AB 01

Par YeheyBwisit

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No copy write intented. CREDIT FOR THE RIGHTFULLY OWNER tags, texttospeech Plus

She's not mine
12 END
all the little things
Unwanted Bride
A kiss from a vet
11 END
Look At Me // Jenlisa
Little Saint
Cause all I want is you up on me II Jenlisa
Got It Bad // jenlisa
When you came (Jenlisa)
15 END
PS I H8 U!
Cheater || Jenlisa
I Love You [JENLISA]
Marrying the MANOBAN (Lisa G!P)
Once You Taste It! You Can't Stop It!
Unholy (Jenlisa AU)
fingerprints on my skin || jenlisa
My Princess Terror | 𝔍𝔢𝔫𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔞
90 Days | Jenlisa
Between Lies And Hatred
Untitled part


22 0 0
Par YeheyBwisit

22: Merry Christmas

Six weeks later...

The rest of the semester went fairly well for both Jennie and Lisa. They managed to spend plenty of time together while also acing their classes. Jennie's art work was chosen for a local exhibit showcasing emerging artists. Her professor was the one who insisted she submit it. Lisa took her out to celebrate, bragging to everyone she saw that night that her girlfriend was the biggest up-and-coming artist in the tri-state area.

Lisa's soccer team finished the season undefeated, which cemented her place as captain for the following year, as well. And Jennie took the opportunity to take Lisa out to celebrate, getting revenge on her by telling everyone that her girlfriend was a world class athlete bound for the pros.

When the semester was finally over, both girls headed back home for winter break. Jennie was excited to see Somi again. They both teased Jisoo relentlessly about the fact that she was bringing Rosé home to her family for the holidays. Jennie was surprised how serious things had gotten between the two so quickly, but she was overjoyed by how happy Rosé made her best friend.

Lisa, however, was not as excited to be going home for the holidays. She was more nervous than anything. She was excited this would be her first Christmas with Jennie and that they would actually be together, unlike at Thanksgiving. But she had made up her mind when she got back from Thanksgiving break that she was going to do something she had never done before. She was going to introduce her parents to the girl she was dating. Not just the girl she was dating, but her girlfriend. The girl she was in love with. And as scared as she was, she knew it was the right thing to do. She knew it wouldn't go over very well, but she refused to keep Jennie a secret from them, even if she knew that's what they would want.

Jennie had no idea about Lisa's plan. She didn't want to needlessly stress out her girlfriend. Besides, Lisa didn't know exactly how or when she was going to tell her parents and wanted to wait for the right moment. Her parents wouldn't be home from their trip until the next evening, anyway, so she had some time to prepare.

The cab the girls took from the train station was pulling up into the driveway and Jennie couldn't help but be reminded of when her cab pulled into her driveway when she came home for the summer and that's when she laid eyes on Lisa for the very first time. She had no idea who much her life would change since that moment. And because of that moment.

She gave her girlfriend's hand a squeeze and smiled at her before they got out of the car.

"So, we'll both get settled in and I'll give you a call later tonight, okay?"

Lisa smiled back. "Sounds good."


The following evening, they met up with Somi, Jisoo and Rosé for dinner and ended up closing down the restaurant. They all agreed to meet up again at Jennie's house the day after Christmas.

"I can't believe tomorrow's already Christmas Eve," Jennie observed as she and Lisa pulled up to their respective houses after they left the restaurant.

"I know. I almost can't wait to give you your gift," teased Lisa.

"What did you get me?"

"A lump of coal. You've been a bad girl."

"When you say that, you make it sound sexy. I know you like it when I'm bad."


"Yes, we've established that many times over," Jennie reminded her.

When they walked up between their houses, Jennie saw a car in Lisa's driveway, knowing it was her parents. She gave her a shy smile.

"I guess they're home now. Did you...I mean...do you want to come over? I know you don't feel too comfortable around them," offered Jennie.

Lisa pulled her in for a kiss, then took her hand.

"Come on."


"It's time for you to meet my parents."

Jennie felt her stomach drop. She was definitely not expecting this.

"How are you introducing me?"

"I'm going to introduce you as Jennie. And we'll go from there. Regardless of how I introduce you, I want you to meet them. And I want them to meet you."

Jennie was starting to panic and tugged on Lisa's wrist.

"Okay, stop. Stop."

Lisa stopped and brought a hand to Jennie's cheek. She could see she was nervous.

"Sorry, I just...I need a minute."

Lisa gave her a reassuring look. "We don't have to do this, Jennie. I was just feeling a bit brave at the moment. I wasn't even thinking about how you would feel about it. I'm sorry. We can go to your place and just hang out. You can meet them some other time."

Jennie took a deep breath.

"No. No, it's okay. I'm fine. Sorry, I just panicked a bit. I wasn't expecting this."

"I know. And you really don't have to do this."

"I want to. And you're right. They don't have to know I'm your girlfriend. I'll just be Jennie."

Lisa smiled and took her hand, leading her up to the door.

"Mom? Dad?" She closed the door behind them as they unclasped their hands.

"In the kitchen!"

Lisa led Jennie to the kitchen where her parents were sitting drinking tea, her father reading the Wall Street Journal and her mother reading a book. Jennie could see Lisa in both of them. She had her father's nose and eyes. And she had her mother's hair and jawline. Jennie concluded that this was certainly one damn good looking family.

Lisa placed her hand on Jennie's back and gently nudged her forward a bit.

"Mom, dad, this is Jennie."

Jennie stepped forward and stuck her hand out. She was met with a judgmental stare from Lisa's mom and a look of confusion from her dad.

"Lisa, what is this?"

Jennie decided to speak up.

"I go to college near Lisa in New York. I'm at NYU. And I also live next—"

"Lisa, may we talk to you in private?", her mother interrupted as she stood up.

Jennie could feel her heart rate increasing.

"What? What's wrong?" Lisa instinctively stepped in front of Jennie.

"Lisa, now."

"No. What's the problem? I was just introducing you to someone."

"Someone you brought home with you from college?" Her father finally decided to speak up and with that booming voice, Jennie kind of preferred it when he said nothing at all. "Did you think you could just bring this situation into this house without any repercussions?"

"What situation? I just wanted you to meet Jennie." Lisa's voice was starting to waver. Jennie wanted to reach out and hold her hand, but she didn't want to make matters worse.

"Lisa, you know how we feel about this. We don't want any part of it. And we raised you better than this. To have you bring this into our house and shove it in our face like that."


"Lisa! Get upstairs. I'll call your...friend...a cab to come pick her up," her dad's voice was controlled, but very commanding, but Jennie felt it was time to speak up, regardless of how terrifying this was.

"That won't be necessary. I can walk. I live next door."

She could see the look on the Manobans' faces go from disgusted to confused.

"Pardon me?"

"I live next door. I'm Jennie Kim. My mom is Amy. Your neighbor."

Lisa's mom looked somewhat embarrassed as her dad just cleared his throat and sat back down.

"Yes, I remember Amy saying she had a daughter away at college. Oh my gosh, Jennie, I'm so sorry about that. I thought Lisa was bringing home a...you know what? It doesn't matter. I'm so sorry. That was very rude of us. I'm so embarrassed. Here, have a seat."

Jennie stood there, unsure of what to do, but thankful she managed to diffuse the situation.

"Can we get you something to eat?", Mr. Manoban offered.

"No, thank you. I don't seem to have an appetite." She looked over at her girlfriend who was chewing her lip like she was contemplating something. When Lisa caught her eye, Jennie shook her head, trying to tell her not to do what she was thinking about doing.

"So you met in New York and found out you both live here? That's quite a small world."

Lisa spoke up before Jennie could answer.

"Actually, we met here over the summer. That's when we found out we went to school so close to each other."

"Oh, I didn't know that. Lisa, you should have brought her by over the summer."

"You guys were hardly here," Lisa answered dryly.

"Still, when we were here, we could have invited Jennie and her mom over for a barbecue."

"You guys don't barbecue." Jennie could tell Lisa was starting to get frustrated.

"So Jennie, tell me about yourself. It must have been fascinating growing up with your mom being a successful doctor." Lisa's mom was blatantly ignoring her daughter's comment.

"Yeah, it was nice. But it would have been nice to have her home more."

"Well, I suppose that's just the life of a doctor. Always busy. Are you following in her footsteps? Are you pre-med?"

"No, I'm actually an art student."

Mrs. Manoban had the world's worst poker face and Jennie could see the look of disappointment on her face.

"Oh. Well, that's nice. And how does your mom feel about your major?"

"She's very supportive. As every parent should be." Jennie felt the need to add in that last part and she could sense her girlfriend stepping even closer to her.

"Oh, I agree. We're very proud of Lisa. And we're glad she has a new friend in New York. You're a very sweet girl."

"She's not just a friend, mom."

Jennie closed her eyes. She was hoping Lisa would just let it go.

"I'm sorry?" Her dad chimed in.

"She's not just a friend." Lisa placed a delicate hand on the small of Jennie's back. "Jennie is my girlfriend. We've been together since the summer. I just thought it was time for you to finally meet her."

When Jennie opened her eyes, she was greeted with daggers shooting at her from Lisa's mom. Her father stood up, but didn't speak. Neither of them did.

"Mom, dad. Please. She's really important to me. Please." Lisa pleading with her parents was so heartbreaking for Jennie to see. She pulled her girlfriend in for a hug, not caring that her girlfriend's parents were watching her every move.

"It's okay, Lis." She gently started rubbing her back.

"It's not okay," her mother responded with an icy cold demeanor. "Lisa, we don't want this in our house. We've made that very clear."

Lisa was quiet, not even reacting to Jennie's touch.

Her mother continued. "Why you would choose this kind of lifestyle is beyond me."

Lisa started backing away. Jennie could tell she was reaching her breaking point.

"Excuse me. I'm...I'm not feeling well." Lisa looked to Jennie. "I'm sorry."

Jennie watched as her girlfriend ran up the stairs, no doubt re-living the unpleasant events of the last ten minutes. She wanted to go after her, but needed to do something first. She turned and faced Lisa's parents.

"She's your daughter."

Mr. Manoban balked at the statement. "You think we don't know that?"

"You sure don't act like it."

"Watch it. I don't need to be lectured by some girl who is certainly not welcome in our home."

Jennie knew the statement should have bothered her, but she stood her ground.

