Sinned Blood

By bukiiwrites

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Sold by her father, Sky lands in the hands of seven brothers hiding a dark secret. Despite their attractive f... More

Chapter 1 ~ The brothers
Chapter 2 ~ Trapped
CHAPTER 3 ~ Dinner's served
CHAPTER 4 ~ Only chance
Chapter 5 ~ Monster
Chapter 6 ~ Sinned Blood
CHAPTER 7 ~ Behind closed doors
Chapter 8 ~ From Fear 2 Lust...
Chapter 9 ~ Not herself
Chapter 10 ~ First time
Chapter 11 ~ Too close
Chapter 12 ~ Twice As Bad
Chapter 13 - A Deal With The Devil
CHAPTER 14 ~ Bad Choices
CHAPTER 15 ~ Facing Thorns
CHAPTER 16 ~ Thick Air
CHAPTER 17 - Was It A Dream
CHAPTER 18 ~ Pressure
CHAPTER 19 ~ Pain
CHAPTER 20 ~ Past Affairs
CHPATER 21 ~ New Wounds
CHAPTER 22 ~ Now or Never
CHAPTER 23 ~ Déjà Vu
CHAPTER 25 ~ Shared Fun
CHAPTER 26 ~ The Past Part 1
CHAPTER 27 ~ The Past Part 2
CHAPTER 28 ~ The Past Part 3
CHAPTER 29 ~ Curiosity

CHAPTER 24 ~ Cruelty

515 14 23
By bukiiwrites

"And who are you?" Drago asks her. Sky, caught in the scrutiny of Drago's suspicious gaze, takes a deep breath before responding,

"I was just looking for someone. I got a bit lost. I was heading back to the salon, actually." She hopes her casual demeanor will deflect any further inquiries and that Drago won't delve deeper into her presence. As she was just about to leave, he steps firmly in Sky's path.

Drago, broad and intimidating, casts a shadow over her. Her heart quickens, and she hesitates, meeting his stern gaze with a mixture of fear and uncertainty. The imposing figure of Drago seems to block any escape routes, intensifying the tension in the narrow hallway.

"She belongs with me, actually." An angelic voice calls out. Annabelle's voice. Like a soothing melody, it cuts through the tense air, asserting her claim over Sky. Drago, though initially resistant, acquiesces to Annabelle's unexpected interference. As Annabelle takes Sky's hand, they retreat from the looming figure of Drago, leaving the oppressive atmosphere of the hallway behind. The echoes of Drago's footsteps gradually fade, replaced by a sense of relief in the wake of Annabelle's intervention. Sky looks at Annabelle, a mixture of gratitude and fear in her eyes, as they navigate the mysterious corridors together.

"Don't speak until we are in a room. They can hear you."

Annabelle opens a door, guiding Sky to enter. The room unfolds before her, familiar yet altered in its historical context. The furnishings bear a timeless elegance, and the muted glow of vintage lamps casts a warm ambiance. She recognizes it as the room they have given her in the present time. Annabelle leads Sky to a chair by a gracefully adorned vanity and gestures for her to sit.

As they sit in the antique room, the ticking of an ornate clock punctuates the silence. Sky, hesitant yet intrigued, finally breaks the quietude.

"Why did you help me back there? And where are we?"

Annabelle meets Sky's gaze with a mysterious smile, "You're in a place where time converges, my dear. As for why I helped you, let's just say our paths are intricately entwined." Her eyes, reminiscent of emeralds, hold a depth that transcends the temporal boundaries. Sky's head begins to spin, after all, her temperature is still high.

"It's a complex web, Sky," Annabelle begins, her words measured as she reveals a fragment of their intertwined fate. "Today is the day I meet my demise. Yet, you can alter that fate. I need you to save me."

"I don't think I understand..." She says weakly. A surreal sensation envelops Sky as Annabelle prepares to delve deeper into the intricacies of their shared destiny. Yet, before the revelations can unfold, a mysterious occurrence disrupts the scene. The world around Sky dissolves into an ethereal white, a stark departure from the room where her fate hung in the balance. In the blink of an eye, she's transported back to the bustling city street, the present time reasserting its dominance with an unexpected and disorienting force. Sky stands amidst the urban rhythm, caught between the enigma of her encounter with Annabelle and the familiar chaos of the city's pulse.

