๐—ฆ๐˜๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ฑ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด ๐—ป๐—ฒ๐˜…๐˜ ๐˜๏ฟฝ...

De vkangst

4K 318 904

๐–จ๐—‡ 1920๐—Œ ๐–ซ๐—ˆ๐—‡๐–ฝ๐—ˆ๐—‡, ๐–บ ๐—†๐–บ๐—…๐–พ ๐—…๐–บ๐—๐—’๐–พ๐—‹ ๐–บ๐—‡๐–ฝ ๐–บ ๐—†๐–บ๐—…๐–พ ๐–ผ๐—‹๐—‚๐—†๐—‚๐—‡๐–บ๐—… ๐–ฟ๐–บ๐—…๐—… ๐—‚๐—‡ ๐—…๐—ˆ๐—๐–พ... Mai multe

Introductions + warnings


182 11 61
De vkangst

3rd person pov

As the morning light crept through the narrow gaps between the curtains, it illuminated the room with a soft glow. Jungkook, who was snuggled up in Taehyung's embrace, squinted his eyes and buried his face deeper into Taehyung's chest, hoping to escape the intrusive light. However, his efforts were in vain as he soon opened his eyes and shot a disgruntled look at the curtains for allowing the sunlight to invade their peaceful haven.

Jungkook's intense gaze was fixated on the curtains, his eyes narrowing as he glared at them with a cute yet murderous expression. Taehyung, with his deep and soothing morning voice, couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of his boyfriend's adorable expression. He teased Jungkook gently, "Stop glaring at the curtains like that, baby, or they won't be able to handle your cuteness."

Jungkook was taken aback by Taehyung's playful comment and turned to face him, only to find that his attorney was awake and looking at him with a warm and loving gaze. "When did you wake up?" Jungkook asked, surprised by the sudden realization that Taehyung had been watching him.

"I woke up when you were busy glaring at the curtains," Taehyung replied, his voice laced with fondness.

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Jungkook tried to get up, muttering, "Oh, I'll go back to sleep. Go take a shower and get ready for work, Mr. Kim!"

However, Taehyung refused to let Jungkook go so easily. He tightened his hold around Jungkook and pulled him closer, his arms enveloping the younger boy in a warm and comforting embrace. "I'll get up later. Let's stay like this for a while. It feels nice," Taehyung said softly, peering down at Jungkook with an affectionate gaze.

Jungkook couldn't resist Taehyung's sweet request and closed his eyes, allowing himself to fall back into a peaceful slumber on Taehyung's chest. As Jungkook slept, Taehyung admired the beauty of the pretty boy, taking in the sight of his long lashes brushing against his baby face, his button nose, and his pouty lips. To Taehyung, Jungkook was simply breathtakingly beautiful, and he felt incredibly lucky to have him by his side.

The attorney looks upon a pretty boy who is sleeping soundly. The attorney admires the boy's ethereal beauty and exclaims, "Jungkookie, you're so pretty!" The boy continues to slumber, undisturbed by the attorney's words.

The attorney, feeling envious of the boy's peaceful slumber, decides to abandon his work and join him in his slumber. He closes his eyes and falls asleep with the pretty boy in his arms. The two of them sleep peacefully, wrapped in each other's embrace. Away from the chaos of the world, they find solace in each other's company.

Suddenly, the sound of a meowing cat interrupts their peaceful slumber. The cat is confused to find his papa and the attorney, still sleeping at noon. The cat tries to wake the attorney up by meowing, but to no avail. So she resorts to licking his face, hoping to rouse him from his deep sleep.

The attorney stirs awake, his face wet from the cat's licking. He sees the cat trying to wake him up and realizes he needs to feed her. He tries to move the pretty boy onto the bed, but the boy snuggles closer to him, unwilling to let go.

The attorney reassures the cat that he will feed her and picks up the pretty boy in his arms. He carries him to the kitchen, with the cat following closely behind. He places the boy down on a chair and gives the cat some food and water. The cat eats contentedly, while the attorney watches over her, making sure she is well-fed.

He apologizes to the cat for being late with her food and defends the pretty boy, saying that he was sleeping and couldn't feed her on time. The pretty boy, still half-asleep, mumbles, "Carry me and give her food." The attorney chuckles and picks up the boy in his arms, with the cat following closely behind, content with her full belly.