"You have no idea how much that girl goes through just to make you proud. She trains and practices nonstop to be the perfect soccer player. She studies way more than she has to in order to maintain her perfect GPA. She's come to accept that her relationship with you will never be as warm as it should be, because for whatever reason, you only see her for what she should be in your eyes. And you're missing out on what she is. And who she is."

"And I suppose your mother is fine with this situation?"

"This situation? You mean the fact that Lisa is my girlfriend? That I'm in love with her? That she makes me happier than anything on this planet? Yeah, she's definitely fine with that. Because it means her daughter is happy. And in a very healthy, thriving and loving relationship. And I consider myself so lucky because I get to share that part of me with my mother." She looked over at Lisa's dad, who was noticeably silent. "And I know my dad would have been just as supportive. And he would have loved Lisa. And I'd give anything to be able to just sit and talk to him about how amazing she is and how happy I am. I hate that he never got a chance to meet her."

Mrs. Manoban seemed a bit calmer, but still insisted on arguing. "Lisa knows how we feel about this. She let us down."

Jennie stared at her incredulously. "How? Why? By being herself? By not hiding who she is? By falling in love? How could you not want that for her? How is that letting you down?"

"We do not believe in homosexuality. Plain and simple."

"I guess I have to accept that, even though I feel it's a very archaic way of thinking. But just because you don't believe in it doesn't mean you can't believe in her. You're missing out on getting to really know your daughter. You're missing out on this amazing woman because you can't accept the fact that she likes girls? Do you have any idea how ridiculous that is?"

"You're going to stand here and insult us in our own home?" Lisa's dad was staring Jennie down, challenging her.

"We can step outside, if you'd prefer," Jennie suggested. She knew it was a stupid thing to say, but these people were really starting to piss her off.

"I think you should leave."

She had officially worn out her welcome, but she wasn't going to leave until she was done speaking.

"Do you know that she searches the stands every game? She'll find me and smile. Then she'll keep searching. She'll never say it out loud, but I know she's looking for you. She knows for a fact you won't be there, because you never are but she keeps looking anyway. Because she has faith in you. Do you really have such little faith in her?"

They were silent and Jennie was hoping that was a sign that she was starting to get through to them. So she kept going.

"She thought she was incapable of love. Incapable of having a relationship. Because she never really knew what real love was. Because the people who were supposed to love her the most showed her that with one single flaw, with one single weakness or imperfection, she's not worth loving and accepting fully. She's carried that with her for twenty years, and yet she still managed to find a way to love. To really love and let herself be loved. And for that reason, she is the most incredible woman I've never known. You should really get to know her, too."

She was met with more silence and by now, neither of them could look her in the eye. She didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing, so she thought it was best to bow out while things were still silent. But before heading upstairs to check on Lisa, she just had inform them of one more thing.

"And just so you know, I'm not so bad, either. I'm actually quite a delight when I'm not lecturing people about their daughter. And I promise you I'm going to take care of her."

She left them in the kitchen and ran upstairs to Lisa's room. She found her sitting on the edge of her bed, crying. She ran to her and threw her arms around her, holding her until the tears subsided and telling her it was going to be okay. That even if her parents never came around, she still had so many people who loved and cared about her. She hoped her words were enough to calm her girlfriend, at least a little. It seemed to work and once Lisa's eyes started to dry, Jennie took her back over to her own house where they stayed up talking and cuddling and kissing and watching TV until 4am, when they finally fell asleep.


When Jennie woke up, it was to a face full of long, dark hair. Lisa was cuddled into her with her head resting on Jennie's chest. There was a blanket on top of them, which Jennie didn't remember putting over them. She figured it was probably her mom, who she knew had left early that morning for a long shift at the hospital. She felt Lisa stir slightly, but all she did was grab onto Jennie's shirt and pull herself closer. Jennie smiled and kissed her forehead, then quickly fell back to sleep.

They slept off and on through the morning, cuddling and nuzzling each other in their sleepy state whenever they were awake. In the late afternoon, their hunger finally outweighed their fatigue and they got up. Jennie found a note on the kitchen table from her mom that informed her she'd be home late that night and had left her and Lisa some dinner that was waiting for them in the fridge.

Jennie smiled, reminding herself to thank her mom for having the thoughtfulness and foresight to make them dinner. Lisa heated up their dinner in the oven as Jennie went to plug in the lights on the Christmas tree. She then turned on the fire in the fireplace when she noticed three stockings hanging up that weren't there before. Two of them belonged to Amy and Jennie, which they had been hanging up every Christmas for years. The other one filled Jennie's heart with warmth and happiness. It had Lisa's name on it and, along with Jennie's, it was filled with candy and a couple of little gifts. And in this moment, she was so thankful for her mom and the fact that she was so accepting of her relationship with Lisa.

As the girls sat down for dinner, Jennie was smiling to herself.



"You're smiling."

"My mom likes you."

"What makes you say that?"

Jennie nodded over to the fireplace.

"Either she really likes you or Santa came early." She loved the look on Lisa's face, who was obviously very touched by the gesture. "See? You have people who love you."

Lisa shook her head. "You know, last night really sucked. But today is a good day. I'm glad I get to spend Christmas Eve with you. I don't think there's anywhere else I'd rather be."

They finished their dinner, took turns changing into comfortable clothes, and then cuddled up together on the couch to watch Christmas movies. They were in the middle of Christmas Vacation when Jennie noticed a few extra presents under the tree.



"What are those presents under the tree?"

Lisa looked over at the tree and feigned ignorance. "I don't know. Weird."

Jennie stood up and went over to the tree to inspect the presents.

"Jennie, what are you doing?"

"Snooping. Interesting how this one says 'To Jennie, Love Super Lisa', yet you know nothing about these presents?"

"You weren't supposed to notice them!"

"Hey, it's not my fault I'm so observant. When did you do this?"

"When you were changing."

"You sneaky little shit. And you really didn't have to get me anything."

Lisa scoffed. "Yes I did. I'm not stupid enough to fall for the 'you don't have to get me anything' speech."

Jennie sighed. "Well, I guess I should go get yours then."

"You mean you ignored your own speech?"

"I guess I felt like spoiling my girlfriend."

"I guess I did, too."


The credits were rolling on their third Christmas movie, but neither of them even knew what they were watching. They had been too busy making out on the couch to really pay any attention. Lisa was kissing up and down Jennie's body and amongst the intense kissing, she had managed to get Jennie's bra off and pulled her shirt up to reveal her breasts. Lisa only had on her shirt and underwear as her hands roamed all over Jennie's chest. Jennie grabbed her ass and pulled her down closer to her, as their mouths mashed together. Jennie shamelessly moaned into Lisa's mouth as she started to push down Lisa's underwear. This only spurred Lisa on as she pushed her thigh between Jennie's legs. Jennie panted heavily and planted her feet on the couch, trying to lift her hips up to gain more friction. Unfortunately, whatever movement she made had caused the volume on the TV to turn up all the way. Neither girl was expecting that and they both jumped at the sound.

Lisa could tell Jennie was saying something, but couldn't hear her.



"I don't KNOW, Margo!" Lisa laughed at her little joke, but Jennie was too preoccupied trying to find the remote.

She managed to find it near her feet and hit the mute button. Lisa just laughed at the situation and the sight of a very frazzled looking Jennie underneath her. Her face was bright red, her hair was disheveled, and her eyes were wide. She was so fucking adorable, Lisa couldn't stand it. She leaned down and kissed Jennie passionately, grinding down on her. She grabbed Jennie's hand and started guiding her towards her wet center, dying to feel her touch.

Just before Jennie was able to reach her destination, they heard a car pull into the driveway and headlights were shining into the living room.

Jennie's eyes went wide. "Shit! That's my mom."

Lisa only froze in fear for a moment before she jumped off of Jennie and looked around for her sweat pants.

"Jennie, where are my pants?!"

Jennie was busy putting her bra back on and fixing her shirt.


"My pants! Where are my pants!" Lisa was running around like crazy, looking for the sweats she had borrowed from Jennie.

"Lis, what are you doing in the kitchen?"

"Looking for my pants!"

"Why would your pants be in the kitchen?"

"Jennie, help me! I don't need your mom to come home from a long shift at the hospital and find me bottomless while her daughter is laying on the couch with very obvious sex hair!"

Jennie simply pointed to the floor next to the couch. "They're right here, babe."

Lisa ran into the living room and dove for the pants. She managed to get them on right when the door opened and Amy entered. Lisa was very obviously out of breath and Jennie was still on the couch. Both girls were bright red as Amy looked from Jennie to Lisa and back to Jennie.

"Did I interrupt something," she asked, suspiciously.

"No. Not at all, Mrs. Kim." Lisa's voice was about two octave's higher. "Oh, and Merry Christmas."

Amy looked Lisa up and down. "Merry Christmas, Lisa. Your pants are on backwards."

Lisa looked down and was mortified to find that Amy was indeed correct. She looked over at Jennie, who was of no help whatsoever. Jennie was doing all she could to hide her laughter, but was failing miserably.

Amy was the one who broke the silence. "Okay, girls. I think it's time to call it a night. It's Christmas Eve. It's late. Lisa, we'll see you tomorrow."

Jennie stood up to protest. "No, mom. Actually, I was hoping Lisa could stay here tonight."

"No, Jennie. It's okay," assured Lisa. "It's Christmas Eve. I should go home and see what my parents are up to. I'm sure they'll want me there tonight."

Jennie looked both disappointed and a bit fearful. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Okay, I'll walk you over."

"No, that's okay. It's freezing outside. I'll be fine." She gave Jennie a quick kiss on the cheek. "I should really go talk to them. I'll call you before I go to bed."

Jennie nodded and kissed her. "Okay. But please call me no matter what. And if you need me to come over, I will."

"Okay, love. One more sleep 'til Christmas. And then you get to see what your amazing girlfriend got for you."

Jennie pulled her into a hug, not wanting to say goodbye just yet. "I love you."

"I love you, too."


Lisa quietly entered the house, assuming her parents were already asleep. They usually were by this time. So she was surprised to see them in the living room watching a holiday special on TV.

"Lisa," her mom's voice startled her. It sounded weaker than normal. almost as though she had been crying.


"Come sit down. Please."

Lisa took a seat in the chair opposite the couch so she was facing both her parents. She had been dreading this moment, but knew it had to happen sooner or later.

"We thought about knocking on the Kim's door. We assumed that's where you were, but figured it was best to talk when you were ready. I'm assuming since you're here, you wouldn't mind discussing a few things with us."

