Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorpora...

By WeaselSnipes

125K 2.4K 1.5K

When Y/N was young he and his siblings lost their parents. To find out how it happened Y/N started to become... More

Love Interest
Beware The Beast From Below
The Creeping Creatures
The Secret of the Ghost Rig
Revenge of The Man Crab
The Song of Mystery
The Legend of Alice May
In Fear of the Phantom
The Grasp of the Gnome
Battle of the Humungonauts
Howl of the Fright Hound
The Secret Serum
The Shrieking Madness
When The Cicada Calls
The Wild Brood
Where Walks Aphrodite
Escape From Mystery Manor
The Dragon's Secret
The Siren's Song
Menace of The Manticore
Attack of The Headless Horror
A Haunting In Crystal Cove
Pawns of Shadows
All Fear The Freak
The Night the Clown Cried
The House of the Nightmare Witch
The Night the Clown Cried II: Tears of Doom!
Web of the Dreamweaver
The Hodag of Horror
Art of Darkness
The Gathering Gloom
The Night on Haunted Mountain
Grim Judgement
Night Terrors
The Midnight Zone
Wrath of the Krampus
Theater of the Doomed
Aliens Among Us
The Horrible Herd
Dance of The Undead
The Devouring
Stand and Deliver
The Man in the Mirror
Nightmare in Red
Dark Night of the Hunters
Gates of Gloom
Through the Curtain
Come Undone
15 Years Later...

Dead Justice

1.3K 42 22
By WeaselSnipes

The gang was preparing a trap to capture the Pirahna-Goat, a masked villain who wants to disrupt the water supply. Fred was explaining the trap.

Fred: Then a system of pulleys connected to a counterweight, loop through that tree and flagpole. We'll drag that hotdog cart-

Scooby: Hotdogs?

Fred: Stay with me, Scoob.

Velma: Nobody's with you, Fred.

Daphne: It is a pretty complicated trap.

Fred: That's exactly why it'll work. Sometimes, it's like I'm all alone out here.

The Pirahna-Goat comes out.

Shaggy: Zoinks! Ha, ha! It's the piranha-goat!

Fred: And we've got him right where we want him.

Fred tries to pull but the rope is stuck.

Fred: Hey, what's wrong with this thing?

The Pirahna-Goat begins to get away.

Y/N: Anytime now, Fred.

Sheriff Stone arrives.

Sheriff Stone: Going somewhere, piranha-goat?

Pirahna-Goat: Bu-uh-uh-sted.

Velma: Good thing Sheriff Stone showed up.

Sheriff Stone: Well, you're darn tootin'. I've told you kids a thousand times, you leave the crime busting to the crime-busters. Piranha-goat, you're coming with me.

Fred lets go of the rope and the trap activates.

Fred: Ooh, my trap's working.

Daphne: Uh-oh.

The hotdog cart goes by as Shaggy and Scooby take two hotdogs and eats them as the gang ang Sheriff Stone is captured.

Fred: Told you it would work.

Y/N: Fred, now's not the time.

Pirahna-Goat: La-aay-ter.

The Pirahna-Goat runs but stops as thunder is heard and a skeletal horse and a sheriff from the Old West, wearing a brown coat, gold badge, cowboy hat and red bandana as his face is decomposed, having a skeletal face with very little skin covering it. His left eye was red and dark. The Pirahna-Goat runs but the sheriff brings out a lasso and throws it as it captures the Pirahna-Goat, and he is dragged away with the skeleton sheriff.

Dead Justice: See you around, Sheriff.

Fog appears and he goes into it and disappears.

Sheriff Stone: It can't be. Dead justice... He's returned. 

The gang and Sheriff Stone get out of the trap as the gang looks at Sheriff Stone.

Velma: Sheriff, who is this Dead Justice guy?

Sheriff Stone: Only the greatest lawman ever to clean up the streets of Crystal Cove. And my number 3 personal hero, right behind myself and the mayor.

Fred: Never heard of him.

Sheriff Stone: He's been dead for over hundred years.

Y/N: Well, that's probably why.

Daphne then sees Oystery shells.

Daphne: Ick. Oystery shells. The seafood littering in this town is out of control. Ugh. Am I swelling from my allergies, Y/N?

Y/N: Daphne, to me, you can never look too swollen.

Daphne smiles.

