Crash (A 9-1-1 Buddie Fic)

By Rayuk666

11.1K 274 327

911 Buddie fanfic. Established relationship. It's their first Christmas together, and Buck and Eddie are read... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 2

1.2K 32 37
By Rayuk666

So, apparently the Ao3 form doesn't like my use of the special I (í) in Tia (Tía) and has been deleting it from my text without me noticing *facepalm*. But I've hopefully fixed it for now, and Tía/Tia Pepa should no longer be showing up as Ta Pepa. Hopefully... o.O

Chapter Text
Chapter 2

Eddie took a moment to gather himself before following his Tía Pepa back into the dining room. Christopher was no longer at the table, no doubt using the bathroom, and Eddie was thankful. Just the very presence of his father brought out the fight in him, it brought out a stubbornness and frustration that he struggled to push back down.

As his Tía cut into the pie, he held out a bowl ready for her to dish the first slice into, and plastered a forced smile onto his face when he passed that slice to his father.

“Hey, you remember a few years back? When I came to Texas on the job?” Eddie started.

“Oh, you mean that time you were too busy to swing by and say hello?” his father replied.

Despite the tone of teasing behind the words, Eddie found his grip tightening on the bowl he currently held onto, his jaw working. “I was working. Which is something I would have thought you would know all about because that was all you ever did.”

“Eddie,” his mother pleaded, moving her hand across the table toward Eddie’s in an attempt to calm him.

He took a breath, biting his tongue. No, this was not the fight he wanted to pick, and as he glanced to his Tía Pepa, he returned to the original point he had been intending to make. “Well, one of the guys we worked with tied the knot a few months back.”

“Oh, isn’t that sweet?” his mother answered, warm smile on her face.

“Yeah, he and his boyfriend really went all out. You should see the pictures, Ma.” But even as he said it, his eyes were very carefully trained on his father. Though, that didn’t stop him from hearing the sigh from Tía Pepa as she lowered her head, knowing full well what he was doing.

“Enough, Edmundo,” his father answered, waving a hand in dismissal and pulling a face of distaste. “I don’t think that is appropriate talk for the dinner table.”

“And what talk is that?” Eddie continued, baiting him.

“You know what talk.”

“Love? Weddings? Marriage?”

“A ver, mi hijo, I know you think I’m old-fashioned, but the church is very clear.” He brought his hands together, raising them up as if in a prayer. “Man should not lie with man. It is a disrespect to the Lord above.”

“Loving someone is a disrespect?” Eddie placed his hands on the table, leaning forward a little as he glared at his father. “Spending your life with someone you care for and who cares for you is a disrespect?”

“It is not what God intended.”

“And what is it that God intends?”

“It should be as it always has been. Marriage is between a man and a woman. A relationship of that kind of love cannot be any other way.”

“Because of God?” Eddie asked. “Or because you say so?”

“Edmundo,” his father started, but Eddie shook his head and pushed away from the table.

He could already hear the tell-tale signs of Chris returning from the bathroom and he had no intention of allowing his son to be exposed to the same hate and discrimination that had made him hate himself for years growing up, and beyond. Prejudice that had him questioning if he was broken as he so desperately tried to fix himself.

“Gracias for the meal,” Eddie forced out, sparing his Tía a quick glance before heading to cut Christopher off before he could return.

He couldn’t even bring himself to look at his father as he passed him by, but he could hear the confusion clear in his voice. He heard his Tía admonishing his father in Spanish as he asked what he had done wrong, and Eddie tried to push it from his mind as he met with Chris in the hallway.

“Hey, Bud,” he said, smile tired and thin as he placed a gentle hand on Christopher’s shoulder, redirecting him toward the front door, “time for us to head out.”

“Did something happen?” Chris asked, brow pulling down in confusion.

“It’s nothing.” Eddie shook his head. “Hey, what do you say we grab some ice cream on the way back?”

“Can we get some for Buck too?”

“Sure, we can do that.”


Buck stared at his parents a moment before his mind caught up and he accepted a side hug from his mother as she passed him by and into Maddie’s house. Wide and questioning eyes sought out Maddie but the look on her face matched his confusion and she offered up subtle shrug as her mother brought her into an embrace.

