MLP x Alicorn Male Reader

By LarryLegend759

112K 2.6K 3.4K

An Alicorn was born which all of Equestria does not know about. He was raised without an actual family, so he... More

Prologue: Welcome to Ponyvile
Friendship is Magic, Part 1
Friendship is Magic Part 2
The Ticket Master
Applebuck Season
Griffon the Brush Off
Author's Note (14 December 2023)
Boast Busters
Bridle Gossip
Author's Note (16 December 2023)
Winter Wrap Up
Call of the Cutie
Fall Weather Friends
Suited For Success
Meet the Sparkles
Feeling Pinkie Keen
Sonic Rainboom
Stare Master
The Show Stoppers
A Dog and Pony Show
Green Isn't Your Color
Over a Barrel
A Bird in the Hoof
The Cutie Mark Chronicles
Owl's Well That Ends Well
Party of One
The Best Night Ever (Season 1 Finale)
Season 2: The Return of Harmony (Part 1)
Season 2: The Return of Harmony (Part 2)
(Y/N)'s Departure
Important Author's Note (28 February 2024)
Lesson Zero
Luna Eclipsed
Sisterhooves Social
I Made My Equestria Girls Story
The Cutie Pox
May the Best Pet Wins
The Mysterious Mare Do Well
Sweet and Elite
Secret of My Excess
Short: Night Corps First Test
Hearth's Warming Eve
Family Appreciation Day
Baby Cakes
The Last Roundup
Author's note (14 May 2024)
The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000
Read It and Weep
Hearts and Hooves Day

Swarm of the Century

2.1K 55 59
By LarryLegend759

Fluttershy: La, la la, la la, la la, la la. Thank you little squirrel, but remember: these flowers are for Princess Celestia. Only the prettiest ones will do. La, la la, la la, la la, la la.

Parasprite: [Chirp]

Fluttershy: Gah!

Parasprite: [Chirp]

Fluttershy: Hello, little guy. I've never seen anything like you before.

Parasprite: [Sniff]

Fluttershy: Oh, are you hungry? Here you go. [Gasp] I guess you were hungry.

[The Parasprite consumed bucket full of apples]

Parasprite: [Purr]

Fluttershy: You're the cutest thing ever! I can't wait to show you to my friends.

Twilight: Oh! Hurry up, Spike! This place isn't gonna clean itself.

Spike: It also didn't mess itself up.

Twilight: Princess Celestia will be here tomorrow!

Spike: I thought this was just an unofficial casual visit.

Twilight: There's nothing casual about a visit from royalty. I want this place to be spotless, and you've barely made a dent in the clutter.

(Y/N): Twi! Good to see you. Came to see how you were doing.

Twilight: (Y/N)! This is no time for it. Princess Celestia is coming to Ponyville tomorrow! We have to show our best to her.

(Y/N): But she said it was a casual visit. I assumed it is to talk and spend time with our friends and Ponyville.

Spike: Right?

Twilight: [Groan] There is nothing casual about this visit!

(Y/N): Twi, you make it sound like the Princess, my Auntie, is lying to us.

Twilight: I-i'm not saying she is lying to us.

(Y/N): Then tell me what you truly feel.

Twilight: I just want her to see us at our best, so she see how wonderful Ponyville is and for her to like us.

(Y/N): Okay, there is nothing wrong with that. I think she would love to know us at a deeper level.

Twilight: Right now I need to clean up the library.

Spike: Maybe you should, ugh, start reading them one at a time-- whoa ho! Aw.

(Y/N): She is an avid reader. I admire that.

Twilight: [Blushing] Thanks. But everything's got to be perfect. No time for fooling around.

Spike: You know, this would be an awful lot easier if there weren't two of us here getting under each other's feet.

Twilight: Great idea. You clean, We'll go see how everyone else's preparations are coming.

Spike: Or maybe I should... [Groan]

(Y/N): [Laughing] Poor Spike. I'll help you in the cleaning next time, and you do what you want. Deal?

Spike: Deal!

[Twilight and (Y/N) left the Golden Oak Library]

[Ponies chattering as they are working]

(Y/N): Uh oh. [Looking at Twilight frustrated]

Twilight Sparkle: What happened to the rest of her name?