Velma: It's a good thing he showed up when he did. Piranha-Goat almost got away with the plans for Crystal Cove's water supply.

Shaggy: Yeah. Ho, ho! If he had succeeded in destroying the town's water, like, we may never have bathed again.

Scooby: We don't bathe now.

Shaggy: Like, quiet, Scoob.

Scooby: Oh.

Sheriff Stone: What could be so important as to lure crystal cove's most famous lawman back from the great beyond?

Velma: Oh, I don't know. Maybe he's here to actually try and solve some crimes.

Sheriff Stone: No, that can't be it. Heck, I've won the crimey, Crystal Cove's crimestopper of the year award, twenty-seven times. There's only one lawman here, and his name is Sheriff Bronson Stone.

Soon after a robber enters a house as old lady sleeps, the old lady gets up and it is revealed to be Sheriff Stone. Before he could make the arrest, Dead Justice arrives and lasso's the thief out of the house. A robbery happens as Sheriff Stone chases them and leaps but misses as the two robbers get in the car, but Dead Justice shoots his pistols, and the bullets are shark-like, and it hits the car and Dead Justice's arrests them. The next night, Mayor Jones is making a speech at the crimey.

Mayor Jones: And I'll say it again. If I haven't already friended you, it's not going to happen, so please stop with the poking.

Sheriff Stone arrives as he is greeted by Deputy Bucky.

Deputy Bucky: Hey, Sheriff. Now, don't be nervous. This is going to be your year. I can feel it.

Sheriff Stone: Bucky, I'm not nervous. Every year is my year. I just want to get this over with so I can catch a movie.

Deputy Bucky: You want to see a movie? Check this out. I made you a little flipbook to commemorate today. Spoiler alert you win the award again.

Sheriff Stone: Bucky, go get me some cotton candy.

Deputy Bucky: Oh, yes sir, Sheriff. I'll make sure it's extra Fluffy!

He runs off as the gang is watching from below as Y/N as an arm around Daphne.

Fred: Think maybe we'll be up there someday winning a crimey?

Y/N: Considering how the town hates us for solving mysteries, I doubt it will be anytime soon.

Mayor Jones then speaks.

Mayor Jones: Thank you for coming out for the 215th crimestopper of the year awards. May I have the envelope, please?

He takes the envelope and opens it.

Mayor Jones: And this year's crimestopper of the year is... Dead justice!

Everyone gasps.

Shaggy: Like, I didn't even know he was eligible. You know, being dead and all.

Scooby: I'm speechless.

Fog rolls in as well as thunder and Dead Justice hops over the citizens.

Dead Justice: Trophies is for sissy folk. I'm just doing my job, which is more than I can say for useless Sheriff Stone.

He shoots the trophy, and it gets split in half.

Dead Justice: I ain't in this game for a pat on the back. I'm in it for justice! Hi-ho, Greg!

Greg: His horse's name is Greg?

Dead Justice then rides off back into the smoke and he is gone.

Mayor Jones: Forget crime stopping. Frolicking milk-made peanuts, that is showstopping!

Everyone in the crowd cheers and claps.

Sheriff Stone: Mayor! You can't give the award to him! He ain't even alive!

Mayor Jones: Never stopped me from giving it to you before. That was a joke at your expense.

Everyone walks away leaving Sheriff Stone as Deputy Bucky runs up with the cotton candy.

Deputy Bucky: Sheriff! I got your cotton candy! Did you win?

He walks away as Sheriff Stone steps on more Oyster Shells.

Sheriff Stone: What is going on with these Oyster Shells? This is a parking lot, not a raw bar!

Velma inspects the shells.

Velma: Hmm. These are just like the ones we found in front of city hall. Something smells fishy.

Shaggy and Scooby come over holding more Oyster Shells.

Daphne: Uh, guys? Where'd you get those?

Shaggy: Like, from that dude in the white Jean jacket.

They look and see Night Ranger.

Y/N: Who is that?

Sheriff Stone: Ahh, he's a local crime nut who calls himself the night ranger. He writes a blog about how much he doesn't like me. The feeling is mutual, but I, unlike that weirdo, keep my blogs to myself.

Night Ranger gets in his car and drives off.

Fred: Does anything about that guy strike you as odd?

Velma: So many things.

The gang begins to follow Night Ranger.

