A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x...

By Just_Another_IDK

74.5K 2.5K 1.8K

A different spin on a plot we all know well Freedom is all anyone wants but can a gentle soul do what must be... More

My Thanks
Sequel Release


872 37 1
By Just_Another_IDK

The Epilogue
In which the end of peace draws to a close


The icy winds whispered through the desolate landscape as Technoblade rode through the unforgiving terrain, his eyes scanning the ground for any sign, any trace of his beloved (y/n). The air was heavy with the weight of uncertainty, and each step of his horse felt like a thud against his heart, echoing the ache within.

The journey had taken Techno through treacherous valleys and barren landscapes, and as he approached a ridge overlooking a vast expanse, he spotted a glint on the ground. His heart skipped a beat as he dismounted, hastening toward the mysterious glimmer.

Beneath a thin layer of snow, partially concealed, lay a small, delicate object. Technoblade gingerly picked it up, his breath catching in his throat as he recognized the shape of a ring. It was (y/n)'s wedding ring—the very symbol of their love, now abandoned in the desolation.

His gloved fingers traced the familiar contours of the ring, and a deep, gut-wrenching realization settled in. Tears stung his eyes, but he refused to let them fall. The silence around him was deafening, broken only by the wind's mournful howl, mirroring the ache in his soul.

For a moment, Techno clutched the ring tightly in his palm, as if trying to hold onto the fading echoes of their shared moments. Memories flooded his mind—the laughter, the warmth, the promises made in the quiet solitude of their home. Now, those promises seemed distant, lost in the vastness of uncertainty.

He looked out across the desolate landscape, feeling an emptiness that matched the void left by (y/n)'s absence. The ring, once a symbol of their unity, now stood as a poignant reminder of the separation that fate had thrust upon them.

As the wind whipped around him, carrying with it the echoes of a love disrupted, Technoblade clenched his jaw, a steely determination emerging in his eyes. The ring became a solemn vow—a vow to find (y/n), to defy whatever forces sought to keep them apart, and to reclaim the warmth that had been extinguished by the cruel hand of destiny.

With a heavy heart, Techno pocketed the ring, the metal feeling cold against his skin. The journey ahead seemed more daunting than ever, but he pressed on, fueled by a love that refused to be extinguished, even in the face of the desolation that surrounded him.

The biting winds whispered through the barren landscape as Technoblade, still holding (y/n)'s wedding ring, found a moment of respite. He took a seat on a rocky outcrop, the frigid air biting at his exposed face. The voices, silent companions in his solitude, seemed to stir with the weight of his emotions.

"Why?" The question hung in the air, a solitary word spoken to the unseen entities that occupied the recesses of his mind. The voices, echoes of a chaotic past, began to murmur, each offering its own fragmented response.

"You knew not all wounds bleed, but they cut just as deep," one voice murmured cryptically, the words tinged with a spectral wisdom that seemed to transcend the immediate situation.

"Love, a double-edged sword," another voice chimed in, its tone somber. "It grants strength and vulnerability in equal measure. To embrace it fully is to risk the shattering of one's very core."

"We tried to warn you."

Techno furrowed his brow, absorbing the cryptic messages. The voices, often elusive and mysterious, held a strange kind of wisdom—a perspective beyond the tangible world. They were his constant companions, a manifestation of the tumultuous history that had shaped him.

"And what would you have me do?" he questioned, his gaze fixated on the ring in his hand. The voices responded with a dissonant chorus, each urging him in a different direction.

"Reclaim what was lost," one voice insisted, carrying a fervor that mirrored Techno's own determination.

"Yet, beware the cost of such pursuits," cautioned another, a voice that seemed to embody caution and restraint.

Technoblade's grip on the ring tightened, torn between the desire to heed the call of love and the pragmatic warnings echoing in his mind. The wind carried away his whispered musings, lost in the vastness of the desolate landscape.

With a heavy sigh, he stood, the voices fading into the background once more. The ring, now a symbol of both love and loss, found its place back in his pocket. Determination etched across his features, Techno resumed his journey, guided by an unyielding resolve to unravel the mystery that separated him from (y/n).

