(On Hold) Reincarnated As Sak...


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Introduction: Amanda was almost always found in the hospital, for most of her days. She was too sick to expe... More

Patreon Exclusive!
Volume 1 Chapter 1: Rebirth & Naruto!
Volume 1 Chapter 2: Introductions & Teamwork!
Volume 1 Chapter 3: Team 7 & C Mission Accepted!
Volume 1 Chapter 4: Zabuza vs Sakura & Kakashi!
Volume 1 Chapter 5: Summoning Jutsu!
Volume 1 Chapter 6: Chūnin Exams!
Volume 1 Chapter 7: Forest of Death!
Volume 1 Chapter 8: Preliminary Fights!
Volume 2 Chapter 1: Sasuke Uchiha Vs Rock Lee!
Volume 2 Chapter 2: The Truth Hurts!
Volume 2 Chapter 3: Time Traveler Flo vs Madara Uchiha!
Volume 2 Chapter 4: A Promise Between Two?
Volume 2 Chapter 5: The Blossom Princess?
Volume 2 Chapter 6: Deserted Wasteland
Volume 3 Chapter 2: Friends & Favors
Volume 3 Chapter 3: Child of Destiny?
Volume 3 Chapter 4: Chūnin Exams Begin Once Again!
Volume 3 Chapter 5: Heading Out Of The Village!

Volume 3 Chapter 1: Family Reunion!

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Flora clung to Tobirama's hand as her body began to slowly fade and turn into flower petals. He wasn't one to cry but he was most definitely crying about her abrupt departure. He locked eyes with her holding their kid. "I'll come back to my original self whenever Sakura is supposed to take the Chūnin exams. Sometime after the forest of death test. That's when I traveled. Explain to Madara and the others what we discussed. And know that I…" Flora decided to press her lips upon his before turning into cherry blossom petals.

Times rewinds and Flora disappears, pressumed dead by the world. Sakura goes from 25 to 15 years old and returns to the present no longer the same girl as before. Sakura manifests in the air just as she leaped off in the past. But her reason was different? Something to do with Naruto and not able to help him? Her new memories were confusing and were starting to overlap with the past timeline. She was still fall down to her death but before she could act someone caught her. She opened her mismatched eyes only to see Minato Uzumaki!?

Hokage office:
She stood there across from the Hokage. He was told about her from his former squad leader and the third Hokage. The information was passed down through the Hokage branch. "There's no need to feel embarrassed or anything like that Sakura. You are the reason why I'm not dead." They heard a knock on the door. The door opened only to reveal Kakashi, Obito, and Rin. She froze up at the sight of the adult versions of Kakashi's former. Now alive squad mates. He halted in place as he looked at her with surprise. "Why are you here, Sakura?" "He's not mad?" He had his headband over his eye. And Obito had the marks on his face. Rin still had the Jinchuriki and was married? She had a ring and Obito had a matching band on his ring finger? "Your student needs to talk to you Kakashi. I have to speak to Obito and Rin. Take the rest of the day off regarding your Anbu duties." "Yes, sir."

Sakura walked behind her Sensei feeling strange on the inside. She still had Zod but she had the entirety of Kurama? She has no idea what changed. "Um Sensei?" He stopped walking and looked back with a shine of happiness in his right eye. "Yeah? What's wrong Sakura?" She was a little older now that he was looking at her up close. And she had her left eye closed for some reason? "You are acting different and you look older?" She was just as confused as he was. "Are you still my Sensei? Are Naruto and Sasuke, still my teammates?" He looked at her sideways with concern. "Naruto being your team mate? What are you talking about? Are you feeling okay?" She looked at him extremely stressed by his answer. "What happened to Naruto?" His eye narrowed as he reached to feel her forehead. "Are you sick or are you just pranking me. You and everyone knows that Naruto became a Rogue Ninja during the Chūnin exams in the forest of death. He got a cursed mark from Orochimaru and went rogue, he heavily injured Sasuke and killed Hinata." Her heart fell into the pit of her stomach and she stumbled backwards breathing heavily as she instantly relived the new time in real time. "This can't be happening. He traded places with Sasuke, all because of me having the tailed beast? And Sasuke…" She looked up at her Sensei deeply concerned. "Is the Uchiha clan still all alive?" "Sakura, are you not feeling well? How did the Hokage come across you?" "Are they alive!?" "Yeah, tell me what's wrong." She began to shake as her body collapsed underneath her own weight. He moved quickly and shouted out her name. "You read my Stardust books, right?" He nodded his head. "The Chūnin exam finals are in a few weeks right?" He shook his head. "The preliminary fights haven't begun yet." She began crying as she was the cause of Naruto going off the deep end. She wasn't able to save him from fate completely. "Uchiha clan is alive? Sasuke is in the hospital? What about the others?" She got up from the ground and sprinted away from her sensei towards the place in the village where the Uchiha and Senju clan resided in peace. Her feet began to emit lightning, Kakashi's eyes widened at this. Whenever she went back in time. Her personality went back to the anime version of Sakura. Anger issue and not very strong version of Sakura. All her hard work to get closer to Naruto and Sasuke was rewritten and swiped clean from the history books.