Lisa lowered her head, unsure of exactly where this was going. "No. I don't mind. We can talk if you want."

Her dad turned off the TV and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. Her mom looked over at him as if willing him to start the conversation. It seemed neither of them really knew what to say.

Her father cleared his throat. "So...that Jennie girl certainly has a mouth on her."

Lisa looked up and was immediately ready to jump to her girlfriend's defense.

"Dad," she warned, her jaw set and her fists balling.

"She seems to care for you very much," he continued. "We can both see that."

When she saw her mother nodding in agreement, Lisa realized this talk might take a turn she wasn't quite expecting. For once, she had allowed herself to relax around her parents and really listen to what they had to say.


Jennie was pacing back and forth. It had been over an hour since Lisa went back home and she still hadn't heard from her. She was this close to knocking on their door, but she didn't want to make things worse for Lisa. She kept looking over at Lisa's room, but the light was still off.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, her phone rang. She grabbed for it and laid down on her bed.



"What happened? Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. My parents and I talked for a while."

Jennie could feel hear chest tighten. "What did they say?"

"It was pretty awkward at first. Actually, the whole thing was awkward, but they made an effort. For the first time, we talked about things that didn't pertain to school or soccer. And it went surprisingly well."

"Really?" Jennie was elated. She could have sworn the little speech she gave Lisa's parents would earn her a lifetime ban, and maybe it had. But part of her wanted to think that perhaps they finally started to understand just how special their daughter really was.

"Yeah. I mean, it'll take time. Lots of time to really get to the point where things will feel okay with them, but they opened the lines of communication."

"That's great, Lis! I'm so happy for you."

"They asked about you."

Jennie felt her heart leap up into her throat.

"They did?"

"Yeah. They told me that you have quite a mouth on you, but said that you obviously care about me a lot. And then they asked about your art, your mom, whether you grew up here. And they seemed like they were really trying and really interested. And I know I have you to than for all this. But I guess we'll see what happens, I guess. But they also invited you and your mom over for Christmas tomorrow if you want."

Jennie was quiet. She didn't quite know how to react to all that.


She was still at a loss for words.

"Jen? Are you okay?"

"I...I just want to run over there and hug you. I'm so happy for you, baby. I want to hold you and kiss you and celebrate with you. Is it crazy that I miss you already?"

Lisa laughed. "Not crazy at all. I miss you, too. We'll just have to wait until tomorrow to see each other."

Jennie sat up. "You really miss me?"

"Yeah. Of course I do. I really wish I could see you. I know it's stupid, since we're seeing each other in a few hours, but I kind of can't wait. Especially since we got interrupted earlier."

Jennie smiled a devilish grin. "You want to see me?"

"More than anything."

In that moment, Jennie made her decision. She pulled off her shirt, took off her bra and stood up to walked over to her window.

"Okay, Lis. You wanna see me? Go to the window."

Jennie laughed at the thud she heard over the phone, assuming Lisa was scrambling to get to the window. She watched Lisa's room as the light turned on and the brunette appeared at the window with the phone in her hand. Her eyes were wide and her mouth parted in a beaming grin as she took in the sight of her topless girlfriend.

Jennie bit her lip and smiled. "Merry Christmas, Lisa."

Lisa smiled back and moved to take off her shirt and Jennie's heart pounded with excitement.

Merry Christmas, indeed.


(❗️not really - bc there's 3 more bonus chapters after this❗️)


A/N: Thank you all for checking this adaptation out!! I hope you enjoyed it. 🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️

Epilogues w/ jenlisa being insatiable bunnies coming up next chapters!!

Bonus Chapter: Coming Home

It had been one month. One whole month since Jennie left for Europe at the end of the school year for a four-week art workshop. Lisa had been so excited for her and remained a very supportive girlfriend, even though it was the hardest month of her life. She finished school a week after Jennie left and came home missing her more than ever. It was especially hard being in her room and looking across the way to see Jennie's room completely dark.

Jennie made it known she missed her, too. And they managed to make it work. It was only a month and they talked on the phone and emailed almost every day. At one point, Lisa was close to hopping a plane to London just to see her, but that thought ended up being the result of a drunken night with Seulgi and Jisoo. They convinced her it would be romantic but thankfully, she had passed out before purchasing a ticket online.

Jennie had been gone a little over a week and Lisa had been home exactly one day when the phone sex started. They graduated to Skype sex very quickly after that. After nearly a year together, they were still as insatiable as when they first started watching each other through their windows.

It was a tough road, but after a month of emails, Skype and phone calls, Jennie finally came home.

Lisa greeted her enthusiastically at the airport and was excited to finally have her girlfriend in her arms again. What she wasn't so thrilled about was the fact that Jennie arranged for both of them to go to dinner with Jisoo, Somi, and Jennie's mom that evening. They barely had time for Jennie to shower and get ready to go meet everyone.

Lisa wanted to be a good girlfriend. She knew Jennie's mom and friends were just as excited to see her again. But it didn't help that Jennie had been sexting her all day yesterday, along with sending very suggestive photos.

And now, while seated at the restaurant with Amy, Jisoo, and Somi, it didn't help that Jennie decided to change into a short skirt and a shirt that Lisa assumed she must have bought in Europe because she hadn't seen it before. It gave Lisa the most exquisite view of Jennie's legendary cleavage. It also seemed to give everyone else the same view because Lisa noticed a few male patrons checking out Jennie. And their waiter certainly wasn't subtle when he zeroed in on Jennie's chest every time he came by to check on them.

Lisa supposed she should be jealous, but she was too turned on to care. It was abundantly clear that Jennie was trying to kill her and she wondered if Jennie was just as turned on, but doing a damn good job at hiding it while talking so casually with her mom and friends.


Jennie had no idea what she was talking to Somi about. Something about the food in Europe, or had they moved on to the shopping? She wasn't quite sure, but she was obviously doing a good enough job with the conversation because Somi seemed to be following along.

She was more focused on Lisa, who was sitting next to her in the booth as they sat across from the other three. She was focused on the fact that Lisa kept scooting closer to her. She was focused on the hand that Lisa placed on her thigh.

God, she missed that hand. Both of them, actually. After nearly a year together, and after spending the last month apart, they kept discovering new things about themselves and about each other. This past month, Jennie realized she had a thing for Lisa talking dirty to her. Perhaps it had to do with all those late night phone and Skype calls. But by the end of her trip, Jennie was nearly able to come at the sound of Lisa's voice.

And in that time apart, Lisa became even more obsessed with Jennie's boobs. Neither of them thought that would be possible, but it was. Lisa missed them and made sure to remind Jennie of that fact every day. And Jennie found herself missing Lisa's hands. Particularly her hands on her boobs. Or inside her. Or on any part of her skin, for that matter.

And for that reason, she was glad she chose to wear the most busty shirt she had. She found it in a boutique outside of London and knew it would soon become Lisa's favorite. Based on the reaction she got from her girlfriend earlier, she was right.

She felt a small squeeze on her thigh as Lisa leaned in and whispered to her.

"You wore that on purpose."

Jennie leaned in and whispered back.

"Yes I did. Do you like it?"

She then leaned over the table to try and listen intently to what Jisoo and Amy were discussing, all the while knowing Lisa's eyes were glued to her.

Lisa whispered again.

"Do you think you could stop leaning over the table so much? It's not helping my situation."

Jennie tried to bite back a smile when she leaned all the way forward with her boobs on the table.

"What situation, babe?"

Jennie knew she was playing with fire and she was kind of excited to get burned.

"Your mom doesn't care that your boobs are pretty much on display for everyone?"

"My mom knows I have boobs, Lisa."

Somi and Jisoo were busy catching Amy up with their respective love lives. Somi was raving about Vernon while Jisoo was actually blushing a bit while telling Amy about Rosé.

None of them seemed to be paying attention to Jennie and Lisa, which led Lisa to take advantage of the situation. She moved closer to Jennie and moved her hand up even further on her thigh.

Jennie felt chills when Lisa's lips grazed her ear.

"I missed you. I missed...them." She gestured to Jennie's chest. "I missed touching them, my fingers pinching your nipples, feeling them harden in my hand."

Jennie gulped and started squirming in her seat.

"I missed my mouth on them, tugging them with my teeth, making you yelp and writhe and beg for more. You know I love hearing you beg."

Jennie suddenly cleared her throat and reached for her water as Lisa's tongue dipped into her ear. She jolted at the feeling, causing Somi to look over at her quizzically. Jennie just shrugged and waved her off before Somi went back to her conversation and Lisa was back at her ear.

"It's taking every ounce of strength I have to keep my fingers from running all the way up your thigh. I know you wore this outfit for me. That shirt, this tight skirt. It's all for me, isn't it? You miss my fingers, don't you? Deep inside, filling you."

Jennie felt herself clenching, crossing her legs trying to get some relief. It wasn't working and Lisa wasn't letting up. Thankfully, her mom seemed preoccupied with her friends' love lives.

"You remember our first Skype session?" Lisa continued.

Oh fuck, thought Jennie. Is she really doing this now?

Lisa's fingers trailed further up Jennie's skirt.

"You were lying so innocently on your bed, but teasing me at the same time. Your bra straps down, but refusing to show me anything until I got fully naked and started touching myself. You had me completely at your mercy. It wasn't fun, Jennie. But I did it because I wanted to see your tits. You knew I did and you knew I'd do anything just to see them. So I spread my legs for you, giving you an up close and personal view as I rubbed my fingers all over my clit, getting wetter and wetter knowing you were watching me."

Jennie choked on the water she was drinking and that managed to get the attention of the three other occupants at the table.

"Jennie, are you okay," asked Amy.

Lisa was no help. She had conveniently scooted away from Jennie and taken a bite of food from her plate.

"Yeah, just...wrong pipe," replied Jennie, still coughing.

"Careful. Swallow, THEN breathe," replied Somi, not-so-subtly laughing at her own innuendo. Jennie noticed Amy rolling her eyes at Somi's crassness.

Once they were back to their conversation, Jennie uncrossed her legs and Lisa's lips were back on Jennie's ear.

"I could see it in your eyes, the way you were watching me rub my pussy so shamelessly, just for the chance to see you topless. You loved it. You loved having that hold over me and you hated not being there, didn't you? The noises I made the moment my fingers disappeared inside me, that's when you lost it. You gave in and gave me what I wanted. You finally showed me those perfect tits. Well, MY perfect tits. Because they are mine, aren't they Jennie? They belong to me. And so does this."