Golden Harvest: We couldn't fit it all in.

Twilight Sparkle: You can't hang a banner that says "Welcome Princess Celest". Take it down and try again.

(Y/N): I think she will find it funny.

Twilight: [Glaring and groaning at (Y/N)]

(Y/N): I mean... take it down and do it again.

[Both of them ran while everyone else is working]

Twilight: That looks perfect. Keep up the good work.

[(Y/N) and Twilight are now in Sugarcube Corner]

Twilight Sparkle: Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Cake. How's the banquet coming?

Mrs. Cake: would be coming a little better if...

Pinkie Pie: Mmm... [slurp]

Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie! What are you doing? Those sweets are supposed to be for the princess.

(Y/N): Yeah! [Taking a bite of the cake] How could you eat this without bringing me?

Twilight: (Y/N)!

(Y/N): It was already eaten. You want the Princess to eat cake that was already bitten.

Twilight: [Rolled her eyes]

Pinkie Pie: I know. That's why I'm tasting them. Somepony needs to make sure that everything is tasty enough to touch the royal tongue. And I, Pinkie Pie, declare that these treats are fit for a king. Or a queen. Or a princess!

(Y/N): You forgot prince.

Pinkie: Oops. How can I forget that? Here you can try this cake?

Twilight and Mr. Cake: Pinkie!

Pinkie: What?? I'm giving it the cake to him. Besides... are we forgetting that we are talking to royalty here

Twilight and Mr. Cake: [Looked away]

(Y/N): Sometimes I forget I am royalty. But since you insist. [I eat the cake which made Twilight rolled her eyes at me]

Twilight: [Muttered] Why are you always so silly, (Y/N)?

Fluttershy: Twilight, Pinkie, (Y/N), you won't believe... oh, I'm sorry. Uh, am I interrupting? [Sees (Y/N) eating cake]

Pinkie Pie: No, not at all. Come on in and make yourself at home. [slurp] What's going on, Fluttershy?

Fluttershy: You won't believe what I found at the edge of the Everfree Forest. Come on out, little guy. It's okay.

Fluttershy: [Gasp] Three?

(Y/N): [Shocked at seeing those Parasprite]

Twilight: They're amazing. What are they?

Fluttershy: I'm not sure. I'm also not sure where these other two came from.

Twilight: I'll take one off your hooves. I've never seen anything so... adorable. Besides, it'll be nice to have a companion for Spike so he won't bother me so much while I'm studying.

(Y/N): [Thinking] They are not adorable. They are a pest!

Pinkie: [Thinking] Can't believe those things are here. They were a pest to my family.

(Y/N): [Thinking] I know right? All they do is eat and leave nothing but a barren wasteland. Causing famine wherever they go... wait? How come you are in my mind?

Pinkie: [Thinking] I don't know? But this is fun! [Giggling] Let's get back to our regular schedule program

(Y/N): Huh?

Fluttershy: Pinkie, do you want the other one?

Pinkie Pie: Ugh! A parasprite? Are you kidding?

Fluttershy: Ugh?

Twilight Sparkle: A para-what?

Fluttershy: How could you not like-

Pinkie Pie: Ugh. Now I gotta go find a trombone.

(Y/N): Pinkie, I'm coming with you.

Twilight: A what?

Pinkie Pie: A trombone, you know: [trombone imitation]

[Both Pinkie and (Y/N) ran to get a trombone]

Twilight: Typical Pinkie. And why does (Y/N) always goes along with her antics?

[Meanwhile with Pinkie and (Y/N) running]

(Y/N): Pinkie. You know exactly what those are correct.

Pinkie: Of course. These pest were a major occurrence at my parent's farm. We had to play instruments to keep them distracted to get out of our farm as a kid.

(Y/N): Yeah. I know of those kind, since whenever I see them, there is always a case of them causing trouble eating crops and foods everywhere they go. They leave famines if left unattended.

Pinkie Pie: We have no time to waste!

(Y/N): [Thinking] I will tell them later, since we need to organize and get the instrument.