Sakura skid to a stop only to see the giant cherry blossom tree residing in the middle of the two clans. She looked up at the majestic tree, it was lush and just as beautiful as when she first made it grow. She heard several footsteps approaching her from behind as they all shouted out her name. "Sakura!" Three old men with white hair and big smiles greeted her warmly. She turned around only to be pulled into a group hug.

She stumbled backwards breathing heavily as tears streamed down her face coming from her right eye. "Sakura!" She heard Kakashi shouting out her name. He slowed down at the sight of three elders of the leaf. He went to grab her hand to get out of their way. But then she said happily still crying,"You managed to change the history of the leaf for the better. I'm so happy." "You say that but why are you crying?" Madara said bluntly. "Because my friend is missing. The one who's supposed to be like Hashirama. Whenever I changed the past my current self didn't have my current disposition. Or my abilities. So now he's marked as a rogue Ninja and enemy of the leaf. And Orochimaru plan is still being put in place to get a perfect vessel. I have to…" Madara rested his hand on her head. "Take a deep breath. And calm down your heart. Think about what you are saying. You aren't alone. You aren't going to be abandoned." She looked up at the three of them and they saw her as her. She wasn't a stranger but their family. It's been many years but she was the same Flora they once knew. "You are right Mad-kun. I have you three and my remaining team to figure out what to do next. We should speak to the current Hokage about the changes and what the timeline should have been." She turned to look at Kakashi. "You should come too. Oh if Jiraya is still here. He should be at that very important meeting. Oh yeah by the way, Mad-kun and Tobi-kun? Where's Flora's kids?" They both looked at each other and then at her a little embarrassed. "There's no need to embarrassed, you damn bashful bastards." She winked at them cheeky. Kakashi was beyond confused and a little concerned. "They are working right now. Do you want them to be at the meeting too?" Tobirama said sternly. "Sure why not. I don't want to lie any longer to my kids about why their mother is MIA. My third eye should be enough to help explain what happened. You three have my back if they react badly, right?" She held out her clenched fist. They all without any hesitation gave her a group fist bump.

Minato, Jiraya, Rin, Obito, Kakashi, Madara, Tobirama and Hashirama stood there on the room waiting for the rest to arrive. Sakura was leaning up against the Hokage desk casually. Everyone was severely confused about why she was acting so drastically different. Sakura began to hum a old tune from her former life. It was soothing and very nostalgic to those who knew Flora.

That's when Flora's Uchiha twins entered the office only to hear that tune. It was a perfect match tone, rhythm, and pitch to what their mother used to hum to lul them to sleep as kids. The instant they stepped inside they looked ahead they locked eye contact with Sakura Haruno and immediately felt an spiritual connection to her. "Renji Uchiha & Kaisen Uchiha, the twins of the legendary Flora Senju. Before I begin speaking. Let's wait for your half brother Sven Senju." They both looked at her with surprise. A few gasps left people's mouths. "Oh that's right, that was supposed to be a family secret. My bad." She shrugged and then the instant the last brother entered the room it was blocked off by tree roots. Her third eye opened and everyone got on edge except for Madara, Tobirama, Minato and Hashirama. They all moved to protect her from being attacked by the others. "My friend Naruto Uzumaki is my responsibility. I'm going to bring him back home after I become a Chūnin with Sasuke. We from team 7 are bring him back. And if I can't then it's our responsibility to kill him. I refuse for anyone else take that responsibility from me. Now that I have said my peace about Naruto. I'm going to show you all what I sacrificed for all of you here to be here today." They all were hit by a shockwave of emotion before seeing her entire story before reincarnating, her life before changing the past, what she did the past as Flora Senju, and what happened after changing so much in the past.

