If Found Please Destroy | A V...

By ixAshesxi

39 4 0

‼️|HIATUS|‼️Beginning at the age of sixteen, Dagomara has lived in a world with Vikings surrounding her. Deat... More



4 1 0
By ixAshesxi

The Jomsvikings departed shortly after we began to pack and ready ourselves for what was ahead. Floki had not bothered to look at us as the boat was sailing down the sea. I kept questioning myself, "Why did the commander of the Jomsvikings want me?"

When I had thought I was alone, my brother had answered from behind me, "Because you are a young woman."

I wanted to slap him. My age and gender matters not. People wanted slaves of any age, gender, no matter where they come from. Hell, it didn't matter if you spoke Norse or not. Or maybe, it could have been because I was a female warrior. It was rarely heard of around here.

Askeladd was no fool. He is known for being a strong swordsman, even defeating more strong and built men like my brother. One time he even took a village of men by himself. He is known to be very smart. And that he was. But also, all that mixed together with the fact that he could not care less about killing anything before him, as long as the end result brought satisfaction—

That was the most deadly thing about him. His satisfaction. Wine. Silver and gold. A head.

It frightened me how everyone around me admires this man. Bjorn, the most. He is so different now. Before the two of us met Askeladd, and after meeting him, being a part of his crew for this long, my brother has changed so much.

"Have you finished?" Askeladd questioned. I nodded. "Yes, Master." I said, before walking towards the boats with him.

As I said before, I have luxuries. Luxuries that no other slave of Askeladd or his uncle Gorm have. Stuff that they wish for, but would never see. It is Gorm's fault. Not Askeladd's. I feel like that is because I am the younger sister of his right-hand man. Bjorn would never allow Gorm to beat me and push me around while he left for battle every other day.

I wish it were different. I wish I could take some of the women with me. But I would have to protect them here, too. From the wandering eyes of the other men. Or much worse. I feel that Bjorn and Askeladd are the only ones with morals.

The Master, from what I know, has never forced himself on a woman, never hit or punished one for doing wrong, or being clumsy. I have the task of being his personal slave. He has never done any of that to me.

It is insane that I wonder why.

"Do you feel it as well?" asked Askeladd. "This is all a little too odd for me."

I looked at the patches of grass as we walked. "The Troll of Jom has been missing for almost two decades. As much as we all like to talk dirt on him, Floki is an intelligent man. If there really was an order to kill the man, why has he not been killed already?"

"Better yet, why is he paying us to do it?" Askeladd questioned.

"Perhaps he wants to make sure his hands are clean?" I suggested. "We are merely Vikings who just look for pay to get by in life. Jomsvikings have to keep up their flawless reputation."

"Your brother said the same thing. And hey, we have a reputation too, you know," said Askeladd.

"Yes." I agreed. "But do we care about whether or not it is good?"

Askeladd chuckled. "You win."

I finally met up with Bjorn, handing him a small tied piece of sheet. "About time."

I mocked him. "You asked for more than the usual. Just how bad do you think this may go?"

My brother folded his arms and looked off at the water. "Seeing as how the high and mighty Jomsvikings want nothing to do with this, not even so much as hand us extra weapons just in case, this may not even be enough."

I exhaled and Bjorn grabbed my arm. "Dagomara, you need to do more than just defend yourself. Thors will have other men with him. Men that may be just as bloodthirsty, if not more. Thors is a very strong man. I may not be able to protect you if I'm off fighting others."

"I know, brother. But before we get on this boat, promise me something." Bjorn released me, signaling that I continue. "You will not force yourself to do all the fighting just to impress Askeladd. I refuse to see you get yourself killed for approval."

Bjorn furrowed his eyebrows. "I—

"I am doing something that I hate doing." I said as I grabbed my short sword. "But if I have do it in order to protect you and the Master, and get this job done, then I will. So do me a favor. Do not just go in there recklessly. At least— before... you know." I said, looking at his right hand.

I heard Askeladd shout for us. "It is time." I told my brother before walking away. It was always Askeladd on the boat first, then Bjorn and I.

It was rare of us to lose men. Unless they were lazy, or lying about how good they were when in combat. It was just something about this man. People always wanted to join his band, but he only cared about himself. Askeladd was held on a pedestal. The men holding him were fools, ready to die for him just to make him proud.

I guess in some ways, Bjorn was different. Askeladd appreciated how reckless and wild he was. Almost the same as him. They have fun together because of that. The two quickly became inseparable. My brother feels he owes him his life because of me. I could have easily became one of Gorm's slaves.

