
By StoryLuv234

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Kurt Hummel wanted to move on from Blaine after he moved on with Karofsky. Stiles wanted to move on from Lydi... More

Cast Introductions: Part One
Cast Introductions: Part Two
Chapter One: Reunions & Explanations
Chapter Two: A Wedding To Remember
Chapter Three: The Twins
Chapter Four: Overprotective Dad
Chapter Five: Releasing The Nogitsune
Chapter Six: Family Morning
Chapter Seven: Bardo
Chapter Eight: Night Talks & Phone Calls
Chapter Ten: Hello, Again, Beacon Hills

Chapter Nine: Goodbye LA

778 47 11
By StoryLuv234

Nobody's Pov

The screen turns on and we're shown outside of an airport where it's still a bit dark outside. The camera pans inside where we see the Stilinski Hummel family huddled together.

Stiles was currently on the phone with someone while Kurt was scrolling through his phone.

Claudia and Alex were standing together looking bored and tired.

Stiles and Kurt couldn't help but laugh at the looks plastered on their kids faces, the same can be said for everyone else.

"Wow, you two look terrible" Eli teased.

The twins turned to glare at him which made him laugh.

"You try and handle being woken up at four in the morning to head to the airport" Claudia huffed.

She hated being woken up early, unless it was for school, she needs her beauty sleep.

Alex just didn't like being woken up in general since he loves staying in bed, it was his favorite place in his entire house.

Alex stared at his parents before turning to his twin sister.

"Remind me again why we're here?" Alex asked.

Claudia sighed before turning to her twin brother and answered.

"Apparently dad got a call from uncle Scott last night and told him there was an issue that they needed to resolve. Now here we are getting ready to leave to go to beacon hills" Claudia said.

Stiles felt his eyes widen at that and he began shaking his head.

"No, no, no, no. What the hell is wrong with future me? Why is he taking our kids to that godforsaken town?" Stiles asked.

Why the hell is future him bringing his kids to beacon hills?

The last thing he wants is for his kids to step foot into his hometown.

The last thing he wants is for his kids to get involved in the supernatural shit.

The last thing he wants is for his kids to get hurt in case something were to happen.

Kurt was in the same boat as his husband and looked at his kids to get some answers.

And the nervous smiles they gave him was enough for him to know that it had already happened.

"The hometown dad grew up in?" Alex asked with a head tilt.

"Yeah" Claudia nodded.

"Huh? I wonder why we're going there" Alex said.

"Me too. Dad always told us that he never wanted to go back" Claudia said.

"With good reason" Stiles muttered to Scott who nodded his head in agreement.

Claudia let out a sigh and rested her head on her brothers shoulder to which he wrapped an arm around her.

Everyone couldn't help but smile at the interaction between the twins.

The twins looked at each other and smiled before hugging each other, to which their parents smiled at them.

The camera pans over to Stiles who was getting off his phone and Kurt who was putting his phone into his pocket.

"So, what did your boss say?" Kurt asked, turning to his husband.

Stiles sighed and turned to face his husband.

"I really should feel lucky to have such an understanding boss. He said it's fine and that I can take as much time as I need" Stiles said.

Stiles let a small smile appear on his face.

He was happy that he not only got his dream job in the future but had a great and understanding boss too.

"You didn't tell him the reason we're leaving right?" Kurt asked.

"Of course not. I just said there was a family emergency and we needed to leave right away" Stiles said.

"Ok, good" Kurt nodded.

"What about you?" Stiles asked.

"Did you forget that I am my own boss? It was easy for me to tell my workers that I would be gone for a family emergency. I left my assistant in charge and she'll keep me updated" Kurt told him.

Kurt felt a grin appearing on his face as nothing but happiness coursed through his body.

He couldn't believe he was not only became one of the best fashion designers but he was his own boss and owned his own business.

Blaine, on the other hand, believed that Kurt should've stuck to something in regards to music.

He just didn't see his love as a fashion designer since that wasn't something he had been passionate about.

Stiles playfully rolled his eyes at his husband and just nodded.

He let out a sigh and asked, "do you think we're doing the right thing?".

"We have to go. This is something important and we, especially you, need to be there in order to get to the bottom of it" Kurt said.

"I know, but I haven't been in beacon hills in years. I said goodbye to that town the second I left and never once did I look back or even think about going back" Stiles said.

Stiles nodded, he hadn't stepped foot in that dreadful town since the day he left and he never once thought about returning.

The pack all looked at each other and nodded their heads in agreement.

Beacon Hills brought back nothing but bad memories and they wanted nothing more than to just leave the past in the past.

Which is why they had left and never looked back or even thought about returning.

But all of that might change because of this.

"I know, but this is something we need to deal with. What if something bad happens? What if people get hurt? We can't let that happen" Kurt told him.

Scott pondered his friends words and sighed softly.

Even if he himself never wanted to return to that town because of everything that happened, he couldn't just sit back and do nothing if something bad were to happen.

If people's lives were in danger he couldn't just do nothing.

He wouldn't let innocent people get hurt.

Stiles sighed before nodding. 

He glanced at his kids, who were talking to each other, before looking at his husband.

"Was it smart for us to bring them?" Stiles asked.

"Stiles, they're our kids and we couldn't just leave them alone at home. Especially when we don't know how long we'll be in beacon hills" Kurt said.

"If it helps we did tell you guys that we were fine staying home. We even suggested talking to Jonah's parents to see if they would let us to stay with them while you guys were in beacon hills" Alex explained.

"And?" Stiles asked, raising an eyebrow at his son.

"You seemed fine with that idea. But Papa didn't want to go anywhere without us" Alex said.