Lisa moved her hand up Jennie's skirt and cupped her pussy. Jennie lunged forward and gasped, trying not to call attention to herself, but failing miserably.

All three of them looked at Jennie concerned.

"Honey, is something wrong?" asked Amy.

Lisa had already stealthily moved away and back to her plate before any of them even noticed how close in proximity she was to Jennie.

"Cramp. I think the flight was a bit too long and I didn't stretch my legs enough. I'll be fine. Jisoo, what were you saying about going to Florida with Rosé next month?"

Jennie tried to diffuse the situation and turn the focus back on Somi and Jisoo. It worked and Amy was once again engrossed in their stories.

Lisa took this opportunity to slide back over and continue her verbal assault on Jennie.

"Where was I? Oh yeah...You started rubbing your tits the way I like to, paying extra attention to those perfect nipples of yours. Then you fucked yourself so good, calling my name. And you came so fast, I didn't even have a chance to catch up to you. You came with my name on your lips, but it felt a bit empty, didn't it Jennie? You came, but it wasn't nearly as good as when I fuck you and make you come, was it? I know it wasn't because it wasn't the same for me, either. I need your hands, your tongue. Fuck, I'm so wet right now just thinking about it."

Lisa's fingers moved along her underwear, rubbing against the very obvious wet spot between Jennie's legs. Jennie jumped up suddenly, startling everyone else at the table.

"Um...I...I have to go to the bathroom."

"You okay, Jennie? You look a little flushed." Lisa was really laying it on thick.

Jennie didn't answer and excused herself to go to the restroom, hearing Lisa tell her mom she was going to check on her. She also heard Jisoo mumbling something along the lines of "they're not even trying to be subtle, are they?"


In the bathroom, Jennie was relieved to find it was empty so no one would have to witness her near meltdown from Lisa's words. She gripped the sink and stared into the mirror, willing herself to calm down. She could wait. She could be patient and wait until the end of the dinner when she and Lisa would finally have some alone time.

But the moment Lisa entered the bathroom, she knew she was fucked and not getting out of this dinner unscathed.

She shook her head at her girlfriend.

"You really know how to give a girl what she wants."

Lisa walked up behind her and wrapped her arms around her, meeting Jennie's eyes in the mirror while sucking on her earlobe.

"I know exactly what you want, Jennie. You want me to fuck you right here, don't you? You want me to pull up your skirt, pull down your panties, bend you over the sink and pound into you."

Jennie was a quivering mess by this point. Lisa was showing no mercy.

"You want me to fuck you while gagging you with my fingers so your screams don't echo too loudly, wondering if someone will walk in to see you like this. Bent over, taking what I give you, begging me for more."

Jennie could feel a sweat breaking out across her forehead. She started backing her ass up into Lisa, trying to get her to do just what she was describing.

"What am I?" she asked Lisa behind her.

She could feel Lisa falter as Jennie pulled her hips in closer to her.

"What am I, Lis? Please? It's okay."

Lisa let out a deep sigh and bent Jennie her over the sink. She moved under her skirt, grazed her hand up her thigh and over her round, tight ass, squeezing it. Jennie missed her touch so much.

Lisa squeezed harder as she thrust against her.

"You want this, don't you? You want me to fuck you over the sink in a public bathroom with your mom and two best friends just outside. You like the idea of being caught."

Jennie moaned, silently praying for Lisa to give her more of what she wanted.

"Tell me, Lis."

"You want me to spank you until you scream, your voice heard by all the patrons outside." She moved her hand into her underwear, her fingers barely skidding across her slit. "Look at you. Your pussy is drenched. You shouldn't be this turned on, Jennie. You shouldn't be enjoying this so much. But you do, don't you? You fucking love this."

Jennie watched Lisa's eyes turn darker in the mirror as Lisa grabbed her blonde hair and pulled tightly, bringing her lips to her ear.

"You love it because you're a fucking slut. And only sluts would enjoy this kind of thing."

Jennie cried out, already near orgasm just from Lisa's voice and words.

"Fuck me, please. I'll be your little slut. My pussy is such a slut for you, baby. Please fuck me."

Lisa pulled her hair even harder. "Whose pussy?"

"Yours. It's yours!" Jennie was near insanity at this point. All she needed were Lisa's hands on her and she'd be coming hard.

Instead, Lisa let go of her hair and pulled her upright. She adjusted her skirt, turned her around, kissed her on the cheek and gave her a little smirk.

"Was that dirty enough for you?"

Jennie was at a loss. She was so close, so damn close to getting what she had been craving for a month.

"You can't ask me that! That takes away from the fantasy!"

"I just want to make sure it was okay. I didn't hurt you, did I?"



Jennie couldn't stop herself from laughing. Before boarding her flight, when she told her girlfriend she wanted to be teased and driven to the brink of insanity, Lisa asked her how. Jennie simply said "surprise me". She should have known Lisa would go straight for the dirty talk, since it turned Jennie on so much.

"You are ridiculous. And way too sweet. No, you didn't hurt me. That was actually perfect. Really hot. And I really, really would like you to follow through and fuck me right here."

Lisa pushed her up against the sink and bit her earlobe.

"Later, love. Your mom and friends are waiting for us."

Jennie looked like a dejected puppy dog as she watched Lisa walk out of the bathroom.


After dinner, Amy had to leave to leave for a graveyard shift at the hospital, finally giving the girls some much needed alone time. It took about five seconds after Amy left for Lisa to get Jennie completely naked and on the bed. Once Lisa stripped herself of all her clothes, she crawled onto the bed and hovered over her girlfriend, re-familiarizing herself with Jennie's body.

"I missed you."

"I missed you, too," replied Jennie as she moved her hips up against Lisa's.


"You know I am."

Lisa ran her fingers along Jennie's cheek and over her lips. She watched as Jennie's eyes rolled back.

"Fuck, I've missed your fingers."

"They missed you," informed Lisa.

Jennie looked up at her and grabbed her wrist, guiding her hand down between them. Much to Lisa's surprise, Jennie maneuvered Lisa's upward so her fingers were touching herself instead of Jennie. When her own fingers came into contact with her clit, Lisa jerked forward and let out an involuntary moan. Jennie's hand still covered Lisa's, guiding her fingers all over her clit and around her entrance, gathering up the abundance of wetness in her pussy.

Just when they were finding a rhythm and Lisa started grinding against her own fingers, Jennie pulled them away and brought them up to her mouth. She examined the long, lithe fingers shiny with Lisa's arousal, then brought the fingers to her lips and traced her tongue along them. She moaned seductively and Lisa was rendered speechless, watching as Jennie's mouth engulfed her fingers, suckling them. Her mouth was warm and wet and her tongue felt so good against Lisa's fingers. Every time Jennie slid them out, grazing her teeth against them, she would suck them back in and Lisa would feel it shooting straight down to her throbbing core.

Jennie's tongue massaged between each finger and Lisa had no idea how this was turning her on so much, but it was. Once Lisa's juices were completely devoured by Jennie's hungry mouth, she pulled Lisa's fingers back out, suctioning them along the way, then moved her hand back down again. This time Lisa's fingers were touching Jennie. Lisa's head was swimming, completely blown away by just how wet her girlfriend was. She knew she could easily slide three fingers inside her with minimal effort, but she didn't. She let Jennie continued to guide her fingers to where she wanted them: circling around her clit, then up and down her entire length, then settled at her entrance. Jennie's eyes slammed shut and the noises she was making just screamed sex. Lisa's fingers were completely covered in Jennie, but before she could slide into her, Jennie pulled her hand away once more and brought it back up to her mouth.

She had a hunger in her eyes that Lisa could tell needed to be sated. She watched as the tip of Jennie's tongue licked the tip of her index finger, tasting herself in the process. And holy fuck, Lisa nearly came at the sight and the feeling of Jennie taking her entire finger into her mouth.

Lisa was shaking, desperately needing to take part in this. She needed to taste her girlfriend. When Jennie opened her mouth to take another finger, Lisa kissed her, plunging her tongue inside her mouth and licking along her own finger at the same time. Her tongue, combined with Jennie's tongue, combined with the taste of Jennie on her fingers was nearly enough to make her come on the spot. She fought the urge and found herself clenching around nothing, wishing Jennie's fingers or tongue could be there. But her girlfriend was otherwise occupied and it was fucking heavenly.

Jennie moaned as their tongues moved against Lisa's fingers, meeting each other between her middle finger and ring finger. The taste of Jennie was starting to fade and Lisa needed more. Jennie pulled her fingers even farther into her mouth, humming as she sucked them dry.

Lisa was officially overstimulated. Perhaps it was the fact that she hadn't actually felt Jennie in a month, but this was definitely doing something to her.

Jennie pulled Lisa's fingers out of her mouth and started rubbing them on her nipples, practically inviting Lisa to take what she had been missing for so long. Lisa was salivating and wasted no time in caressing one breast with her hand while devouring the other with her mouth. The soft whines coming from Jennie told her that she had missed this, too.

She nipped, sucked, and flicked the hardened nipple with her tongue, eliciting even louder moans from the girl beneath her. Jennie's hands were now tangled in Lisa's hair, pulling her further into her chest. Lisa expertly stroked and squeezed her other breast while sucking and pulling gently at her nipple.

Jennie's hips were starting to buck, seeking out something only her girlfriend could give her. Lisa moved between Jennie's legs and placed her thigh against her pussy, groaning at just how wet it felt against her skin. Jennie immediately started rubbing herself against Lisa's thigh as she arched her back, giving Lisa even more access to her chest.

"Fuck, I've missed your tits so much."

"I've missed your mouth on them," panted Jennie, as she continued to grind shamelessly against Lisa's thigh.

Lisa knew her girlfriend was close. She knew she needed to be touched. She had been worked up after a month of being apart and an evening of constant teasing. Which is why she felt bad for immediately moving her thigh away from Jennie's wet center.

"Fuck! Lis, please! I need..."

Lisa brought her fingers up to Jennie's lips, and Jennie immediately went silent, sucking on them once more. Lisa was determined to see if she could make this happen. She continued to pinch and roll Jennie's nipple between her fingers while working the other nipple with her mouth. Jennie was shaking, her mouth humming around Lisa's fingers. Her hips started canting up violently as Lisa trapped her nipple between her teeth and tongue before wrapping her lips further around Jennie's breast, sucking it into her mouth.

