Home Sweet Girl

By SleepingBeau_

57.5K 1.9K 137

Will there ever be a home as sweet as she? Homelessness is all Maryanne knows. Yet, sheltered by her fairly o... More

Author's Note
Chapter | One
Chapter | Two
Chapter | Three
Chapter | Four
Chapter | Five
Chapter | Six
Chapter | Seven
Chapter | Eight
Chapter | Nine
Chapter | Ten
Chapter | Eleven
Chapter | Twelve
Chapter | Thirteen
Chapter | Fourteen
Chapter | Fifteen
Chapter | Sixteen
Chapter | Seventeen
Chapter | Eighteen
Chapter | Nineteen
Chapter | Twenty
Chapter | Twenty one
Chapter | Twenty two
Chapter | Twenty three
Chapter | Twenty four
Chapter | Twenty five
Chapter | Twenty six
Chapter | Twenty seven
Chapter | Twenty nine
Chapter | Thirty
Chapter | Thirty one
Chapter | Thirty two
Chapter | Thirty three
What is going on?
Chapter | Thirty four
Chapter | Thirty five
Chapter | Thirty six
Chapter | Thirty seven
Chapter | Thirty eight
Chapter | Thirty nine
Chapter | Forty
Chapter | Forty one
Chapter | Forty two

Chapter | Twenty eight

1K 46 3
By SleepingBeau_


As the man of the house it's my duty to ensure that everything is in order and everyone is happy.

"She fell asleep".

"Okay, we'll tell her tomorrow. Together. That's the only way we can get past this".

Our whole world is changing, now that she is with us. When I met this adorable tiny girl, with bright brown eyes, brown skin and beautiful curls. I knew she was going to occupy a space in my heart and give us a run for our money. In other words, she challenge us everyday, in a good way. She's my bambina, my buddy and I would do anything for her.

It is the following morning and it is time to feed the kittens. When my wife and l grieved our loss, she went to therapy and the therapist recommended we get a pet. A therapy dog was the plan, but Angeline did not want to go the traditional route. So, I gifted her with Frenchie. We loved her so much that a year later we got Lola. They were both born from the same cat just different litter. These kittens are our saving grace and they brought light to our family. We looked at the best options for cats that are easy going and affectionate and Maine coons were one of the top cat breeds. We could have had any other breed of similar status, yet Angeline fell in love with that particular kind. The downside, is that they are expensive and high maintenance. Almost like a human baby. But we love them.

"Okay, okay I'm coming princess". The kitten is meowing at the top of her lungs. She knows that I am preparing their food. They have a diet of quality raw meats and kibble, which isn't cheap by the way. Anything to keep them healthy and long living, as they are healthy by nature. "Why aren't you patient and calm like your sister?". Frenchie's golden eyes are staring up at me. I place their food down and Lola tackles the bowl. I thought main coons were one of the chilliest of breeds. I guess food would make anyone go crazy. "What Lola wants Lola gets".

I'm in my office gathering the copies of the rules I put together for Mary. I plan on placing them in our offices and somewhere in the kitchen. Probably the pantry because I often catch her sneaking in there to grab Oreos from the cookie jar. She doesn't care for the healthier snacks Angeline buys for her. I discovered that the bambina has sweet tooth like myself. if it's sweet she will eat it with no problem. I have to draw back on letting her splurge on sweets, though.

My beautiful wife stands outside the room in workout tights and a sports bra. She is already done with her morning run.

"Amore, I'm going to take a quick shower then get started on breakfast," She quickly says, walking away.

"Hold on dear," she quickly stick her head back in "I'll pick up breaksfast, you relax a bit. Afterward we can eat and go over rules".

"Love you don't have to-".

"It's my treat, baby and it's only eight thirty in the morning. I have a lot of time". She walk up to me and set multiple kisses on my lips. I place my hands on her hips, enforcing the session to last longer.

"Dar, I'm sweaty," she complains.

"What does that supposed to mean? You started". She raises her brow at me. "Fine, later then?".

"Certo, la mia anima gemella," she kisses me one last time, then exists.

One brownie point for Dario!


We barely struggled to get Mary out of the room. She came out on her own. Angeline got up this morning and showed me a note Mary wrote for her and myself. I thought it was comical. My wife felt ashamed about it, but she had a small grin on her face. I will make sure she never lives it down. I will always be the cool one.

We are sitting together at the breakfast table and she is quiet as a mouse. We are yet working on her eating habits and it's gradually getting better. My wife does this tactic by splitting up her food into sections on a special plate. That way it helps her consume more.

"Sweetheart, can you try to finish eating your yogurt," my wife encourages.

"Im full," she leans back in her chair.

"Okay," Angeline releases a sigh. "-But you are taking your vitamins and having a smoothie later," she inform. The mom is strong with this one. Mary wines and throws her head back.

"I'll eat it". Angeline passes the parfait to me and I finish it in two spoonfuls. I don't like food going to waste.

"Maryanne, we need to talk about what happened yesterday," My wife speaks up."First off, I want to apologize for the way I acted. I was wrong for yelling at you. I wasn't thinking. I was overwhelmed and I took it out on you," She put a comforting hand on her leg.