The voices lingered in the recesses of his mind, a constant reminder of the complexities that defined his path. As he ventured deeper into the south, the echoes of their cryptic guidance accompanied him, like ghostly whispers in the windswept expanse.

The journey unfolded beneath the vast, gray sky, the landscape stretching out endlessly. As Technoblade pressed on, the voices resumed their enigmatic dialogue.

"Love is a flame that warms and consumes," one voice intoned, its words carried by the chilling breeze. "In its glow, you find purpose, but in its blaze, you risk losing yourself."

"I've lost her," Techno muttered, the weight of his words mingling with the howling wind. "How do I find someone in a world so vast?"

The voices did not answer him.

The path ahead seemed uncertain, yet Techno pressed on with a newfound determination. Memories flickered in his mind—moments shared, laughter echoed, and the warmth of a love he feared was slipping away.

He reached the remnants of a village, one they had stumbled upon during their travels. The skeletal structures bore witness to the passage of time, a silent testimony to the impermanence of even the most steadfast landmarks.

The voices urged him to delve into the echoes of the past, and Techno found himself retracing the steps they had taken together. He wandered through the skeletal remains, his eyes scanning for any sign, any thread that might lead him closer to (y/n).

As he explored, memories intertwined with the present—shared glances, the lighthearted banter, the promise of a future together. The voices, usually cryptic, now whispered encouragement, guiding him toward forgotten corners of their shared history.

In the remnants of a quaint building, he discovered a faded sketch, a simple yet precious memento. It depicted the two of them, captured in a moment of laughter and joy. The realization hit him—the past held fragments that could guide him to the present.

With the sketch in hand, Technoblade continued his search, following the echoes of their connection. The voices, a spectral chorus, offered words of both caution and hope, a constant companionship on his solitary quest.

The journey through the south became a pilgrimage, a relentless pursuit of a connection that transcended the desolation of the landscape. And as Techno forged ahead, he clung to the belief that, in the echoes of their shared moments, he would find the path back to (y/n) and bring her home.


The room was a symphony of despair, its walls adorned with cages like a grotesque gallery. Each enclosure contained a shattered soul, a person robbed of freedom and dignity. (Y/n), now among them, felt the cold metal bars close around her, an unyielding embrace of captivity.

The air was thick with the acrid stench of fear and misery. Dim, flickering lanterns cast feeble light that revealed the gaunt faces of those imprisoned. Sunken eyes bore witness to the torment etched into every soul. The room seemed to breathe with the collective sorrow of those who had found themselves ensnared in this wretched place.

Cages lined the walls like macabre ornaments, each housing a victim of circumstance. Broken bodies huddled within, their clothing tattered and stained, remnants of the battles they had fought and lost. Some groaned softly, nursing wounds that oozed fresh pain, while others sat in silent resignation, eyes hollow and vacant.

The slavers moved about with callous indifference, their laughter cutting through the somber symphony of suffering. They assessed their captives as commodities, discussing potential profits with a casual cruelty that sent shivers down (y/n)'s spine. The flickering light danced upon their faces, revealing the twisted satisfaction that marked their features.

A slaver approached (y/n)'s cage, a malicious grin playing on his lips. His gaze appraised her with a dehumanizing scrutiny, reducing her to a mere commodity. The cage door creaked open, protesting the intrusion of a new prisoner.

As (y/n) stepped into the confined space, the cold, damp floor sent a shiver through her. The slavers chuckled amongst themselves, their words a vulgar commentary on the anticipated price she would fetch. The atmosphere grew heavier, tainted by the sickening anticipation of her impending fate.

Around her, the broken souls within the cages cast furtive glances—expressions of shared misery and silent pleas for salvation. The room echoed with a cacophony of muted sobs, muffled cries, and the melancholy creaking of cage doors.

In that bleak chamber, where hope had long been extinguished, (y/n) stood, a reluctant participant in a sinister auction of lives. The slavers reveled in the commodification of humanity, and the once vibrant spirits within the cages were now but fading embers in a place where darkness held dominion.