Shaggy; So, like, if this night ranger turns out to have something to do with Dead Justice, does that mean we have to give back our Oysters?

Scooby: No way. Finders keepers.

Velma: Maybe you can ask him yourself. Look.

They see Dead Justice and his horse at the end of the road.

Dead Justice: Didn't anyone ever tell you that curiosity can get you dead?

He shoots at the van and once the smoke from the bullet clears, he approaches the van.

Dead Justice: I'm the only lawman in Crystal Cove. Stop your snooping.

Fred: And what if we don't?

Dead Justice: Then the next time I see you, I shoot to kill.

He laughs as he runs back into the smoke and disappears.

Fred: Come on, gang. I think it's time we had a little chat with Sheriff Stone.

They then go to Sheriff Stone's home.

Daphne: Are you sure about this? Sheriff Stone doesn't exactly like us.

They walk up to the door.

Fred: We don't have a choice. He's the biggest Dead Justice fan in town.

Sheriff Stone's mother, Ruby points a shotgun at them.

Ruby: Hold it right there. What do you trespassers want?

Y/N: Easy, we just want to talk with the Sheriff.

Ruby: Sheriff's in bed.

Fred: It's about Dead Justice.

Daphne: We think somebody is trying to make the Sheriff look bad.

She lowers the shotgun and smiles.

Ruby: Hey, that's what I've been telling him. Sheriff, you got visitors.

Sheriff Stone: Who is it?

Ruby: Bunch of teenagers and a dog.

Sheriff Stone: Tell them to go away.

Ruby: Sheriff Bronson Stone, mind your manners. So sorry about this. He's been a cranky-pants ever since he didn't win this year's crimey.

They go to Sheriff Stone's room as he was in bed and sees them.

Sheriff Stone: Mom!

He turns over as Ruby pulls off the bed sheet.

Ruby: Play nice.

Sheriff Stone sits up and looks at the gang.

Sheriff Stone: What do you want?

Velma: We need you to tell us everything you know about Dead Justice.

Sheriff Stone: What's the point? I mean, when your hero thinks you're the worst lawman in the history of Crystal Cove, there isn't much more to say. But as long as you're here, I guess I should start at the beginning. Before Dead Justice came to town, crystal cove was a den of iniquity and lawlessness. And injustice reigned. Well, then, one day, a left-handed gunslinger named iron will Williamson rode into crystal cove. Iron will decided right then and there that he was going to clean up this town, no matter what. Townsfolk made him Sheriff and gave him the nickname Dead Justice. But there was one Thorn Dead Justice just couldn't get out of his side. His name was Nitro Wizinski. Dead justice vowed he would go to the ends of the earth to bring nitro down. And that's exactly what he did. Dead justice slapped the cuffs on nitro as they both sank into a lake of molten fire. And that was the last anyone ever saw of Dead Justice.

Sheriff Stone finishes the story as he was playing the piano.

Shaggy: Until now.

Sheriff Stone: Just had to bring that up again, didn't you?

Velma: Wait. Dead Justice was a lefty?

Sheriff Stone: Uh, duh. Everyone knows that. It's Dead Justice 101.

Velma: Well, the ghost who just shot at us fired with his right hand.

Sheriff Stone gets up and throws his hat.

Sheriff Stone: Then that ain't no real Dead Justice. Or my name isn't Sheriff Bronson Stone!

Y/N: Wait, isn't the Night Ranger a righty?

Shaggy: Y/N's right.

Fred: Then let's go check him out.

Sheriff Stone: I call shotgun!

Daphne: What? But the front seat is my special place beside Y/N.

Y/N holds her hand.

Y/N: We'll sit in the back.

Daphne smiles and nods. They then drive to the Night Ranger's house, and they enter the house. Y/N looks at Sheriff Stone.

Y/N: You do realize that we don't have a warrant, right?

Sheriff Stone: Possible cause.

Y/N: You still need a warrant.

Sheriff Stone: Then I'll just tell them it's a exigent circumstances.

Y/N: Okay, you're the sheriff.

Fred: All right. Let's split up and look for clues.

Y/N walks off with Daphne and Velma. Shaggy hits his head on a bar, and it hits Scooby on the head.

Scooby: Stupid chin-up bar.

Daphne, Y/N, and Velma look at the magazines he has.

Daphne: Jeepers. This guy is really into mankinis.

