Bofuri: Izuku The God of Game

By AstralKing01

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A long time ago a quirk appeared in China as a child who was born was shining brightly as years past multiple... More

Izuku Midoriya Bio
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 4

453 15 32
By AstralKing01


In one of the building tower which own by Zaychik company with CEO goes by the name Bronia Zaychik and her twin sister Brondia Rand while the acting CEO was her mother Cocolia Rand. While they're were also here younger sister Broxxie, Brownie aka Silver Wolf and Bronya. All four of them are in the building company looking at the projector screen showing a picture Izuku, Ren with nine more girls and last for not least a cat girl with amber eyes it was Koneko Toujou aka Shirone.

The picture shows all of the World best gamer 1st, 2nd and 4th rankers and why wondering who is the third rank also why are they rank 3 despite having 12 people in the picture.

To answer the question the ranking can be share with multiple people as long the person has same skilled and experience level as the person they shared with.

As the first question the third world best gamer belongs to Bronya, Bronnie, Broxxie and Silver Wolf due to the five of them having the same level of gaming capacity experience and skills.

Bronia: They really are there.

Broxxie: But luckily Izuku is there isn't that right Silver Wolf?.

Brownia: Yeah.

Cocolia: Don't worry I already communicate with Azazel about it.

Brondia: Well that's good.

She said as Bronya had a slight smile on her face while looking Izuku picture.

Bronya: (smile) Wait for us............Our Fiance.

Izuku was actually engaged with the five but he didn't know that at all only his father knew about it.

It's because during the fight in the tournament Bronya and the other four made a bet with their mother if someone managed to defeat them in fight.

They will marry the person and during the quarter finals Izuku happened to be their opponent but only to be destroyed by Izuku with ease.

Back with Izuku is having a breakfast with his family and saying goodbye to her sister to school.

When walks back to his room he started to think about the next he gained [Haki].

Izuku: [Haki] is described as skill that will active without a chant and it active instantly throught mind.

Izuku: I managed to have [Armament] and that got me thinking what would happened I spread my energy to the area or forceful transfer it to other Player or can the energy be transfer to 5 senses will I be able to predict someone movement or not?.

Despite how he looks Izuku is a genius gamer since he can deduct or theorized some skilled to get stronger.

Izuku: I think of it later.

Laying on the bed as he wear the head gear and log back into the game.

Suddenly he was surprised by someone with blonde hair wearing a shiny knight armor.

Payne: SHISHOU!!!!.

Izuku: AAAAHHHH!!!!!!.

Turning around and gave the person a straight punch on the face blasting him back.

Payne: Blurgh!.

Izuku: (surprised) Payne!?!?.

Payne sitting up as he kneels to the ground putting his fist to his palm lowering his head giving him respect not knowing attracting the attention of the players of the town.

Payne: This students kneels down to his master.

Izuku: (Sweatdrop) O-oui no need to be dramatic.

Payne: I must give respect to you.

Izuku: (Sigh) Stand up.

Stand back up as he look Izuku with star eyes as Izuku can only sweatdrop.

Izuku: So why did you came to me?.

Payne: I would to have spar with you shishou!.

Izuku: you don't need to called me "shishou" just call me Izuku.

Payne: I must call you shishou.

Izuku: I said Izuku.

Payne: Shishou.

Izuku: just call me Izuku

Payne: Shishou.

Izuku: (Annoyed) Payne call me Izuku.

Payne: shishou.

Izuku: (irritated) I-zu-ku.

Payne: Izuku.

Izuku: just call me "Shishou" Damn it!!!.

Izuku said as he realizes he student outsmart him by setting him a trap.

Payne: Alright then Shishou!!!!.

Izuku: FUCK!!!!!!.

Izuku: 'This Brat' (sigh) I give up.

He look towards Payne as he put both of his arm on his waist.

Tilting his head to side with eye brows raised.

Izuku: So when are you gonna spar with me.

Payne: Today during first event.

Izuku: First event eh~ (smirk) alright then Payne I accept it.

Payne: Yosh this time I'll show you that improve a lot and might as well defeat you!.

Izuku: (smug) heh~ defeat me? Boy, You're 20,000 years too early to beat me!.

Payne: I take the challenge then.

Izuku: That's more like it.

Payne bows as he ran back to his friend with Izuku was walking around the fountain as he saw Maple log walking back to the town with her new outfit.

Izuku: Oh Maple!.

Maple: Izuku!.

Izuku: Where have you been?.

Maple: I was strolling at the forest and hunt more monster to eat.