“Mom? Dad?” Buck questioned, closing the door behind his father.

“We hope we’re not disturbing anything,” his mom said, as his father clapped him on the back, “but with Christmas right around the corner and after everything that’s happened, between Jee and the proposal, and the lightning… we really wanted to spend it as a family.”

“We did go to your apartment first,” his father added, “but they said we had the wrong place?”

“Err, yeah,” Buck answered, “I moved out.”

“Really?” His mother spun to him, her head tilted to the side. “It was such a nice place.”

Buck opened his mouth to say something further but found no words would form. His brain felt like it had stalled and all he could do was stare at the scene in front of him. At Chimney and Hen rounding the couch to greet his parents also, offering up their hands for shaking.

“Oh, don’t tell me,” his mom said as she looked to Hen. “It’s… Hen? Right?”

Hen nodded politely, smile on her lips. “It’s nice to see you, Mr and Mrs Buckley.”

“Oh please, call me Margaret. We’re all family here.”

“And Phillip, please,” his father added, shaking Hen’s hand and offering up a polite nod of his own.

Since Buck had found out of the truth behind his childhood and since his parents had been confronted by their behaviour, they truly had made an effort to improve. They made an effort to actually talk to both of their children and to listen to them to. They made an effort to be involved and present. They made an effort to try and make up for their wrong doings. But that didn’t mean it didn’t feel weird, disconcerting even. And there was always a part of Buck that was reminded of the version of his parents he had seen in his coma.

The feeling caught him off guard, and he could feel his chest tightening as he tried to find something to anchor onto, to remind him he was awake. He half expected Doug to appear from the kitchen, the conversation in front of him washing over him, the words unclear, everything feeling suddenly askew. He didn’t realise how lost he was beginning to feel until he felt Maddie’s little finger entwine with his, the touch bringing him back and making him look down at her as she looked back up at him with knowing and soulful eyes.

“I’ve got you,” she said. “I promise.”

He took a breath, steadying himself, and nodded. Except, as his parents turned their attention back to him, he realised he had a completely new concern that hadn’t even crossed his mind until now, as he came face to face with it.

“You said you moved out?” his mother questioned. “I hope you didn’t go moving into that new girlfriend’s place. What was her name?”

“Natalia,” his father supplied.

“Oh no, Buck’s not with Natalia anymore,” Chimney answered, “he’s with…” But then his eyes widened and his words died away as his mouth caught up with the moment. He cleared his throat and looked between Maddie and Hen and Buck, panic alight in his eyes. “You, er, you two broke up, right?”

“Yeah,” Buck answered, his cheeks burning, everything feeling suddenly light and surreal. “She wasn’t the right fit…”

She wasn’t Eddie.


How was he going to tell his parents about Eddie? What was he supposed to say? They had never paid any attention to who he was dating before. The day he came home from second grade and announced he was going to marry Johnny Francis who shared his cookie with him at recess, they hadn’t even flickered, too busy in their own heads. It had been Maddie who had told him he was far too young to be marrying anyone.

And that was the pattern of his life, until he stopped talking to his parents about… pretty much everything.

Girlfriends came and went, and the only reason they knew about Natalia was because Maddie had accidentally let slip one time.

“You know, I think I should probably go…” Hen started, but Chimney’s hand shot out, gripping her wrist and stopping her from moving. “Or maybe not.”

Buck could see the cogs moving in Chimney’s mind. He wanted back up. If he was going to be murdered for dropping Buck in it by accident, then he at least wanted a friend nearby who would ensure the execution was swift. His parents hadn’t quite caught onto what Chim had almost spilled, but the night was still young and Chim’s ability to keep a secret was still bad.

But, by pure luck, the doorbell rang and food arrived, providing a nice distraction that Buck prayed would last until the end of the night. Still, it didn’t stop him from cursing Maddie and her politeness as she invited their parents to join them for dinner, even though they repeatedly said they didn’t want to disturb them.

They were clearing the plates away when Buck felt his phone vibrating and pulled it from his pocket to see Eddie’s name. He excused himself out onto the patio to answer it, the cool air of the night refreshing against his skin.

“Hey,” he breathed out, thankful for the peace and moment of relief.

