Love, Lies, and Loyalty: A Te...

By Written_Forevermore

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Senior year = Drama Amelia, a mysterious high school girl with no time for boys, fun and parties had the spar... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Author's Note And Gift Announcement!
Amelia (Spin Off 1)
Mason (Spin off 2)
Andrew (Spin Off 3)
Patricia (Spin off 4)

Chapter Twenty Seven

71 6 1
By Written_Forevermore

I needed to know the truth. That was the first thought that came to my head when I woke up the next morning. I feel I let my emotions carry me away last night. I mean... What if he lied because he didn't want to burden me with a problem he's facing?

After breakfast and waving mother goodbye as she left for work, I Mason's number. He didn't text me since yesterday and last seen half an hour ago... The phone ring for some second before he picked up

"Hey Amelia" his voice sounded cold

"Hi Mason, how've you been?" I asked

"I'm doing great, why'd you ask?"

"Well, it's just that..." I didn't want to seem obsessive over him, how do I say this. "How's Russia?"

"It's great, literally freezing right now" he's still lying "anyway, the reception in Russia is terrible, I'll call you when I'm back at the hotel"

"Alri..." The phone ended

That's it, I'm not taking this anymore. If he want to play this game, oh game on! I went to my room, wore teal cargo pants and an oversized cardigan coupled with some Nike sport shoes and headed out. On my way out, I looked in the mirror. You can do this Amelia. You can do this. I tied my hair into a messy bun, clipped it and headed out after grabbing the key on my way out.

I decided to walk to his house to clear my head while I went there. What would I say? How would I say it? Mason, why did you lie to me? No. Turns out I don't know where Russia is. No. Not it either. I've been thinking for so long I didn't realize when I arrived at the doorstep.

Luckily, the security men remembered me let me in without a hassle. So did the workers inside whom directed me and told me he was up in his room. Oliver was right, he has been in town for a few days and that made me feel worse. I have to admit, deep down, in some part of me, I prayed Oliver forgot or that it was a joke. But this seems real, too real.

Mason's door stood before me but I couldn't bring it in myself to unlock it. Should I just turn around and go back home? This is not happening..

"I've always been right" I heard a light voice murmur. I can swear that isn't Mason's voice, it sounded almost.... Feminine?

"Mason, it seems Russia isn't..." I opened the door and froze mid sentence.

My eyes. My heart. I wish I could numb them that instant. Mason was in the room alright but what made it so unbearable was Patricia. She was with him, in the room and no, not just casually standing by which would still hurt but she stood before him, pressing half her body on him as she rested on the study table. His hands gripped the edge of both sides while everything of her was dangerously close to him.

Mason looked at me and there was something in his eyes. Indifference? Towards... Me? Coldness? I couldn't pinpoint it, but I didn't like it. It was an aura that told me to get the hell out. I interrupted something and I could feel hate oozing out of them both, some more than others.

"So" I tried my best to keep the tears away but I could feel my skin heating up. My face must be red already "Turns out I never knew where Russia is"

"Amelia, could you leave? I'm busy" he looked away and faced the window by his left

"Mason, why did you lie..." I saw his jaw clench, he didn't even want to listen to me. Fine, so be it. "I see, this is what you're busy with. My bad. I'll be leaving"

"Amelia" I stood but didn't turn around to look at him "we are both liars here"

"Both? The only two liars in this room is you and her" I started walking

"Close the door on your way out" Patricia's voice rang and God! Give me strength! I was close to loosing it

Immediately I was out of the house. Tears fell. They fell freely and all I could do was look up at the sky and how beautiful the clouds look. A beautiful day for nature and a terrible day for me. Just great.

Mason's POV

I pushed Patricia off me when Amelia left. What kind of f*cking coincidence is this or is Patricia being a conniving b*tch again? One moment she was there blabbing and adding salt to my wounds and another she supposedly slipped and slammed herself on me. How the f*CK did Amelia show up that same instant? And how the f*CK did she know I wasn't in Russia?

"Now get the f*ck out of here"

"Mason... Listen to me. Amelia was playing with you" that truth hurt more than anything "you've seen and observed all the proof yourself. I was the one that gave you the truth, I knew she was bad news. I just knew it. The only reason I did all this Mason is because I love you"

"Patricia just leave"

"I'll give you the space you need Mason. Just know I'm here for you, ever since we were young, I've always been here for you" she patted my hand "I love you Mason, don't forget that"

She closed the door with a clink and I broke down. My world seemed to be in deep catastrophe, everything is crumbling. Why would Amelia do this to me? The worse part is something, some stupid voice in my head keeps telling me she's innocent. The way she looked at me today, the things she said made me almost believe her if I didn't know what I knew.

I've been so blind but I wish I still was. I wish I kept staying in the dark not know anything going on behind the scenes. I wish Patricia did prove anything to me. I wish the proof want authentic. I wish the proof wasn't real. I wish Amelia didn't lie to me. I lied too. But that was once and I didn't that to find the truth, now I wish I never found the truth

- Flashback -

I was sitting in my room practicing the guitar when I saw my phone ring. Patricia was calling me. What now? I ignored the call and watched it disconnect. She called again and on the third call I picked it up

"What do you want?" I asked

"Mason, I know you want nothing to do with me but to me you're still my childhood friend" she spoke "and I would hate for anyone to play with you Mason"

"What are you going on about Patricia? I don't have the time"

"I thought you and Amelia loved each other" she sounded hesitant

"And you thought right, now bye .."

"Then why is she on a date with Andrew?" I froze. Wait what? That can't be true, Patricia is lying again.

"Yeah right" i laughed

"Call her and ask her then"

I disconnected the call. I thought of ignoring it because why would Amelia ever go on a date with that guy? She hates him... I'll call to ask how she's doing.

"Hi Mason"

"Hey Amelia, how are you? I hope I'm not interrupting you library exploration" I asked

"It's going great, I actually found this great new book, Lady Anne is the name and it looks awesome" she sipped something, maybe coffee?

"It sounds great too" i paused "did you happen to find Liam on your way there? Is he with you? Are you alone?" I asked to hide my motive. Liam is in Japan, no way will be he there

"No I haven't seen Liam for quite some time now, and yeah I'm all alone right now. Feels like a solo date" she joked

"I can change that" I joked back. Of course Patricia lied! Why would Amelia do such a thing

"Anyway what's up with Liam?"

"Nothing, he said he was around that side and when I said you were there, he said he may stop by" I lied to cover up the motive "I called him to get info on something but he didn't pick so I thought he was with you"

"Oh, that explains it" she took another sip "Liam's not here, maybe he got caught up in something. I'm by myself enjoying holiday freedom"

"Alright, enjoy!" I said, "Bye love" I ended the call

I feel so pathetic for even doubting Amelia, Patricia is such a sly fox! I continued my guitar practice and heard another notification cling. Ugh... What now? I checked the phone and for a moment I doubted my eyes. Patricia sent me pictures of Amelia having coffee with... Andrew! Wtf?

Maybe the pictures are fake... A recording came through. The recording was clear, the sound of cars honking, people passing by resonated clearly. The video zoomed to Andrew and Amelia, he was stretched across the table coming close to her, his hands seemed to tap reach out to her cheeks and caress her? Pat her? I'm not sure

Patricia: I hope you believe me now. I hate to be the bearer of your bad News but... Amelia is on the date with Andrew as we speak. I'm so sorry.

Thank you all 💕

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