Sky's body feels like a leaden weight as she pushes herself off the unforgiving sidewalk. The indifferent cityscape continues its hustle around her, a stark contrast to the otherworldly encounter with Annabelle. A shiver runs down her spine as she attempts to rise, unnoticed by the passing pedestrians, their hurried steps echoing a detached rhythm. Sky's surroundings blur for a moment, the transition from the mysterious realm back to the concrete reality disorienting and unnerving. Cold seeps into her bones, a stark reminder that the spectral journey has left her physically vulnerable in the heart of the indifferent city.

"Sky," a voice calls out, drawing her attention. Looking up, she finds Zachary standing nearby. Relief washes over her, seeing a familiar face.

"How did you find me?" she inquires.

"After Damien told us you ran away, he told us to look for you. I bet Carter I'd find you first," he responds with a friendly smile, gently lifting her from the cold ground. With his hand around her waist and hers supporting herself on his shoulders, they navigate through the streets. Sky assumes they are heading home, but the direction takes an unexpected turn.

"What are we doing here?" she questions as they enter an alley, the surroundings growing darker and more ominous.

Zachary's abrupt move sends Sky slamming against the wall, her wrists firmly gripped above her. Hope dissipates as his eyes darken, observing the evident suffering etched across her face. The option to ease up on her exists, but he fails to see the benefit in doing so.

"Please Zachary, I just-"

"What were you saying?" he interrupts, his free hand grabbing her face. "I missed this, you know? Trying to distract myself with other girls, but it's just not the same. The way they scream... it doesn't do it for me." He chuckles, tracing his thumb over her bottom lip. Sky is filled with disgust, attempting to turn her head away, but she can't move.

He descends to her neck, inhaling deeply, her sweet scent enveloping his senses.

"It's like your fear enhances the sweetness of your scent." He smirks, running his tongue over the delicate skin on her neck, sending shivers down her spine. Just before he can sink his fangs into her skin,

"Who is Annabelle?" She cries out, desperately hoping it might be a reason for him to cease.

"How do you know that name?"

"Who is she??" She presses for answer. Zachary's eyes reveal a storm of conflicting emotions as he reluctantly continues, "She was part of our past, a chapter we'd rather forget." His words hang in the air, laden with a weight that Sky can't quite comprehend. The alley seems to close in around them, trapping her in a web of mysteries that only deepen.

"I've lost my appetite. He says and throws her over his shoulder, carrying her to his car."

The headlights of the sleek black car cut through the darkness as Zachary arrives at the imposing mansion. The engine hums to a halt, and the heavy silence hangs in the air as he opens the car door. Exhausted and drained, Sky steps out, her movements sluggish. Her eyes, heavy with unanswered questions, glance at the grandeur of the mansion, its facade imposing against the night.

Zachary leads her towards the entrance, each step echoing in the quiet night. The mansion, usually a symbol of strength, now seems to cast shadows that dance ominously. Sky hasn't spoken much during the drive, and the weight of unspoken words lingers between them. As they approach the entrance, a mixture of weariness and curiosity paints her face, leaving Zachary torn between revealing more and keeping the enigma intact.

The door opens and they walk in while Carter and Kaiden step forward to greet them. Relief flickers in their eyes at the sight of Sky, albeit worn and fatigued.

"Sky, you're back," Carter exclaims, trying to alleviate the tension with a playful demeanor. Kaiden approaches with a more subdued concern. "Are you okay? We sensed something was off." Sky forces a faint smile, her eyes avoiding the inquisitive gazes.

"Just a rough night. I don't really want to talk about it."

Carter and Kaiden exchange a knowing look. Though not many words have been said they realize that something serious has happened to her. Despite their curiosity, they respect her silent plea for privacy. The mansion's grandeur, usually a sanctuary, now harbors an unspoken heaviness, as if secrets whispered in its corridors.

"You look terrible." Kaiden says, "I can sense that you have a fever."