“Hey, Buck!” Chris answered, cheerful as always.

“Hey, buddy!” Buck couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face as he leaned against the nearby wall, looking out at the darkening sky. “What’s up?”

“We’re going for ice cream and Dad said we can bring you some back.”

“Ice cream?” Buck let go of a chuckle and shook his head. “Your dad’s letting you have ice cream at this time of night?”

“Long story,” Eddie called out, and Buck figured he must have been driving. “But Christopher insisted we call you. He wants to know what flavour you want.”

Leaning his head back, Buck breathed in. “Surprise me.”

“You sure?”


“You do realise this is Christopher we’re talking about, right? You could end up with peanut butter and bubble-gum.”

“That’s a risk I’m willing to take.”

Eddie’s chuckle warmed Buck through. “Okay then, I guess we’ll see you when you get home.”

“Love you, Buck!” Chris called out.

“I love you too, bud.”

He heard Eddie say something else to Chris, but it was too low for Buck to catch, and between the sound of the door opening behind him and Chris calling out “Good night, Buck!” he never had the chance to try and decipher it.

“Night, Chris,” he answered, feeling his throat tightening as the phone call ended and he braced himself to face whoever had entered into his small moment of tranquillity.

“Chris?” his mother questioned when he forced himself to turn to face her and make his way back inside. Her head was tilted innocently to the side as she smiled at him, no malice behind her words, just pure curiosity, and yet it set Buck on edge. “Who’s Chris?”

Buck opened his mouth to answer, hesitation stalling him long enough for Chimney to jump in, in an attempt to save him, this time choosing his words much more carefully.

“Chris is Eddie’s kid…”

“You remember, Eddie, right?” Maddie continued, her smile bright as she handed her parents a wine glass each, attempting to draw their attention her way to give Buck the chance to compose himself. “From the firehouse?”

“Of course,” his mother answered with a nod, before returning to look at Buck with a soft smile. “I think it’s wonderful how close you all are.”

“Well, we’re family,” Hen added. “We look out for each other.”

She didn’t need to say anything more than that, Buck understood her message clearly. They had his back and they would follow his lead. And he was thankful for that, because as he downed the rest of his beer in an attempt to quieten the thoughts running rampant in his mind, he wasn’t sure if he was ready to tell his parents yet. He wasn’t sure he was ready to handle the judgement that would come with it.


Eddie relaxed on the couch, leaning his head back and closing his eyes as he took a moment to simply be in the silence of the living room. Chris was fast asleep, and it wouldn’t be long before Buck returned home. At least, he hoped it wouldn’t be. The silence was oddly deafening, his ears ringing as the memory of dinner replayed in his mind. The anger still sat there, burning just beneath the surface, and he hated it.

He hated how his father could so easily bring out that side of him.

So, he selfishly craved Buck, craved the calmness that his presence brought about. He craved the way one look from Buck could make that anger melt away, how his touch could loosen the tension in Eddie’s body, and how the sound of his voice could make Eddie forget about everything else.

He was about to check the time on his phone when he heard the front door go and let go of a long and contented breath at the sound of Buck locking up and dropping his keys in the bowl near the door.

“Your ice cream is in the freezer,” Eddie said, only opening his eyes as he heard Buck pass him by. “Strawberry Delight. Don’t ask me what the delight is, I have no idea.”

Buck simply chuckled, and Eddie watched from where he was as Buck busied himself with the ice cream and a bowl, returning shortly after.

“How did the wedding planning go?” Eddie asked, eager to get his mind off of his own family dinner.

“Funny thing,” Buck answered, pointing his spoon towards Eddie as he approached the couch. “It didn’t actually. We got as far as being told we’re going to be the Maid of Honour and Best Man, and that was it.”

Eddie frowned and shook his head. “Hen? Maid of Honour? I can’t picture it.”

“That’s because she isn’t. She’s the Best Man. You’re looking at the Maid of Honour.” And he grinned as he splayed his arms out and took a small bow, the pride clear in his tone and eyes.

“Yeah, that makes sense.” Eddie said, eyeing Buck up and down, a grin spreading across his face, which brough Buck to stop as his brow furrowed in confusion.


