Y/n Rogers


154 14 8

Y/n Rogers is the daughter of Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter she was kidnapped by the Winter Soldier shortly a... More

Meet the Characters
CH 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 5
Ch. 6

Ch 4

12 1 2

TW: Mention of g*ns and k!ll!ng people and other forms of torture I will put a ^ before and after.

Dad told Uncle Bucky to take me to my room. As soon as we were out of everyone's view, he pulled me into a very tight hug.

"I missed you, doll. I'm so sorry I left you in that hell hole," He said.

"It's fine Uncle Buck, I got out. And I missed you,too." I replied.

He takes me to my room, which is coincidentally right across from his with both the twin's on either side.

"You stay here and get settled, I'll go get Wanda an-"

Before he could even finish his sentence, Pietro was bursting through the door with Wanda in his arms. He sets her down and they both tackle me in a hug.

"Oh, my god! We've missed you so much N/n!" Wanda says as she pulls away. Pietro is still holding on for dear life, like I'm going to disappear if he lets go.

"I'm so sorry, принцесса(Printsessa)." He mumbles as he pulls me closer.

"It wasn't your fault, мой принц(Moy prints)." I whisper back.

"Ok, hate to break up this moment, but there are other people in here."

"Sorry, Uncle Buck."

"Ok, we need updates, like when you got out, where you've been all this time, stuff like that," Wanda says.

"All right, well basically about a week after you escaped, Buck, I was transferred to a new base in New York. I met these two there. We got really close. Me and Pietro started dating after about 4 months. 6 months later, Pierce found out and he wasn't happy. He didn't like that we were that close, so he transferred them to the Sokovian base. Almost 2 months later I hear agents talking about how the Maximoff twins escaped and they had to be extra careful. I immediately started planning my escape."

Flashback 6 years *third person pov*

Y/n lays in her bed, almost asleep, when she heard voices.

Rumlow- The Maximoff twins escaped the Sokovian base, they could come for her next so be careful. Especially if they team up with the Winter Soldier.

Valentina- Of course

A plan started forming in her head, now she just had to wait for the right time.

Fast-Forward 4 months


It was time. She was getting out of this hell hole.

She was training in the gym-a total of 2 agents with her, one at each door. She walks over to the shooting range and picks up a gun, like she's going to do target practice. Instead she turns around and shoots the agent closest to he right in between the eyes. Agent #2 came running at her, but she shot him twice in the stomach and once through the heart. 


The alarm started blaring, signalling the other agents that something was happening, so she ran. *rest is like in the prologue*

Present Time *Y/n pov*

"So then the cop arrested me, took me to jail and threw me in a cell." I finished.

They were all quiet, stunned looks on their faces.

"H-holy shit, I'm so so so  sorry we left you there Y/n. If I would have ju-"

"It's not you fault, ok James? It's not any of your faults. The only people to blame are HYDRA." I try to reassure them.

"I'm slightly confused," Wanda states, staring off into space. "If you admitted who you were to that cop, how are you not in jail or the Raft right now? I kinda find it hard to believe that they have you do 6 years of Juvie and then just let you go, not with how many kills America's Child had."

"This is where it gets a little more intresting."

Flashback in jail *third person pov*

Y/n was sitting in her cell, staring out the window, when she heard the door open. She looked to see and officer standing in front of the open door.

"Rogers, you have a visitor."

She was confused by this. No one she knew knew she was here. Her father was gone, her mother was gone, her uncle was probably hiding out somewhere, and hopefully her best friend and boyfriend were with him.

Slowly getting up and walking towards the door, she see's a tall, black man with an eye patch.

"Hello, Y/n, my name is Nicholas Fury." The man tells her.

"What can I do for you, Mr. Fury?"

"You are going to come with me, we'll have a little chat."

He grabbed my hand and walked me out the door and into a black SUV.

"Hill, drive us to the secret base."

"Got it, sir." The driver, Hill, replied.

"What did you want to talk about, Mr. Fury?" I ask him.

"First off, drop the Mr. Just call me Fury. And second, wait until we get to the base, out here, there are ears everywhere." 