Pinkie: [Thinking] Yeah! We'll tell them later. They deserve to know.

(Y/N): Pinkie. We gotta stop doing that.

[Meanwhile back with Twilight]

Rarity: Stand still, Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash: Ugh, I caaan't, I need to flyyy! This is waaay too boring for me.

Rarity: Do you want to look nice for Princess Celestia or not?

Twilight: Wow. Rarity, those outfits are gorgeous.

Rarity: Mmhmm. Thank you, Twilight. Nice to know someone appreciates my talents.

Rainbow Dash: Ugh, sooo boooring.

Parasprites: [Chirp]

Rarity: Huh?

Rainbow Dash: What's that sound, Twilight?

Parasprite: [Several chirps revealing three]

Rainbow Dash: Wow, what are they?

Twilight: The better question is, where did they come from? I only had one a minute ago.

Rainbow Dash: Uh, I'll take one.

Rarity: Me too. Oh, they're perfect.

Pinkie Pie: Does anypony know where I can find an accordion?

Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity: [Baby talking to the Parasprites]

Pinkie Pie: Girls! Hello! This is important. [Leaves the girls only leaving (Y/N) with Rarity, Rainbow, and Twilight]

(Y/N): Girls, we need help. Can you stop talking to these pest and help us?

Rarity: Pest? More like the most adorable little creature.

Rainbow Dash: Don't go hating on those things.

Twilight: Why are you being so harsh on those things?

(Y/N): Those little ones are the worst pest you can find in Equestria. They may be small but they multiply like crazy and will eat everything.

Rainbow, Rarity, Twilight: [Laugh]

Rainbow: Redhead. Did hanging out with Pinkie messed with your brain cells or something?

Rarity: I can't possibly imagine these little ones being such a menace.

(Y/N): But it's true. I have memories of those things.

Twilight: [Thinking] He wouldn't lie like that. He must be saying the truth, but I am busy with trying to get things ready for the Princess.

(Y/N): [Thinking] I hate it when ponies has to learn the hard way, through their own experience. Mother, Auntie... why are most ponies like this, even the cute and smart one like Twilight

(Y/N): I'll be going to find an accordion for Pinkie. I warn you that they will multiply and you will find them a pest by tomorrow, if you don't get rid of them.

[(Y/N) departs and decides to continue his quest for more instrument for Pinkie until it was late]

(Y/N): We should head home. It's getting late.

Pinkie: I guess so. You did a wonderful job helping me find over half of the instruments needed.

(Y/N): We may be able to save Ponyville and the visit if we wake up early and go quick.

Pinkie: You betcha.

(Y/N): Shame. The girls are to enamored by these pest.

Pinkie: Don't worry, (N/N). Once they learn about it, they will help us out.

(Y/N): See you tomorrow.

[Time skip]

(Y/N): [Yawn]

[(Y/N) found some of those parasprites in his home somehow]

(Y/N): Get out of here, disgusting vermin!

[(Y/N) left without eating anything to not open the fridge full of food to these parasprites]

(Y/N): Pinkie!

Pinkie: (N/N)!

(Y/N): We need to go and those instruments fast. Pinkie. You are quick when you need to. You get the instruments and the girls. I'll bring the rest that we got to our rendezvous.

Pinkie: You got it, (N/N)!

[Pinkie ran like the Road Runner while (Y/N) collected the instrument and waited for Pinkie to come with the girls]

(Y/N): What is taking Pinkie so long? [Placed a magical barrier for the instruments]

[Meanwhile at the Forest]

Applejack: Here's all those apples you wanted, Fluttershy, but I still can't figure why y'need so many. Hey!

Fluttershy: What do we do?

Twilight: [gasp] I got it! Nopony can herd like Applejack.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah! We can drive 'em back into the forest.

Applejack: [scoffs] I'll rastle 'em up, but I need everypony's help to do it. Twilight, you and Rarity wait over there. I'll herd the little critters straight at ya like a funnel. Rainbow Dash, you and Fluttershy stay on top of 'em, don't let 'em fly away.

Rainbow Dash: Aye aye.

Applejack: Yeeeeeee-haw!