The room was a symphony of despair, its walls adorned with cages like a grotesque gallery. Each enclosure contained a shattered soul, a person robbed of freedom and dignity. (Y/n), now among them, felt the cold metal bars close around her, an unyielding embrace of captivity.

The air was thick with the acrid stench of fear and misery. Dim, flickering lanterns cast feeble light that revealed the gaunt faces of those imprisoned. Sunken eyes bore witness to the torment etched into every soul. The room seemed to breathe with the collective sorrow of those who had found themselves ensnared in this wretched place.

Cages lined the walls like macabre ornaments, each housing a victim of circumstance. Broken bodies huddled within, their clothing tattered and stained, remnants of the battles they had fought and lost. Some groaned softly, nursing wounds that oozed fresh pain, while others sat in silent resignation, eyes hollow and vacant.

The slavers moved about with callous indifference, their laughter cutting through the somber symphony of suffering. They assessed their captives as commodities, discussing potential profits with a casual cruelty that sent shivers down (y/n)'s spine. The flickering light danced upon their faces, revealing the twisted satisfaction that marked their features.

A slaver approached (y/n)'s cage, a malicious grin playing on his lips. His gaze appraised her with a dehumanizing scrutiny, reducing her to a mere commodity. The cage door creaked open, protesting the intrusion of a new prisoner.

As (y/n) stepped into the confined space, the cold, damp floor sent a shiver through her. The slavers chuckled amongst themselves, their words a vulgar commentary on the anticipated price she would fetch. The atmosphere grew heavier, tainted by the sickening anticipation of her impending fate.

Around her, the broken souls within the cages cast furtive glances—expressions of shared misery and silent pleas for salvation. The room echoed with a cacophony of muted sobs, muffled cries, and the melancholy creaking of cage doors.

In that bleak chamber, where hope had long been extinguished, (y/n) stood, a reluctant participant in a sinister auction of lives. The slavers reveled in the commodification of humanity, and the once vibrant spirits within the cages were now but fading embers in a place where darkness held dominion.


Philza's steps echoed in the silent halls of the cabin as he returned home. The somber air clung to him, a weighty burden that mirrored the gravity of the news he carried. Tommy, driven by worry and urgency, met Philza at the entrance, his eyes a mirror reflecting the concern etched into the lines of Philza's weary face.

"Phil, where's (y/n)? And Techno? I've been looking everywhere," Tommy's voice trembled with a mixture of fear and desperation.

Philza sighed, a heavy exhale that seemed to carry the weight of the world. "Tommy, sit down. We need to talk."

They settled into the dimly lit cabin, shadows dancing across the wooden walls like specters of the secrets held within. Philza began recounting the events that transpired, the disappearance of (y/n), Techno's grief, and the journey he had embarked upon to find her.

Tommy's eyes flickered with a mix of emotions as Philza recounted the grim tale. The absence of Techno's presence left a void, and a heavy silence settled between them. Philza's voice held a somber cadence as he detailed the events that led to (y/n)'s disappearance, and the weight of the revelation bore down on Tommy.

"I didn't think it would come to this. I just wanted to do what was right, to prove myself," Tommy's voice wavered with regret.

Philza, his expression reflecting both sympathy and sternness, responded, "Consequences often reach beyond our intentions, Tommy. It's a harsh reality we must face."

As the gravity of the situation sank in, the cabin seemed to tighten its grip around them. The hearth's flickering flames cast dancing shadows on the walls, emphasizing the heavy atmosphere in the room. Tommy, grappling with guilt, finally spoke in a hushed tone.

"What do we do now, Phil? Techno... he'll be devastated."

Philza leaned forward, his gaze unwavering. "He was, very devastated but the best thing we can do is find out who paid the pillager to take (y/n)."

Tommy nodded, a silent acknowledgment of the challenges ahead. The cabin, once a refuge, now felt like a battlefield of emotions and uncertainties. They would embark on a quest to reunite their fractured family, where each step carried the weight of hope and the echoes of a world forever changed by their actions.

"I think I know who," Tommy finally spoke up.

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