And that's when Jennie cried out.

"Oh my...fuck! Oh God!" Her hips shook violently for a moment before dropping back down to the bed. Lisa gave both her breasts one last appreciative squeeze before pulling away and looking down at her girlfriend.

"Everything okay?"

Jennie was bright red and breathless.

"Yeah. I just...I had no idea I could come that way. It was...wow."

Lisa felt rather proud of herself.

"You were pretty worked up. I wanted to see if you could come just from nipple stimulation."

"Well, it worked. Fuck. I mean, I'm definitely going to need to come again, but that was a different kind of orgasm."

"But still good?"

"Still very good."

Lisa smiled and moved down between Jennie's legs, a place she had been dreaming about for far too long. She didn't want to tease Jennie any more than she already had, so she delved two fingers inside of her while latching her lips onto her clit and sucking gently. Jennie let out a filthy moan in response and ran her fingers through Lisa's hair, thanking her for making her feel so good. It took Lisa all of five pumps and a few flicks of her tongue to Jennie's clit before Jennie screamed out her pleasure again, humping Lisa's face, begging her not to stop until her orgasm was done.


Jennie thought she was done. It had been hours of fucking and becoming reacquainted with each other's bodies. They were lying in a heap of sweat and sex, having just finished yet another mind-blowing round. Lisa seemed insatiable and Jennie absolutely loved that her girlfriend couldn't get enough of her.

But she was exhausted and there was no way she could come again. Not without a nap and some food, but Lisa seemed to have other plans. Her fingers circled around her overly-sensitive nipples and Jennie recognized that look in her eye. The look that said "come on baby, I know you've got one more in you." And Lisa did always have a good sense of just how much Jennie could take.

Lisa kissed her and ran her fingers over Jennie's sweaty temple.

"One more and I promise we'll get you some food."

Jennie smiled and nodded, then watched as Lisa excitedly moved herself over Jennie, taking time to move their legs and bodies in just the right position.

Jennie couldn't help the quick intake of breath as she realized exactly what Lisa had planned. It had been a while since they had done this, but it seemed as though Lisa was pretty much determined to do literally all of the things tonight. And Jennie suddenly felt very turned on again and ready to go.

She smiled as Lisa gave her a knowing look, something that told them both that this was going to be awesome.

Lisa leaned back, putting her weight on her hands, and Jennie did the same. Lisa made the first move, rolling her hips, pushing her core against Jennie's. The moment her clit came into contact with Lisa's, Jennie could feel it shoot through her entire body, causing her arms to buckle and almost fall. She powered through, however, refusing to deprive herself of this feeling for even a second.

"Fuck," she panted as she threw her head back. The feeling was incredible, but the sound was downright pornographic. They were both dripping, rubbing their slickness together. The slurping and suctioning sounds filled her room, along with their sharp, heavy breathing and little moans as they started rubbing against each other at a more frenzied pace.

Jennie watched Lisa's abs fLising with each movement, dripping with sweat. She wanted to lick it off of her, but it would have to wait.

"Ah! Oh God, Jennie. Feels....so good."

The little noises from Lisa's throat were now becoming louder and deeper, Jennie could feel her clit practically buzzing as they thrashed against each other. It was sloppy, as they still hadn't managed to find a rhythm whenever they do this. But it felt so damn good, neither of them really cared about making it clean.

She could feel herself just at the edge, so desperately close to falling. So close to exploding into a thousand tiny pieces against the love of her life. She hung there, needing that extra little push and Lisa seemed to sense it.

The brunette slammed harder and faster against her, approaching her own orgasm while trying to bring Jennie the pleasure she needed so badly.

"Fuck, Jennie. That's it. You're doing so good, baby. Fucking ride my pussy. Ride my wet pussy."

And that's what did it. All she needed to hear was Lisa's voice praising her and telling her dirty things. She let out a long, heavy moan as her hips moved frantically. She felt her release dripping all over Lisa's pussy, creating even more slickness between them. Her orgasm came in waves, falling over, then rushing out, only to come back for more. Then, she felt Lisa grinding harder against her, her head thrown back, the tendons in her neck looking like they were about to snap.

"Jennie! Fuck! I'm coming. Fuck, I'm coming so hard, baby. Shit. Don't stop. Fuck, don't stop. Oh God!"

She couldn't quite be sure, but she could almost swear she could feel Lisa's clit pulsing against her as her girlfriend came against her, proof of their joint orgasm dripping between them. It was fucking glorious.

They both collapsed onto the bed with their legs still intertwined. The room was stifling and smelled of sex and Jennie wouldn't want it any other way.

"So I think it's safe to say we've made up for that month in one single night."

Jennie laughed and nodded.

"Was that your goal all along?"

"It didn't start that way, but I guess it ended up that way, didn't it?"

"I guess." Jennie had a permanent smile on her face. She wasn't sure if it was the earth shattering sex or the fact that she was reunited with her amazing girlfriend. It was probably a little of both.



"I love you. And I love that I fall more in love with you every day."

Jennie mustered up all the strength she had left to crawl her way over to Lisa and kiss her.

"I love you, too. So much."

Lisa stared up at her lovingly.

"Welcome home, my beautiful girl."

Bonus Chapter: A Little Surprise

Jennie checked the clock on the wall and sighed heavily. She had been here for almost twelve hours and wasn't even close to finishing. Her final art project for her final year in college was due in four weeks and it felt like she had barely even started even though she had been working on it for three weeks already. The art studio was empty by now, most of the other students calling it a night long ago. Jennie was determined to finish up this one part before she left, but it was taking forever to get it right.

She checked her phone and smiled as she noticed another text from Lisa. They had been texting throughout the day and Jennie knew Lisa was missing her because not only were the texts coming in more frequently, each one was becoming a bit more suggestive than the last.

Jennie and Lisa had been living together for almost a year now as they were finishing up their senior year of college. With their busy schedules, sexting has become sort of a custom in their hectic lives. But today seemed a bit different, like there was a bigger sense of urgency from Lisa. She was full of innuendo today and she was using the typical "sexy" emojis with abandon. All of this made it rather difficult for Jennie to concentrate on her work. All she wanted to do was go home to her girlfriend and the fact that Lisa's texts were growing dirtier by the minute was not helping her situation.

She read Lisa's latest text.

Lisa: Come home, babe. Just about to hop in the shower, but I suppose I can wait for you.

Jennie: Still gonna be a little while.

The response from Lisa was instantaneous.

Lisa: Guess I'll shower all alone. All sweaty after my workout. Miss you!

Jennie clenched the phone in her hand.

Jennie: Take me with you.

Lisa: I would if you were here.

Jennie decided to let Lisa have the last word this time. She couldn't let herself be distracted. But when her phone went off a few minutes later, she couldn't stop herself from checking it. It was photo and she braced herself before opening it.

It was a picture of Lisa on the bed with her pants part way down and her hand disappearing between her legs. Her abs were the main focus of the photo and Jennie nearly dropped her phone in the paint. The caption read: Getting ready for my lonely shower...

Immediately, Jennie sent off a response.

Jennie: Lis, are you trying to kill me? Holy fuck, you're so hot!

Lisa responded in less than a minute.

Lisa: Then come cool me off.

Jennie: The shower can cool you off until I'm done here. But seriously, I really do wish I could shower with you.

She went back to work and found herself glancing at her phone, hoping it would buzz again. Five minutes later, it did.

Lisa: Okay, I took you with me to the shower, but it's not the same.

The text was followed by a picture of Lisa's soapy boobs and abs with water cascading down them.

This time, Jennie actually did drop her phone, but thankfully it didn't land in the paint. She looked around to make sure the studio was completely empty. She was visibly flustered and she really didn't need anyone to see her face bright red. She replied to Lisa with one word.

Jennie: Tease.

Barely ten minutes later, another text came through. This time it was Lisa abs again. She was laying on the couch, topless. The camera was angled so Jennie could see her abs down to her lacy underwear. The caption read was: I'm bored.

Jennie was practically drooling at this point as she responded.

Jennie: Those are very nice abs.

Lisa: You should be riding them.

That was when Jennie decided she had enough and called it a day. Her work of art would have to wait until tomorrow because she's got a masterpiece at home waiting for her tonight. She cleaned up her workspace and sent off a final text to Lisa.

Jennie: Coming.

Lisa: Yes, you definitely will be. Get your ass home to me, beautiful.


Jennie was feeling a bit antsy by the time she arrived at their apartment. Once she opened the door, she couldn't stop herself from smiling. She was excited to see that Lisa really put in the work to seduce her. The place was dimly lit by various candles everywhere with some mood music playing in the background.

"Have a seat, beautiful. Get comfortable. I'll be out in a minute," Lisa called from the bedroom.

Jennie dropped her bag at the door and sat down on the couch, curious to see what her girlfriend had in store for her. She poured herself a glass of red wine from the bottle sitting on the side table and sat back, waiting patiently.

Her third sip of wine was when Lisa made her appearance. And that's when Jennie's throat went dry. Lisa appeared from the hallway wearing nothing but a flannel shirt held together by two buttons. Jennie's eyes grew wide as she immediately sat up straight and put the wine glass back on the table.

"Hey there," Lisa husked, a tiny grin forming on her face.

"Uggnnhhh..." It was the only sound that Jennie could make. Her mouth wasn't communicating with her brain.

"I see my plan to lure you back here worked."

Jennie nodded.

"Good. Now I can give you your surprise."

Lisa approached her as the music changed. The sound of Silk's "Freak Me" echoed through the room. It was then that Jennie knew what her "surprise" was and she immediately felt the excitement between her legs.

"You were gone too long today."

Jennie struggled to find her voice again as Lisa stood in front of her, the flannel shirt showing just enough of her abs to make Jennie want to rip it off of her.

"I'm going to have to find a way to make you not want to stay away so long."

"I...didn't want to."

Lisa placed a hand on Jennie's shoulder.

"I know baby. I was just joking. I know how important your work is. Now let me help you de-stress from your day."

At that, Lisa started moving her hips seductively as Jennie stared up at her in pure wonder. When Lisa straddled her, the shirt rode up and Jennie noticed the black lace underwear Lisa was wearing. It wasn't often that Lisa wore lace lingerie but when she did, it was always a fun time for Jennie. Jennie was also incredibly thankful that she had the foresight to wear shorts today. The less clothing between them, the better.