Parasprite: [Screech]

Applejack: Alright y'all, here goes nothin'. Look out Rarity, that one's fixin' to get away. Keep a lead on 'em, Rainbow Dash! Hold on girls, we're almost there.

[(Y/N) and Pinkie ran to Twilight's side]

Twilight: Pinkie! (Y/N)!

Pinkie Pie: Twilight, we don't have much time.

Twilight: You're telling me. The princess could arrive at any moment.

(Y/N): I don't know what the plan of yours is, Twi, but we need maracas. It will help us.

Twilight Sparkle: Maracas? You two, we've got much bigger problems than missing maracas.

Pinkie Pie: [Gasp] You're right! Getting a tuba has to be our number one goal. Follow me. I said, follow me!

Rainbow Dash: Pinkie Pie, you are so random.

Applejack: Forget her ladies. Focus. Head 'em up and move 'em out.

(Y/N): Girls! Don't leave Pinkie and us behind. We need instruments to stop... [The girls left Pinkie and (Y/N) behind] the parasprite.

Pinkie: [Frustrated] Why won't they listen and help us?

(Y/N): I think they don't understand what we are doing. And they are too focused on their thing before sitting down to talk to us.

Pinkie: The answer is right there and they are blind.

(Y/N): [Sigh] You may be right. But we have to try our best to reach out to them or at least get the instruments all prepared. Don't worry about the instruments, it is in a barrier, so no one can touch it.

Pinkie: You always know what to say. No wonder Twilight likes you.

(Y/N): I just simply learned fro-- [Blushing] What?

[(Y/N) looked to where Pinkie was and she was not there]

(Y/N): [Laughing] Pinkie... I understand you, but even I learn new things from you. You are an interesting pony. [Looks at the direction where he heard a strong wind] Now what is going on over there?

[Meanwhile near Fluttershy's house]

Twilight: [grunt] Way to go, Rainbow Dash!

Applejack: Looks like our problems are solved.

Pinkie Pie: They will be with these cymbals.
[Cymbals detached from Pinkie and flying right to the tornado]

Pinkie Pie: Hey! Give me those back!

Rainbow Dash: Whoa. Yaa! Yow! Whoa! Wow! I can't hold it! She's breaking up. [The tornado has fallen apart as the Parasprite escaped from Rainbow's tornado and moved away]

[(Y/N) saw the Parasprite moving to Ponyville while running to the now non-existent tornado. He saw the girls angry at Pinkie which he wasn't aware of what happened]

Twilight: Pinkie Pie, what have you done?

Pinkie Pie: I've lost a brand new pair of cymbals, that's what I've done.

Twilight: Will you forget about your silly instruments for one second? You're ruining our efforts to save Ponyville.

Pinkie Pie: Me? Ruin? I'm not the ruiner, I'm the ruin-ee! Or is it ruiness? Ruinette?

(Y/N): Girls. I don't know what is going on here, but I am not going to let you say mean things about Pinkie Pie. She was trying to help us.

Applejack: Pinkie's help? There's no reasoning with her. She is a few apples short of a bushel?

(Y/N): [Booming voice] Girls!

[Everypony stayed quiet]

(Y/N): If you stayed and listened to us, you will see that we are helping you girls with the infestation of these pest.

Rainbow Dash: Help? With what? Getting instruments?

Twilight: Why were you two so focused on instruments?

(Y/N): We rather show you than say it. You will likely call it nonsense. Come on, Pinkie. Girls, try to help anypony that are suffering from these pestilence while we get ready. [Pinkie and (Y/N) ran]

Twilight: What are we supposed to trust with instruments? The Princess will be here soon. [Slowly losing her patience] We have to get to Ponyville as (Y/N) said.

Fluttershy: Maybe they may have a plan.

Rainbow Dash: I still don't think making music will help us

Applejack: I don't know why (Y/N) would even be rope in with Pinkie's nonsense.

Rarity: We don't know what their goals are, but we need something fast or we will lose Ponyville and our lovely decorations will be ruined

Twilight: Which is why I have a plan?

