The Dragon and the Rose // Ae...

By 01elissa

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Viserra Targaryen was born with death. With her birth causing the death of her mother Queen Alicent Viserra h... More

Cast and Characters
Act I: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Act 2: Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 18

112 5 1
By 01elissa

Nadia's pov

Life in the Red Keep was not at all what Nadia had prepared for. Seeing the royal family so close was jarring enough but the sheer chaos and dysfunctionality that was House Targaryen amazed Nadia so much.

She wasn't blind to the tension between the two "factions" of the royals. She'd seen as much on Driftmark (her mother had often said that Nadia had a knack for seeing things she wasn't supposed to notice) but Nadia knew enough about the world to know to keep her mouth shut on such things. 

Still she wasn't used to seeing blatant treachery in the Keep. Servants who spied on the young princes and princesses. Maesters who brewed funny looking teas. And the Targaryens themselves most of all. Even on Driftmark Nadia had heard the reputations of the "greens" children. 

Prince Aemond, who though being a boy of fourteen name days was a fearsome creature to behold. Even more so now without his eye. Prince Aegon...well every serving girl in the realm knew to stay away from Prince Aegon's prying hands and unnerving gaze. The young Prince was known was his visits to the street of silk and Nadia had seem the Hand of the King summon many a girl to his scary looking tower to drink a certain tea. 

So when the summons came for her Nadia could not help but panic. The knight Criston Cole came into the servants' quarters where Nadia was resting. She had had a taxing evening with Viserra. Oh Viserra. How Nadia loved and hated that girl. For the longest time Nadia envied the gentry. With their pretty clothes and refined manners they seemed perfect, almost godlike in the sight of common men. But after spending time in the Keep Nadia knew how miserable their lives were. The were bound by all these unwritten rules and beneath their pretty words and handsome faces they really were a sorry lot. 

But still Nadia wanted to be among them. Perhaps it was self destructive of her, to crave something she could never have but it never hurt to try right?

"My lady?" the knight inquired looking at her. Nadia found the clinking sound of his mail to be quite frightening, but she tried not to show it as her mother had taught her. 

"Oh I'm no lady Ser" she said ensuring her voice sounded perfectly demure "Just a maid" she said feigning a small smile. The knight however, did not seem amused. 

"Your presence is required in the tower of the Hand. Allow me to accompany you." he said coolly. Nadia could see that beneath his kind words, there really was no choice for her. Some of the other maids standing near their cots looked at her funny, while not so discreetly listening. 

Bloody gossipmongers. 

"Of course Ser, lead the way" Nadia said bowing her head respectfully. The knight seemed content enough with her perfectly deferential tone and began leading the way. 

He lead her through a series of corridors as they passed several other guards and servants. Nadia however did not notice them, she kept her eyes down running through her mind what exactly she could have done to warrant a visit to the Hand of the King. 

Nadia had heard several rumors surrounding the Hand. She knew the general facts most others did too. Lord Otto Hightower served two kings faithfully and was King Viserys' most trusted advisor. But he was also Viserra's grandfather. And from what Nadia could tell he was much fond of her. 

But then again of course he was. Everyone was fond of  Viserra. She was so easy to like. Smart, witty and beautiful as all Targaryen's were, Viserra was a vision. Nadia tried to quench the burn of jealousy in her heart but couldn't. Viserra had everything in life. A wealthy family, beauty, intelligence and more. Why wasn't she satisfied? 

To raise the entire castle over a dragon the size of a fucking cat was the most childish thing Nadia had ever seen. 

But she is a child. The reasonable part of Nadia's brain argued. But she was still angry at Viserra. The girl had practically ordered Nadia's death when she informed her about her missing dragon. At the time Nadia was actually terrified of Viserra. The way the anger burned in her gaze. Her crazed expression. There was something in Viserra, that scared Nadia quite a lot. A sense of madness that rarely showed. 

Had it not been for her brother Prince Aemond's interference Nadia was certain that Viserra would have ordered her execution. 

Nadia shivered slightly at the thought. Perhaps coming to the Keep wasn't the best idea. She'd been missing her mother for a while now. Servants were not permitted to use the ravenry unless it was to receive or send correspondence for a royal so she couldn't even send a letter home. 

Driftmark was a simpler time for Nadia, morning working in the kitchens tired her so much she did not have to capacity for anything else. Although Nadia would always run whenever she saw Princess Rhaenys. She was quite the fearsome woman. But still. Being in the Red Keep seemed grand and lovely but really it was so frightening. 

