one & only, kei tsukishi...

By soobhrtz

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My one & only, one & only, my one & only, my one & only love. More

one & only.
。☆✼★━━ act one.
oo2 ━━ that's the team!
oo3 ━━ send it this way!
oo4 ━━ so you don't care?
oo5 ━━ here you are!
oo6 ━━ or was it?
oo7 ━━ that's all that happened!
oo8 ━━ your best friend is here!
oo9 ━━ there's definitely something there!
o10 ━━ you confuse me!
o11 ━━ what's your problem?

oo1 ━━ who's the girl?

179 16 26
By soobhrtz

oo1. ⛅️🦢🏐 ↬ WHO'S THE GIRL ?
— Ooooh, she's kinda cute!

Her raven-colored hair fell on her shoulders as she finally let her hair down. As it fell it was almost as everything in time paused, time stood frozen. Sonmi wasn't normally a girl to be girly, sure she did have a feminine side, but contrary to her personality, most girls had envied the long silky hair that was owned by Jeon Sonmi. The girl had taken pride in keeping her hair nice and clean, it was a personal achievement for her, she had been growing it since primary school. As Sonmi grew older, she had this hatred of girlish things, the color pink, unicorns, fairies, rainbows, anything girly related, the young girl had a huge disliking towards. Except, Sonmi never wanted to cut her hair, even though people constantly thought about how long hair had this connotation of being girly, but Sonmi could never bring herself to chop it off. She did happen to have a special birthmark in her hair, a simple long white strip of hair. When she was young she did ask her mother about it, she said its what made Sonmi special, since hearing those words from her mother, thats when Sonmi decided to never shop her hair off. As she grew into her secondary years of school, Sonmi always had herself ponder why she hated these girly things, it never quite made sense, did she simply wake up one day and decide she had this vendetta against the silly girlish things. At the end of her secondary school experience, Sonmi did have self-realization and decided to adore everything girly- although she never showed it, she would never give up her edgy style, and continued to wear darker colors and have a dark style while also having her girly flare.

The hallways started to grow long and narrow, maybe this was because Sonmi was tired after her tutoring sessions. The young black-haired girl had considered herself a genius, or maybe not einstein level, but she considered herself very smart. Being in class 1-5, she always had this hidden sense of pride in her academics. The girl couldn't hide the fact she was quick-witted and always able to retain information very easily, it was almost a second talent of her after volleyball. Which was something she actually felt terrible at, considering the fact her team was not considered advanced or scary to play against. No matter what Sonmi did, she always felt she needed to be good at it, which is the reason why she was going to ask the boys' team for tips.

The boys team had been known to be better than the girls team by a long shot, for years on end. Ever since Michimiya, the girls team captain, could last remember the boys team did incredibly well, even making it to nationals at one point in their high school carrers. The girls team had never faced this same fate, they instead were viewed as one of the weaker teams in their leauge, and always an easy to be opponent. They could be otherwise known as the "shoe in team to lose," the group of girls really lived up to karasunos name as "the flightless crows."

Sonmi walked along with the school in her uniform, her hip swayed from side to side as she paced the halls in anticipation. Normally the young girl wasn't the nervous type, but as she heard the noise of her own steps hitting the tiles of the floor, all she could feel was the nerve in her stomach grow. All she had to do was ask for tips...right? It's not like she had to get on her hands and knees and beg for them to help her, it's nothing more complicated than that. The hallway grew wider as she walked, it was almost like it was never-ending, or had her nerves started to get the best of her. Today wasn't gonna be the day where Sonmi had admitted her defeat and that her nerves had gotten the best of her. When that day came, that would be the day hell froze over.

"This is so stupid." She stopped in her tracks, looking around the hallway, she met eyes with a couple of students, of course, who had no idea what she was intending to do. Whipping herself around, she stared back down the corridor, confused as to why this journey had felt like an eternity. Seconds felt like minutes and the clock was ticking. Taking a quick deep breath, she made her way towards the door that would lead to the boys' gym.

Her mind went rambling, she hadn't heard of any of the boys on the team that were first years, obviously, but Michimiya did say they found a handful that weren't bad. Due to the fact she knew no names this made her mind run wild with accusations and assumptions, "What if they are annoying?" She thought to herself, "Or what if they are snarky assholes who think they're too good to teach me anything!" Her head began to get hot, although Michimiya had mentioned their captain was a sweetheart. Sonmi shook her head to clear her mind, "Maybe they'll just be nerdy and ugly.." She let out a sigh of relief, her arms hung by her side as she approached the door. She stood there and her mind had one thought, "Or what if one of them is cute." She shook her head once again, no way that would ever happen, "God Sonmi, shut up! Get your head in the game."