[(Y/N) and Pinkie left the girls as they head to find the last few instrument and the girls went to Ponyville and the Ponyvillian sees a swarm of Parasprites]

Pony: [Gasp]

Gardening pony: Aah!

Fluttershy: What do we do? They're eating all the food in town.

Applejack: [Gasp] My apples!

Twilight Sparkle: We've gotta do something. [Gasps] I got it! I'll cast a spell to make them stop eating all the food.

Pinkie Pie: Look, tambourines! If you could all just... [Scream] [Tambourines shake]

Twilight Sparkle: [Gasp]

Parasprite: [Chirp]

Twilight Sparkle: [Sigh]

Parasprite: [Munch on the bucket and spitting out the apple]

Rainbow Dash: Heh. Hey, it worked. They're not eating the food anymore.

Twilight: [Smile nervously]

Rarity: Oh no... if they get inside my store... Everypony for herself!

Rarity: My outfits! Go on, shoo! Get out of here, you naughty! Naughty! [Shrieks]

Pinkie Pie: I'll save you!

[Pinkie plays the recorder and leaves Rarity to her doom]

Rarity: [Shriek]

[Meanwhile at Sweet Apple Acre]

Applejack: No woodland creature's gonna eat the Apple Family's crop.

[Parasprites buzzing]

Applejack: Brace yourself, y'all, here they come!

Applejack: [Gasp] Didn't see that one comin'.

[Meanwhile at the Golden Oak Library]

Spike: Help!

Twilight: [gasp] They're eating the words! [Grunts]

Spike: Help...

[Twilight runs as fast as she could to Zecora. Twilight opens the door aggressively causing Zecora to lose her concentration on her meditation]

[Zecora crashes out of her meditative state]

Zecora: Ugh. Have you gone mad?

Twilight: Zecora, these little guys are devouring Ponyville, and the princess is on her way. Can you help us, please?

Zecora: Oh, monster of so little size. Is that a parasprite before my eyes?

Twilight: [Slowly losing her mind] I don't know! Is it?

Zecora: Tales of crops and harvests consumed. If these creatures are in Ponyville, you're doomed.

Twilight Sparkle: [Gulp]

[Meanwhile at the Rendezvous Point]

(Y/N): We got everything. You ready, Pinkie?

Pinkie: Absolutely.

(Y/N): You can play these instrument?

Pinkie: I have plenty of practice. You are holding half of the instruments too.

(Y/N): It gets boring, so I played instrument throughout my time at the Castle. I prefer pianos, harp, and guitars... but this will do.

Pinkie: Let's go save Ponyville!!!

(Y/N): Yeah!!!

[Both of them played their instruments around Ponyville]

[Meanwhile back at Ponyville with Twilight]

Twilight: [Freaking out] Okay, here's the plan. Rainbow Dash, you distract them.

Rainbow Dash: YAAAA!

Twilight Sparkle: [Nearly slipping into madness] Good. Everyone else, we need to build an exact copy of Ponyville right over there. We've got less than a minute. Zecora was right, we're doomed. Oh no, the princess's procession is here. It's all over!

[Music playing at a distance]

Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie? (Y/N)? We're in the middle of a crisis here. This is no time for your... [Realization of what is going on] nonsense?

[Pinkie and (Y/N) are marching with the Parasprites while playing music for them to move them away from Ponyville]

Twilight Sparkle: Look.

[The Mane 6 except Pinkie are looking at Princess Celestia arriving]

Princess Celestia: Twilight Sparkle, my prized pupil.

[The girls bow to her Majesty]

Twilight Sparkle: Hello, Princess.

Princess Celestia: So lovely to see you again, as well as your friends.

[Princess Celestia was astonished and was looking at (Y/N), Pinkie, and the Parasprite marching as the both of them are playing music with multiple instrument]

Twilight Sparkle: So... how was the trip? Hit much traffic?

Princess Celestia: Ah, what is this? Oh ho ho, these creatures are adorable.

Rainbow Dash: They're not that adorable.

Princess Celestia: I'm terribly honored that you and the good citizens of Ponyville have organized a parade in honor of my visit.

Twilight: Parade? Oh. Yes, the parade.