She responds with,"Why? Do you not want me here anymore?" Her bright brown eyes look at the both of us. My heart flops.

"No, not at all bambina," I reach across the table for her hand. I did not know that we made her feel that way.

Angeline cups her face so that she can look at her directly,"We want you to stay more an anything. We love you honey and I would never allow you to leave. Only if you want to, even then it will be impossible for me to accept," she says. "The reason why I was so upset is because..." she pause and looks at me. I put my hand on her back and rub it.

"It's okay," I say. Angeline takes a moment to breathe.

"Four years ago, we were blessed with a beautiful baby boy after eight years of infertility. The day we found out I was pregnant, we were head over heels. It wasn't until the ultrasound for my late second trimester appointment, my doctor confirmed to me that there was something wrong with my baby's heart. She said that if I wait it full term it would dely the process of getting him the surgery he needs. I held on two weeks before my due date because I wanted him to grow more and he did. He was strong. The moment he came out of me, I wasn't able to hold him, but I got to see his precious little face. They took him and did emergency surgery right away. He was in the NICU for a week and I had the privilege to hold him twice. The second time was the day he died". As a husband and a father it was a heart shattered experience. Seeing my wife in shambles made me afraid to put her through that again. We wanted to sue the hospital, but there was not enough evidence to prove that they were negligent towards our son.

"We named him Matteo because he was a gift. He was perfect before he came into this world. I was depressed for a while and I blamed myself. I told Dario that I was done with having kids and I figured that if I kept his baby stuff, I would find some comfort in the only things I have left of him. Including the pacifier". That was one of the first items we gave him after his surgery.

"Me and Dario talked last night and took some time to realize that my baby boy's memory will forever live on regardless and I will never let that get in the way of the love I have for you". Mary looks at me and I nod in agreement. "You are very important to us Maryanne. Much more than you could ever know".

We enfolded her in a hug and she goes on to say, " I'm sorry for what happened to your baby," in a whisper.

"It's alright because we have you now and we want to give you everything".

"What about the pacifier?" Mary says.

"I'm letting you can keep the pacifier because I can see that it means something to you as well". She nods. "I love you sweetheart," Angeline says.

"We love you sweetheart" I correct Angeline.

"Yes, we." She gives me a kiss.

Two brownie points for Dario!

"Alright, now it's time to set some ground rules".


I'm on my way to the office and I'm little late because of traffic. Sometimes I have to remember that I'm the boss. Although, I don't make it out of a habit because I must display professionalism and set a good example for my group. I walk inside the building of four floors with the name of the firm imprinted above. When my dad planned to expand his corporation, this building was just a store front all on its own with an empty lot. I was a young junior attorney when he started building it. He told me that one day I will take over and ten years of experience later he stayed true to his word. My dad didn't choose me because I was his son, but because I was very qualified and ultimately officiated by the board of directors. Now, I am managing partner of a developing law firm. I was the second one out of my siblings who followed in the career path. Bringing home a double major in business and law. Everyone thought of me as quite young when I landed the position. Today, at the tender age of forty, I think I have matured enough to not be questioned from others.

I'm greeted by my colleges, who are now my associates and partners. In the past, I have worked along side some of them at my father's first firm, where I met Angeline. She was a summer associate and undergrad in law school at the time. "Good morning or I should say afternoon! Mr. Morello" he smirks, looking at his watch.

"Nelson, what do I owe this pleasure? I'm surprised to see you here... like always". I say

"What can I say, I'm one of your best attorneys. When you got a second I need some advice on this juvenile case, but I know you got your day filled".

"Yeah for sure. Just remind me if not take it up with Mr. Addison." We are supposed to have a meeting today. I am the person who makes sure that the business is running smoothly, I need to know everything that goes down at my firm, even down to the smallest detail. With two other lower level partners behind me.

I take the elevator up to the hightest floor and I am instantly flooded with people. Mr. Lark is in my ear about our new budget plan as the head of finances. Mrs. Henders needs my approval on the new recruits as the head of human resource. There is a plumbing problem, I have other people for that. This is just a tiny sample of what my days looks like.

"Terri, send a reminder to Clarkson, Smith and all the others on the email list that there will be a general meeting in the main room prompty at three. If they are late, we will start without them. Natalia, I need you in my office in fifteen minutes. Everyone else who doesn't have business on this floor, I need to kindly return to your designated areas," I despise a crowded work places. I dealt with it as a rookie lawyer. As I have reached a higher statute. I prefer to have my people spreaded out.

My secretary smiles at me before I retreat into my office. She knows it's going to be one of those days.

I left work earlier tonight. I didn't bother to last the rest of the night. I'm developing a headache, also. I know that it's not from working because I never overwork myself. it's that the dynamic of my life has changed and my wife has a lot of unnecessary anxieties that is making this process challenging.

My first thought is food and it's calling my name. I go in the kitchen open the container of chopped steak smothered in gravy with mushrooms on top, string beans and mashed potato's that Angeline left for me. I pick on a piece of meat and indulge in the delicious taste. My wife is a great cook.