The attorney gently shook Jungkook, trying to wake him up. "Wake up jungkookie! It's noon! You've got to eat, wake up!" he said in a soft but firm voice. Jungkook groaned and snuggled deeper into the attorney's arm, clearly not wanting to get up just yet.

"Hmm let me sleep for more 5 minutes," he mumbled.

"No, Jungkook! Wake up now!" the attorney insisted, keeping the pretty boy in bed, even as he whined and complained.

"You're so cruel, Mr. Kim!" Jungkook pouted, but eventually got up and headed to the bathroom to freshen up. The attorney chuckled as he watched the pretty boy walk away.

As Jungkook got ready, the attorney went to the kitchen and washed his hands before getting started on breakfast. He cracked a couple of eggs into a pan and fried them in a little oil. In another pan, he toasted two slices of bread. Meanwhile, Jungkook came back to the kitchen, looking fresh and ready for the day.

"Oh, you're done freshening up! Sit down, breakfast is ready!" the attorney said, pouring some tea into a glass.

"Let me do the other work! You go and freshen up!" Jungkook insisted, taking the tea jug in hand and pouring the tea.

"Okay!" the attorney said, heading off to the bathroom to freshen up himself.

While he waited for the attorney to come back, Jungkook played with his cat, Milly. "Milly, papa is sorry! I was sleeping, love, that's why I couldn't give you food on time!" he apologized to the cat, who meowed in response. "My lovely kitty!" Jungkook cooed, kissing the cat on the head.

When the attorney returned, they both sat down to eat. "Let's eat, Jungkookie!" the attorney said, taking a seat.

"Sure!" Jungkook replied, already digging into his breakfast with relish.

"Sorry, Jungkookie! I can't make anything other than eggs, bread, and tea. It's not what people eat at lunchtime!" the attorney apologized.

Jungkook was quick to assure him. "No, it's fine! It's more than fine, I usually don't eat lunch anyway!"

"Jungkookie, you shouldn't skip meals!" the attorney chided him, sounding serious.

"Yeah yeah, okay!" Jungkook said with a mouthful of food.

"Don't talk while eating!" the attorney reminded him, gently but firmly.

Both of them ate their lunch in silence, while in the background, Milly the cat played with her toys, which were basically plastic ones belonging to Jungkook. "Mr. Kim, you missed your office today," the pretty boy reminded the attorney, who was having tea after finishing his meal of eggs and bread. "Yeah!" the attorney answered. "Why did you miss your work?" the pretty boy asked while sipping his tea, and the attorney replied carelessly, "I didn't want to attend the office!"

"Okay, but what do you want to do?" the pretty boy asked, trying to think of something they could do instead. "Let's go to a bar!" the attorney suggested, and the pretty boy agreed. "Sure," the pretty boy said, sipping his tea, which was refreshing him inside.

"I'll do the dishes!" the pretty boy said, taking the dishes with him. "Okay, let me help, though!" the attorney said, standing behind the pretty boy and holding his waist. He snuggled his face on the pretty boy's neck, and the pretty boy giggled. "Stop, it tickles!" the pretty boy said between giggles. "Your giggles are literally music to my ears, Jungkookie!" the attorney husked, and the pretty boy froze for a nanosecond. "I don't think they are, though!" the pretty boy replied.

"Why do you think like that, Jungkookie?" the attorney asked while kissing his neck to calm him down. The pretty boy seemed to be like a robot. "Jungkookie, be free with me! Take your time, but don't act like a cold-hearted person, which you're clearly not!" the attorney assured him while he was washing the dishes in fast motion. "Okay!" the pretty boy replied and sighed, thinking about the past but continued to focus on the present.

Taehyung is not good with comforting people using words. His words often sound like he's trying to be a lawyer. "I'm sorry Jungkookie! I'm good with words, but you should know that you are worthy and pretty. Don't be so hard on yourself!" Taehyung said to his pretty boy Jungkookie, who had just finished doing dishes. "Okay, I'm done with the dishes. Let's rest for a while or we can pick out clothes for the bar. Mainly, we need to find an outfit for you. Let's go!" Jungkookie walked towards his room with Taehyung, who was still holding onto him.