Princess Celestia: Unfortunately, that visit is going to have to wait for another time. I'm afraid an emergency has come up in Fillydelphia. Apparently there's been some sort of infestation.

Twilight: An... infestation?

Princess Celestia: Yes, a swarm of incredibly bothersome creatures has invaded the poor town. I'm sorry Twilight, to have to put you all through so much. Especially since I wanted to speak with my nephew and see how he has been dealing with Ponyville and his studies. I put you all into so much trouble.

Twilight: Trouble? What trouble?

Princess Celestia: Before I have to go, would you care to give me your latest report on the magic of friendship in person?

Twilight: My... report?

Princess Celestia: Haven't you learned anything about friendship?

Twilight Sparkle: Actually, I have. I've learned that sometimes the solution to your problems can come from where you least expect it. It's a good idea to stop and listen to your friends' opinions and perspectives...

[Cymbals crash]

Twilight: Even when they don't always seem to make sense.

Princess Celestia: I'm so proud of you, Twilight Sparkle, and I'm very impressed with your friends as well. It sounds like you're all learning so much from each other.

Twilight Sparkle: Thank you, Princess.

Princess Celestia: Tell (Y/N) that his mother really miss him and to continue with his studies. I trust you will make sure he does his studies.

Twilight: I do, Princess. [Looks at (Y/N) and staring at him]

Princess Celestia: It seems my students has hearts for my nephew.

Twilight: [Blushing] What are you talking about?

Princess Celestia: I do not mind if you do. In his letters sent to me and to my sister, he speaks of you with such passion. He thinks he is hiding it, but it is obvious. [Wink]

Twilight: [Blushing]

Princess Celestia: [Giggling] I must take my leave. Farewell.

[The Princess leaves with her chariot]

Pinkie Pie: Hey, what happened to the Princess?

(Y/N): Yeah. Why isn't Auntie here?

Twilight: Emergency in Fillydelphia.

Rainbow Dash: Some sort of infestation.

Pinkie Pie: Oh no! Have they got parasprites too? Well, have tuba, will travel.

Twilight Sparkle: I think the princess can handle it.

(Y/N): I'll send a letter to her about it, if she needs to publicize the solution to the Parasprite Question.

Applejack: So you two knew what those critters were all along?

Pinkie Pie: Well, duh! Why do you think I was so frantic to get my hooves on all these instruments? I tried to tell you.

(Y/N): I told you we had a plan and it involved instruments. Didn't you trust us?

The Girls (Except Pinkie): [Smile nervously]

(Y/N): [Disappointed] You girls should really consider listening to this thousand year old pony more often. It's like my wisdom and knowledge only works when it is convenient to you girls or at the last minute. [The girls feel guilty] Now Pinkie knows the experience.

Twilight: We know, you two. We're sorry we didn't listen.

Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack: [Apologies]

Pinkie: It's okay.

(Y/N): No need for apologies. We simply didn't communicate properly. Though you should have listened, I was willing to speak clearly than what Pinkie was saying, then this miscommunication would not ha e occurred.

Twilight: You're a great friend, Pinkie, even if we don't always understand you. Especially you, (Y/N)... you are just as random as Pinkie sometimes

Pinkie Pie: Thanks guys, you're all great friends too, even when I don't understand me.

(Y/N): I simply get her most of the time. I enjoy every second of it. There is still more things about Pinkie I don't know about.

[Twilight saw Pinkie blushing at what he said, which made Twilight a little jealous but tries to ignore it]

Twilight: You two have saved my reputation with Princess Celestia, and more importantly, you saved Ponyville.

[They all see the aftermath of the Parasprite infestation]

Twilight Sparkle: ...Or not.

[Sad trombone]

(Y/N): Well, I'm going to be needed for this. Twi...

Twilight: Yes?

(Y/N): Make sure to carry me back after this.

Twilight: What do you mean?

[(Y/N) ignores Twilight and flies high up and uses an advanced magic as he tries to restore every building destroyed by the Parasprite. He made it to Sweet Apple Acres and restored the farmhouse back to what it was and flies back to the girls]

Twilight: That was...

Rainbow Dash: AWESOME!!!

