Questions And Answers...

By NikkityNakNoo

29.2K 728 288

A collection of stand-alone chapters of what, when, why, and if's of Chicago Fire episodes that have left mor... More

What About Rene?
Take My Breath Away
The Scars We Hide...
The Lieutenant's Test..
Put My Focus Back Where It Belongs...
Whose Shadow You Walk In.
We've Come A Long Way
The Man You Deserve
It's Her Home Too...
Give Me Everything I Need
My Girl..
Funny The Things You Get Used To..
You Were Made For This..
Pictured Rocks
Wake Up The Rest Of The Building
Lieutenant Kidd
Not Like This...
Don't Ever Let It End
Just Give Up
Saving Water
Sub Zero Temperatures....
Important Person Stuff
No One Like You.
I can't go through this again...
Help Me Forget
At Last
I've Got You
.................The Epilogue...( to the last chapter!)
Mistletoe And Wine
The Perfect Christmas Gift
Happy New Year, Babe.
You've Lost That Loving Feeling
The Bachelor

Christmas Wish List

417 17 8
By NikkityNakNoo

Another Christmas..another Stellaride wish... Maybe this one, next year?


They were lying in their bed, cozied up together after getting home from a remarkably quiet Christmas Eve night on shift. Neither had been particularly tired, especially Kelly, as he had pinned her against the Loft door as soon as they had come in this morning, unzipping his pants, reminding her of what she had promised him she would give him as his first gift today.

"And if Santa tells me you've been really, really good babe, as soon as we get home in the morning, I will gift you the most head fucking blow job of your life."
Stella promised in a low voice, as they had stood  side by side against the wall, waiting for yesterday's morning briefing to begin.

Kelly had responded with a smirk.

"You better bring your 'A' game, sweetheart, because I have been very, very good this year."

Neither had looked at each other, nodding at the Chief as he walked in, Stella's internal muscles contracting in anticipation of delivering her promise and at the same time Kelly moved the file he was holding discreetly in front of his crotch.

Kelly was to find out when they got home that Stella had very much brought her 'A' game, as he shuddered, grabbing her head, his eyes closing, her mouth and tongue doing things  to him that had every muscle clenching and his head totally destroyed.
A few minutes later, he had thrown her giggling over his shoulder, repaying the favor with an equally bone dissolving gift of his own, right under the sprig of mistletoe he had pinned above their bed.

Only dozing lightly, they awoke not soon after, sated and lazy, too early to start fixing the festive brunch they had planned, so took the extra time in bed as a Christmas treat.

Stella's head was on Kelly's chest, one finger twirling around the silver chain around his neck. This was their seventh Christmas together, third married, and each year it became more special. Stella couldn't have been happier, the warmth of her husband's body heat under her cheek, enveloping her  whole body with a special kind of security and absently a fleeting memory of a very different girl, tugged at the fringes of her brain.  One who had been as sassy as she was now, but someone who wore her beligerence as a shield and a propensity to get herself in all kinds of scrapes. Her face curved into a smile against his chest, and Kelly felt the movement of muscle against his skin.

"What're you smiling about?" His murmur was quietly inquisitive.

"I was thinking about all the times I got myself in trouble as a kid and teen.... and what my principle would say now, if he knew I was an officer in the CFD."

Kelly's chuckle rumbled from his chest.

"Somehow, I kinda think he wouldn't be too surprised. If you were anything like you are now, he probably knew you had star potential."

Stella lifted her head to look at him, her mouth lifting into a pleased grin.

"Oh, babe. You really know exactly what to say! Another reason why I love you so much."

"I aim to please." His grin was softly adoring and Stella wondered for the thousandth time how she had lucked out with him.

Kelly put his hand in her hair.

"Tell me. What kind of trouble are we talking about? Have I married a delinquent?" His voice was teasing and Stella lay back down, next to him.

"Well, I'll tell you all about it...... but I gotta warn you.... too late now, mister. Because I'm never letting you go."


As it turned out, they spent the next hour swapping stories from their adolescent years and the trouble they often got themselves into had them both chuckling.