Shaggy and Scooby stare at the hay.

Shaggy: Like, dudes, what's with all this hay?

Velma: Horses eat hay.

Y/N: Well, I don't see any horses do you?

Sheriff Stone: Dead justice has a horse.

They then hear a car pull up.

Scooby: Night Ranger.

Fred: Quick, everybody. Hide.

Everyone hides as Night Ranger comes up the stairs, turns on the lights and plays music as the gang from behind a couch. He takes off his shirt and punches the hay and then kicks it, breaking it.

He then walks away.

Daphne: Ugh. Why did he have to take his shirt off?

Fred: At least we know what the hay was for.

Sheriff Stone: Doesn't matter. Night ranger's Dead Justice. I'm sure of it.

Dead Justice voice is heard.

Dead Justice: No, he ain't.

Sheriff Stone: Yes, he is.

The lights turn off as they hear Dead Justice.

Dead Justice: No, he ain't!

Sheriff Stone: Yes, he is.

They see Dead Justice.

Zoinks! Hoo-hoo! Like, no he ain't!

Dead Justice: I warned ya. Now, I'm going to kill you. Sheriff Stone, you're the worst lawman this side of heaven and Hades. And trust me, I've been to both.

Scooby: Now, that's just mean.

Dead Justice: Time to hand over your badge.

Suddenly the house rumbles and the wall to the house comes apart as Night Ranger breaks the wall with his car. Dead Justice shoots at the gang.

Y/N: Guys, run!

They run out of the house as Dead Justice continues to shoot at them. Dead Justice then flees as the gang turns to Night Ranger.

Fred: Night ranger! You saved us!

He gives a thumbs up and drives off.

Fred: Doesn't say much, does he?

Sheriff Stone: He must save it all for his blog. Stupid blog.

Velma: Where did Dead Justice go?

Mayor Jones: Dimpled Panamanian gargoyles, Fred. What is going on?

Fred: Dad, what are you doing here?

Mayor Jones: Well, I was looking for the Sheriff, actually.

Sheriff Stone: Have you changed your mind about the crimey?

Mayor Jones: Better. You're fired.

All: What?

Mayor Jones: No, no, no. I'm not finished. Effective immediately, Dead Justice will be heading up the Crystal Cove P.D.

Daphne: But it isn't Sheriff Stone's fault. Dead justice is the bad guy here.

Mayor Jones: I'll be taking that badge.

Sheriff Stone gave the mayor his badge.

Sheriff Stone: You can take my badge, but I'll always be Sheriff Bronson Stone, as it's my name that my mama gave me when I was born.

Shaggy: Wait. Like, your first name is Sheriff?

Sheriff Stone: Mama, she planned ahead, and this is going to break her teeny, tiny heart.

He runs off crying.

Fred: Sheriff Stone, wait!

They then see Dead Justice on a cliff laughing.

Dead Justice: Hi-ho, Greg!

He runs off.

Velma: Mayor Jones, you're making a mistake.

Mayor Jones: I don't think so. Do you know how much I have to pay our new dead Sheriff? Nothing. Ghosts don't need money. It's politics 101. I'm going to save a fortune on healthcare, bullets, bloodstain removal.

Fred: This is unfair. We owe it to the Seriff to solve this mystery.

The next morning Deputy Bucky is packing Sheriff Stone's stuff in a box as he is crying. The gang enters.

Velma: Bucky, do you know where we could find the Sheriff? His mom said he would be here.

Deputy Bucky: I wasn't supposed to tell anyone this, but Sheriff Stone took a new job at the clam cabin.

Shaggy: That's perfect! Like, I'm way starving. What would you say to a banana and clam kebab, scoob?

Scooby: I'd say nice to eat you.

Daphne walks up.

Daphne: We'll take the stuff to Sheriff Stone.

Deputy Bucky: Thanks. I have to get this office ready for Dead Justice, I mean, Sheriff justice.

He breaks down crying.

Fred: Just back away slowly.

The gang backed away.

Y/N: Uh, thanks again.

They then leave and drive off.

Daphne: If the night ranger isn't Dead Justice, then who is?

Fred: Time to come up with a new list of suspects.

Velma: Guys, I think I found something.

She holds up a book folder with papers.

Shaggy: Does that mean we don't get to go to the Clam Cabin?