Sakura stumbled backwards and grabbed the edge of the Hokage desk as she closed the third eye and coughed out blood onto the ground below. "Ugh, it never gets any better. No matter how much I use this thing." She wiped her mouth of crimson as she slowly raised her head to see the shocked faces of everyone. "We are alive because of your actions? Kakashi's student was sent by the gods?" Her journey from an outside perspective could be described as a child of the gods trying to save the hidden leaf. "That's why your personality changed?" Kakashi said shocked. "Mother?" "Mom!" "Momma!" Her three kids picked her up and hugged her tightly.

Sakura saw set down and she laughed as she continued to keep her left eye closed. "What happened to your eye, mom?" Sven asked concerned. She sighed softly. "I guess I shouldn't hide it." She opened her eye and revealed that she had a Sharingan but it wasn't normal looking. "I was gifted this by a comrade on her deathbed but it mutated to fit my fighting style. Since I use lightning, it has bolts instead. We'll catch up and chat later. I have business with Jiraya and a few other things. Okay?" She looked at her kids from the past. They all nodded their heads in agreement.

Sakura walked past everyone and approached Jiraya. She smiled brightly as she said,"Hey there, champ. You turned out relatively the same. But you remember me or well Flora as your Sensei, right?" He picked her up by the waist and looked at her with a shocked expression. "Master? The one who trained me how to…?" She reached out and booped him on the nose. He saw a flashback of her doing that to him as a kid whenever he was losing his attention span. He set her down and then she said bluntly. "We need to speak about many things, including Stardust." Everyone in the room perked up at the sound of the name of a very popular lewd book writer. It would seem like that stayed a thing. Thank goodness. Which means she's still secretly rich. "By the way to those who are huge fans of the author, there's no hiding it anymore. I'm the author of all those spicy reads." She winked in the general direction of everyone only to cause their noses to start bleeding simultaneously.

Sakura cracked her neck. "Kakashi Sensei, let's go to where Hinata is located. I'm going to raise her from the dead, now that I can manipulate the past and future. Then we should visit Sasuke. Oh that's right…" She faced her three kids. "Come watch my fights during the Chūnin exams. After my exams I'll take time to speak to you three individually. Jiraya, don't leave the village before we chat. It's very important we talked about the fate of the world. And Mad-kun and Tobi-kun, let's chat after my Chūnin exams as well. After you see my show of strength let's chat in front of the giant cherry blossom tree."

Just before Sakura left the office,"Minato, don't worry. I'll bring Naruto home no matter what it takes. Even if I have to bring his corpse home. I refuse for him to hurt anyone else except me." She left the office feeling melancholy. She walked out of the building only to say out loud to her Sensei. "I'm so happy you don't hate anymore." He saw she was crying blood from her left eye and tears from her right eye. "You changed the past and saved my friends and Sensei from death. How could I possibly hate you? My past self was foolish and I'm no longer that version of me. All because of you. You saved me from years of despair." She ran towards him and hugged him tightly crying loudly. He rested his hand on her head. "Thank you for saving me and my friends, Sakura."

Kakashi and Sakura visited Hinata's grave and she looked at her gravestone. She held out her hand and moved her fingers as she raised the grave using the roots from the ground. She pried the top off and pulled out her soul sword with her cursed mark sealed into it. "All the chakra in this sword that is absorbed should be enough to revive her and bring her back to full." She stabbed her in the chest where her heart was located. She opened her third eye and said out loud,"I refuse for you to die because of my actions. You weren't fated to die but me."

Hinata gasped for breath as she felt her body boiling hot. She was being carried by Kakashi, Naruto's Sensei. Sakura was walking next to him, humming happily. "What? I thought I died?" "Not on my watch, I save you from your grave fate. It costed a bunch of chakra but I managed to save a bunch over the course of 12 years. So don't worry about it. And regarding Naruto, we are going to bring him back home. He wasn't in the right mind space when he went crazy." "He had a strange tattoo on his body. It was glowing and spreading throughout his body." "Orochimaru, another rogue Ninja cursed him. He was sent into a crazy state of mind. It was a distraction so Orochimaru could presumably steal something from the leaf. But you don't have to worry about anything. Team 7 is going to grow stronger and then set out to hunt him down." Sakura was acting completely different. Hinata was too weak to ask questions but she made a mental note of her behavior. It was indeed strange but for the better. Maybe the stress of Naruto and her dying changed something within her very core? She didn't have much time to think about that train of thought before hearing her parents shouting out her name. Neji, her cousin, was at her house for a funeral wake. A family was reunited once again.

To be continued…

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