If a girl wasn't scared of being harassed by one royal than she was being threatened by another or worse. There was no reprieve for the lower born in King's Landing. Nadia had seen the state of the city outside the manned walls of the castle and she had been quite disgusted. Sure, her people were often messy and chaotic but never so in shambles as the city, particularly Flea Bottom were. 

Nadia stopped her line of thought as she tried to focus on the dark staircases leading to the Tower of the Hand. 

"Ser." she called softly the knight turned to her momentarily "What exactly am I being summoned for?" she asked, the fear apparent in her tone. The knight shrugged and smirked as if she had said something funny. 

"I am not privy to the Hand's choices girl. Thought I suspect it may have something to do with your incident with Princess Viserra."

Oh gods. Nadia thought. I am truly fucked. 

Despite Viserra being the one to threaten her and try to attack her with a knife the blame undoubtedly rested on Nadia. Of course it would. Viserra was a Princess, and Nadia was nothing more than a common servant. Why in the seven hells did she think she could ever be friends with Viserra? 

The reached the top eventually and the knight escorted her into the vast chambers. The Tower of the Hand was not what Nadia had expected. It was large and opulent with a fireplace burning and candle light flickering throughout the room. Nadia found Otto Hightower seated at an opaque wooden table, eyes facing the fire, lost in some sort of trance. 

Ser Criston cleared his throat causing the Hand to snap towards them "Ah yes" he muttered under his breath which Nadia could not help but hear. 

"My Lord Hand, I brought the maid" the knight declared. Nadia did not like him at all, he was condescending and rude. 

"Yes I see that. Thank you Ser Criston, you may wait outside". The guard took his leave and shut the door behind him with a click that seemed to echo through the room making Nadia flinch. 

For a minute it was silent and Nadia looked about the room, trying to find any means of escape. 

"Fascinating isn't it?" the Hand said. "Um, what is Han- my lord?" she asked wincing at her inexperience. Gods she must've sounded so stupid. 

"What a few titles can get in this world." he said looking around the room. Nadia said nothing to that. She assumed that the Hand expected a clever sort of response but she just stayed silent. 

"Now I'm sure you must be confused as to why I've summoned you here" he began but the rising anxiety in Nadia forced her to speak. 

"Is this about Viserra?" Nadia asked her voice breaking at the last word as the Hand towered over her. 

"Yes" the Hand said venomously "Princess Viserra was incredibly distraught after you lost her dragon and you-"

"With all due respect my lord" she interrupted quickly already fearing for her life "I did not lose the dragon."

"Oh did you not? Then pray tell how did it become lost?" The Hand asked. Even though his tone was conversational Nadia could sense the bite underneath his words. 

"Perhaps it flew away my lord." she answered trying to keep the fear out of her voice. "It is a dragon after all. I told the Princess that perhaps she should keep it with the others in that big Pit but she said that a dragon was not a slave." Nadia looked up at the Hand hoping that he would see the reason in her words. He did not. 

"As I was saying" he said with a slight mocking tone. Nadia hated men like him, who taught everyone else beneath him. "You were the one to deliver the news to the Princess. After an already trying week for her." he looked down at her for confirmation. 

"Yes m'lord" she said meekly. "I delivered correspondence from Dragonstone to the Princess and though I did not read the contents of the letter itself I could sense that it hurt her deeply.". 

Nadia bit her lip wondering whether or not she ought to tell him about Viserra hurting herself too but for some reason it hurt Nadia to betray the girls trust like that despite being so angry with her. 

"I see" the Hand said his face darkening slightly. Nadia moved backward slightly. The room seemed to be getting bigger and bigger. The fire popped and crackled softly, Nadia found herself watching the embers to avoid the Hand's gaze. 

"My granddaughter is young. She sees the world in a gentle way. I would not wish for anything to upset her. Do you understand girl?" he said staring her down. 

Nadia nodded and agreed. These lords and ladies thrived on asserting their power over the common born. But most of them were stupid indeed, but Nadia could tell that Otto Hightower was not like those lords and ladies. When he made a threat he carried it out. 

"See to it that my granddaughter is happy and satisfied. Else it shall be you that is cast out onto the streets.". 

With that the Hand returned to his seat. "You may go now girl." he said and that was that. 

Nadia exited the Tower of the Hand to find Ser Criston gone, so she made her way through the castle, careful to avoid any members of the royal family, lest she came across Prince Aegon by accident. 

