Chapter 7

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Author Notes: Thank you so much for reading and for the absolutely wonderful comments!


Buck wasn't entirely sure what to expect when he got back with Christopher. He had spent the short shopping trip trying to keep upbeat, distracting Christopher with whatever he could. As a result, he may have slightly overcompensated... if you could call buying three extra boxes of Christmas lights, five packets of popcorn to pop, an oversized bag of cranberries, a full box of tinsel of varying colours, a gingerbread house kit, and at least seven different types of candy, overcompensating. But at least it had kept Chris from pressing him on what Eddie and Ramon were talking about.

He opened the back of his Jeep and stared at the shopping bags, already feeling the heat from the blush taking hold as he thought about Eddie's reaction. But even at the best of times, Buck couldn't say no to Chris. Which might have been why they also stopped for pizza on the way home.

"Hey, Chris, buddy, can you get the door for me?" Buck called, attempting to awkwardly balance the shopping and pizza boxes, eyes widening as he almost dropped them but caught them at the last moment. He smiled to himself at the save and nodded at Chris as he closed the door of the Jeep before shuffling on up ahead so he could open the front door for Buck.

"Do you think Dad will let us make the popcorn tonight?" Christopher asked, clearly in no rush to come down from his Christmas high.

Buck hesitated. "I er... how about we feed him first and go from there?"

Christopher bobbed his head in answer and held the door open for Buck. At first, Buck was so focused on not dropping anything that he didn't see the tree, up and ready near the couch. But as soon as his gaze landed on it, he couldn't help but stop and stare. Even bare, it was beautiful, and he felt so foolish at the excitement causing his heart to skitter in his chest. He had been at Eddie's before over Christmas. He had seen their trees before and done all the Christmas stuff, but this hit different.

Eddie's place had always felt welcoming to him, always felt safe and warm and comforting. But it was even more than that now. It wasn't just Eddie's house. It was home. Buck's home.

"Pizza? Really?" Eddie's voice echoed out from Buck's right, and Buck looked to him, taking in his raised eyebrow and tilted head as he leaned against the corner of the wall, judging Buck. "So much for our five a day then?"

"I will have you know that there is at least three of your five a day on this pizza," Buck answered, unable to keep from grinning at the smile on Eddie's face as the latter shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"It doesn't count if he picks them off," Eddie added, but he moved forward all the same and took the pizza from Buck, lightening his load slightly and leading the way into the kitchen.

"I'll eat the tomatoes," Christopher called after them, but he didn't follow, too focused on the tree and his judgement of its placement.

"There's tomatoes on this?" Eddie placed the boxes down on the counter and opened them up with narrowed eyes before looking up to Buck, suspicion clear.

"The er... the sauce is tomato." Buck cleared his throat, shuffling and avoiding Eddie's gaze as he placed the shopping down. "That counts, right?"

Eddie scoffed in response, but he was already moving to grab plates and now they were alone, and Buck was no longer attempting a balancing act, Buck watched him carefully. There was a darkness there, hidden in the depths of his eyes, and though his smile looked genuine, Buck didn't miss the way it faltered when Eddie's gaze passed over the beer bottles near the sink.

"How did it go?" Buck questioned, voice quiet as he edged forward, closing the gap between them.

Eddie stilled and took a breath, seeming to collect himself before answering. "It's nothing for you to worry about."

Crash (A 9-1-1 Buddie Fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora