Love, Lies, and Loyalty: A Te...

By Written_Forevermore

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Senior year = Drama Amelia, a mysterious high school girl with no time for boys, fun and parties had the spar... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Author's Note And Gift Announcement!
Amelia (Spin Off 1)
Mason (Spin off 2)
Andrew (Spin Off 3)
Patricia (Spin off 4)

Chapter Twenty Five

74 8 1
By Written_Forevermore

This isn't happening. This has to be some joke. Maybe it's someone with the same name as him? Oh my days I am probably wrong, the aura in the room screams the Andrew I know. I still have to check, see if it's actually him

Grey eye. Blonde hair. It is definitely him. His eyes bored into my soul and for a minute I felt he knew exactly what I was thinking

"Andrew, meet Amelia or as I call her Lia" Camilla chirped as her eyes bounced between us "you've met?"

"Amelia... So this is the very important dinner? Dinner with my mom? I never knew my family held so much importance in your heart" he moved closer and gave me a welcome hug. I so needed to push him away but that'll be so weird to do in the house of a host "nice outfit" he whispered and stepped back "actually maa, she's Amelia, the girl from school"

"That's lovely, you both will get along fine!" Camilla took to her heels and headed to the dining "Lia, you sit here. Seems it's not a new friend anymore"

I gave an awkward smile and sat down on my chair watching Andrew sit opposite me. He smiled at me but I didn't care to return the gesture. The dinner was nice and peaceful, the meals were very tasty too, I had to give my compliments to the chef. Occasionally I would catch Andrew staring at me and there was this one moment where he took his long legs all the way to my side and tapped them. But guess what, he claims it was a 'mistake'. Yeah right, mistake my foot

Once the table was cleared and desert was brought, Camilla and my mother resumed their conversation. They were talking about work, turns out they met at some gathering for medical professionals or something like that. My mom, a surgeon and Camila a psychologist met and became friends. Now however they were talking about their children and motherhood in general. Typical

"Andrew is my only son, such a gem" her eyes looked at him with admiration and he seemed to have a smirk on his face. What a stupid man ego. "You know children grow up so fast, one moment he's all over the place another he's on one of his hobbies"

"I could say the same" my mother piped up, they kept discussing until the major topic was hobbies "Amelia is quite fond of books, books of all kind. But, I'll still say novels are here best"

"That's lovely, my son Andrew is quite the collector too. Does she read Shakespeare?"

"More than anything, any copy she lays a hand on, she'll try to get" mother laughed

"Oh really? That's great!" She looked at Andrew "Andrew, you have a quite the large collection of Shakespearian novels up in you room, why don't you show Lia the collection? Don't let us bore you with motherhood chatter"

"Alright maa, Is that okay with you Lia?" He asked knowing what he did. Lia? He cannot call me that, only his mother does that!

"I'm pretty full, I think I'll pass..." I lied

"Nonsense! You love Shakespeare, no book lover would pass that" Camilla spoke "don't be shy go along" she looked at Andrew "be a darling and take her with you"


"That's enough Lia, I'm sure you'll love the books" mother smiled at me but I could read the words behind the smile 'stop making a scene and just go look at the books'

"Alright" I surrendered and followed Andrew up the shiny glass steps remaining few paces behind him

He entered his room and stood behind the door peaking out to usher me in. I looked at him, in the room and back at him.

"I don't bite, come on in" he said as I slowly made my way into the room. Clink, the door closed.

The room was pretty good, better from what I expected. I expected to find a messy room with gadgets and binoculars or something all over the place. You know, to engage in whatever creeps like him do.

In reality, the room was accented with a creme and forest green color palette combo. Just as Camilla has said, he had a huge shelf by the side with over half collection of Shakespearian works. If it wasn't for the fact that it was him, I would excitedly snoop through every book in here.

Andrew's POV

There was an awkward silence in the room. I watched Amelia as she slowly scanned the shelf and it took so much self control in her to stand still and just gaze at the books from afar. I could feel it. She seems to want to play 'i don't care about the books' right now

"Lia?" She looked at me. She is annoyed, very much so. She hates it when I call her that nickname and fir some reason the furious pout on her face makes my heart skip a rhythmic beat

"Don't call me that" she bit out promptly

"It's okay when my mom does? That's not fair Lia"

"You are not close to me in any way and your mother chose to do that, there's nothing I can do about it but with you I certainly can" she held the eye contact, bold.

"Does it even matter if I call you that Lia?"

"Yes it does, you're putting it in your head that by Calling me that we somehow have a connection. We do not" that hurt

So raw, so unfiltered. She just said it as she saw it to be. It hurt so damn bad. I cannot let her see that, I'll just keep being annoying

"Whatever Lia" I stressed it and she sighed of frustration and walked towards the bookshelf obviously trying to find a way to ignore me

I let her be for the meantime and sat on the chair by my desk with my phone. Time for Andricia to continue, yes the name is a thing now. I took out my camera and took pictures of Amelia as she held three books on my shelve, she didn't seem to notice because she is straight up trying to avoid anything that has to do with me or my face.

She looked around trying to find a place to sit and admire the book. At this point the only option she'd entertain is the floor or the bed, I'm already sitting on the chair. But we're talking about Amelia here, she chose to stand. What a strong headed girl, I like her even more.

"Lia" I called out fir her when several minutes passed away. She ignored me "Lia" she ignored me again. "Ugh, fine. Amelia" she looked at me "Just sit down, on the floor or the bed. Your choice"

"I can stand"

"I know that, you're doing it right now" I scrolled through the weather app on my phone to act like I'm being indifferent "Sit down, your legs must be tired already"

There was silence and I didn't look up at her again. I felt slight footsteps and if my intuition is right, she'll sit on the bed. Precisely the edge of it. A few seconds later I raised my eyes to find her sitting exactly where I thought, on the edge of the bed. She looked beautiful sitting there, her long hair draped behind her as she flipped the pages.

"Take a picture it'll last longer" she said with a mocking tone because I was staring at her

"Good idea" I took the picture

"Delete that"

"Sure" I lied. I showcase my camera roll to her to prove the picture was gone

"Trash too"

"Done" I opened the trash and showcased that too


She resumed admiring the novel. I retrieved the pictures and kept them in a folder.

It was almost an hour and the half when mother called us downstairs. It seems their dinner has been concluded. I watched Amelia walk back to her mother's side and I could tell she felt relieved. Very relieved. Mother and I walked with them to the car and watched as they said their goodbyes.

"Ma'am, it's been a pleasure meeting you and Lia today" I regarded her mother "Lia seems to fancy these three book, and I would like her to have it" I handed over the bag the i asked the butler to organize for me

"You've been so sweet too, and thank you I'm sure Lia will love..."

"No thank you" Amelia butted in "the books were great but I couldn't possibly take it"

"Nonsense!" Camilla piped up "you're keeping this, no buts" she placed the packed books in Amelia's hands. Yes! I love my mother so much for this!

Amelia gave a gentle smile to mother and a harsh gaze to me. That seems unfair tho. I gave Amelia's mom a hug and gave one to Amelia too tho she didn't return it either. When all was said and one, their cars drove out of the house and I stood there with my mom looking at nothing in particular

"Thank you maa" I looked at her and gave her a hug and two kisses to the cheeks

"Anything for you Love" she smiled "what exactly do you want to do with this dinner you made me organize?"

"Oh nothing much" I told a half truth "just get closer to her, that's all"

"You're a beautiful young man" she walked inside the house as I followed behind "who wouldn't want you?"

I smiled. Now to initiate phase two.

Love y'all for reading this far💕💕

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