By deceeiiii

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Y/N is 18 y/0 college student who is obsessed with anime and is very lazy. You would think most of her time w... More

Author's Note
Animes Involved
read please! Please!
9/Christmas Special


112 10 3
By deceeiiii


I looked around the room at everyone, lightly laughing at them. Pathetic!

I nodded my head slowly looking back at Chef and then punched harshly through the ground making everyone get caught hit by flying pieces.

I quickly jumped through the ground and ran down the tunnel. At the end was a warp that I planned to use to go the DBZ verse.

When I was half way down the tunnel, I heard multiple foot step behind me.

I didn't look back, I just kept pushing, my sister is in trouble she needs me.

"Y/N STOP!" I heard as I finally made it to warp and put the settings to 3456. DBZ UNIVERSE

I looked at everyone trying to make poor attempts to reach me but I already disappeared before they made it.

I arrived to the universe and I quickly scanned for an exit. As expected there is another warp right in front of the orange star Highschool.

I went to capsule corp lobby and asked the lady at the desk for Bulma while constantly checking my surrounding to make sure no one is coming..

"Oh Hi Y/N-" I saw Bulma walking down the hall

"Where is Six?" I said cutting her off.

"W-well she is with Vegeta and Goku right now, watching them train" she put her clip board down on the counter

"Where?" I asked nervously

"Outback" that's all she said as I rushed past her and went outback to see her sitting in Beerus lap while the loud noise from Vegeta and Goku kept Six entertained.

"Six" I said grabbing the attention of everyone.

"*gasp* Sissy" she said hopping off of Beerus lap and running to me.

"Hi, Ms. Y/N, nice to see you again dear" I heard Beerus call to me as I waved to him still panicking.

"I came to get you for the day is that okay, I'll bring you back?" I lied as she nodded her head.

I grabbed her hand and made an announcement.

"I thought she wasn't to leave until we got a signal from Chef" Goku said

His name made me paranoid as I quickly tried to scanned the area for any signs of him.

"U-um, there was an accident at the hideout. He told me to grab Six while they handle some business. They need you guys as well. You should head over there" I said

"Hmmm? Is that so?" Beerus said suspiciously

"Yes sir. You all shouldn't waste time" I said walking off fast with Six near the school. We took a short cut as I heard my name being yelled from a far.

I picked up Six and booked it, not even knowing who called my name.

"STOP HER" Beerus screamed

I ranned and ranned with my sister in my arms confused as she saw my supposed 'friends' chasing me down.

"Sissy what's going on" she asked but I didn't answer as all I can hear is my heaving breathing.

We was running through the forest as I tried my best to knock all the branches down to slow them down, and I was successful.

The big orange sign was now visible when me and Six got tackled down. Before we can land on the ground I quickly turned so my back would hit the ground and Six head would land on my chest.

I looked up and saw a worried Gon staring at me.

"Why won't you just listen to us, it's for your own good" he held me shoulders down tightly as everyone surrounded us.

"Respectfully" I whispered looking into in his eyes as Six clutch onto me confused as ever. I wrapped one arm around Six's back and kicked Gon in the face, making him fly back.

"You don't know what's best for me" as soon as I was able to get up, I felt hands grabbing on my arm and more hands trying to pull Six away. Six was kicking and screaming as I was fighting to keep a hold on her.

"Knock both of them out" I heard Chef said as Beerus walked up to us. Making Six shake with fear, I was scared as well but I couldn't show them...

As Beerus lifted his hand to chop us in the neck, we heard gasp as nothing never came.

I opened my eyes and saw everyone in shocked.

"Where......did...they...go?" Itadori said scratching his head..

"I can't sense them" Kurapika said, as panic ran on Chefs face.

I have no idea what they are talking about when I'm still in the same spot as before, but I wasted no time and snuck to the warp, where it was already preset to 0987, Tokyo Revengers..

Everyone's head snapped back to towards the warp as they all looked somewhat defeated, as the warp started up.

We arrived as I stood shockingly on the warp, I felt hands on my chest as I looked down at Six still shaking..

Do I have invisible powers? Since when? I guess it was flight or fight reaction.. or maybe?

I gently sat Six down as she hunched into a ball. I studied her for a while, feeling bad but then.. she disappeared..


"Six" I whispered

I touched the spot she was in and I felt her shaken figure.. I can't see or sense her, but I can feel her. And since I was holding her I was caught in the affect too.

Just like Meleoron from Hxh.. sweet, this is cool and helpful.

I picked my baby back up and rubbed her back gently as her tears stained my shirt..

"W-what's w-wrong, what d-did we d-do" she stumbles.

"Shhhh, nothing honey. Absolutely nothing. They aren't in their right mind right now" I said kissing her forehead and rocking her..

"We have to help them then" she looked up at me with tears still forming in her eyes.

"They can only help themselves baby" she closed her eyes and more tears silently fell out..

"I'll do what I need to do to protect you. Our parents failed us. It's me and you against the whole world okay Six?" I held her up as we made eye contact.

