on his tongue.

"The hand, Your Grace." A Kingsguard announced from his post at the doors.

"The King is resting, Lyonel. You should-"

"I will see him." Viserys interrupted. Elowen glared at her husband's words as she walked to the back of the chair, Viserys knowing what was next leant forward as his wife fluffed his pillow. Viserys smiled at his friend as he leant back. "I am being endlessly fussed over, Lyonel. It's a wonder I can visit the privy alone."

"Your Grace."

"What might be so important that you visit our chambers, Lyonel?" Elowen spoke, hoping to get this over with.

"Your Grace, I ask for leave to take my son from court and escort him back to the family seat at Harrenhal." Elowen's eyebrows furrowed in question, had Lyonel learned of the nature of Harwin, Alicent and Rhaenyra's relationship. "He is my heir and will be lord of Harren's Castle one day. It is time he assumed his duties there."

"What of Alicent?" Elowen asked, and though she knew the answer she needed to hear it.

"I will escort her to Harrenhal as well." Lyonel's eyes finally met Elowens. "May the gods shine on them at Harrenhal and gift them with children to carry on House Strong."

Elowen parted her lips to argue, to deny Lyonel of his request and ensure Alicent and Harwin remain in King's Landing.

"Do It." Viserys spoke before Elowen could. How could he agree to this? Did he not understand the pain this decision would cause both his wife and eldest daughter. Anger settled deep in Elowen's stomach, sinking into her bones as Lyonel left the room and Viserys sat back down, looking to his wife expectantly. "Aren't you going to help me?"

Elowen stormed out of the room, unable to even look at her husband at that moment. The halls were dark, only torches mounted on the walls lighting the way. Elowen took deep breaths as her feet carried her down the hall, attempting to calm her anger. The Kingsguard merely nodded to the Queen, opening the door for her.

The smell of food filled the room as well as the sound of clanking silverware as Elowen entered. Flames danced on the wicks of candles scattered around the room, chasing away the shadows cast by the fire burning in the hearth. The lovely chatter faltered as the occupants of the apartments finally noticed Elowen.

"What are you doing here?" The Princess's brows furrowed at the sight of her stepmother.

"Have you come to join us, Elowen?" Alicent giggled as she lifted her goblet to her lips and leaned further into Rhaenyra.

Elowen glanced between where her ward sat on one side of Rhaenyra to where Harwin sat on the other side, whispering into Rhaenyra's ear. The married couple indecently close to the Crown Princess.

"I shall not impose long," Elowen spoke. "Lord Lyonel just visited the King and I-"

"What did my father want?" Harwin asked, pulling back slightly from Rhaenyra but still impossibly close.

"He asked for leave to take you and Alicent to Harrenhal."

"A trip," Alicent gasped, her wine spilling over the rim of her goblet in her excitement. "How fun."

"The boys would love Harrenhal, it is rich in history." Harwin spoke to Rhaenyra, his lips brushing against her temple.

"You misunderstand," Elowen interrupted. "Lord Lyonel intends for you to assume your duties there."

The goblet slipped from Alicent's fingers, clattering to the floor. Her deep brown eyes welling up with tears. "He wants for us to remain there?"

"Yes." Elowen answered, avoiding Rhaenyra's sharp glare.

"You will deny him, won't you?" Alicent begged.

"The King had already agreed, I fear." Elowen's heart broke as loud cries spilled from Alicent's lips. "I'm so sorry."

The Queen slowly backed away, intending to leave the unusual trio to their last moments together. Part of the reason Elowen had originally taken Alicent as a ward was to avoid separating the two girls, yet it seemed as if the gods had destined the two friends to be torn apart and Elowen could do nothing to stop it.

AN: Elowen's just over here trying her hardest to secure Rhaenyra's crown and keep her happy and Rhaenyra's just hating on her all the time



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