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TW: Mention of g*ns and k!ll!ng people and other forms of torture I will put a ^ before and after.

Dad told Uncle Bucky to take me to my room. As soon as we were out of everyone's view, he pulled me into a very tight hug.

"I missed you, doll. I'm so sorry I left you in that hell hole," He said.

"It's fine Uncle Buck, I got out. And I missed you,too." I replied.

He takes me to my room, which is coincidentally right across from his with both the twin's on either side.

"You stay here and get settled, I'll go get Wanda an-"

Before he could even finish his sentence, Pietro was bursting through the door with Wanda in his arms. He sets her down and they both tackle me in a hug.

"Oh, my god! We've missed you so much N/n!" Wanda says as she pulls away. Pietro is still holding on for dear life, like I'm going to disappear if he lets go.

"I'm so sorry, принцесса(Printsessa)." He mumbles as he pulls me closer.

"It wasn't your fault, мой принц(Moy prints)." I whisper back.

"Ok, hate to break up this moment, but there are other people in here."

"Sorry, Uncle Buck."

"Ok, we need updates, like when you got out, where you've been all this time, stuff like that," Wanda says.

"All right, well basically about a week after you escaped, Buck, I was transferred to a new base in New York. I met these two there. We got really close. Me and Pietro started dating after about 4 months. 6 months later, Pierce found out and he wasn't happy. He didn't like that we were that close, so he transferred them to the Sokovian base. Almost 2 months later I hear agents talking about how the Maximoff twins escaped and they had to be extra careful. I immediately started planning my escape."

Flashback 6 years *third person pov*

Y/n lays in her bed, almost asleep, when she heard voices.

Rumlow- The Maximoff twins escaped the Sokovian base, they could come for her next so be careful. Especially if they team up with the Winter Soldier.

Valentina- Of course

A plan started forming in her head, now she just had to wait for the right time.

Fast-Forward 4 months


It was time. She was getting out of this hell hole.

She was training in the gym-a total of 2 agents with her, one at each door. She walks over to the shooting range and picks up a gun, like she's going to do target practice. Instead she turns around and shoots the agent closest to he right in between the eyes. Agent #2 came running at her, but she shot him twice in the stomach and once through the heart. 


The alarm started blaring, signalling the other agents that something was happening, so she ran. *rest is like in the prologue*

Present Time *Y/n pov*

"So then the cop arrested me, took me to jail and threw me in a cell." I finished.

They were all quiet, stunned looks on their faces.

"H-holy shit, I'm so so so  sorry we left you there Y/n. If I would have ju-"

"It's not you fault, ok James? It's not any of your faults. The only people to blame are HYDRA." I try to reassure them.

"I'm slightly confused," Wanda states, staring off into space. "If you admitted who you were to that cop, how are you not in jail or the Raft right now? I kinda find it hard to believe that they have you do 6 years of Juvie and then just let you go, not with how many kills America's Child had."

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