"What do you want to wear? Something glittery or casual or something heavy?" Jungkookie asked while scanning his clothes section.

"I want to wear something vintage. Something brown!" Taehyung said. "Okay!" Jungkookie scanned for brown clothes and found a brown set of clothes with brown pants, a brown shirt and a light brown jacket. "Wearing all brown will look weird. Wait, wear black pants with the brown shirt!" Jungkookie said, matching the aesthetic Taehyung wanted. "Okay!" Taehyung agreed, seeing the clothes that Jungkookie had picked for him. "Now leave me!" Jungkookie said, wanting to get out of Taehyung's grip.

"Okay!" Taehyung said and left Jungkookie, then walked towards the clothes section to find something for Jungkookie to wear. Jungkookie went outside to see his cat. "This will look pretty on him!" Taehyung said as he looked at the outfit he had chosen for Jungkookie, which was white pants and a pink shirt. "Jungkookie, I found an outfit for you!" Taehyung said, showing the outfit to Jungkookie who cringed and said, "No, I'm not wearing pink at all!" Taehyung asked, "Why?" Jungkookie replied in a cold voice, "It's not manly to wear pink!" Taehyung then asked, "If it's not manly, why are pink and red clothes here? If you don't like them, why do you have these dresses?" This question shut Jungkookie up, who struggled to answer, but then said, "I have them because they are pretty!" "Yes, they are pretty, so you shouldn't think about manly stuff. Anyone can wear anything they want! And who said it's not manly to wear pink? Anyone can be manly and can wear pink and red!" Taehyung said.

Jungkookie was amazed to see so much positivity in Taehyung. Jungkookie loves to dress himself in pink and red, in every cute color but he doesn't after a certain incident, but he still loves to collect pretty dresses.

"I understand that the decision is ultimately yours, and I don't want to pressure you into wearing this outfit. However, I must say that you would look stunning in it," the attorney said as he set the outfit on the bed before heading to take a shower.

The pretty boy considered this and thought to himself, "It's not a bad idea to wear this pink outfit today. I think I'll wear it."

When the attorney returned from his shower, dressed in vintage clothes and drying his hair with a towel, he caught the pretty boy's attention. The pretty boy was playing with his cat, but his breath caught in his throat as he gazed upon the attorney, who looked as handsome as ever with his messy hair. The pretty boy was taken aback and stared at the attorney in awe, but the attorney broke the silence, saying, "Staring is rude, Jungkookie." The pretty boy was embarrassed and looked away, saying, "I wasn't staring at you."

The attorney scanned the pretty boy and replied, "Oh, really, Jungkookie?" The pretty boy stood up and went to take a shower, leaving a smiling Taehyung behind.

As the attorney played with his cat, the pretty boy came out of the shower, having dried his hair with a towel. He stood in front of the attorney, snapping his fingers to get his attention. The attorney was shocked to see the pretty boy in his chosen outfit and forgot to respond. The pretty boy became insecure and said, "I'll change it." That's when the attorney regained his senses.

The attorney stood up, took the pretty boy's hand, and pulled him towards him. He whispered, "You look so pretty! You're ethereal, Jungkookie! Adorable baby!"

The pretty boy smiled and blushed at the compliment. "You think so?" he asked. The attorney replied, "Yes, I truly do. You're the prettiest person I know, regardless of gender." He then kissed the pretty boy's forehead lovingly.

"Let's head towards the bar!" said the pretty boy, breaking the peaceful silence. The attorney looked at him with big eyes and asked, "Sure! Can I ride the bike?" The pretty boy agreed immediately, "Okay, you can ride the bike!"

They sat on the bike and rode towards the bar with big smiles on their faces. Jungkook held onto the attorney's waist and put his head on his shoulder. The attorney took his hand and made him hold on his chest. While riding, the attorney kept his hand on the pretty boy's and rode the bike with one hand. "Mr. Kim, I don't want to die before getting married, so please use both hands to control the bike," joked the pretty boy, making the attorney hold on to the bike handle. "I'm here with you, and I won't let anything happen to you, Jungkookie!" said the attorney while speeding up the bike. The pretty boy's hold on him was firm and strong on his chest.