"Yeah... I have an infection on my back. It's probably caused by that."

"Let me take a look." He responds with a gentle tone, reassuring Sky as he proposes examining the source of her discomfort. She hesitates for a moment, but the prospect of relief from the fever encourages her to agree.

With careful movements, she starts to lift the back of her hospital gown, revealing the affected area. Kaiden's eyes, accustomed to assessing injuries, focus on the wound. His hands hover over it, emitting a faint warmth as he concentrates on his healing ability. Sky feels a soothing sensation, as if a gentle breeze caresses her skin.

"There," Kaiden says softly, "that should help with the fever. But you should still get some rest."

Gratitude fills Sky's eyes as she pulls her shirt back down, the weight of the night slowly easing off her shoulders. The brothers exchange glances. As the conversation unfolds, Kaiden furrows his brows in concentration, explaining that while he could alleviate the infection, the peculiar number remains resistant to his healing abilities. Carter interjects with a thoughtful suggestion, proposing the idea that perhaps it wasn't Ryan who inflicted the mark on her back, but rather something else.

"I'll be right back."

Sky walks into her room and sinks into a mattress, the weight of the recent events settling on her shoulders. A soft knock interrupts her thoughts, and she hesitates before granting Carter entry. The room feels both too quiet and filled with unspoken tension as he steps inside, his presence a reassuring anchor in the midst of her turmoil.

Carter steps into Sky's room, his presence bringing a subtle comfort. He glances around, noting the ambiance of the room, and then turns his attention to Sky. There's a moment of silence before he speaks, concern etched on his features.

"So. My brother took you on a little adventure, hm?" he asks, his voice a gentle murmur that holds both curiosity and care. The room seems to embrace the weight of untold stories, and Carter patiently awaits her response.

Taking a deep breath, Sky begins to unravel the sequence of events. "Something like that..." She says, playing with her fingers, "I saw my stepdad today."

Carter's expression shifts, registering a mixture of surprise and curiosity. "Your stepfather? The one who... left you here?"

Sky nods, her gaze momentarily drifting to the floor. "Yes, George. He appeared out of the blue, and everything spiraled from there. Ryan brought me to the hospital and he was just there. The nurses called him but I don't understand what possessed him to show up."

Carter, sensing there's more beneath the surface, urges her gently, "Mhm... Sounds weird if you ask me. Do you think he regrets leaving you here?"

"No." She says in a disgusted tone, "If he had any remorse wouldn't he be coming here? I don't see him here, do you?" With a sigh, Sky opens up about the encounter, the emotions still fresh.

"I should have never left the hospital. I don't know what I was thinking. Trying to survive somewhere with nothing on me? Stupid." Carter listens intently, absorbing the complexity of Sky's narrative. The room becomes a sanctuary for untold stories, each word a step deeper into the enigma of her experiences.

"Don't you want to ask Carter what you asked me?" They look to the door to see Zachary leaning casually against the doorway, his arms crossed, an air of nonchalance surrounding him. His eyes fixate on Sky, a subtle challenge in his gaze. Sky gulps, her eyes shifting between Zachary and Carter.

Carter, curious and concerned, directs his attention toward Zachary. "What did she ask you?" he inquires, a furrow forming on his forehead. Zachary smirks slightly, a playfulness dancing in his eyes.

"Well, she wanted to know who Annabelle was. Seems like she stumbled upon a piece of the puzzle she didn't expect." The room holds a tense silence as Carter and Sky exchange a glance, the mystery of Annabelle lingering in the air like an unanswered question.

Sky, still uneasy about the recent events, downplays what happened, avoiding the weight of the conversation. Carter, perceptive to her discomfort, chooses not to press further and suggests a comforting gesture.

"Would you like some tea?" he offers, a gentle smile on his face. Sky nods, appreciating the simplicity of the gesture, and manages a small smile in return.

As Carter steps out of the room, he catches Zachary's gaze and issues a subtle warning, his tone firm. "Don't try to stir trouble," he advises, a hint of seriousness underlining his words. Zachary, unfazed, merely smirks in response, acknowledging the unspoken tension that hovers in the air.

