New Message

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New Message

by Jenna-911

When I was sixteen years old, I got my first cell phone. It was a normal flip phone, one that blinked red when I had a new text message. The first time I got one of the messages, I didn’t think much of it.

Him: I love you

Me: I think you have the wrong number, sorry. LOL

Him: No, I love you

Me: Really? Well… who are you?

Him: Your true love

I showed the message to my friend Kirsten. She just laughed and shrugged her shoulders. I didn’t reply to the mysterious man’s text message and promptly forgot all about it. I figured the poor guy had probably been trying to date some girl and she gave him a wrong number to get rid of him.

When I was seventeen years old, I got a new blackberry phone, which still had the red blinking light for new messages. I also got my first boyfriend. His name was Todd.

One day, in the middle of class, I noticed the red light blinking inside my purse. Making sure the teacher wasn’t looking, I pulled out my blackberry, held it under my desk and read the message:

Him: Where have you been?

Me: Who is this?

Him: I missed you, baby. You miss me too?

Me: Sorry, wrong number

Him: Don’t play with me, Sweet Thing!

Me: Seriously, you have the wrong number. I have a boyfriend. Bye.

There was no response. Two days later, I received another message:

Him: Jenna?

He knew my name. I don’t know how, but he knew my name. I showed the message to my boyfriend. Todd took the phone out of my hand and replied with an angry messsage.

Me: Listen, dude. This is my girlfriend’s phone. She doesn’t know you and she doesn’t want to know you. You have the wrong number. If you don’t lay off, we’ll go to the cops. Stop texting her.

At the time, it seemed to do the trick. The mystery man never replied and I thought that was the end of it.

When I was eighteen years old, I got a new iPhone that went “bing” whenever I received a new message. I also broke up with my boyfriend. The very next day after Todd and I split up, the messages started again.

Him: I’ve missed you

I stared at my phone in disbelief. It couldn’t be the same person, could it? Maybe it was just Todd, trying to freak me out.

Me: Who is this?

Him: You know who this is. I’m glad you got rid of him

Me: Who?

Him: That scumbag you called a boyfriend. Seeing you with him always made me mad.

Me: Listen, you creep! Stop texting me! I don’t know who you are or if this is some kind of joke, but stop it!

Him: No! You listen, Bitch! You’re mine. If I see you with another guy, you’ll regret it. BTW do you leave your curtains open at night so I can watch you?

I was sitting on my bed as I read the text message. Horrified, I immediately turned to look out my window. It was on the ground floor. Anyone standing in the backyard could see straight into my bedroom. I jumped up and pulled the curtains shut. Then, I called my friend Kirsten and told her what had happened. She came right over and convinced me to go to the police.

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