She nodded and just fell back on my chest tired, and still sniffling. if I let her know that she was the one that actually saved our asses back there, I'm afraid that she won't be able to do it anymore. For it to activate she needs to be in a flight or fight situation. But if she is aware of what she can do. It could ruin this advantage.

She is so strong, you inspire me so much Six.

I see our surroundings and everything was damaged. There broken cars and houses, and the streets had cracks in them. All the trees in the woods have fell over. It was a mess. It looked completely empty too.

We can camp out here, give us time to rest..

We hid under one of the crashed houses and laid Six on the half damage couch. I made sure she was covered so nobody could see her.. I left the house as I went to go search for food..

As expected a few blocks down it was a mini gas station, but the windows was shattered, doors was blown off and there wasn't anyone working the register. Man this is really bad.

I walked in to hear voices coming from the back, I quickly hit behind the shelf that had fake ass gift cards and toys.

Using my shoulder as a leverage, I looked over and saw Baji and Draken talking over by the ice bags. BRUH! What am I going to do. I grabbed at least 4 drinks

I turned around slowly and snuck around behind the counter. Still keeping my eyes on them two, I grabbed a frozen pizza. I kneel down and faced the door, without realizing that someone was behind me.

"Need help with something" the voice said..


"No" I replied still keeping my backed turned.. maybe they don't know what I look like. Oh who am I kidding??

"Sure? Why are you crouching on the floor, if you need help I can help you, no need to be scared.." he said

I didn't reply as I just wanted to make a run for it. But it seem like he read my mind..

"Are you Y/N? You fit the description as the picture Chef sent us but I can't really tell unless I see your face" he said as his footsteps got loud..

I didn't waste no time as I booked it out the store gaining the attention of the other two that was talking.

Mikey pulled out a walkie and called out to the other people in the area to be alerted for me.

He then called Chef..

"She's here" he told him

"*sigh* thank you, I'll be there" as he hung up.

Mikey looked at the other two and nodded his head towards the door as they were all soon about to join the chase..

I ranned and ranned until I reached my hide out.. nobody was chasing me so I think I'm good until..

The cover up for Six was gone, I dropped everything and started frantically looking for her, screaming her name...

Wood started to crack behind me as Kakashi stood behind me.

I got extremely angry so I just picked up a piece of wood and tried to slam Kakashi, but he dodge effortless..

The adrenaline was too high that I just continue to fight.. not thinking rational, I threw lighten beams at him. He got caught in it making him fall to the ground in pain..

I quickly pinned him with my arm around his neck, he kept slapping my arm in attempts to let him go.. as I see his eyes going in the back of his head. He then poofed right out of hands.. FUCK!

I instantly felt hands on my shoulder pushing me on my back, holding a Kunai to my throat. He body strength compared to my tired one was impossible to break. But I wasn't going to give up.

I kept moving and trying my best to get out of his hold. He just pushed the knife closer to my throat I'm hopes it would calm me down. But it made me more feisty..

"Why are doing this? You need to understand that we are actually helping you. This is a situation that everyone can be happy in" Kakashi said..

"Why are YOU doing this!! Those who abandon their friends are worse than scum" I screamed as I see him losing his gripped as my words shocked him. I took the chance to kick him off me and reverse the effect, I'm the one with the kunai to his neck.

"Where is my sister Kashi" I said

"They took her" he whispered

"WHO?" I said as my voiced cracked

"Chef" he whispered even lower but I could still hear.

I quickly got off of him and ranned towards the warp, having tears streaming down my eyes..

1111, that's the tunnel I was in before. I quickly went there and saw the hallways empty.. I went ran all the way down the tunnel and say nothing and nobody.. I went back to the warp

1112, never been here, but as soon as I arrived I was punched in my face making me stumble to the ground..

I got up and saw at least half of the gang from all different anime's which is like 100+ people..

"They got all of y'all hoes on my ass, I must really be the shit" I said smirking at everyone.

"It's over" Stein simply said.

Unknowingly more tears fell out my eyes. Making some of them look worried..

"The love I have for my sister is something NO ONE, can take from me. It ain't over til I have her in my arms safe and sound. I'll blow through each and every one of you about her." I said clenching my fist. A strong aura floated off my body. The same yellow one from when I fought with the Seven deadly sins. The same glow I had when I got hit with stray beam in hxh.

This, the feeling. The same power but I have control now.. woah.

I got into position to fight as the others does the same..

"Do what you got to do" Luffy said..

Sasuke was the first one to try and attack, I strengthened my stance getting ready to defend myself by all means necessary..

In the matter of seconds, a figure jumped in front of me just in time to launch Sasuke across the land .. shocking everyone including me..

I looked up and saw..

"Kashi?"  I whispered as he held up his Kunai at the group of anime characters..

"Go, Chef is taking Six to MHA to do the trade off, you can still catch them. Before it's too late" he said

"I-" he cut me off yelling at me

"GO NOW!" I nodded and quickly got up and run towards the open warp behind everyone following his directions..

"Kakashi, you know that this would ruin the plan, why would you do this?" Nobunga said holding his sword..