Lisa continued moving her hips to the music while astride Jennie as she slowly began undoing the two buttons of her shirt, revealing the rest of her abs and her perfect breasts. Jennie's instinct was to touch them immediately, but Lisa stopped her and placed Jennie's hands on her hips, instead. Lisa leaned back, arching her back as far as she could before coming back up, flexing her abs as she did so. Jennie was mesmerized, but didn't have much time to react before Lisa adjusted her position and started sliding against Jennie's thigh. Jennie moved her hands from Lisa's hips to her thighs, squeezing them and pulling her closer into her. She could feel the sweat from Lisa's body through the flannel shirt, which was still hanging open. Jennie wanted it off. Completely off. But she decided to be patient.

Her resolve was fading fast, however, when she could feel how wet Lisa was against her thigh. By the look on Lisa's face, Jennie could tell she was struggling not to come already. Jennie loved it. She moved her hands to grab Lisa's ass as her girlfriend continued to ride her thigh. She leaned up to try to kiss Lisa, but Lisa bit her lip and shook her head.

Jennie rolled her eyes.

"Such a tease."


Jennie grabbed her ass again, then smacked her hand against her butt, spanking her twice. Lisa let out sexy moan in response, so Jennie spanked her two more times.

"Fucking ride my thigh, baby. I can feel how wet you are for me."

"Fuck," Lisa whispered as she started to grind harder and faster, her breasts bouncing with every thrust.

Much to Jennie's disappointment, Lisa stopped her movements, gripped onto Jennie's shoulders and tried to catch her breath. She didn't say why, but Jennie knew very well that Lisa was about to come and had to stop before she got too excited. After a moment, she got up, turned around and lifted her shirt up just enough for Jennie to watch her sculpted ass in black lace sway to the music. She backed up and sat down in between Jennie's legs, rubbing her ass between Jennie's legs.

"Oh holy fuck."

It felt so good, Jennie threw her head back and closed her eyes, but only for a brief moment. She didn't want to miss another second of this little show. Her hands gripped Lisa's waist as she pushed up against her ass, trying to gain more friction. Lisa had a different idea in mind. She moved Jennie's hands up to her chest, effectively giving her permission to finally touch her breasts. Jennie didn't need to be asked twice. She continued moving her core against Lisa's butt as she kneaded the flesh of her breasts under the material of the flannel shirt, tweaking each hardened nipple and loving the sounds of approval spilling from Lisa's mouth.

Jennie was soaked. Probably more drenched than Lisa was at this point and while she very much enjoyed the dance, she didn't know if she could wait much longer before fucking her beautiful girlfriend. But Lisa obviously put a lot of thought into this, so the least she could do was let her keep going.

Lisa got up and turned back around. Without breaking eye contact, she removed her underwear, gracefully stepping out of them before she straddled Jennie once more. She rested her arms on Jennie's shoulders and gave her a crooked grin as she started moving against Jennie's thigh once again. Jennie was dizzy, loving the fact that there was no barrier between her skin and Lisa's wet center. Lisa's eyes focused solely on Jennie's as her breathing became labored and her movements more desperate. Jennie started flexing her thigh every time Lisa would grind down.

Soon, Lisa shrugged off the flannel she was wearing leaving her completely nude while riding Jennie's thigh and that's when Jennie couldn't take it anymore. She leaned up and kissed Lisa deeply before leaning her back and trailing her tongue along her sweaty abs. She loved feeling Lisa squirm as she nipped and bit along her torso, leaving a few hickeys in her wake. She pulled Lisa back up and immediately attached her mouth to Lisa's breast, sucking gently as her other hand fondled her other breast. Her girlfriend's moaning only encouraged her more, sucking harder and moving her lips to leave a mark just underneath her nipple.

When they pulled apart, Lisa wasted no time in yanking Jennie's shirt off. She was still moving against her leg, but at this point, it couldn't even be considered "dancing" anymore. Jennie took this as a sign that it was okay to touch whatever she wanted now, so she surged forward until they were both on the floor with Jennie hovering over her. She reached behind her back and removed her bra, but didn't give Lisa much time to enjoy the view. She leaned down and kissed her, sliding her tongue past Lisa's plump lips as her fingers were met with a dripping mess between Lisa's legs. She moved her fingers over Lisa's clit, adding a bit of pressure with every pass as her tongue probed deep inside her mouth. She felt Lisa shudder and shake as a whine escaped her throat. She stiffened underneath Jennie as an orgasm ripped through her entire body. Lisa came within seconds of Jennie touching her.

Jennie's kissing turned gentler as her fingers slowed and she spent a few moments rubbing Lisa's clit softly while kissing along her jaw and neck. Lisa hummed in contentment, but Jennie didn't give her very long to recover before plunging her fingers deep inside Lisa, fucking her the way she had been dying to since she first got home. She pushed her thigh against her hand to put more pressure behind her thrusts and Lisa groaned with pleasure. Jennie bit her lip as she looked down at her girlfriend, Lisa's eyes staring right into her own. Both girls breathed heavily as Jennie continued fucking her girlfriend, curling her fingers with every other pass and loving just how wet Lisa was for her.

Lisa pulled her down into a kiss, grabbing onto the back of her neck. It was sloppy, breathy, and hard to navigate due to Jennie's increasing gyrating. Between kisses, Jennie could hear words like "fuck," "baby," and "Jennie" coming from Lisa's breathless voice. They were both equally turned on at this point, but Jennie made it her mission to thoroughly fuck her girlfriend until she was fully satisfied. She slowed her movements, but started slamming harder and deeper into Lisa, using her thumb to graze her clit as she did so.

"Oh God, that feel so good. Fuck, keep doing that," begged Lisa.

Jennie nodded, knowing Lisa was close once again. Jennie felt the warmth around her fingers tighten as Lisa's hips lifted off the ground to meet Jennie's movements. Lisa's moaning grew louder and Jennie felt a fresh gush of wetness against her fingers as Lisa contracted around them.

"Oh fuck I'm coming so hard, Jennie. Fuck!"

Her hips canted upward until they were completely off the ground, trying to feel as much of Jennie as she could. Jennie stilled her fingers, still resting inside of Lisa, and guided her back down to the floor. She pulled her fingers out and tasted Lisa on them, sucking them dry and then craving more. Jennie kissed her parched lips, then her soft neck, down to her supple breasts and kept moving down until she was between Lisa's legs. Jennie was relentless and ready to give her more.

"Jesus, baby. Are you trying to kill me."

Jennie smiled. "Just trying to show you how much I love you. And how much I loved your lap dance."

"You're doing a very good job of that."

Jennie grinned and placed a gentle kiss on her stomach before lifting Lisa's leg over her shoulder and running her tongue through her folds. Lisa gasped and arched her back, one hand gripping the leg of the coffee table while the other gripped Jennie's hair. She clearly wasn't too sensitive for one more round, so Jennie licked into her deeper, coating her tongue with Lisa's arousal and massaging her clit with the tip of her tongue. She pulled back and repeated the motion a few times before adding more pressure against her clit. She flattened her tongue and ran it along the length of her pussy before gently sucking on her clit. Lisa's body jerked and she let out a wail while gripping Jennie's hair even tighter.


Jennie started sucking a bit more vigorously, paying close attention to the way Lisa's body was reacting. She flicked her tongue against her clit a few times before massaging it more broadly. Lisa pulled Jennie's face in closer to her as her hips shot up again. Jennie tried to move her tongue as deftly and precisely as she could while Lisa kept pulling her closer to get more friction. Soon, Lisa's hips were undulating and she was practically humping Jennie's face, moving more rapidly than Jennie could keep up.

Soon, Lisa was coming again. Jennie could taste her orgasm as Lisa continued to moan and writhe against her face. After one final pump of her hips, Lisa collapsed back down onto the ground. Jennie moved back up and straddled Lisa's stomach, looking down at her with complete adoration.

"You're really hot when you come."

Lisa breathed heavily and mumbled something incoherent. Jennie giggled just looking at the state of her sex-ravaged girlfriend. She had a feeling this would happen. Jennie was all worked up, but by now, Lisa was too far gone to reciprocate. She was perfectly fine with this, seeing as how she had her own little plan of getting herself off.

Lisa leaned up to try and roll them over, but Jennie stopped her and shook her head. She pushed Lisa back down and unzipped her shorts, pulling them off along with her underwear. She crawled back up to straddle Lisa's abs.

"Don't worry, babe. I got this," Jennie assured her.

She started rolling her hips against Lisa's stomach, gasping as they fLised against her pussy. She rubbed harder against the defined muscles, her clit throbbing with each pass. She was leaving a very obvious wet trail along Lisa's stomach as she started riding her harder. She loved the way Lisa looked up at her in awe, just enjoying the show. Jennie then moved her hands up to play with her tits, moaning as she plucked her own nipples between her fingers. She noticed as Lisa's mouth opened slightly, further lost in her wonderment. Jennie squeezed her tits harder as she started grinding faster, approaching her orgasm faster than she realized. It was only another few seconds before she cried out and came all over Lisa's stomach, shuddering with every grunt coming out of her mouth.

She hunched over Lisa breathing heavily, her arms barely able to hold her up.

"Fuck, that was intense."

But she wanted more. She craved more, so she started touching herself while still on top of Lisa. Lisa's eyes grew wide and her mouth even wider as she held onto Jennie's hips and pushed her abs up into her. Jennie moaned with every touch of her fingers against her clit. She knew this wasn't going to take long, especially with the way Lisa was staring at her so seductively.

Lisa grabbed her wrist and Jennie slowed her movements.

"I want to see you fuck yourself while riding me," Lisa husked.

Jennie closed her eyes and nodded as Lisa guided Jennie's fingers further back. They both let out a groan the moment Jennie sank down onto her two fingers. Lisa assisted by guiding Jennie's hips up and down. Jennie fingers were drowned in her own arousal as she started bucking up and down faster. The quiet whines from her throat grew louder and that's when Lisa leaned up and started sucking on her tits, moving her lips from one to the other, circling her tongue around each nipple. Jennie threw her head back and sobbed with delight. She felt tell-tale pressure at the base of her spine and the tightness around her fingers.

"That's right. Let me see you come, baby. Make yourself come for me," begged Lisa as she buried her face in Jennie's breasts.

