Feel Like This

By InkedbyRee

169K 15.5K 2.3K

"Gwaan poh yuh head." "Wa?" "Yuh nah hear?" "How mi aguh duh dat when mi foot tie up?" I sighed but obliged w... More

•Same Guy
•Bruk dung
•Why it suh big?
•Follow me
•Doh fuck up
•Check if she dead
•Drink Up
•Homicide Part 2.
•Unfair games play twice
•Who Dweet?
•Man a the least a mi problem
•Promise me
Yuh nuh fraid?
•Yuh geet weh?
•Pretty Gang
•Caylis Situation
•Lick Back
•Accept dat
•Just like Dat
Sideman Chronicles
Wrong Idea
Nuh luck
🌊🌴Bora Bora🌴🌊
Clown 🤡
I Remember
Quick n Easy
A Silent Agreement
Double Homicide?
Bare wm
Gone away🕊️
Power of Prayer
Funeral Day

•Homicide Part 1.

2.5K 255 2
By InkedbyRee

Chapter 18.

-  the act of killing another person. It can be classified into various legal categories depending on the circumstances, such as murder, manslaughter, or justifiable homicide.



📍23 Old Hope Rd.

9:00 PM


I was parked two houses down from Mr. Wilson's house. The plan is to show him a picture of Dominique for confirmation that it is indeed him.

I also had a stack of money for him, since he was the only one cooperative enough to give me a lead.

I walked up to the front porch and knocked though there was no answer.

I waited a few more seconds, still no answer.

I turned the knob which was surprisingly open.

I stepped in and instantly reached for my glock. Something is off.

The room was pitch black so I was unable to see. I felt on the wall for a switch and flicked it when I found one.


On the floor, side by side, lied four deceased bodies in a pool of blood.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and their two grandkids.

E man a move fast nuh fuck.

There was no sign of forced entry as far as I could see, so more than likely it is someone that knows him.

I turned the switch back off and made my way back out of the house, closing the door behind me.

I walked back to my vehicle and sat down, taking a few minutes to process the severity of the situation.

Weh the fuck.

I opened instagram to see if there were any
hints or any kind of clues, mi deven know weh the fuck Mia look fah.

The only person from our circle that had a story post was Essence. I clicked on it to see a video with her and Dominique laying together on the back balcony of his house.

Call him mek we see suhmu.



"Pah yuh deh?"

"Kn mi deh outta parish tho chaagie."

"Ah. Link mi when yuh fwd back."

I hung up.

What a pussyole lie. A today Poochie duh Allison head suh and a late evening ina the video.

Jah jah.

Nuh trust dem. None a dem pussy yah.

I took my gloves off and placed them on the passenger seat making a mental note to discard of it.

I bucked the radio before I sped off.

Mi goh check suhmu. If a dirt a dirt.



I drove into Jevante's front yard calling him to let him know that I'm outside.

Around two minutes after, the front door was open.



I stepped inside passing him.

Nah seh a fucking word. Mia Mek him know seh mi know.

"A wah gwaan chaagie?"

If e pussywhol' eva mek e mistake a flinch mi shoot him.

My hand immediately went at my waist as I took my glock out and aimed it at his head.

He didn't flinch.


"Tevoy, weh the fuck ya duh bad man?" He stared at me unknowingly, very confused even.

I inspected him for a few more seconds before speaking,

"Enemy deh a foot."

He still looked puzzled. I lowered my gun and returned it to the original position.



"Cya him seh him a real fren. Jah jah."

I gave Chippy the run down of the situation and we made it an appointment to visit the rest of the addresses before day tomorrow.




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