The girl brought her arms up to pull on the door handles, only to realize it was locked, she sighed in disbelief, "Must've ended practice early." She thought to herself, she ran her hand through her long black hair, did she really go through all that stress for nothing? She quickly became annoyed, holding the white strip while turning to walk back the way she came, someone popped up into her path as she turned around.

"Who are you?" A feminine voice asked. Sonmi jumped at the sudden movement before opening her eyes to see a young girl, she stood around the same height as Sonmi, possibly a little taller. She had long light brown hair, down to about half of her forearm, which was kept in two pigtails, along with deep-set brown eyes that had a glow to them. Her facial expression showed her agitation at the moment as she asked again, "Who are you? What are you doing here?" She asked again, now edging closer to Sonmi.

The raven-haired girl was at a loss for words, she opened her mouth to speak before another voice was heard in the distance.

"Kami! Where did you..." A boy peered around the corner of the gym, his sights landing on Somni before looking back at the girl in front of her, "Woah, who's the girl?"

Another short boy crept around the gym, he looked confused for a moment by the previous boys comment. Soon he realized what he was talking about when he locked eyes with Sonmi, "Ooooh, she's kinda cute! Is that your friend Kami?"

The two boys rushed over to the girl, one boy who was extremely tall compared to the group, while the other boy looked almost as tall as the two other girls. The tall boy had a shaven head along with golden-brown eyes, the shorter boy on the other hand had dark brown hair with a small bleached strip in the middle, all his hair stood up like a pine tree, he also had dark chocolate-colored eyes. The pair had looked as if they had just finished working out, as sweat gleamed off their foreheads.

The girl elbowed both the boys in their ribs as they stood behind her, both of them suddenly gasped for air as she spoke up, "I have no idea who this girl is, she was standing in front of the gym as I was leaving so I wanted to know who she was."

The boys looked at her and then back at Sonmi, the tall one gave her a glare, which made her face break out in a blush, "Who are you, little girl?" Said the shorter one.

Sonmis' eyes went wide at the comment, "Little girl?" She spoke in a snarky tone, "I'm literally taller than you dumbass." She spat at him, the three before her now looked at each other in shock until the taller boy and girl started laughing.

"Hey! It's not funny!" The shorter yelled as the pair laughed their lungs away, he looked upset by the comment, Sonmi realized he must get that a lot.

Her mind began to run, were these two part of the boys team? They didn't look all that powerful, and how was a boy that short playing on their team? If he was a spiker or blocker, the boys team might as well be as fucked as the girls team. Her eyes wandered from the shorter boy onto the taller one, he looked pretty strong, what posiiton did he play? Maybe a spiker possibly a blocker, he looked tall enough for the position. The last of the trio was the girl, who Sonmi believed her name was Kami, she looked young, was she the teams manager? Maybe just a friend to one of the boys, maybe one of the two boys girlfriend?

"Guys!" Called out yet another voice, from around the corner of the gym came a group of boys, it all looked like a blob of colors and heights as they all circled Sonmi, "Don't freak the girl out, she's from the girls' team."

Sonmi looked around at the group, trying to analyze anything she could get from them, also while trying to see if she could find any familiar boys in the sea of faces. Her eyes met with the boy who had a friendly face, "This must be their captain," she thought to herself. He smiled at her then tilted his head, indicating for her to introduce herself, "He's right, I'm Jeon Sonmi, first-year, class five." She tried to look confident, in hope the rest of thr group could not see her nerves.

"I'm Daichi! I'm the captain of the boys' team, Michimiya told you about us right?" He asked, causing Sonmi to nod, "Well," He spoke again before looking around at the boys, "I see you already met Tanaka, Nishinoya, and Kami." He spoke as he pointed to the tall boy, the brunette girl, and the shorter boy.

"Sorry for scaring ya!" Nishinoya spoke with a smile, "Although I didn't appreciate you calling me short!"

A boy laughed, "I mean she's not wrong." The boy stood as tall as a lamppost compared to Sonmi, he had blonde hair and envious green eyes that were covered by glasses, as he stared down at the girl he smirked, "I've heard of you in class five, you're awfully smart?"

"Yeah." Sonmi suddenly got defensive, "What about it?"

"Nothing, nothing at all, just think it's funny a girl as smart as you would come to our team for advice shouldn't you be able to figure it out on your own?" He asked, before even giving Sonmi a moment to speak, he spoke again, "I'm Kei Tsukishima." He bent down to look at her face to face, staring at her face and then at her white strip, letting out a small laugh, his hand went up to his chest as he introduced herself.

Just as Sonmi was ready to respond to the blonde, another boy pushed him out the way, he had gray hair, which Sonmi found awfully odd, but endearing since she also had white hair, "Sorry about him, that's Tsuki for you." The boy beamed, he seemed very eager to be meeting her, although he had no idea what she was here for, "I'm Koshi Sugawara, you can call me Suga for short! I'm vice-captain and one of the teams setter." His persona seemed very bubbly and upbeat, contrasting to Tsukishimas' personality, "I know that some of our team members can seem more intimidating the others, but I promise you you've come to the right team for advice!"