Kelly recounted being picked up by the police with two other friends and a six pack of beers at thirteen. His mom had been out of town visiting Kelly's grandparents, so his father had left him at the station overnight to 'think about his actions,' leaving him staring miserably at the inside of a cell, the desk sergeant having been one of Benny's poker night cronies and happy to oblige his buddy to teach his son a lesson. Another time, he had climbed out of his bedroom window after his parents had gone to bed to have a smoke on the roof, only to slip and fall and sprain his ankle. His self inflicted punishment was the house was all locked up and choosing the lesser punishment than the one Benny would most likely mete out, he had spent the night in his dad's tool shed, freezing his butt off.

Stella matched his stories with her own colorful, growing pains. A two week suspension from school for punching a senior in 9th grade because he had deliberately tripped her over in the cafeteria, while she was carrying a tray of food,  something even now, she was pleased about. Kidnapping a neighbours dog and giving him to a friend's lonely aunt who'd give him a better home and painting graffiti on Charlie Scholtze's new car for lying that he had gone to fourth base with her.

But the scrape that had Kelly laughing uncontrollably was when she had told him about working bar at lollapalooza with a fake I.D at seventeen and going fo a pee in a porta jane after the four day event had ended and finding herself locked in and transported across the city on a truck.

Her husband's laugh escaped as a strangled sound, radiating amusement, his eyes crinkling at the corners, until all she could see were a hint of sky blue iris's, partially hidden behind his nearly closed eyelids.

Stella rolled her eyes upwards, smacking his bare ass.

"Ow! " His protest was half lost in the laughter he was still trying hard to control, but failing, abysmally.

"It wasn't funny, Kelly!"
She knew she shouldn't have told him!

Kelly had his head buried in his pillow now, but she could see his shoulders still shaking.

"Were you still sitting on the pan with your pretty panties around your ankles when they found you?"
Kelly raised his head from the pillow to look at her, his words choking on his laughter.

"I wish I hadn't told you!" Stella's mouth twitched, trying not to laugh herself......and then lying down, confessed.

"It even made the local news channel, though I refused to give an interview."

"What?! You made the news?!" Kelly sat up, his eyes watering now.

"I didn't make the news.... the story did! I was rescued when the driver parked up at a diner and went to have breakfast.  I was lucky someone in the parking lot heard me yelling...."

"You had to be rescued? By squad?" His face creased again. " If only I had been the one to find you...."

Stella grabbed her pillow and hit him over the head with it.

"You're such a bad husband! And had it been you who came to get me out, I would have refused and stayed in there!"  She dropped down on the bed and gave him a side eye.

"Awww... You know I would have only swept you off your feet.... " He rolled on top of her and pinned her down. "Or should I say, off the pan..."

Before Stella could respond, he kissed her and there was only a second of sulky protest from Stella  before her arms crept around his neck.


To make up for laughing at her, when they got up, Kelly insisted Stella stay on the couch, handing her a mimosa while he fixed them a feast of a festive brunch.
Lying back under her favorite blanket she surveyed all the things on her Christmas wish list.  Their gorgeous Douglas fir tree with the small hand painted squad 3 rig, truck 81, engine 51, and ambo 61 ornaments, all hanging in a row. The twinkling lights that flickered like little diamonds, and the festoon lights hanging along the brick walls. Decorating the Loft for Christmas had now become their thing to do together, and she loved it. Funny how her least favorite time of year had become her most favorite.  Her glance moved to the gifts waiting under the tree to be exchanged after brunch. She hoped he'd love what she had chosen for him. Especially the one for both of them. Looking over to the kitchen where her husband was flipping bacon, eggs benedict already on a plate, with the smell of cinammon rolls wafting through the air. He was whistling a tune, preparing and clearing things in perfect sync. Kelly Severide. The very first thing on her Christmas list each year.

Kelly looked up, catching her watching him and smiled.  Stella's heart skipped a beat. Maybe she'd grab that one little present from under the tree and they could open it now and do it before brunch? She hadn't taken a sip of her mimosa, and she wondered when he would notice that she wasn't drinking it. Just in case. She was three weeks late. Today. And she was really, really hoping that she would have one more thing to add to their Christmas wish list.


A/N.  I don't think I need to say any more... 🎅🥰❤️

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