She could not the surge of anger she felt. She did her duty perfectly, and yet she was the one being yelled at and threatened. Tears prickled her eyes as Nadia yearned for the comfort of her home. Even if her home wasn't as nice. 

As she walked Nadia recalled the way her mother would cough so much from years of working among smoke and heat, or the way her hands were wrinkled like Crone's despite barely being five ad forty years. Nadia told herself that that was why she left Driftmark. But she knew it not to be true. She left because she was sick and tired of being poor and ungainly. When wealth, riches and fame were ever so close. 

Even so whenever she got paid Nadia sent most of it back home. Being the maid-in-waiting to a Targaryen princess, Nadia received more money than she knew what to do with. She hoped her mother put it towards medicine for her cough. Nadia knew she ought to be grateful for what she had, Viserra gave her everything. Fine clothes and jewelry from her own wardrobe, sweets and anything else. The thought of it made Nadia's stomach turn. Now that her and Viserra were no longer friends she could no longer rely on her for everything. 

At some point Nadia resigned that she was lost. She looked around the corridor, wondering whether it felt familiar or not. I should have asked Viserra for a damned map

She sighed as she walked through the corridor on hand braced against the wall, Nadia admired the tapestries that decorated the corridor, each depicting a different person or place. Her eye was drawn to one in particular, a portrait of King Viserys' first wife Queen Aemma Arryn. The woman in the painting sat on a swing in a garden, a blue silk dress and silver finery making her look incredibly regal and feminine. Her smile reminded Nadia of Princess Rhaenyra for the resemblance was striking. 

Nadia walked on turning right and then right again. On and on she walked, the Keep was far larger than Driftmark. Many more stairs. She briefly knew that she had walked past Maegor's holdfast where the princesses chambers were. Once again Nadia's eye drifted towards more portraits this time of the royal family. But for some reason Nadia couldn't seem to find a single portrait of Viserra's mother the late Queen Alicent. 

Lost in her own thoughts Nadia gasped when she ran into a knight. "Pardon me Ser" she said wildly, scared for the knight gripped her arm. 

"No pardon me my lady" the knight replied releasing her arm with a shy smile. Nadia blushed as she took in his handsome face. The knight had dark hair that feel into his eyes. And his eyes! They were magnificent. A lovely forest green. The flame from the torchlights in the corridor seemed to dance in his eyes and Nadia found herself immediately transfixed. 

"Ahem" the knight cleared his throat as he found her staring. And Nadia blushed even further. 

"My lady are you well?" he asked kindly. Nadia's brain seemed a little confused for he repeated the question, a crease forming between his brows his concern. 

"Oh, no. Forgive me Ser I am perfectly well." she hesitated before continuing "Although I am a little lost." she said shyly giving him a small smile. 

The knight grinned at that "I understand my lady. When I first started here it took me weeks to find my own sleeping chambers." 

Nadia giggled, she thought of correcting him, telling him that she was no lady but for some reason she liked the way he said it. 

"If you would like I may escort you to your chambers. It is far too late for you to be traversing the castle on your own." he offered. Nadia was expected to say no. Servants never asked for assistance from knights but she could not refuse him. 

"Why I would be eternally thankful, Ser...?" she asked. 

"Tristane, my lady. Tristane Rivers." he supplied. Nadia nodded finally recognizing him "Ah, you are Princess Viserra's sworn sword are you not?"

"Indeed I am. And you are the lady Nadia if I am not mistaken, the Princess' maid." Nadia blushed although he hadn't even said anything special. 

"Why yes I am Ser" she said smiling coyly. The knight shook his head "Please call me Tristane. I loathe titles.". She giggled again, cursing herself for acting like a simpering little lady "Then you must call me Nadia as well. I will have none of this 'my lady' business.".

The knight flushed red and laughed "Very well then" he said offering Nadia his plated arm. 

They walked silently until Nadia could not help but ask "You seem rather young for a knight Tristane." 

"Ah." he said smiling softly "There was a tourney a few years ago for Princess Rhaenyra's name day. I had won the melee and the king offered me knighthood. But Princess Viserra insisted that I serve as her sworn protector, so Princess Rhaenyra obliged her.". 

Nadia let out a scoff before she could stop herself "Of course, she gets everything she desires.". If Tristane found the comment against his mistress offensive he did not voice it. In fact he seemed completely unjudgmental where most knights would have rushed to defend their charge Tristane nodded as Nadia spoke as if to validate her feelings. 