Velma: No, it means we need to get there fast.

They drive as fast as they can towards the Clam Cabin, and they see a person wearing a bag over his head.

Fred: Sheriff!

Baghead: No one here by that name. I'm baghead, the new assistant shucker. Something I can shuck for you kids?

Daphne: Dead justice is a fraud, and we can prove it. But we need Sheriff Stone's help. Know where we can find him?

Baghead takes off the bag revealing Sheriff Stone and he puts on his hat smiling.

Sheriff Stone: It's me, guys, Sheriff Bronson Stone.

Shaggy: Like, no kidding.

Sheriff Stone: You really think we can prove who's behind this Dead Justice business?

Velma: Yep, and I know how. Huh?

Night came and at the Crystal Cove Savings and Loan an explosion happens inside as a person runs out and Dead Justice arrives.

Dead Justice: Nobody robs a bank in my town and gets away with it.

The person laughs and holds up a match.

Nitro: Nice to see you again, Dead Justice.

Dead Justice: It can't be. Nitro wizinski? But you're dead.

Nitro: Yeah? Well, so are you.

Dead Justice drops the pistol and backs up with his horse as Nitro walks towards him.

Nitro: What's the matter, Dead Justice? You look like you've seen a ghost.

Dead Justice: Get away from me!

Dead Justice rides off as an explosion happens in front of him and sees Nitro on his own horse.

Nitro: Not so tough now, is ya?

Nitro has dynamite in his hand, and he chases Dead Justice as he throws the dynamite. Fred, Daphne, Velma, and Y/N get in front of Dead Justice and Greg throws Dead Justice off. Nitro is then revealed to be Dead Justice, and the horse was Scooby and Shaggy.

Shaggy: You're busted, dude.

Dead Justice: Not yet.

He runs off.

Daphne: He's getting away!

Fred: Relax. I got this.

Fred pulls the rope, but it's stuck again.

Fred: Oh, you got to be kidding me.

Y/N runs over and grabs the rope.

Y/N: On three. One, two, three!

They both pull the rope, and the trap activates, and Dead Justice is trapped in a cage.

Velma: Time to reveal who Dead Justice really is.

Velma takes off the mask revealing Deputy Bucky.

All: Deputy bucky?

Sheriff Stone: What? Bucky, you were like a father to me!

Ducky: You're twenty years older than me!

Sheriff Stone: There's no proof of that. Why'd you do it?

Velma: Sheriff, I think we can explain.

Daphne: Bucky was tired of being just a deputy. He craved the power and prestige of the Sheriff's office.

Fred: Bucky failed every one of his promotion exams. But it wasn't just his grades that got me thinking.

Shaggy: Like, bucky's a doodler, and his drawings looked an awful lot like Dead Justice's demon bullets.

Velma: Bucky disguised himself as the ghost of Dead Justice and chased down the town's most wanted.

Y/N: He knew nothing would hurt Sheriff Stone more than losing his job to his hero.

Fred: The only thing I don't understand is how he created those bullets.

Bucky: CGI. It's all CGI these days. I programmed a laser pointer to simulate the animation.

Y/N pulls the trigger of the gun, and the demon bullets are holograms.

Sheriff Stone: Much as I hate to admit it, I owe you kids one.

Fred smiles and touches his shoulder.

Sheriff Stone: Huh? Ecch.

Sheriff Stone pulls away. The next morning Sheriff Stone is given the crimey.

Mayor Jones: People of Crystal Cove, there's a new old new Sheriff in town.

Everyone claps and cheers.

Sheriff Stone: Thanks, Mayor Jones. And Thanks for giving me a raise.

Mayor Jones: Raise? What raise? An hour ago, your job was free. Don't think I won't find another undead lawman if I have to.

Sheriff Stone laughs but stops.

Sheriff Stone: You're joking, right?

Mayor Jones walks up to Fred.

Fred: You know, dad, Bucky would have gotten away with it if it hadn't have been for us meddling kids. Maybe a little thank you might be, uh...

Mayor Jones: Uh, that's great, Fred. Listen, I'm late for a work meeting.

He walks off.

Fred: But work's that way. Why do I even bother?

Y/N walks up to Fred.

Y/N: He cares, Fred. I can tell. Come on, we're going to the Clam Cabin.

The gang then drives to the Clam Cabin together. 

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