Jennie came with a scream. She couldn't control it and started to feel bad for their neighbors, but she would just have to worry about that later. Because right now, she was coming all over her hand, which was dripping down to Lisa's abs. She removed her fingers and rubbed her clit, prolonging her orgasm for as long as possible.

Soon, she collapsed onto Lisa, who happy cradled her as she shivered in her arms. Their hot breaths combined with their sweat and Jennie just wanted to live in this moment forever. Sweat and all.

"That...might have been the world's best lap dance."

Lisa smiled. "I'm glad you think so. Took me forever to finally get you home."

"Next time I'll leave at your first suggestive text."

"Or maybe just don't leave. Let's just stay like this forever."

Jennie kissed her sweetly.

"You read my mind."

Bonus Chapter: Warmth

Refusing the let the storm defeat her, Lisa clicked the notch for the windshield wipers, causing them to speed up, which helped her see a little bit easier. The snow was pummeling down as she carefully navigated the icy streets. It was Christmas Eve and Lisa and Jennie were on their way to celebrate with their family and friends at Jennie's mom's house. Even Lisa's parents agreed to attend, having eventually warmed up to her relationship with Jennie, though they didn't have much of an excuse not to go since they lived right next door to Amy.

It was a five-hour drive from their apartment in New York City to the suburbs of DC, where Jennie grew up. Normally, Lisa could make the drive in under four hours, but the snow on this Christmas Eve has been brutal and with Jennie in the passenger seat, Lisa was carrying precious cargo. They had gotten a late start, having spent most the of the morning and afternoon bickering about trivial things like how to pack the car properly with all the gifts and goodies they were bringing. Lisa nagged Jennie about her inability to get anywhere on time after putting off wrapping the gifts, then insisting they be wrapped perfectly a half hour after they were already supposed to be on the road.

Jennie was on Lisa's case about being grumpy and complaining that her parents were going to be there tonight. It was Amy's idea to invite them and Jennie agreed it was a nice idea, insisting to Lisa that they really did seem to change and want to be more involved in their daughter's life.

Normally, Lisa wouldn't have an issue with it, but she wanted tonight to be perfect, which was also why she had to apologize for being harsh to Jennie about wanting to get there on time. Part of her grumpiness was because she wanted to avoid driving in the incoming blizzard. The other part was because she knew how much Jennie loved Christmas and wanted her to have the perfect holiday. After realizing how stupid she was being, she made Jennie a cup of hot chocolate and brought it to her while she was putting the finishing touches on wrapping the gifts. Jennie happily accepted it and said that since she apologized, Lisa would no longer be getting a lump of coal for Christmas.

All was good between them now. Not that it wasn't always good. Sure, they would argue sometimes. Voices would raise and tempers would flair, but it was never over anything big and once they realized how dumb the arguments were, they would end up laughing about it.

Kissing and making up was something they did very well. Today just happened to be a bit of a stressful one for both of them.

They were not too far from their destination when "Christmas Wrapping" by The Waitresses came on the radio. Jennie started absentmindedly singing along as she ran her fingers along the back of Lisa's neck, making her feel a bit more relaxed. Lisa smiled at the sight of the blanket across Jennie's legs. Even with the heater on, she was perpetually cold.

"Keep that heater going. The snow is really coming down now," Lisa remarked as Jennie tried massaging her shoulder a bit.

"Should we pull over for a while?"

"Eh...I think it'll be ok. I just want to get there."

"There's like zero visibility. Maybe we should wait it out for a little while."

Lisa contemplated Jennie's suggestion. It really was getting more and more difficult to see, but she didn't want to be any later than they already were. It was almost 7pm and they were supposed to be there an hour ago.

"Well, let's just see if we can drive through it. It's bound to calm down in a few minutes."

She could see Jennie nodding through her peripheral as her hands gripped the steering wheel tighter and her foot eased off the accelerator just a bit. Jennie turned the heater up another notch and continued running her fingers along Lisa's neck.

Eventually, when all Lisa could see in front of her was a wall of white, she started slowing down even more.

"I think you might be right. We should have just waited it out. Let me pull over."

Before she came to a stop, bright headlights appeared out of nowhere as a car nearly hit them head on. Lisa managed to swerve, but her car spun out and hit the snow bank along the edge of the road. It wasn't a hard hit, but it was enough for Lisa to gasp as a string of obscenities came out of Jennie's mouth. Lisa pulled the "soccer mom move" and reached her arm out to act as a second seat belt for Jennie as the car came to a stop along the snow bank. The engine cut out and the lights shut off, leaving them in darkness.

Lisa looked over at Jennie, the adrenaline shooting through her. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Are you?"

"Yeah. Just....that scared the shit out of me."

Jennie nodded. "Me too."

Lisa put the car in park and took off her seat belt to pull Jennie in for a hug.

"You're sure you're okay?"

"Yeah. Nice of that guy to stop and check on us."

"Oh I know, right? What an asshole."

They sat and caught their breath for a moment, the adrenaline still very much running high. Lisa could see Jennie's hand shaking, so she took it and intertwined their fingers.

"Hey, we're okay. It could have been a lot worse. The car might have a dent, but that's why I have insurance."

Jennie nodded, but was still shaking.

"Come here." She pulled Jennie into another hug. "I'm okay, you're okay. And we're so close to your mom's."

Lisa kissed Jennie, trying to soothe her, but also needing to calm down herself. After taking a few moments for their nerves to settle, Lisa tried to start the car, but the engine sputtered.


She turned the ignition once more, but this time nothing happened at all.

"No, no, no. This isn't happening."

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know. Hitting the bank must have done something to the engine." Lisa gripped the steering wheel, trying to remain calm. This couldn't have possibly happened at a worse time. "Just perfect. Well, I've been wanting to get a new car anyway."

"Babe, I'm sure they can fix it. Let me try to call my mom," offered Jennie. "She can come get us and we can get it towed tomorrow."

"On Christmas?"

"We'll find someone. If not, then we'll get someone out here first thing the next morning."

Lisa began to massage her temples and nodded in agreement with Jennie.

"You're right. And the important thing is we're both okay. I have plenty of money saved to get the car fixed. It'll be fine. I just hate that this is happening today of all days."

"I know, babe." Jennie started massaging Lisa's neck again while calling her mom. "Oh shit. No service. Must be the blizzard."

Lisa tried to call AAA on her phone, but the signal was dead. She put down her phone and turned to Jennie.

"What should we do?"

Jennie shrugged. "We wait it out, I guess."

Lisa took a deep breath and nodded. All she could think of was how she ruined Jennie's Christmas Eve. It was her favorite holiday and Lisa ruined it for her. She should have just pulled over when Jennie first suggested it. If she had, they wouldn't be in this situation.

"Hey," Jennie tried to get her attention. "I see those wheels turning in your head. Christmas is not ruined. We're not far from my mom's house. The blizzard will die down and we'll eventually have phone service or we'll be able to walk."

Lisa looked over at her and smiled. "You know me too well."

"Yeah, well...that'll happen after two and a half years together." Jennie gave her sly wink. Then, she shuddered, pulling her coat a little tighter to her body. "I just wish the heater was working."

Each passing moment, the interior of the car grew colder. Lisa turned on the car's hazard lights. She was glad to see that at least those were working. She doubted anyone would be driving in this mess and they were pulled over far enough on the side of the road, but it was better to be safe by keeping them on.



"Yep. Come on. Let's move to the back. We can keep each other warm." Lisa started maneuvering her way into the back seat.

"Lis, I love you but I don't think this is the time or place for that."

"Get your mind out of the gutter. I literally mean cuddling so we can warm each other up."

Jennie followed her and once they situated themselves in the back seat of the SUV, Lisa pulled Jennie over to her, wrapping her arms around her. It was completely dark except for the blinking hazard lights, illuminating the interior of the car every other second just enough for Lisa to see her breath in the air every time she exhaled.

"Damn, it's getting colder, isn't it?"

"I didn't want to say anything, but my legs feel frozen."

Rubbing her hands up and down Jennie's thighs, Lisa did her best to warm them up



"Now I'm cold and horny."

Lisa couldn't help but laugh. Then, she remembered something.

"Wait, get up for a second."

"But I'm comfy!"

"Jennie, just for a sec. I have an idea."

Jennie moved and Lisa got up on her knees to dig through the bags in the back of the SUV.

"Found it!"

She pulled out a bottle of red wine. Jennie's eyes lit up as she grabbed the bottle and opened it.

"Vino! Thank god we got the twist-off kind!"

Relishing in the new discovery, she tossed the lid somewhere behind her and took a swig of the wine before handing it to Lisa. Lisa took a hearty drink and felt the liquid instantly warming up her insides. She took one more sip and handed the bottle back to Jennie, who pulled her blanket from the front seat and placed it over their laps. She leaned against Lisa, cuddling into her and they took turns passing the wine back and forth.

"It's so quiet," observed Jennie.

Enjoying the warmth of the wine, Lisa nodded. "And kind of beautiful. At least from the little I can see."

"Tomorrow's gonna be a winter wonderland. I'm planning on waking you up at the crack of dawn to go build a snowman with me."

"In that case, I'm going to need more wine." Lisa took the bottle back from Jennie and took a few more sips.

"So, what did you get me this year?"

Lisa chuckled.

"Nice try. I'm not quite that drunk yet."

"Damn. You know I had to try."

"You've been trying for three weeks. You can wait a little longer. Just one more sleep."

Or even less than that. Lisa wasn't sure if she could even wait one more night to give Jennie her present. Something about this time of year makes her eager and impatient. It had the same effect on Jennie, too.

The bottle was almost empty and Lisa couldn't believe they went through an entire bottle that quickly, but it did help with the cold. Not enough, though, since Jennie was still shivering. Lisa reached for her phone to check if there was any service yet.

There wasn't.

She wished she was good at fixing cars so she could at least get the heater working and warm Jennie up, but instead, she did the next best thing. She leaned in and kissed her, letting her lips linger against Jennie's, tasting the sweet wine on them. Jennie's moan encouraged Lisa to keep the kiss going. She wanted to keep Jennie's mind off the cold. It seemed to be working.

Their kisses grew more intense and their mouths collided, each finding different angles to get closer, deeper. Lisa could still taste the wine on Jennie's tongue and craved more. She had been addicted to this girl from the moment she met her and she knew if they didn't slow down, this would head somewhere very inappropriate for where they were. When Lisa started to pull away, Jennie whined and followed Lisa's mouth, not wanting to stop. Lisa smiled to herself and gave in to Jennie's silent request. In return, Jennie climbed onto Lisa's lap, straddling her, continuing their makeout session.