"Forgive me Ser, I should not have been so brazen." she said dipping her head low. Just now she realized how foolish she was being. Here she was alone, in a dark corridor of a castle she barely knew with a knight who could easily do whatever he wished to her. Nadia's gaze fell to the sword resting at Tristane's hip and felt a slight tremor go through her. 

"Tis alright I was there when the incident happened." 

Oh. Nadia realized. So that is what they are calling it now.

"It was not my fault. I do not think I deserved to have my life threatened. I love the princess I do truly but why must I bear the blame when it is her who accosted me?" Nadia knew that if anyone else heard her she'd likely be beaten but for some reason she felt comfortable enough with Tristane. 

"I understand Nadia, I do truly. I have known what it is like to feel helpless in a situations such as ours. We work hard for very little." he said softly. Nadia smiled back at him. Finally! Someone who agreed with her. 

"However" Tristane began "That is not to say they are completely without heart. The princes are certainly an odd pair but the Princesses are all lovely each in their own right. Viserra despite being highborn she is humble, kind and fiercely loyal. She does not need swords and bloodshed to gain power she does it through her words. People love her because she cares for others and puts herself in danger for their sakes.". 

"That, is a virtue not so common amongst the gentry. And it is not something that she would have learnt from her family I do not think." he continued. 

"You must know her quite well then Tristane." she said politely, too stubborn to accept his point fully.  "Well I have been with her since she was nine years old.". 

"I suppose here we are." Tristane said, Nadia blinked and realized that they'd arrived to the lowest part of the Keep, the servants' quarters. "Oh I...thank you Tristane." she said slightly disappointed that their time together ended so soon. 

"It is no trouble Nadia, although I must return to my post now." he said then bidding her goodnight he turned on his heel and strode away. 

As the clinking of his mail receded, Nadia sighed and turned to the door to her quarters. They were nowhere near as fine as Viserra's chambers but of course Nadia did not expect that. In Driftmark she and her mother shared a behind the Kitchens. Here Nadia had a bed all to herself! 

She stifled a giggle and she put her hand against the wall, thinking of Tristane. His beautiful eyes and perfectly shaped mouth. Had someone seen her they might've commented on her flushed appearance. 

As she leaned against the wall she suddenly felt herself going backwards. Nadia gasped and leapt away as if someone were trying to pull her back. She whirled around anticipating some kind of attacker but instead she found that the wall had...opened?

There was a slight gap now visible, letting through no light. Nadia, intrigued pushed herself up against the wall and opened it further. 

The looming darkness invited Nadia as she looked into the seemingly endless chasm of night. Was this really happening? Nadia had heard the whispers of course. Every servant did, that there were paths. Secret paths in the Red Keep that not many knew of. Why else would Maegor Targaryen kill every last worker who labored to built the castle? 

Her breathing became slightly ragged as she considered her options. On the one hand she could put the wall back in place and return to her quarters. It was safer, likely the ideal option. And tomorrow she could gossip with the other girls about her time with a dashing knight. 

I should do that. I should go, sleep and pretend as if nothing is amiss.   

And yet. The thrill of her new discovery seemed to much for her to bear. Perhaps this would be some sort of adventure. Like those voyagers in the books that Viserra always talked about. 

Nadia frowned, dispelling all thoughts of her once best friend from her mind. Instead focusing her attentions on the choice in front her. If she went through, seeking exactly what she wasn't sure and if she were to be caught the consequences would be horrifying. She thought of her conversation with the Hand and Nadia suppressed a shudder. 

She wanted to walk away but her feet seemed firmly planted on the ground. She continued to stare into the vast expanse of darkness in a seemingly endless corridor. 

Nadia took a steadying breath and grabbed a torchlight off the wall beside her. She held the flame in front of her watching keenly as the light from the fire danced through the darkness, illuminating the space for her. 

She bit her lip while looking around behind her as if waiting for the Hand to come out from the now shadowy corridor and catch her. But nobody came. It was as if the Gods themselves deigned for her to do this. 

Taking another deep breath Nadia stepped through the wall and into the darkness, the flame from the torch flickered as if to further push her in. Taking it as some sort of divine intervention Nadia went further in minding to stay away from the cobwebs and ignore the scurrying rats. 

She pushed the wall behind her back in place and turned to face the now lit, corridor. It was like a labyrinth within the walls of the castle. 

"May the Warrior give me courage. May the Crone give me wisdom. May the Mother give me her mercy.". 

With that Nadia stalked forward, unable to look back. 

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