Izuku: Eat?.

Maple: Un! I was eating some of the monster I even gained more skill with it.

Izuku: 'Ah~ I think she is talking about foul feeder skill' I see.

Maple: (excited) Are excited for the first event?!.

Izuku: (smile) of course I'm excited.

???: I never I would find you here Izuku~.

Izuku: 'This voice' Heh! Never thought I would meet you here Ren.

Ren: (smirk) I knew you would play this game after all I know you a lot after all.

Izuku: (smirk) So are going to take revenge on me because I basically made you wear dog collar and act like one since don't blame you lost your bet.

Ren: Don't worry about that after all I can use my quirk in this game and this time I'll definitely discipline you.

Izuku: (smug) Keep dreaming Ren cause your fate has been written by stars!.

Ren: (smirk) only time will tell.

Meanwhile Maple was pouting looking how Izuku was interacting with Ren as she went in front Izuku as she hug his side protectively.

Maple: (pout) Who are you and why are you so close to Izuku!?.

Ren eyes shadow by her haired as she lifted her head smirking at Maple.

Ren: Me? I am Ren Yamashiro and Izuku wife.

Izuku: Self-proclaimed wife.

Izuku cut in making Ren to glare at Izuku.

Ren: Izuku who is she?~.

Izuku: Jealous?~.

Ren: why would I be jealous?~.

Izuku: Cause you might be~.

Ren: See you later Izuk- no Darling~.

She said as turn around leaving Izuku and jealous Maple hugging him as they suddenly heard an announcement as a small dragon with a guy wearing a merchant outfit.

Dorazou: Gao~ I'm will be the observer and with me is-.

Abhi: Abhi lupus and the main lead developer of the game.

(Surprised! Abhi Lupus you are officially been join to the club requested personally by Lux).

Abhi: Today event will be Royal battle between players so do your best a defeating as many as can!.

Dorazou: Gao~ today first event will start in 10 seconds.



Payne putting his sword in his sheath as fixing his armour getting ready for the battle while his Dreg fixing his mask and played with his daggers.



Certain red haired girl wearing emperor looking outfit with a stoic and serious as she grip her fist showing how nervous she was inside.



koneko wearing fingerless glove's while her elder sister kuroka preparing talisman on her inventory while for her middle sister Blake was sheathing her blade with her stoic expression like her younger sister koneko.



Ren with her other nine companions took out their weapon preparing for the countdown.



Izuku and Maple talking each other about the plan after the event start.


All of the player shine brightly as the body fade into dust with scene change with Izuku was teleported into the forest.

Izuku: Well atleast it peaceful on my side.


Izuku: (facepalm) why did I had to jinx it.

Ren: So shall we start~.

Ten of them appeared with their weapon pointing Izuku as they surround him.

Izuku: After you got to your original location you used your quirk to fly at a very high-speed while teleport each of them at same location after you found me didn't you?.

Ren: hehe~ you really know your stuff.

Izuku: knowing your quirk having multiple sub-abilities truly worth praise.

Ren: being praise by you is quite an honour.

Izuku: I'm just stating the facts.

He said looking around as he stare each of them.

Taking out both of his weapons dual wielding [Orbcalibur] and [Greed] while enchanted his arm and sword with [Haki] turning both of it into black metallic colour.

Izuku: Well then Self-proclaimed wife of mine hit me with your best shot.

Bursting forward giving a straight punch at him as Izuku move to the side then block the incoming yari spear from the woman on the right as he swing in circle forcing them jump back.

Back flipping himself dodging the slash from a platinum haired woman sword as he tried kick her right on the face but the blonde haired managed to support her by teleport her away from him.

Then orange haired girl with a woman with military rushed towards him reeling their fist back and attack him with a barrage strike forcing him to put back both sword into the inventory and parry all of their attack.

Izuku tried to jump back but he suddenly pull back down by another woman military cap as the orange girl kick his stomach sending him back.

Izuku: Blurgh! 'Cloning Quirk?!?!'.

Stomping his foot to the ground while raising the other as he crossed his arm on his chest.

Ren: Good job Mira and Konomi.

Izuku: 'That punch was definitely been buff by her team'.

He thought while looking around as he saw a another blonde woman hiding behind the tree.

Running towards her as he felt pain on his knee look towards to the right and saw blue haired girl pointing her gun on him scared.

Then he suddenly felt being push by strong force hitting blasting him away destroying five trees behind him.

Izuku: Argh!.

Ren: Now do you give up Izuku?.

Izuku: Heh!~ I'm gonna be honest here I definitely underestimated you but I am far from being over yet.