"I trust you, Taehyungie hyungie hyung!" said the pretty boy while kissing the attorney's clothed shoulder. "I'm glad you do!" replied the attorney, smiling.

"We're here! Get off!" said the attorney after reaching the bar parking and the pretty boy got off the bike. The attorney got off too and parked the bike. "Let's go!" said the pretty boy while walking forward with the attorney.

They both entered a bar where people of all ages, from young to old, were present. Boys, girls, men, women, and even grandparents could be seen there. "Wow! This bar is so pretty and upscale!" exclaimed the pretty boy. "I used to come here when I was 18! It was my hangout spot with my friends!" The attorney reminisced about the old times with his friends. "It's embarrassing, but I don't know the name of this bar. I never noticed!" The pretty boy asked, and the attorney replied, "It's called Sin City Bar!"

"Why is it called Sin City Bar? Do people commit sins here?" The pretty boy asked seriously. The attorney burst out laughing and said, "No, Jungkookie, I don't know why it's named Sin City Bar!"

"Damn, Jungkookie, your tattoos look beautiful in the colored lights!" The attorney noticed the tattoos of the pretty boy.

"It's nothing special, Mr. Kim," the handsome boy said normally. "It's so special, look! How beautiful the tattoos are!" The attorney admired the tattoos and asked, "By the way, who made these tattoos on you?" The pretty boy replied, "I did them myself, on my own hand."

(A/N: Jungkook have only elbow to wrist tattoo means only half of his tattoos)

"You're so talented!" The attorney was amazed by the pretty boy's creation.

"Thank you!" The pretty boy blushed at the compliment and thanked him. He was thankful that the bar was dimly lit, so the pink dust on his cheeks was not noticeable to the attorney.

"The pleasure is mine!" The attorney said like a gentleman. "Let's order some drinks!" The attorney ordered wine for both of them as they took seats on the bar stools.

"It feels like an escape for young people from their problems!" The pretty boy said, watching young boys and girls carelessly enjoying their lives in the bar.

"Yes, it does!" The attorney agreed, watching them. "Here's the wine, sir!" The bartender poured wine for both of them and placed it before them. They sipped on the sweet and slightly bitter wine, which made people a little drunk but not too much.

"It tastes good!" said the pretty boy as he sipped on his wine. "I know, right! The taste is so rich!" replied the attorney while sipping on his own wine.

Suddenly, someone called out the pretty boy's name from behind."Jungkook!" It was his friend, who was standing there in glittering clothes, looking handsome as ever.

"Oh, Jackson!" exclaimed the pretty boy, getting up from his chair to hug him. Jackson was surprised by the hug, as the pretty boy rarely hugged anyone, but he hugged him back nonetheless.

"How are you, Jack?" asked the pretty boy, to which Jackson replied, "I'm good! How are you, Kookie?"

"I'm good too! Come, meet Mr. Attorney Kim Taehyung!" said the pretty boy, introducing Jackson to the attorney, who stood up to shake hands with him.

"I'm Jackson Wang! Nice to meet you!" said Jackson, introducing himself and shaking hands with the attorney.

"Hey, Jungkook, are you still angry about the stunt I pulled the other day?" asked Jackson, looking down as he knew the pretty boy might still be angry.

"Nah, Jack, I'm not angry. Just don't pull those stunts ever again!" replied the pretty boy, putting his hand on Jackson's shoulder.

While they were talking, the attorney felt a surge of jealousy. He didn't know why, but seeing the pretty boy getting close to anyone made him angry. Even though he knew it was normal for them to talk and hug, he couldn't help feeling this way.

"Oh my god, Kookie, you're wearing pink! You're looking so pretty!" complimented Jackson, making the pretty boy laugh.

"Such a pretty Kookie!" continued Jackson, but then the attorney interrupted them, saying, "Let's have some wine! Come join us!"

"Yes, Jack, come!" said the pretty boy, and he sat down beside the attorney, who looked at him with intense, sharp eyes. The pretty boy shivered at the stare.

The attorney was struggling to understand why he felt a sense of discomfort with the level of closeness between the pretty boy and Jackson. He couldn't quite put his finger on why he didn't like it when the pretty boy hugged Jackson, or why he was bothered when they referred to each other by their nicknames. He also couldn't explain why he felt uneasy when the pretty boy placed his hand on Jackson's shoulder or when he laughed at something Jackson said. Despite his confusion, he was sure of one thing - he was feeling jealous. He just couldn't seem to shake the feeling that the pretty boy belonged to him and no one else.