"Dove sei, amore?" Angeline calls out for me.

"Kitchen," I announce. She walks in with frenchie in her arms. Such a big baby. She comes over to kiss me and put frenchie down. "Thank you for the dinner, my dear". My wife looks radient this evening in her night wear.

"They worked you to the bone didn't they. Look at those tired eyes. I can see the dark circles," she touches my face. Ouch.

"Some days are better than others. I withdrew from the Keiser case. I'm no longer representing him. He has done nothing but lie. We found a plethora of evidence against him and it didn't sit right with me. He was very upset when I told him. I couldn't deal with it anymore."

"Good for you, I just hope he doesn't retaliate". I can bet he is thinking about it. I will definitely be getting a call from my father soon. "Do you think I should go back?".

"You my dear are fine where you are. It's better for you and with our new pending member. That should keep you occupied all day. How is she?" I asked.

"She's doing good. I spent a good hour washing her hair. We struggled with dinner. She's not a fan of vegetables like I figured. But I hoped to get something of high in iron. I'm thinking about taking her to see a hematologist-".

"Don't you think this morning was the right time to tell her everything?". I interrupt her train of thoughts.

She shakes her head, "No. It would have been too much for her in one sitting".

"Angie, I'm skeptical. If we hold this off for too long it will all blow up in our faces".

"It won't because I will tell her soon.. you know what made my night?". Typical of her to change the subject.

"What dear?" I rub her back.

"When Lola and Frenchie cuddled up with her. It's like they officiated her as their human sister. I took a picture of it," she seems so proud of it.

"So everything is fine now between you two?".

"It seems like it, but I am worried about her. You know. I want her to be happy,".

"We can look into it. I want what's best for her too and for our family. Making you happy is always my goal," I kiss her lips.

"How did I get so lucky?" She tells me.

"I could ask the same". She reciprocates the kiss and hold my hand.

"Listen, I'm looking to have something sweet after dinner. Do you have anything in mind?" I wink. She knows our special code.

"I do. But you might be too full for dessert my love".

"Nonsense. You know I always make room".

"I'll get it ready for you then". I watch her sway her hips as she struts away.

Three brownie points for Dario!


The couple rushed to the hospital when they received the news that their baby wasn't doing well at all. By the time they get there, he was in the last moments of his life. It happened so suddenly.

"He was fine the other day. What happened?" The husband ask. He helped his wife sit down in the chair they offered, so that she could hold her son for the last time.

"I can't exactly explain why. Rare case are that a baby decides they don't want to live anymore due to all the stress from post surgery, so he stopped breathing. We couldn't find any other reason why he declined so rapidly," the doctor said. "We did everything we could for him".

His wife holding their non responsive son. After days on the ventilator.

"Mommy and daddy are here teo," he says. Stroking his son's cheeks. His color is off and his eyes were closed shut. He was afraid to hold him because he didn't want to break him.

"We can give you all the time. We can discuss the arrangements later,". The nurses stepped aside, yet meters away.

"We were going to take you home. I had your room ready. Nonna and Nono were coming to see you. Everyone wanted to see you". They watched their son take his last breath. Tears begun to fall from both parents. His wife cried out, "My chest hurts. I feel like I have to throw up!" she became weak and the nurses on watch intervened and took the baby from her. Her husband was by her side, holding her up from sliding out of the chair. The nurses call in for backup as they were able to sit her up. Cautious of the woman who gave birth one week postpartum. "I can't breathe," she said.

"Baby you need to breathe, I can't have you going on me too". He panicked.

"Dario please, help me!" She cried.

The nurses brought a fan to her along with ice and water.

"What can you give her?" her husband asked.

"We can offer something to relax her".

"Do what you have to do".

They quickly gave her a pill to swallow and his wife slowly turned to calm and emotionless. She murmured the words, "It's all my fault and where is my baby?" Every so often.

"Your baby is here Mrs. Morello, it's not your fault," the stand in nurses tried to reassure the woman.

On the other hand, Her husband couldn't take more of it and chose to take a step back,"I have to make a few calls." He announced to the nurses.

When the man is outside he had enough courage to hold himself up for the call.

He calls his mother first.

"Dario. Is everything alright. Is the baby okay?".

He doesn't say anything at first, trying to come up with the right words.

"We... we. Lost him ma'" he fluttered out.

"Oh my god. What happened!".

"He didn't want to live anymore" he cried.

"What do you mean? That can't be right! Where is Angeline? can I speak with her?".

"Shes laying down. She took it really hard. It's bad".

"I'm so sorry Baby boy, Me and your father are coming out right away. We are going to figure this out".

"I have to call Angeline's parents and tell them".

"Okay, I love you son. both of you. Please take care of yourself and I'm praying for you".

"We love you too..." he ended the call and he immediately collapsed. Sobbing letting and his body lay on the ground. The images of his wife going crazy and seeing his son's lifeless body makes him cry harder.

"Why did you take him away from us?".

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