Time skip to the base

"Ok, so to start, What is your full name and your parents full names?"
"My name is Y/n M/n Rogers. My dad's name is Steven Grant Rogers and my mom's name is Margaret Elizabeth Carter."

"Ok, and all 3 dates of birth?"

"My birthday is M/D/1932, my dad's is 7/4/1910, and my moms is 4/9/1911."

"And you're how old?"

"Depends on what you mean, sir."

"And what do you mean by that?"

"Well, physically, I'm 12 years old. Mentally, however, I'm 80."

"How is that possible, exactly?"

"HYDRA had this machine that they would put me and my uncle in when we weren't needed called cyro-freeze. It preserved us, stopped us from aging."

"Ah, ok"

He continues asking her questions about HYDRA and her childhood.

"I'm going to find a way to help you, Y/n, I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Fury. But thank you for being willing to try."

As he was taking her back to the station, it finally clicked in his head that he had jsut talked to the child that Cap wouldn't shut up about.

Time skip to trial

"You've been an assassin for the terrorist group known as HYDRA for 70 years now, correct?" the detective, Agent Rossi, questioned Y/n.

"On and off, yes, when I wasn't on a mission or training they would put me in cyro-freeze to preserve me."

"Did you know what you were doing? Or were you manipulated or brainwashed?"

Y/n looked at Fury, he nodded, telling her to answer.

"I was in my right state of mind during the time, yes. But I still didn't have a choice, I had to do it whether I wanted to or not."

"How did you not have a choice? You just admitted to being completely conscious during your missions, couldn't you have just left while you were out?"

"I could've, yes, bu-"

"There we have it, your honor. A confession of guilt."

"OBJECTION, your honor he is putting words in my clients mouth." Y/n's lawyer, Phil Coulson, exclaimed.

"Sustained. Please, let the girl talk Agent Rossi. What were you saying, kid?"

"While, yes I could've just walked away while I was on unsupervised missions, I couldn't have at the same time. If I had, I would have abandoned someone who means very much to me, and I refused to do that. He was like family, and if my dad taught me one thing before he crashed the plane, it was that you never abandon family."

"No further questions, your honor." Rossi says as he sits down.

Coulson stands," You said you had no choice but to do what they wanted you to do. I believe your exact words were,' I had to do it whether I wanted to or not,' is that correct?"

"Yes, sir, that is what I said."

"Would you please elaborate on that? What exactly took that choice away from you?"


"They did. They had this chair, it was what they used to wipe memories for those who resisted more. If I disobeyed, they would either strap me to it and just electrocute me on and off for hours, sometimes even days, before throwing me into my cell with no food for about a week, or they would cut me real slow so it hurt more, or they would torture my uncle in the chair right in front of me, wipe his memories and make him completely forget everything, then they would activate him and throw us both in the training room and have us fight until one of us knocked the other out. Or they would do multiple, make me watch them torture him stab me and make us fight, electrocute me, make me watch them torture him then make us fight, electrocute me, cut me, then throw me in my cell with no food. I did what I had to do to try and protect both me, and my uncle, and that's the only thing I don't regret about the last 70 years of my life. I may have been killing innocent people, but at the same time, I was protecting the only family I had left."


"Thank you, no more questions, your honor." Coulson says as he sits down.

"Thank you, Jury you are know dismissed to deliberate. we will meet back in 2 hours." the Judge says, slamming the gavel down.

2 hours later

"Has the jury reached a verdict?"

"No, your honor, we are still deliberating."

Fury then stands up," A word, your honor?"

The judge nods and Fury walks up and whispers something in his ear.

"The defense would like to make a deal. If the government accepts, the defendant will plead guilty in exchange for 6 years of juvenile detention and monthly check-ups with a therapist and Nicholas Fury."

Y/n's eyes widened at Fury, seeing as he was trying to get her sent to juvie. All though she didn't like the idea, she got why he did it. There was a less than 1% chance of he being found innocent, so her options at this point were 6 years of juvie and counseling when she got out or life in prison.

"We'll take it, your honor." Agent Rossi said.

Cops handcuffed Y/n and took her to the juvenile detention center, where she spent the next 6 years of her life.

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