Little Bird

By lulu12250013

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Nicole 'Dove' Bradshaw has wanted to be a pilot for as long as she could remember like her Uncles Iceman and... More

Top Gun
Character Bio


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By lulu12250013

Nic's PoV

The next morning we are met with Admiral Bates at the front of the briefing room with a hard look on his face.

"Good morning. The uranium enrichment plant that is your target will be operational earlier than expected. Raw uranium will be delivered to the plant in ten days time. As a result your mission has been moved up one week, in order to avoid contaminating the target valley with radiation."

The room is silent.

Payback is the only one who speaks up, "Sir, no one has successfully flown the low-level course."

Bates looks almost apologetic, "Nevertheless, you have been ordered to move on. Captain." He steps aside and Maverick takes his place.

"We have one week left to focus on phase two. It's the most difficult stage of the mission." Maverick

I turn slightly and make eye contact with Bob, thinking about our conversation the night before. He tries to give me a reassuring smile but he also looks pale at the news.

"It's a pop up strike with a steep dive, requiring nothing less than two consecutive miracles. Two pairs of F-18's will fly in a welded wing formation. Teamwork. Precise coordination of these aircrafts are essential to both the mission's success and your survival." Maverick pauses looking around the room before turning to face the board, which now has phase twos simulation pulled up.

"As you know the plant rests between two mountains. On final approach you'll invert into a steep dive. This allows you to maintain the lowest possible altitude and the only possible attack angle. Your target is an impact point less than three meters wide. The two-seat aircraft will paint the target with a laser bulls-eye. The first pair will breach the reactor by dropping a laser guided bomb on the exposed ventilation hatch. This will create an opening for the second pair. That's miracle number one."

I have gripped the arm rests of my chair so tight my knuckles have turned white. Bob reaches over to grab hold of my hand as Maverick continues.

"The second team will deliver the kill shot and destroy the target. That's miracle number two. If either team misses the target, the mission is a failure." Mav again pauses, as if to let us all digest the insane information he is giving us. I turn around to look at Rooster, terrified that this is a suicide mission for the pilots and WSO's that will be chosen.

"Egress is a steep high-G climb out to avoid hitting the mountain." Maverick starts again.

"A steep climb at that speed, you're pulling at least 8 Gs." Hangman chimes in.

"Nine. Minimum." Maverick corrects.

"That stress limit for an F-18's airframe is 7.5." Rooster chirps.

"That's the accepted limit. To survive this mission, you'll pull beyond that. Even if it means bending your airframe." Maverick says looking directly at Rooster.

I turn and look toward Cyclone hoping this is all some elaborate prank they are pulling on us, but when I see him he looks slightly pale and refuses to look at any of us.

"You'll be pulling so hard you'll weigh close to 2,000lbs, your skull crushing your spine. Your lungs imploding like an elephant is sitting on your chest, fighting with everything you have just to keep from blacking out. This is where you'll be most vulnerable. This is coffin corner."

I can feel myself really start to panic now. I know that every mission we are given has a chance of ending with a fatality, this one seems to only have one ending, death.

"Assuming you avoid crashing into this mountain, you'll climb right into enemy radar while losing all your airspeed. Within seconds you will be fired upon by enemy SAM's. You've all faced sustained G's before, but this, this is going to bring both you and your aircraft to the breaking point."

No one speaks for a few minutes.

Payback clears his throat before he speaks, "Sir, is this even achievable?"

"The answer to that will come down to the pilot in the box."

After we are all dismissed to do pre checks, I walk up to Maverick.

"Be straight with me Mav, are we being sent out on a suicide mission?"

"I'm doing the best I can to make sure you are all ready, so that everyone comes home. That is my main priority."

"Well then I guess I'll see you in the sky."

With that I turn and head out to check my jet. Once I've gotten about halfway through my pre check Hangman finds me.

"So what did Maverick say?"

"That he is doing his best to get everyone ready for this. His main priority is getting us all home safely. Now if you will excuse me, I'm up first."

Finishing my check and ensuring everything is in working order, I climb into my jet and turn it all on.

Once I have my helmet on and everything ready to go I wait for my que to take off.

In the sky everything melts away, leaving me with a sense of peace and calm. Payback and Fanboy soon meet me in the sky.

"Are you ready for this dove?" Payback calls over the comms.

"Ready as I'll ever be boys. Let's go."

We fly through the drill and end up with a fail. Missing the target due to a dead eye laser and both clipping the mountain.

Once on the ground again, Rooster passes me on the way to his jet.

"It's ok Dove, it's day one of the new phase."

"No it's not ok, I need to go on this mission, Rooster." I respond before turning and heading inside to the ready room with the others.

Everyone is chatting about how they plan to do each of their runs but, when I walk in everyone goes quiet. I roll my eyes and make my way to the window to watch Roosters run, finding an open seat.