A boy came forward, he had his hair pulled back into a bun, as he walked towards Sonmi and Suga, Somni quickly realized how big the boy was, "I'm Asahi Azumane, third year! It's nice to meet you Sonmi!" He stuck his hand out for the girl to shake, Sonmi looked at his hand, it looked big enough to crush her small hand.

The raven-haired girl was taken aback, he was the first boy to hold his hand to shake while he managed to be the most intimidating member, 'Was this guy really still in school?' She thought to herself. She held her hand out and gave his hand a firm shake, "It's nice to meet you to Asahi." This had probably been the first time she had smiled during her whole time of meeting the boys' team.

"Damn Asahi already making moves on the new girl." Nishinoya projected, elbowing Asahi.

This comment caused Asahi to blush, "That's not true at all! It's not like that." He rambled, his words starting spewing out left and right with excuses. Sonmi examined the boy, with long brown hair that was tied back, with brown eyes as well, his facial hair grew very fine. She was shocked to see he was a high schooler, she had thought he was the coach.

"You're so into her, come on!" Nishinoya exclaimed as Asahi looked like he was ready to let away from embarrassment. Sonmi couldn't tell if Nishinoya was joking or not at this point.

"Come on Noya, don't do that to Asahi." A boy with dark olive green hair spoke up, he stood behind Tsukishima, almost as if a shadow to the blonde, he met eyes with Sonmi, "I'm Tadashi Yamaguchi! I'm a first-year too! Its nice to meet you!

"Yamaguchi?" Sonmi asked, "That's a cool name! Its nice to meet you too!" The girl had been telling the truth, even though the compliment had seemed in-genuine. Yamaguchi smiled back at her, his eyes widening, showing a grin, in that moment it was obvious the boy hadn't received many compliments.

"I'm Hinata!" A redhead had jumped into Sonmis sight of vision, he glowed with happiness as he stared at the girl, "Shoyo Hinata that is." He spoke again, "So you're on the girls' team? What position do you play? Is your team good? How tall are you?" More and more questions had spewed out of the boy's mouth and they went in one ear and out the other to Sonmi.

The questions suddenly came to a halt as someone hit Hinata upside the head, "What a dumbass." The black-haired boy looked at Hinata as if he had just made the most idiotic comment alive, he then looked up from Hinata and back at the girl, "I'm Tobio Kageyama, I've seen you around. I'm a first-year too. Don't mind Hinata he's an idiot." The teenaged boy spoke bluntly, no emotion to be shown in his voice.

These words had seemed quite cruel at the moment, but maybe he had a point, I mean just spewing out questions at someone you had just met is defiantly a weird move to make, "No no it's okay." She interjected, "Uh well, I am on the girls' team, I play middle blocker, our team is quite literally a joke, and I'm probably around 5'3 I would say."

"Told you I was taller than her!" Kami shouted at Tanaka, she turned to him and punched his shoulder, "Finally someone other than Noya who I'm taller than." She smirked as she crossed her hands over her chest.

Tsukishima looked down at the girl, "You play middle blocker?" He asked as he struggled to hold back a laugh, "Psst, no wonder the girls' team is a joke."

Sonmi raised an eyebrow at the boys' comments, "Listen here lamp post," as the words left her mouth this made the blonde boys' eyes widen in shock, "I don't know what I did or said to you, but you can cool it with the insults. I met you five minutes ago." She spoke harshly, the agitation in her voice showing.

Yamaguchi looked at the girl as he brought his hand to his neck and moved it side to side, indicating for her to cut it out. Sonmi then met her eyes with Hinata who looked like he just seen a ghost, he looked worried about the young girls' life.

Tsukishima looked back at the girl, his face widened with a smirk, "What'd you say? Couldn't hear you from down there, granny." He said as he guided his hand to her white hair strip and glided it down.

Sonmis eyes suddenly widened, she could not believe what the boy had just said to her, her face flushed red as she stared at the boy. The girl slapped his hand away from her hair, "Listen here-"

"Okay guys," Daichi interrupted, He walked up to Sonmi, pushing past Tsukishima, giving her a bright smile as he put his hand on her shoulder, "Let's not start fighting already. It's nice to welcome you to the team Sonmi!"

"TEAM?" The boys all shouted in unison.

hi besties!! i've been working on reposting this book since i started this account. this book is my BABYYYYYY please support my children and my princess sonmi because i love her w my
whole heart.
i hope you all enjoy everything in store for this book because BUCKLE UP #miscommunicationtrope #ilovemakingmyreaderssuffer

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