But I didn't. That was because I showed promise at both home and in battle.

Bjorn and I are grateful for that every day.

~ 1001

I was in a sword fight with a few men. Each coming at me with different speeds, aggression. Some of them even tried pulling dirty tricks like spitting on me, or throwing dirt in my face to blind me.

My brother yelled as he had just killed some of the others nearby. And began charging towards us.

"Aww, does your brother want to help? Looks like both of you are going to die today." said one of the larger men as he tried aiming at my chest.

I backed up and screamed as I sliced an arm of another off. Another man stopped and called out the name of the fallen one, allowing me to stab him in the chest once he looked over. Two left.

They both paused, and I took time to breathe. "You bitch—

The shorter man began to choke on his own blood as Bjorn came from behind with a spear, piercing through his entire chest. The last man stood there in fear. Bjorn lifted the spear up so that the body slid to where he was holding it. At that time, I have never seen so much blood.

It felt like such a long time ago.

My brother and I turned towards the only surviving man. He trembled, cried, and started stuttering as I lifted the blade in my hand to cut his head off.

"Alright, that's enough," said a loud and honestly quite terrifying voice from the left of us. I paid no attention as the man in front of me pleaded for his life.

A blond man covered in armor walked in our direction. Bjorn had pushed me behind him. "Who the hell are you?"

He smirked. "I should be asking you two that. That was one hell of a show. Especially from some young Danes such as yourselves."

My brother stayed quiet and I gripped his arm. Whoever this guy was, he must have brought these men here. Two stood behind him, and the third, who was covered in blood and now smelled of urine, were the only ones left.

The blond began speaking, "Sorry, where are my manners? I am Askeladd. Son of Olaf."

He looked at the scared man beside us. Seconds later, his head fell at my toes. Askeladd then put his sword away, and used his thumbs to point at the two behind him. "And these are my men. Now then, who do I have the pleasure of meeting right now?"

He just killed one of his own?

Bjorn cracked his neck and made sure I was clear from sight. I looked around to see that there were a few more men on boats. Some others were far off on the other side of the village gathering the women. The ones that were alive, at least.

"Bjorn." My brother introduced himself.

"And who is the beauty behind you? That is the real question."

At this point I was digging my nails into Bjorn's arm. I could feel the blood from the decapitated body seep into my shoes. I was so scared. I was so —



I shook back into reality as I felt Bjorn's hand on my shoulder.

"Dagomara." I heard him repeat.

"Yes? What is it?" I asked.

My brother was not looking at me. Only forward. "We've arrived." He announced.

I followed his gaze to see two ships. One tiny one filled with men who looked scared for their lives. And a much larger one, on board was the target.

"You made them just as good as last time, right?" Bjorn questioned, opening the filled sack he has been carrying.

"I am sure you will only need one." I answered.

"Perfect," he said before consuming one whole.

Amanita Muscaria. Or in basic terms...

Beserker Mushrooms.

I heard gasps all around us. "Do you know what that mushroom is, Bjorn?" Torgrim asked.

Of course he does.

"Of course I do," Bjorn answered as he chewed. "Now shut up so I can count. One, two, three... Eleven, twelve, ... and one kid."

My eyes directed to where he pointed out the child. There was a child here? We are going to fight in front of a child? Or kill a child?

I shook my head and stood in front of my brother. "Bjorn, no—

"Hold on," he ignored me. "Is that really all of them? Hey, Askeladd!" Bjorn began walking towards the front of the ship. "Mind if I take care of this one for you?"

I gasped. I did not bother to listen to my brother as I ran towards them. "Bjorn, what about the promise?"

"Be my guest," said Askeladd. "He seems to be just as eager as you."

Stomping and crackling on our boat ended the conversation. Thors was now atop. Some of the men, including Torgrim began drawing their weapons, and Torgrim trying to attack only ending in him being punched in the face by the former Jomsviking.

"My brother." Atli cried.

With that, the fight began. But nobody in front was a match for him. While it angered Bjorn, it made Askeladd laugh. "Not bad, Troll of Jom."

Bjorn began twitching and grinding his teeth. Only getting angrier and angrier. I have to stop this somehow. I have to make him surrender somehow. I have to do something.

I took out my sword and charged in front of everyone. I was now Thors' main target. He stopped and looked down at me. "A woman?" He questioned.

I pointed my sword at him, having the tip of the blade touching the sheath of his sword. "S-Surrender now!"

He looked at me with a concerned expression. I knew he wouldn't surrender. I was just buying time to say what I have to say. I looked deep into his brown eyes and whispered, "Run."

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