There is a shift in the couch on both sides of me and I turn to see Phoenix and Bob have made themselves at home on either side of me.

"Your run was good Nic, It's not your fault the laser was a dead-eye. It happens." Phoenix says pulling me in for a side hug. She lets go and I'm immediately pulled to the other side by Bob.

"Even I get a dead-eye laser sometimes. Don't let your first run of the phase get in your head. Ok?" Bob asks, pulling my focus from outside.

"I have to go on this mission Bob, I can't just sit on the carrier and wait for you and my friends to possibly come back. I won't make it through that." I tell him, turning my body to face him.

"Remember what I told you on the beach? I have plans for after this mission. Plans I don't have any intention of missing out on." With a smirk sent my way, He turns his attention back to the skies just as Rooster, Yale and Harvard are taking off for their run.

Every pairing missed the target on their first run. For the rest of the day we went up in new pairs each time getting closer to the target but not one had been successful.

Phoenix and Bob were the last pair in the sky with Coyote for the day. As they were approaching their pop up Bob noticed something in the sky with them.

"What is that?" Bob calls

"Blue team, you have been spotted by an enemy bandit. What's your move?" Maverick comes over the comms.

"What do you wanna do Phoenix?" Coyote asks.

"How far out is he Bob?"

"800 yards, North east."

"We have time, get ready for Pop up. Bob, check the laser."

There is silence before Bob's voice can be heard again.

"Agh! Dead-eye. I'm sorry I can't get a lock."

"Alright I'm dropping blind." Coyote calls.

"Dammit! Miss."

"Get ready for the climb." Phoenix chimes in.

All that can be heard for a bit is the grunts of everyone fighting to keep from blacking out. Then there is tone.

"That's a kill Phoenix, level wings." Mav calls


"Coyote level out."

There is no response from Coyote.

Maverick calls again before swearing over the comms.

"He's in G-lock."

"He's gonna burn in!" Phoenix calls out.

"I'm going after him."

Mavs jet can be seen making a sharp turn and diving to follow Coyote's jet down trying to get tone.

"Come on. Snap out of it Coyote! Come on!'

Everything is silent for a second before the animatronic voice can be heard.

Pull up! Pull up! Pull up!

"Damn it Coyote!"

Suddenly there is a jet shooting towards the sky.

Coyote's plane.

"Coyote, you ok?" Maverick asks over the coms.

"Yeah I'm ok. I'm good." Coyote's voice comes over the comms a bit shaky.

"Good, that's enough for today."

"That was close." Phoenix chimes in sounding breathless.

"Too close."

There are a few moments of silence before a panicked Maverick can be heard over the comms again.

"Bird strike! Bird strike!"

I shoot up from my position on the couch next to Rooster in the ready room and Bob's voice can be heard over the comms.

"Left engine is on fire!"

Everything starts moving in slow motion as if to taunt me.

"Climbing. Throttling back. Shutting off left engine." Phoenix can be heard.

"Right engines out!" Bob calls, panicked.

"It's still spinning, try to restart it."

"Phoenix it's on fire don't..." Mav calls, trying to help.

"Throttling back."

"Oh my god."

My heart stops. The world starts to fade to black as I fall to my knees at the window, watching my best friend and the Man I love go down in a jet, unable to do anything to help.

All I hear is buzzing as I see the jet go behind a mountain, then see an explosion. My heart breaks and tears are running down my face freely.

There is a body next to mine, a touch to my left arm brings me back to reality and sounds start to filter in. I can hear Mavericks faint voice calling for search and rescue, then a voice in my ear.

"They were able to eject Nic, they weren't in the explosion. Both parachutes were seen open."

Rooster. He had sunk down onto the ground next to me.

"That means nothing and you know it." I pause, turning to look at him feeling numb. "Dad's parachute opened and he still ended up dead."

"Nic what happened to dad was a freak accident, Maverick just called over the coms and let us all know they have been picked up and are both alive and breathing."

With that news I am up and running out the door towards the tarmac. Maverick and Coyote had just gotten out of their jets when I came running by. I am stopped by arms around my middle. I turn fighting to see Maverick has grabbed me.

"Let me go Mav. Let me go!" I yell fighting his grip to get to the helicopter that is approaching.

"They have to go to the medical wing to get checked. You have to let them get checked, Nic." Maverick whispers into my ear, trying to calm me down.

Cyclone and Warlock have appeared behind Maverick and are telling me to stand down and go back inside.

The helicopter lands and Phoenix and Bob are getting rushed towards a cart to take them to the medical wing.

I start calling out to Bob, continuing my fight against Mavs hold.

Bob's head whips in my direction and he starts moving towards me but is stopped and told to keep moving.

I turn to Maverick, tears running down my face uncontrollably. "Please Uncle Pete. I have never asked you for anything. Please let me see him before they take him away. Please."