Fluttershy: My brother is the coolest.

Applejack: He's my brother too. We may not be related by blood, but he is family to me. He restored everything!

Rarity: My boutique looks fabulous just as it was! [Shrieking with joy]

Pinkie Pie: He is the bestest pony ever!!!

(Y/N): I... [Pant] did... [Pant] it. [Passed out from exhaustion]

Mane 6: [Worrying]

Twilight: I'll take him home

Pinkie Pie: Oooh! Can I come with you?

Twilight: [Thinking] I can handle bringing him home. But I want to find out what is with Pinkie Pie?

Twilight: Sure. Girls, you can go home. It is an exhausting day.

[The girls went their separate ways leaving Pinkie and Twilight walking as Twilight is carrying (Y/N) with magic]

Twilight: Pinkie?

Pinkie Pie: Yes, Twilight?

Twilight: Do you like (Y/N)?

Pinkie: Of course I like him, silly. How else could we be friends and have fun playing pranks, baking sweets, eating sweets, and enjoying a good party.

Twilight: What I meant was... do you like him... romantically?

Pinkie Pie: Twilight, I want to do this because he really helped me out when no one else gets me.

Twilight: Oh?

Pinkie Pie: Besides, if I really, really, really like him that way, then you won't be happy.

Twilight: Thanks, Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie: I don't see him that way, because I see him like a brother I never have. He gets me and knows me just like my other siblings.

Twilight: That's all I want to ask.

Pinkie Pie: No problem, Twilight. [They are at his house] I'll get going. See you later, Twilight. [Bouncing to the direction of Sugarcube Corner]

Twilight: [Sigh in relief] I was worried that Pinkie liked you. [Carrying (Y/N) to his bedroom]

Twilight: There. [Pant] You really are an amazing pony. I can't stop looking at you with amazement. I don't know why I feel this way towards you. [Stared at the sleeping (Y/N)]

(Y/N): [Snoring]

Twilight: You are so cute when you sleep. I wish to tell you how I feel. Regardless of what everypony says about how you feel about me. I am still incredibly nervous about it. You were probably my true first friend here in Ponyville and I am still new to so much. Romance is completely new to me and I don't want us to go fast. [Chuckling] I don't know why I am speaking to you while you are still sleeping from exhaustion.

[Twilight looks at the window and see the sun is setting]

Twilight: It is getting late. I should head home. Sweet dreams, (Y/N). [Kisses his forehead]

[Twilight leaves his room and home returning to Golden Oak Library]

[(Y/N)'s room shows him resting on his bed alone]

(Y/N): [Eyes open slightly] Twilight... I cannot hide my feelings any longer. I do love you and only you. But I am afraid of our fate as I will outlast everypony and our kids if they aren't alicorn. [Crying] I will have to accept this fate, no matter what. The pain of loss is too great for me to handle.

[(Y/N) looks at his window staring at the Golden Oak Library]

(Y/N): I'll confess when I am ready. But I need to write a letter about this to my Auntie. She knows about Twilight more.

[(Y/N) went back to bed after writing his letter to Princess Celestia and he woke up in the morning with a letter from Celestia]

(Y/N): What's this? The letter says

Dear nephew,

I am glad you came to me about this. I am here for you just as much as your mother. Since you are speaking of my student, you are wise to write to me. I am happy for your bold admittance to love for my faithful student. She would be a wonderful Mare to be with you. I am aware that you are scared of the future to come when it comes to loving somepony over the fact that you are an Alicorn and Twilight is not. I am actually glad you wrote to me. I am willing to share with you a little secret as you are family and deserve to know. However you must promise not to share this with anypony and to burn this letter after reading this.

Twilight is---

[(Y/N) read the whole letter and was smiling wider as he tried to re-read the last part. His worries went away as he now doesn't have to be scared anymore]

(Y/N): Auntie... you really are amazing. [Used his magic to burn the letter to destroy the evidence for no pony to read it]

[Author's note: If you know the series, you know what Princess Celestia has been doing for a few season for Twilight. This is what our (Y/N) is happy to know, but has to keep it a secret for himself and not tell anypony. Hope you enjoy this reading]

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