“I’m just picturing you in a dress.”

“Nope, no dress required,” Buck answered, but Eddie didn’t miss the way the words seemed to catch in Buck’s throat or the flush of red rising up his neck towards his cheeks.

“Shame.” Eddie looked him up and down again, his eyes lingering on the edges and curves of his muscles, taking note of the way Buck shifted in a very tell-tale and somewhat embarrassed way. “Want to know the best part of you in a dress?”

“What?” Buck answered, the word slightly strangled.

“Taking it off.”

Buck’s gaze fell a moment, but before he could flounder too much, Eddie took pity on him and took the conversation back a step. Not that he wasn’t enjoying watching the effect his teasing and flirting was having on Buck.

“But, you said the wedding planning didn’t happen?”

Buck cleared his throat and settled down onto the couch beside Eddie, and Eddie took comfort in the touch of him, the closeness. It was a moment before Buck answered, digging into his ice cream and taking his first bite before the small and quiet words finally made it past his lips.

“My parents showed up.”

“Did Maddie set it up?” Eddie asked, careful and controlled. He liked Maddie and Buck would always be fiercely protective of her, but after Tía Pepa had ambushed him, Eddie was not above directing some of that anger of his towards Maddie if she had put Buck in the same position.

But Buck didn’t seem to notice Eddie’s restraint, too busy nursing his ice cream as he shook his head. “Nope. She was just as confused. They er, they said they wanted to celebrate Christmas with us. I guess they feel bad?”

“Feel bad?”

“After everything that’s happened, I guess they want to make up for lost time.” But then Buck paused, his movements stilling a moment before he lowered his bowl and stared down into it. “I didn’t tell them, Eddie… I should have but, I didn’t.”

“Tell them?” Eddie questioned, positioning himself so he could see Buck better.

“About us.”

Eddie’s chest tightened at Buck’s tone. He knew it all too well, knew the crease in his brow and the distant look in his eyes. He knew without Buck saying that Buck felt he had let Eddie down and Eddie hated that he felt like that. He swallowed hard and nudged Buck. “Well, that makes two of us.”

Buck turned to him, brow furrowed and confused.

“The dinner invite? It wasn’t as innocent as it seemed. Tía Pepa invited my parents to town. She wanted me to tell them about you.”

“Eddie, I… You don’t have to…” Buck immediately started, and Eddie wished Buck could see his own double standards, judging himself so much harsher than anybody else.

Looking into those bright blue eyes of Buck’s, Eddie knew that he didn’t want to hide Buck away. He never wanted Buck to feel like he was a secret that was meant to be kept under wraps. But at the same time, he wanted to keep Buck safe from everything his father believed. He didn’t want Buck to ever feel like he didn’t deserve this, like he was broken, incapable of loving and being loved in return… He wanted to give Buck every part of him, just as he wanted every part of Buck in return.

But he had no idea how he was supposed to say all that. 

In the silence, he could see the beginnings of the spiralling going on behind Buck’s eyes, could see the younger man’s thoughts twisting out of shape. So, Eddie reached out and placed a gentle hand at Buck’s cheek, rubbing his thumb along Buck’s jawline in distraction before allowing a sly grin to slip onto his face as he used his other hand to snatch the bowl of ice cream from Buck’s slackened grip.

Eddie pulled back, taking a spoonful before Buck had a chance to realise what had happened, but as the slow smile spread across Buck’s face and he tried to grab the bowl back, Eddie knew the action had done its job, pulling Buck free from his thoughts. With a mouthful of ice cream, Eddie leaned back, his arm outstretched and away from Buck as Buck reached for the bowl.

Buck slipped, his chest landing on Eddie’s, his heat pressing in on Eddie, and the bowl fell from Eddie’s grip with a soft thump as he reached out to pull Buck even closer, pushing strawberry kisses onto Buck’s lips. Buck answered eagerly, before pulling back only slightly to look down at Eddie with a grin that matched Eddie’s own in want.

“I guess we know what the delight part is now.”

But Eddie was done with talking and he shook his head, his words a low rumble in his throat. “Just shut up and kiss me.”

And Buck, being Buck, ever eager to please, did exactly that.

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