Stiles sighed and sent a pointed look to his husband who smiled sheepishly and shrugged his shoulders.

Claudia took a glance at Eli and saw him talking to his dad about something.

She'd never say this to anyone, except her papa, but she was really happy to have gone to beacon hills.

After all, she missed him and wanted to spend time with him.

"I get that but it's not safe for them to go to beacon hills. Especially after everything Scott told me" Stiles sternly said.

"You're acting like this is going to be their first time going to beacon hills. Newsflash, it's not" Kurt huffed.

"It's not?" Noah asked, looking at his grandchildren in curiosity.

Stiles made it clear that he was never returning to beacon hills and Noah respected his son's decision.

After all, it was something he was going to do once he retired.

Alex and Claudia looked at their grandpa and shook their heads.

"Since you still live in beacon hills because of your job you don't get to see us often. We text, call and facetime but it's not the same" Alex said.

"Which is why papa would arrange for us to go to beacon hills to stay with you whenever we were on break" Claudia finished.

Noah smiled at that, happy that he'd still be spending time with his grandchildren.

"I just don't want our kids involved in the madness that is called beacon hills. What if they get hurt? Or worse?" Stiles nervously asked.

Kurt sighed and walked closer to his husband and cupped the sides of his face.

"Stiles, I know you're worried about their safety. Trust me, I am too. But you have to understand that they know how to defend themselves against anything and anyone. And that's thanks to you" Kurt said.

"I know, but-" Stiles started but was cut off.

"You have to trust me when I say that everything is going to be fine. No matter what happens in beacon hills, we'll be ready. I know we will" Kurt sternly said.

Kurt nodded in agreement with his future self and turned to his husband.

"No matter what happens, we'll stand by each others side like we always have and face the danger together" Kurt sternly said.

Stiles bit his lip and glanced over at his kids.

Alex and Claudia looked at each other before turning to their dad and nodded their heads.

Despite the slight fear they were feeling, they were taught to never back down from anything.

Whatever happens, they'll be ready.

Stiles let out a sigh before looking at his husband and nodded his head.

Kurt smiled and kissed his cheek to which Stiles wrapped his arm around his waist and pulled him closer to his side.

"Besides, I know you miss your dad and want to see him in person and not just through a screen" Kurt added.

Stiles sighed but said nothing since his husband was right.

He really did miss his dad and while he could call, text and facetime him it just wasn't the same.

Stiles sighed but had to agree.

He missed his dad ever since he had left beacon hills and even though he swore to never return maybe he could make an exception.

He didn't want to wait for his dad to retire just to see him in person.

"Yeah. You're right" Stiles nodded.

"Don't tell me something I already know" Kurt smirked while winking at his husband.

Stiles rolled his eyes and laughed in amusement to which Kurt laughed as well.

The two of them then smiled at each other when their laughter died down before leaning in to press their lips together.

Blaine scowled at the screen, he hated seeing kissing scenes between Kurt and his husband.

Those scenes should've been with him and Kurt, not Kurt and Stiles.

Lydia huffed and looked away from the screen, not wanting to see the kissing scenes between her ex-boyfriend and his husband.

As they pulled away from their kiss, still smiling at each other, Kurt turned to his kids.

"Alright. Al and Clo, do you two have everything you need before we head onto the plane?" Kurt asked.

"Yes papa" Alex and Claudia said in unison.

"Are you sure? I don't want to have to rush back home just to get something you left" Kurt asked.

"We're mainly speaking to you, Alex" Stiles said while looking at his son.

Alex chuckled as a nervous smile appeared on his face.

Claudia laughed while Alex groaned.

"It was one time and I said sorry" Alex huffed with a roll of his eyes.

Claudia shook her head at her twin and turned to everyone else that was looking at them in confusion and curiosity.

"We were at the airport to leave for a family vacation. When Alex checked his suitcase he realized he left his laptop behind. He needed it in order to finish up a project that was due in a few days. Papa had to rush back home in order to get it. He literally broke a few traffic laws just to get my laptop and get back in time so he didn't miss our flight" Claudia explained.

It's fair to say that the look her papa gave Alex was one of exasperation and frustration.

Especially when the day before they left for the airport he made sure they had everything so that nothing had gotten left behind.

"Why me? Claudia forgets things too" Alex said while pointing to his sister.

"Yes but at least I notice in time unlike you who doesn't notice until much later" Claudia defended.

Alex shot his sister a glare but she just grinned at him while holding her hands up in the air.

Everyone laughed at that.

"Thanks for helping me" Alex huffed while glaring at his twin.

"Anytime" Claudia cheekily grinned.

Alex rolled his eyes while Stiles and Kurt laughed in amusement.

Eli shook his head at Claudia while sending a smile her way, nothing but adoration shown in his eyes.

Braeden looked between his son and Claudia and let a small knowing grin appear on her face.

"Dad, papa, I promise I have everything with me" Alex told his parents.

"What about your schoolwork?" Kurt asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I checked and I have finished all my homework and missing assignments. I promise" Alex said.

"You better because if you're lying it's going to be on you and only you" Kurt sternly said.

Alex sighed but nodded and said, "I know".

Kurt sighed and nodded as did Stiles. They grabbed their suitcases and gestured for their kids to do the same with theirs and they obeyed.

With that the family of four began walking off in order to get on their flight.

As the screen turned black, indicating that the episode was finished, Stiles couldn't help but sigh while running a hand through his hair.

He was returning to beacon hills and he wasn't going alone. 

His husband and kids were going with him as well.

And with what's going on, especially when that unknown guy released the nogitsune and the possibility of Allison being alive, it's clear that chaos is going to unfold.

And he wasn't ready, not one bit.

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