At the same time, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride when Jackson complimented the pretty boy on his outfit, which he had chosen for himself. However, his pride was short-lived when he heard Jackson refer to the pretty boy as "pretty" while gazing at him with adoring eyes.

The wine tasted good, as Jackson sipped on his glass, surrounded by the pleasant ambiance of the room. The attorney and the pretty boy hummed along, adding to the lively atmosphere. Suddenly, Jackson pointed towards the dance floor, where a lively party was in full swing. Boys, girls, men and women danced to the upbeat music, creating a contagious energy that Jackson couldn't resist.

"Kookie, let's dance!" Jackson exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with excitement. The pretty boy, too, couldn't resist the call, and they eagerly made their way to the dance floor. As they arrived, Jackson gestured towards the dance floor and declared, "It's fun over there!"

Just as Jackson expected, the pretty boy, with his usual charm and spontaneity, turned to the attorney and invited him to join. However, the attorney politely declined, leaving Jackson puzzled.

"Mr Kim, do you want to join us?" the pretty boy asked the attorney, his voice filled with anticipation. But the attorney shook his head, declining the invitation.

The attorney's response caught Jackson off guard. The attorney was known for his not-so-reserved nature, so his sudden refusal was surprising. The pretty boy, on the other hand, took it in stride and responded instantly.

"Mr Kim ain't going to join," the pretty boy said, his voice tinged with a hint of disappointment. "I'll go then!"

Jackson's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected turn of events. He had been under the impression that the attorney would accompany them to the dance floor. However, the pretty boy's eagerness made up for the attorney's absence.

As the two of them stood at the edge of the dance floor, Jackson couldn't help but whisper to himself, "He's in good mood!"

With newfound determination, Jackson turned to the pretty boy and declared, "Let's dance tonight like crazy!"

And with that, they lunged onto the dance floor, their bodies moving to the rhythm and melody of the music. The pretty boy's moves were sharp and sensual, in perfect harmony with the music. Jackson's eyes followed the graceful movements of his friend, mesmerized by the elegance and energy exuded by his dance.

As the music reached its crescendo, Jackson couldn't help but reach out his hand and place it on the pretty boy's waist. The touch was unexpected, and the pretty boy reacted in shock, his eyes widening in surprise. But a moment later, he relaxed and allowed Jackson's touch, their bodies moving in perfect sync with the music.

Jackson was in a trance, captivated by the pretty boy's mesmerizing dance and the touch of his hand on his waist. The dancing continued, their bodies intertwined, as the music played its tune. It felt like a surreal dream, where time seemed to stand still and the weight of the world was lifted off their shoulders.

Jackson affectionately called out to the attractive young man, "Keep dancing, Kookie!" and started swaying his hips, grabbing the attention of the boy who had appeared uneasy earlier. This time, the boy was at ease and exhibited no reluctance or discomfort. Jackson had demonstrated that he was a reliable person for the young man, and they had become not just companions but also best friends.

Sitting close by, the lawyer watched the exchange between Jackson and the young man with mounting frustration and anger. His sharp tiger eyes remained locked onto the boy's physique, absorbing every motion. The lawyer found himself entranced by the way the young man's body moved in unison with the rhythm of the music. Unable to restrain his feelings any longer, the attorney stood up and strode towards the young man and Jackson.

With determination in his voice, the lawyer asked, "May I dance with Jungkookie now?" Jackson, releasing his grip on the young man's waist, replied, "Sure!" and walked away, leaving the boy and the attorney alone on the dance floor.

The pretty boy turned to the attorney, looking surprised and irritated. The attorney tightened his grip on the collar of his jacket and pulled him closer, his intense eyes fixed on him.

"Aren't you being too bold, Jungkookie?" the attorney hissed in a menacing voice. The pretty boy felt the attorney's fingers digging into his skin and tightening around his waist.

The pretty boy looked at him with a mixture of confusion and anger. "I didn't give permission for Jackson to hold my waist," he stated firmly. "It's mine to hold, and only mine."