"How can any of you preach loyalty and the power of friendship if you can't even defend your own through life and death." He said glaring at them..

This left some people shock as other people tried to stand their ground..

I was running through MHA, as I saw the streets wasn't clear, it looked normal.. now it's going to be hard to find them..

I ranned, pushing past people and knocking them down.. I looked on almost every corner and street. Nothing.

I was getting frustrated as I huffed and puffed and started to grab at my hair. Where could she be..

My instinct was buzzing like crazy... I slowed my breathing and tried to sense an energy any energy.. I was able to lock on to one, though I don't know who it is and I instant transmission over..

Wow, Goku's technique actually helped..

I was face to face with Chef, Six and a old woman??

"Hello Y/N" the old woman spoke

I didn't know her and I don't care to know her as my eyes shifted to Six

She seemed calm but I didn't care, no one is trading my sister off to no stranger.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you" the hag said as I teleported behind Chef only for him to grow arms from his back and pin me on the ground.. I put my loose legs on his forearm and broke both of the arms letting myself out of his hold.

"Whew, Eman was right. She is powerful. I can feel it"

She was talking to herself as I ignored her still trying to fight Chef.

Chef arms healed itself, making me sigh in frustration. This is going to be harder than I thought..

I ran and pushed myself in air just above Chef's head ready to land a harsh blow to his head when a hand caught my fist and fling me across the room.

I lifted my head to see Meliodas standing almost on top of me..

"You will not hurt Chef" he glared down at me. Which was unusual for Meli..

I glared back quick standing up ignoring Meliodas still trying to fight Chef.

When a I was hit with a blow from the side.. I look over to my right see Itachi and Stein and to my left was Killua and Todoroki.

Wtf? Where is Kashi? I can't deal with this right now..

I saw a opening ahead of me so I ran straight ahead just for me to hit in my stomach by no other than Gojo.

I flew back into the wall with incredible speed. Once the smoke cleared , blood was visibly running out my mouth.. I spit out the blood that was clogging my mouth and shakily stood up..

More Characters started to emerge. Android 17 and 18, Sai, Neji, Aizawa, Naruto, Luffy, Etc.. I was breathing heavily studying everyone in the room.

I wipe the blood from my mouth and tried to calm myself down. They are serious. They are..........seriously trying to hurt me. Something isn't right..

"Like I said, you will not bring harm to Chef. We did everything we can for you. So if we have to beat the common sense into you then we will Y/N. " Meliodas said standing front and center.

"You have some heavy hitters on your side" I said disregarding his previous words.

"We love you Y/N, you've been nothing but joyous to us. But, you going with your father is what's best for you" Naruto said.

"Y'all are tripping, something isn't right. Naruto you aren't like this. What happened to you" I said as I heard laughing.

"Hehehe, they've realized that they can't beat me or my son. They have no choice but to comply unless they all want their universes erased" the old lady laughed..

"So it's you? You are the reason my friends turned on me" I said

"Friends? HA. Live in reality little girl. They are just mere pixels on the Tv screen. Nothing special" she smirked

"Who are you and what the fuck do you want with me and my sister" I said taking a step forward causing everyone to close in on me.

My eyes never falter from the old bitch.

"Me? Well, I am your grandmother" when she said that my body went numb..

"Whats wrong? let's have a little family reunion. Shall we? Derrick, put Six on the Ship and let's get going. You pixles grab Y/N and throw her on as well. We will meet your mother and father at our destination" the lady said walking towards the ship.

Mother? Father?...... MOTHER? I was ripped out of my thoughts as I felt hands on my arms..

"Don't make this hard for me" Ban said looking down at me as him and Stein grabbed each of arms lifting me off the ground.

"Get the hell of me" I kept kicking and screaming

More people tried to hold me down and before you know it everyone was involved in trying to hold me still..

My skin started to get hot and my eyes started to burn..

"NO" my raspy voice was heard through the whole area I screamed at the top of my Lungs.

Yellow Aura started to surround me again as my strength increased making the characters struggle more and more.. I was fighting against them slowly but surely.

With another ear splitting scream I was able to blow everyone off of me as my aura increased..

I started up an energy blast as I aimed it at the ship that was already boarded with Chef, Old bitch and Six.

The ship blew to a thousand pieces, as expected Chef reflexes are fast as Six and Hag was in his arms, just with a few scratches..

"You really are a pain in my ass little girl" Granny said.

"As I should be" I laughed as I looked over at Six who was unconscious..

I immediately stopped laughing, did I do that? Wait she looked calm earlier. Almost like she was sleeping... wait..

"I'M TIRED OF THIS, KILL HER!" Hag said was everyone including Chef was facing my direction.



Y'all. It's been a good 6 months since I last updated, wtf! There is no excuse really I just didn't have ideas. But if they keep pouring into my head then I should be able to update again this month.

Anyways!!!!! Thank for reading love bugs.. SORRY FOR ANY ERRORS OR INCORRECT GRAMMAR. I'm still a beginner so please not too much on my writing. Motivate me don't push me away!! Love you! ❤️

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