Ren: (smirk) Well then let's see how long can you last Izuku~.

Generating multiple ball of energy and blast it towards Izuku as the time move slowly with closing his eyes then I remembering every attacks he saw from the opponents as he put his hand on his chin.

Izuku: 'for the looks of it she has two supports class with one of has a wind quirk, one gun user, three monk class with cloning and teleporting quirk, one spearwoman and one swordwoman but the real question is what Ren class? He look like monk class as well but the sword on her waist so I deduct she multiple class type so it must be Jack of all trade class'.

He smirk as snap his finger with his eyes shine.

Izuku: '(smirk) should I use my theory now? Let gamble it!'.

Time resume back as Izuku aerobatic flipped to the side dodging all of the attack from Ren shocking her as Izuku closed his eyes and take a deep breath spreading his [Haki] to his 5 senses as suddenly an image of platinum haired woman with her sword slashing his head appeared.

Pushing himself up and backflip dodging the attack from the woman with a sword as the blonde woman teleport her away but Izuku know her location using his [Haki] skill using his sword slashing the air and send a light slash.

As the attack hit the woman eliminating her immediately.

Tenka: Kyou-chin!.

Ren: 'Did he predict her move?!'.

Izuku: One down and nine more to go.

An image two people appear both side trying to punch him as he duck down as Mira and Konomi appeared tries hit him but end hitting each other face making Izuku smirk putting his arm on the ground and twisting himself while spreading his leg hitting both them sending the two in different direction.

Ren: Mira! Konomi!.

Standing back as he ran towards Ren as she generate more of her energy balls but he was actually baiting someone out.

Ren: 'Why is he charging himself towards me? Wait don't tell me?!' Bell! Varvara! Don't come show yourself.

It was too late as Izuku use [Gate Of Babylon] towards varvara location and redirect his target towards the other as both of them came out from their hiding spot as varvara tries to buff bell with her magic but she was met with a swords stabbing her body.

While Bell came out from her hiding as Izuku throw a bag at her forcing her to shoot at it causing the bag explode spreading blue dust which is [Sleeping Dust] as she inhaled it making her eyes feels heavy as she falls down snoring.
Izuku: rest well sleeping beauty~.

Not knowing she heard him said that making her slightly smile in her sleep.
Izuku sidestep dodging Tenka attack as he kick her in the chin at fast speed.



[You're Capoiera has {beginning} to {Average} so you gained unique skill!].
[You gained unique skill "Invisible Attack"].

he jump above took out [Greed] slashing Mira decapitating her as he crossed his hand blocking the multiple slashing attack as he saw Konomi bend her fingers into claw and kept slashing attack.

Izuku: 'Shakkei user?! No must be her Quirk'.

Dodging the slash as Izuku use his [Gate of Babylon] with the air has multiple golden ripple a large amount of weapon flew to her causing an explosion.

Bending his body back nearly avoiding the spear as step her shadow forcing body to stop.

Fubuki: What did you just do?.

Izuku: (smirk) I just step on your shadow and use magic to control your body using the shadow that step on.

Fubuki: (chuckle) You quite sly if I say so.

Izuku: I can be sly as I can be ma'am~.

Using [Greed] and stab her stomach eliminating her then suddenly he block the slash from Ren as he clashed with her creating multiple shockwaves.

Finding the chance he swing his sword making her to let go of her weapon but she didn't gave up as she gave a roundhouse kick on his wrist forcing to let go of [Greed] as both of them engaged in close combat attack.

Izuku: You improved colour me surprise!.

Ren: Of course I will improve myself just to get a rematch from you!.

Izuku parrying all her attack as he sweep her leg but put her hand on the ground twisting her body while spreading her leg causing him raising arm guarding himself from the kick.

Ren: (smirk) Don't think yourself the only one who has martial arts.

Izuku: (smirk) You keep surprising with that talent of yours.

Finally he kick her gut as he take out his [Orbcalibur] spin the wheel on the hilt five times as swipe his hand the blade then press the trigger as Izuku body burst of white aura.

Moving his sword around him making a giant white aura circle above him as he raise his sword up as the circle energy gather to the blade.

Izuku: [Orb Supreme Calibur!!!!].

Unleashing his ultimate skill towards Ren as she sigh letting go her sword accepting defeat.

Ren: (sigh) looks like I lost again huh? (Smirk) I definitely get you next time Darling~.

Chuckling as the attack hit her creating a giant explosion destroying forest as well killing the player near the area.

As the screen turns black.

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