Lisa could already feel the heat rising up within her, tiny beads of sweat forming at the base of her spine. She suddenly felt the need to shed the heavy coat she was wearing, so she took it off, then went to remove Jennie's jacket. They were still very much clothed in their sweaters, so Lisa pulled her sweater off over her head and Jennie did the same. They laughed at the outcome, since both of them were still wearing long sleeve shirts.

"Ugh, well this is a chore."

"Yeah. But at least we're not freezing anymore. I've downgraded to chilly."

Jennie may not have no longer been freezing but Lisa could still see her breath in the air. And she just couldn't have that for her girlfriend.

"That's still too cold. Plus, with that shirt coming off very shortly, we're gonna have to really make up for it with our actions."

Jennie grinned at her and pulled her shirt off. Without hesitating, she unhooked her bra and tossed it aside, smirking at Lisa's reaction. It never failed. Any time Jennie's boobs were in full view of Lisa, it was like an out of body experience.

"I can't believe it's been two and a half years and you still never blink while looking at my boobs."

"Blink? And miss even a microsecond of this view? No thanks. Blinking is for weaklings."

Jennie shoved her chest closer to Lisa's face and Lisa forgot who she was for a moment.

"Looks like you're pretty weak already."

All Lisa could think was thank god my eyes adjusted to the dark, before leaning forward and enclosing her mouth on Jennie's breast while fondling to the other one with her hand. Jennie hissed when Lisa's teeth slightly grazed her nipple before laving it with her tongue and sucking gently. Jennie moaned above her.

"Harder," she panted. "Suck my tits harder."

Lisa did as she was told and sucked harder before moving her mouth over to Jennie's other breast, circling the nipple with her tongue before tugging at it with her teeth. Softly at first, then a bit rougher. Jennie yelped and for a moment, Lisa thought she want to far, but once Jennie started grinding against her, she knew it was okay to continue.

"Fuck, you're so hot," Lisa exclaimed.

Jennie smiled. "Not bad considering I was freezing before."

"That's not what I meant."

"I know what you meant. Now get your shirt off so we can keep warming each other up."

Jennie's hips undulated against her and Lisa's eyes slammed shut.

"That's all this is, right?" Jennie continued. "Pure survival instinct."

Jennie moved her hips again and Lisa let out a soft "fuck" when she could feel how wet she was. She was pretty sure she was soaked through her jeans.

"And maybe a little animal instinct," Lisa replied as she took off her shirt and bra to match Jennie's nudity. She grabbed Jennie's ass and pulled her closer, their tits rubbing against each other as their kiss grew more intense.

As their breathing grew heavier, the car became hotter, trapping in the heat from their bodies. The windows were completely steamed up, so whatever they were doing seemed to be working. Jennie started to scoot down a bit until her knees were on the floor of the back seat. She reached back and pulled the lever to push the front seat up further, giving her a bit more room. Lisa watched silently, allowing Jennie to start pulling her pants down along with her underwear. Lisa lifted her ass a bit in order to help her. Once Lisa's pants were off completely, Jennie's hands grazed down her thighs to Lisa's knees, separating them, leaving her wide open for Jennie to explore. Lisa could feel a rush of cold between her legs, the crisp air reminding her of just how wet she was. She couldn't remember the last time she felt this vulnerable. But Jennie soon made her forget all that the moment she ran her tongue through Lisa's slit. Lisa let out a gasp and her legs immediately began to tremble.

"Damn baby. You're so wet."

All Lisa could do was nod in agreement while gently guiding Jennie's head back to her center, not wanting to wait another moment for that warm tongue. Jennie wasted no time in getting to work, massaging Lisa's clit with her tongue. It felt incredible and even made Lisa forget about the fact that they were in a freezing, broken down car in the middle of a blizzard. The heat of Jennie's mouth warmed up her entire body, inside and out. Her grip on Jennie's hair tighten just a bit and she started rubbing herself against Jennie's tongue, chasing her release and loving the friction it caused. Her clit was throbbing. She could feel it pulsing against Jennie's tongue as she quickly approached her orgasm. Jennie always did know how to bring her to release immediately. She would be embarrassed by it if it didn't feel so damn good.

"Fuck, right there, baby! Don't stop."

She started sliding down the seat as her hips canted up to meet Jennie's tongue with each thrust.

"Fuck, I'm gonna come. You're gonna make me come."

Jennie moaned against her clit, expertly flicking her tongue until Lisa finally broke. With one hand gripping Jennie's hair, she snaked her other arm back against the headrest and held on for dear life as she rode out one of the most intense orgasms she'd had in a while. She kept Jennie's tongue at just the exact spot she needed in order to make the orgasm last even longer before finally letting go and slinking down onto the seat. Jennie looked up, her face shiny with proof of her orgasm and Lisa pulled her up to kiss her, tasting herself on her lips and tongue. The remnants of wine now replaced with her own essence. .

Lisa gripped Jennie's ass, then started pawing at her jeans.

"Off. These need to come off now."

Jennie hastily shed the last of her clothes before straddling Lisa's thigh.


Lisa nodded. "Much."

As much as Lisa wanted to take her at this very moment, she took a moment to just enjoy the feeling of Jennie grinding against her thigh, feeling just how turned on she was.

"Oh wait. What have we here," asked Jennie. She looked over Lisa's shoulder into the back of the SUV and pulled out a Santa hat, which she promptly put on.

"Merry Christmas, baby." Jennie shimmied, causing her boobs to sway beautifully side to side and Lisa was pretty sure she had never seen anything so deliciously sexy. Who knew a Santa hat would be such a turn on? Though it probably had to do with the naked girl who was wearing it and making her thigh wet with each grind.

"You are so fucking sexy. I love you so much."

Lisa leaned up and guided Jennie down on her back so she was laying across the seat with Lisa hovering over her. She kissed her forehead, then her cheek, then her lips, then moved down to her neck, her chest, and her breasts, pay extra close attention to each one for several minutes before moving back up to her lips. Lisa's hand made its way down Jennie's abdomen to her waist, then finally between her legs. Jennie spread her legs for her, excitedly anticipating Lisa's fingers. Lisa wanted to take her time. She wanted to explore and bring Jennie to the edge and back multiple times before letting her come. She wanted to spend hours worshipping her entire body, pulling out sensuous sounds from her. But she didn't have the patience for that right now. Seeing Jennie completely naked, spread open for her, wet and willing and waiting. It was too much. Lisa needed to make her come right now.

Her finger toyed with her clit for a moment and Jennie let out deep moan while grabbing Lisa's hand and guiding it to her entrance. Not needing to be told twice, Lisa's fingers sank into Jennie, enveloping themselves in the warmth and wetness of her cunt. Jennie threw her head back, effectively causing her to lose the Santa hat. Lisa had half a mind to stop what she was doing and put it back on her, but the way Jennie was moaning led Lisa to focus on the task in front of her. She pulled her fingers out slowly before sinking them back in, repeating the movements and indulging in the sounds her girlfriend was making.

Lisa's tongue trailed along Jennie's belly, up between the valley of her breasts before her mouth enveloped a stiff, pink nipple, causing Jennie to whimper. Lisa could hear her mumbling something, but couldn't quite make it out.

"What was that, baby?"

Jennie leaned up. "I said fuck me, please. I need you to fuck me."

Lisa smiled and pushed Jennie back down the seat.


With her fingers still inside Jennie, Lisa positioned herself between Jennie's legs and used her hips to give her hand a little more power behind each thrust. Jennie instantly wrapped her legs around Lisa as she continued fucking her the way she wanted it. Their bodies moved together, skin on skin, somehow both cold and hot at the same time. She didn't know how much time had passed. She didn't know how late they were to the Christmas Eve party. And she didn't care. All that mattered was the girl beneath her. The one chanting her name and begging to make her come.

Lisa licked along Jennie's neck before moving to her ear. The second her tongue invaded Jennie's ear, she felt Jennie's muscles tighten around her fingers, she let out a loud cry and came instantly, coating Lisa's fingers with her orgasm. Her hips shook, her back arched and her eyes clamped shut as she entrusted Lisa to guide her down from her high.

Soon after, they were both naked, sweaty messes laying together in the back seat. Jennie's blanket was now covering them. They exchanged kisses and cuddles, neither of them even thinking about the blizzard or the broken down car or the fact that they're missing the Christmas Eve festivities.

But it has been a while since they checked their phones and as much as Lisa doesn't want to move, she knew people were going to start to worry. So she reached for her phone and found that she miraculously has service.

"I guess I should call someone."

Jennie sat up and wiped the steam from the window.

"Wow. Looks like the worst of it is over. I can actually see outside. It's barely even snowing now."

Lisa got up to look.

"Umm...if we can see out, then people will probably be able to see in. Maybe we should get our clothes back on."

"I should call Jisoo to see if she can come get us. What street are we on?"

"I'm actually not entirely sure. I know we're in the neighborhood. I just never remember the street names."

They quickly got dressed and moved back to the front seat. Before Lisa could dial a number, there was a loud pounding on the driver side window. Both girls screamed at the sound.

"Open up, nerds! I'm here to rescue you! Your white knight awaits."


Lisa opened the door to find Jisoo standing there, looking ever so proud to be rescuing them.

"Your mom's in the car, Jendeuk. Let's go."

"How did you find us?"

Jisoo waved her phone at them. "Find My Friends app. Once the storm settled, I was able to ping your phone. We figured something probably happened."

Lisa got out of the car and helped Jennie slide out of the driver's side since the passenger side was up against the snowbank.

"What about my car?"

"We'll get someone to tow the car later. Right now, let's get you guys home. Don't forget to grab the gifts. I know you guys probably got me something pretty spectacular."

Lisa rolled her eyes as she grabbed the gifts out of the back of the car.

"We sure did miss you, Jisoo."

"Of course you did. I'm awesome. Now get your ass in Amy's car. It's freezing out here."

Lisa followed Jisoo and Jennie to the nice, heated car. She was glad that they didn't fully miss out on the party. But after what she just experienced with Jennie, she decided that regardless of what happened later tonight or tomorrow morning, this would go down in history as the best Christmas ever.

(for real)

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This story was originally written on my original account @BornToStanBTS. I was having trouble with my old account so I decided to put this story on t...
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