Zachary, his presence intensifying, sits beside Sky on the bed, his arms subtly trapping her. In a hushed tone, he demands, "Tell me what you saw." Sky, feeling a surge of panic, considers calling out for Carter, but Zachary, with a calm assurance, reassures her.

"Don't. If you scream I'll hurt you. Just tell me what you saw," he insists, his eyes searching hers for the details of the unsettling encounter. The room holds its breath, caught in the delicate balance between Sky's fear and Zachary's persistent inquiry.

"I... saw a picture of her when I was snooping around. Her name was written on it and I just asked myself who she was." she observes the play of emotions on his face, silently hoping he won't delve further into the haunting details. Carter enters the room, a cup of chamomile tea in hand, its warmth embracing the chilly air. The delicate scent fills the room as he carefully places the cup on the nightstand, a comforting gesture in the midst of uncertainty. Asserting his presence, Carter nudges Zachary aside, claiming his spot next to Sky. The air crackles with unspoken dynamics, the subtle tension swirling around them like a quiet storm.

Sky's fingers curl around the warmth of the tea cup, its comforting embrace a solace against the lingering unease. She looks up at Carter with a small smile, expressing gratitude.

"Thanks, Carter," she says, the simple words carrying a world of appreciation. Carter nods, a warm acknowledgment in his eyes.

"Tsk. You two are ridiculous. Drinking tea and chattering while something fishy is going on." Carter turns to Zachary, who's still next to him.

"Zachary, give us some privacy," he asserts with a firm yet gentle tone, prompting Zachary to close the door behind him. Left alone, Sky sips her tea, the quiet room offering a brief respite from the unsettling events that unfolded.

Carter watches Sky drink her tea, hoping it will ease her mind. But he can't help and notice that his mind is anything but at ease. Carter's touch is unexpectedly tender as his hand cups Sky's cheek. The air between them shifts, leaving Sky with a fluttering uncertainty. Her mind races, questioning his intentions, and a subtle blush creeps onto her cheeks.

"Wha-What are you doing?" she stutters slightly, her heartbeat quickening. Despite the nervous tension, she hesitates, caught in the delicate balance of uncertainty.

Carter's laughter is warm, and his thumb continues to caress Sky's cheek with a gentle touch. "I don't know," he admits, a playful glint in his eyes. "I'm not used to a human girl making me all gushy inside. I didn't realize how worried I was today until I saw you come in. I know this is coming out of the blue (hoho) but I can't help myself. I feel like I just need to let this out."

Sky is taken aback, her breath catching in the unexpected admission. The words hang in the air, creating a subtle tension that leaves her slightly uncomfortable. She searches his eyes, trying to decipher the sincerity behind his playful demeanor.

"May I?" His voice is so soft. She can feel his minty breath on her lips, that's how close he already is.
Sky's heart races as the moment between her and Carter becomes more intimate. Their faces draw closer, and just as their lips are about to meet, a voice shatters the illusion.

"I'm sorry. You thought this was real?" Zachary's mocking tone cuts through the dreamlike scenario, revealing the harsh reality.

"No-" Sky looks around in horror. In an instant, the room transforms. Carter is nowhere to be found, and the imagined tea and comforting gestures dissipate like smoke. Sky's anger flares as she glares at Zachary, feeling exposed and vulnerable.

"I knew you were craving for love and attention but the fact that you would have enjoyed that?? With my brother? Disgusting." His words sting, leaving her grappling with a mix of shame and frustration.

"GET OUT!" Sky's frustration boils over, and she shouts at Zachary to leave. He rolls his eyes, mocking her, before exiting the room. His parting words cut deep, leaving Sky feeling wounded and exposed. "I get it. With all of us, it's hard to pick, right? Let me know when I'm next on your list, little one." His cruel words hang in the air, intensifying the hurt.

Unable to contain her anger, Sky grabs a pillow and hurls it at Zachary, screaming for him to get out. The door slams shut, and she's left alone in the room, pulling her knees to her chest. A wave of shame washes over her as she sits on the bed, grappling with the emotional turmoil stirred up by Zachary's taunts.

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