The attorney's grip on his waist became even tighter and almost painful. "Who told you it's yours to hold?" he asked with barely suppressed anger. The pretty boy knew he was playing with fire, but he couldn't help but challenge the attorney's authority.

In the background, the dance continued, its rhythm pulsating through the room. The pretty boy and the attorney were lost in their own private battle, each seeking to assert their dominance over the other.

The tension in the air was palpable, and no one knew what would happen next. The pretty boy could feel the attorney's anger building up, ready to explode at any moment, but he stood his ground, refusing to back down.

The attorney whispered, "Don't provoke me! I won't stop if I start jungkookie!" to which the pretty boy replied, "Is that so? Then you got no fun! I'm going to Jackson!" However, the pretty boy's comment only earned him a harsher pinch on his waist from the attorney.

The attorney then warned the pretty boy, saying, "Don't ever dare to move yourself away from me!" as his hand found its way to the pretty boy's face and caressed it. The attorney's touch was gentle, but it sent a shiver down the pretty boy's spine.

The pretty boy, not content with the attorney's response, continued to provoke him, asking, "If I dare to do it, what you'll do?" The attorney, seemingly affected by the smell of the pretty boy's perfume, sniffled on his neck, seemingly calming himself down. The attorney's breath, which carried the flowery fragrance, had a calming effect on him.

The attorney then replied, "I think it's better if you don't get to know what I'll do!", his voice still carrying a faint hint of a sniffle. The pretty boy, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness, bit his lip, feeling his breath become uneven. The attorney's breath on his neck was leaving him breathless, making it difficult for him to contain his emotions.

The pretty boy couldn't resist any longer, and he whispered, "Oh, I want to know so bad, tell me!", his voice slightly muffled by his clenched lips. The attorney's touch and breath were driving him wild with anticipation, and he couldn't help but beg for more. The attorney, sensing the pretty boy's vulnerability, leaned in, his lips dangerously close to the pretty boy's ear.

The attorney whispered, his voice filled with a mixture of mischievousness and desire, "Oh, you want to know so badly? Well, if you insist, I'll do my best to satisfy your curiosity." The pretty boy's breathing became even more erratic, and he moaned softly, unable to resist the allure of the attorney's words.

In that moment, the attorney and the pretty boy were locked in a battle of wills, each testing the boundaries of their desires. The air was thick with anticipation, filled with the intoxicating scent of perfume and the electricity of unspoken promises.

" I'll fuck you beside the dead body of anyone who'll try to touch you or have bad intention for you!" The attorney whispered in the pretty boy's ear, taking him by surprise. The pretty boy forgot to breathe, overwhelmed by the sound of the attorney's reply. "You get me, Jungkookie?" the attorney asked, his voice barely audible.

Jungkook hummed, his voice filled with anticipation. The attorney leaned closer, his breath brushing against the pretty boy's ear. He pressed his lips against the delicate skin, causing Jungkook to shiver with desire.

The attorney's teeth gently bit down on the pretty boy's neck, causing a spark of electricity to run through his veins. He let out a soft moan, biting down on his lip to suppress the sound. The attorney's touch was driving him wild, leaving him breathless with anticipation.

"Yes, I got you," the pretty boy managed to say, his voice trembling with desire.

The music in the bar reached a fever pitch, serving as a perfect backdrop for their passionate dance. The attorney and the pretty boy moved their hips in unison, their bodies swaying with the rhythm.

Thankfully, the bar turned dark, with only a faint light illuminating the dance floor. The darkness spared them from any prying eyes, allowing them to continue their illicit tryst without any worries.

However, the pretty boy couldn't resist the urge to provoke the attorney. "Don't you think it's bad to kill someone for me?" he asked, his voice filled with curiosity and a hint of challenge.

The attorney remained silent for a moment, considering the question. Then, he calmly replied, "Nah, it's not."

The attorney's words caught the pretty boy off guard. He frowned, confused at the attorney's response. "What do you mean?" he asked, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and concern.

The attorney smiled, his expression mischievous. "I mean, think about it," he said, his voice low and intense. "That dead body will witness "a dominate man getting fucked by another. Isn't it great?"

The pretty boy's eyes widened, a mix of shock and arousal washing over his face. He couldn't argue with the attorney's logic, but he knew they had to be discreet.

