Love, Lies, and Loyalty: A Te...

By Written_Forevermore

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Senior year = Drama Amelia, a mysterious high school girl with no time for boys, fun and parties had the spar... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Author's Note And Gift Announcement!
Amelia (Spin Off 1)
Mason (Spin off 2)
Andrew (Spin Off 3)
Patricia (Spin off 4)

Chapter Thirty

80 4 1
By Written_Forevermore

Amelia's POV

Mother honked the horns furiously. I scanned myself in the mirror, navy blue pleated skirt, a pink hoodie and white sport shoes. I grabbed my backpack and ran downstairs. The holidays were officially over and today is first day of school for the last session of senior year.

Mason didn't call ever since that breaking point weeks ago and I decided to block his contact. Andrew was there for me, occasionally visiting under the pretense of meeting my mom for a chat or random enquiry of some book he was reading. The rest of my friends were left in the dark. Mason didn't tell them anything and I decided to leave it be since he didn't care to mention. I guess I wasn't that big of a deal to him anyway.

It still hurts because my stupid heart still loves him, he even haunts my dreams every night I go to bed. How is one to let go of someone they've loved for so many years? Six years? It's just seems freaking impossible. How did I cope? I decided to pour my heart out into the books. I began studying for next session even before hand. Not to mention I'll be writing my SAT in a few weeks and I need to ace it. I plan on attending an Ivy league collage like my brothers. If I can't have the love of my life, I'll have the collage of my dreams.

I got in the car and tuned out my mother's nagging and how she threatens not to drive me to school ever if I was ever late again. My mind went to one thing. Mason. This'll be the first time we'll see each other ever since weeks ago. Will we just ignore each other when we were back with our friends again? Were they even my friends to begin with? Were they my friends only because Mason liked me? Did he ever even like me?

Mother dropped me off and I stood before the great school. I'm really doing this? I'm here. No going back. I walked back into the school halls and saw so many familiar faces whose names I cannot even remember. I headed to my locker and logged into my school account to get my timetable for this session.

"Yoo dudette!" Oliver appeared before me

"Hi Oliver" I said as he peeked to see my timetable

"Sweet! We have Physics this morning together" he's a funny guy

"That's awesome"

"Amelia, be honest. What's up with you and Mason?"

"Huh? Why'd you ask?"

"I asked him about you and he sounded cold. Plus him and that b*tch came to school together in his car"

Huh? Which b*tch?.... Oh yes, that's probably Patricia I thought to myself

"Well let's just say we were never meant to be" I could feel my tears threatening to come back

"No way! Mason is in love with you! He's obsessed with you. And you feel the same!" He urged

"Can we please not talk about him?" I said quietly looking away and wiping my tears so he doesn't notice

"....uhh, okay. Fine" he sighed "let's go, it's time for physics together"

I paced to the physics hall and greeted the teacher before sitting on the front row seat to the right while Oliver sat behind my seat. He seemed to already notice my unsettling aura and decided to leave me be. I watched the students that shared the same morning physics class as me and watched Andrew enter the class. His eyes shot up straight at me as he approached me. He regarded me with a good morning and I nodded as he grabbed the chair to my right and sat on it

I felt Oliver scoot forward from behind my chair and whispered "what's up with him?"

"Long story, I'll tell you over break" I whispered back and he made a 'mhm' sound before sitting back down

The rest of day was painfully slow and I just had to keep going with whatever plan I had. At this point, I don't even know my plan. I feel lost. When the bell ring for break, I packed my things and walked with Oliver to the locker where we both kept our belongings and headed to the cafeteria.

As we walked closer and closer to our usual table, my heart sunk to the pot of my stomach. should I just go back? No, I need to brave out the storm. Oliver and I got our trays and proceeded to the table.

Leather jacket. It was Mason, his back faced us as we walked. Deep tones resonated. His voice sounded deeper than usual or is it because his voice had been so scarce to me? Oliver seemed to drag attention to us by saying something I didn't care to listen because they all turned to look back at up.

Mason's eyes seemed to narrow in on me and for a moment I thought my eyes saw an expression. Longing? Or was it just the trick of the light? The moment was gone faster than I could say Jack Robinson. His cold façade was back, thicker than ever.

"Oliver, Amelia!" Jack yelled as he got on his feet to fist bump us and give Oliver and heavy pat to the back

We all exchanged greetings and sat back down. All Mason did was pat Oliver and regarded me with a slight nod. The tension was tight and everyone could feel it.

Patricia's POV

"Omg, I can't believe you and Mason are back together" one of my minion said as scripted

"Shhh" I looked around to make sure some of the gossip girls heard me "you know I and Mason being together is a secret! We're trying to keep it on the low"

"Oops" minion two laughed

Now it's laid. Soon, the whole school will start spreading with this rumor. All I have to do is deny every saying that and I'll be fine. Where's Mason? I gotta go find him and show him off to you know who.

I walked down the halls as minion one and two followed behind, I saw Andrew by the halls and decided to stop by and say hi

"Heyyyy" I ghosted my fingers on his chest and winked at him

"Do I know you?" He asked

"Oh we're doing that? Gotcha" I patted his cheeks and walked away

I stormed in the cafeteria and my blood started boiling. Why is Amelia still with the boys? Isn't she supposed to be dropped now that Mason doesn't like her anymore? She'll ruin my plans if she tries anything funny, Andrew will have to do something about her

"Mason!" I gave him a hug and regarded the boys "hey boys" I smiled but they seemed uninterested, fine be like that "Amelia"

"Patricia" she looked me back, the audacity

"Well..." I gave a disgusted look "welcome back to school, I'm sure this is your roman empire"

"Yes, school is my roman empire. What's yours?" She didn't even look at me, she was munching on an orange

"Mason" I said with a wicked smile and she looked up at me, that must have hurt her "anyway, Mason, let's go, I have something for you" i pulled him up and he almost seemed he wanted to protest. That would look so bad so I whispered "it's about something Andrew is planning"

With that, he got on his feet, said farewell and headed towards the exit with long strides while I basically ran after him with my heeled shoes.

"What the f*ck is a Roman empire anyways?" He asked

"Ohhhh nothing, it's this trendy word on TikTok" I ran "walk slowly, it's hard running in Channel!"

"What does it mean?" He asked

"Just something a person thinks about regularly" I said and his jaw clenched "and yes Mason, you're my Roman empire"

He halted "tell me, what about Andrew?" He ignored my confession

"Well" I had to make something up, I only said that to make Amelia jealous that he's willing to come with me "Andrew said he wants to make Amelia his girlfriend"

"Why do I care?"

"Because, if Amelia starts dating Andrew, it would look like she dumped you" yes, this lie seems to be getting well into my favor "Mason, I know you're angry and mad at her for doing this to you, but you're also harboring feeling for her. Be the first to move on, I Really love you Mason and I'm willing to be your getaway car"

"My getaway car?"

"Yes. Date me before she does" I blurted "give me one last chance even if it means using me to be your getaway car"

I'm too good, I should consider acting if Daddy let's me because I'm killing it! He seems to entertain that idea, he is silent. A storm must be brewing in his head and he's in a tough spot. His lips looked like they wanted to speak. Yes, just say yes!

Thanks for sticking around 💕💕

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