Horror Short Stories and Many...

De RockBurst_01

736K 21.2K 5.2K

Some or most of these stories are NOT MINE. I just saw them at the net for a good read. I just like collectin... Mais

15 Terrifying Things Children Said To Babysitters While Their Parents Are Out
Just keep on reading
#3 - 15 Terrifying things...
4# - 15 Terrifying Things...
5# - 15 Terrifying Things...
6# - 15 Terrifying Things...
7# - 15 Terrifying Things...
8# - 15 Terrifying Things...
9# - 15 Terrifying Things...
10# - 15 Terrifying Things...
11# - 15 Terrifying Things...
12# - 15 Terrifying Things...
13# - 15 Terrifying Things...
14# - 15 Terrifying Things...
15# - 15 Terrifying Things...
Look Daddy
Check the time
My Wife
All Around Doll
Shortest Horror Story
I Hear You
Tourist Trap
The Staring Woman
Staring Cat
Seeing them
Phone Photo
The Crayon
Ugly Boy
Go To Sleep
Peeping Tom
New Message
60 Creepiest thing your child has ever said to you
Elder Brother
Strange Friend
Clown Statue
Bloody Mary
The Russian Sleep Experiment
Look At Me
Hide and Spook
Singing Voice
Tongue Terror
The Cabin in the woods
Mom's Home
What's in the Basement?
15 Urban Legends That Turned Out to Be True
Squidward's Suicide
The Girl in the Photograph
Two Sentenced Stories
Stairway Boy
Screen TV
Glowing Orb
Bloody Mary
Little Boy Blue
Just Wondering
8 Dark Sides To Disney Stories
Paranormal Encounters
Paranormal Encounter #1
Paranormal Encounter #2
Paranormal Encounters #3
Paranormal Encounters #4
Paranormal Encounters #5
Paranormal Encounters #6
Paranormal Encounters #7
Creepy Rhyming Poems #01 - The Woman In Black
Creepy Rhyming Poems #02
Creepy Rhyming Poems #03
Creepy Rhyming Poems #04
Creepy Rhyming Poems #05
Creepy Rhyming Poems #06
Creepy Rhyming Poems #07
Creepy Rhyming Poems #08
Creepy Rhyming Poems #09
Creepy Rhyming Poems #10

#2 - 15 Terrifying Things...

21.6K 524 81
De RockBurst_01

15 Terrifying Things Children Said To Babysitters While Their Parents Are Out

2. Two years ago, I was looking through my elementary school year book with my 5 year old cousin, when we were at a page with a 2nd grade class, she pointed to a boy's photo and said "That looks just like Nicolas!". When I asked who Nicolas was she just said, "The boy in my closet"and kept on looking through the pictures. I almost died.

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