"Stop Taehyung," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "People will see us."

The attorney's smile only broadened. "Oh, don't worry," he said, his voice filled with confidence. "We'll make sure no one catches us."

And with that, the attorney and the pretty boy continued to move their bodies together, lost in the intoxicating rhythm of the music. Their hearts raced, their bodies yearning for each other's touch.



Jungkook moaned as his attorney pinned him near the dark empty roadside wall and bitting on his neck and sucking on it harshly. The attorney's words sent shivers down his spine.

"Know that you're mine!" the attorney said, his voice filled with possessiveness. Jungkook could feel the warm saliva sliding down his neck, making it slippery and wet.

The pretty boy's defiance was tempting, he knew he was playing with fire. But the thrill of provoking the attorney fueled his curiosity.

"What if I don't?" Jungkook challenged, his voice low and seductive. He could feel the attorney's eyes on him, burning with dark desire.

Without warning, the attorney sank his teeth into Jungkook's creamy neck skin. The sharp pain shot through his body, causing him to scream and moan simultaneously.

The attorney continued to suck on his tender flesh, leaving bruises behind. Despite the pain, Jungkook couldn't help but feel a jolt of pleasure. The harsh teeth managed to break the skin, causing a few drops of blood to trickle down his neck.

The attorney's actions were clear, he was trying to mark Jungkook as his. The bite was painful, but it also served as a reminder of the power dynamic between them. The attorney couldn't bear to see Jungkook with anyone else, he couldn't bear the thought of losing him.

Jungkook could feel the attorney's lips on his, attaching themselves to his piercing lips. He reciprocated the kiss, their lips meeting in a passionate embrace. The desire between them was undeniable, intoxicating even.

In that moment, Jungkook wondered if he was playing with fire. The attorney's obsession was toxic, but he couldn't bring himself to care. The pleasure that the attorney brought him far outweighed any worries or concerns.

Jungkook knew that he could never truly be the attorney's, but he also couldn't deny the connection they had. The pain and pleasure that came with the attorney's harsh bite were intoxicating, and he couldn't get enough of it.

He was caught between a rock and a hard place, his actions fueled by his own desires and the dangerous obsession of the attorney. But deep down, he couldn't bring himself to regret any of it.

5K WORDS!!!!!!!!!!

















Continuฤƒ lectura

O sฤƒ-ศ›i placฤƒ ศ™i

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๐—ง๐—ฎ๐—ฒ๐—ต๐˜†๐˜‚๐—ป๐—ด ๐˜„๐—ฎ๐˜€ ๐—ท๐˜‚๐˜€๐˜ ๐—ฎ๐—ป ๐—ฎ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐—ฎ๐—ด๐—ฒ ๐—ป๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐—ฑ ๐˜€๐˜๐—ฟ๐˜‚๐—ด๐—ด๐—น๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฟ๐—ผ๐˜‚๐—ด๐—ต ๐—ต๐—ถ๐—ด๐—ต ๐˜€๐—ฐ๐—ต๐—ผ๐—ผ๐—น, ๐—ต๐—ถ๐˜€ ๐—ผ๐—ป๐—น๐˜† ๐˜„๐—ถ๐˜€๐—ต ๐˜„๏ฟฝ...
166K 9.2K 29
ใ€Ž "สœสแดœษดษข ษช แด…แดษด'แด› แดกแด€ษดแด› แด›แด แดแด€ส€ส€ส แด€ษดส ษขษชส€สŸ, ษช แดกแด€ษดแด› แด›แด ส™แด‡ แดกษชแด›สœ สแดแดœ,ษช แดกษชสŸสŸ แด…ษชแด‡ แดกษชแด›สœแดแดœแด› สแดแดœ สœสแดœษดษข" -แดŠ.แดŠแด‹ ใ€ ใ€Ž ษช แด˜ส€แดแดษชsแด‡ สแดแดœ แดส สŸแดแด แด‡, ษช แดกษชสŸสŸ แดษดสŸส แดแด€ส€ส€ส สแดแดœ...
166K 11K 26
"go to hell? where do you think i came from darling?" ::; vampire and yandere themed , ๐Ÿ”ž ::; top kook !ยก bottom tae ::; lower case intended