Maverick looks taken back by my use of his name. I haven't called him that since I was 16. He turns towards Cyclone and Warlock seemingly lost for what to do.

Cyclone is about to speak when Warlock puts his hand on his shoulder. "Gentlemen, there seems to be more going on here. We can let this one little thing slide for now."

With that, I break from Mavericks hold and sprint towards Bob. When I get close the medics let go of Bob and he meets me halfway.

I jump into his arms, legs wrapping around his middle tightly like a koala. He stumbles back slightly from my impact but quickly rights himself and holds me close.

"I thought you were gone. I thought I had lost you before I even got a chance to have you." I cry into his shoulder.

"You haven't lost me Little bird. I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere." He whispers in my ear.

His voice is like a calming blanket over my senses. My heart rate slows back down and my breathing starts to even out.

I pull back slightly, checking his face and shoulders for any injuries. "Are you ok? Are you hurt at all?" I begin to throw out questions faster than he can answer.

Laughing slightly Bob sets me down onto the ground, "I'm ok Little bird, possibly have a mild concussion but I'm ok.' He locks eyes with me before continuing "I have to go get formally checked, but you'll be allowed to come see Phoenix and I in the Medical wing after, or I'll come find you. Ok?" He asks, holding my face gently in his hands.

I let out a slow shaky breath before looking down and answering him, "Ok. I'll come see you as soon as I can. I promise. I just had to know you were safe."

"I'm ok, Nic and so is Phoenix. We are ok."

Bb gives me one last tight hug, kissing my forehead before pulling away fully and making his way back towards the cart waiting to take him to the medical wing. I turn to see Maverick, Cyclone and Warlock still waiting, watching the full interaction between Bob and I.

I walk back towards them with my head down slightly and a blush on my cheeks.

"Care to explain Lieutenant Bradshaw?" Warlock asks with a grin.

I let out a sigh, knowing there is no getting out of this one. "Ummm... Well..." Unsure where to start, I spill everything. "I've had feelings for Lieutenant Floyd since the first week here, but then we started spending more and more time together, and now we are together but not officially because we didn't want to jeopardize either of us going on this mission."

There is silence between the three men before Cyclone clears his throat.

"We will discuss this later, everyone has been dismissed." Cyclone starts before turning on his heels and walking back into the building.

"Phoenix and Bob will be held overnight for observation. Visiting hours end at 10:00." Warlock pauses, looking at me with a knowing look. "You might want to hurry Lieutenant Bradshaw." He finishes, dismissing me.

With that I take off to change out of my flight suit. Once in my normal clothing I take off the find Rooster, knowing I'm in no shape to drive. After looking for 10 minutes and not finding him I pulled out my phone having decided to call someone else for a ride before hearing Rooster's voice come from the briefing room.

"I've never lost a wing man."

"You're lucky. Fly long enough and it will happen."

Mavericks voice answers back.

"Easy for you to say, No wife, no kids. Nobody to mourn you when you burn in." Rooster's voice is full of venom.

I pause in the hallway waiting to see if I need to step in.

"Go home. Get some sleep."

"Why did you pull my papers at the academy? Why did you stand in my way?"

I freeze. He applied for the academy before we did together?

"You weren't ready."

"Ready for what? Huh? To fly like you?"

"No. Ready to forget the book. Trust your instincts. Don't think, just do. You think up there you are dead. Believe me."

"My dad believed in you, I'm not going to make the same mistake."

Finally over the initial shock of the information I've overheard I walk into the room. "You applied for the academy before we went together? Why wouldn't you tell me that Bradley?" I ask.

Me being here clearly shocked Bradley because it takes him a minute to respond.

"Nic, I thought you left."

"No, I came to find you because I need a ride to the medical wing, where my ride is currently in a hospital room, after having to eject from her jet." I start the turn towards Maverick "What is this about pulling papers?" I ask him.

Maverick takes a deep breath before speaking. "I pulled Bradleys papers to the academy. He wasn't ready back then." Bradley scoffs from behind me. Maverick continues turning towards Bradley. "What were you going to do huh? She was still in high school. Leave her in that house all alone with no one after your mother died?"

"I don't know, okay! But I would have figured it out. You didn't have the right to stand in my way." Bradley yells, clearly more frustrated than before.

"So you just weren't going to tell me? I thought we didn't have any secrets Bradley. What the hell!" I yell, fed up with the secrets that have been kept from me. Ones that have torn my family apart.

"We don't. I didn't want to give you a reason to hate the only man who has been like a father to you, Nic. He was all you knew."

"Well it didn't matter because your stupid fight drove him away anyways!" I yell, new tears finding their way down my face.


I whirl, "No! You don't get to 'Nic' me Mav, I'm still mad at you for ignoring me all these years. Both of you can go to hell." With that I turn and march out of the door, passing Warlock as I go.

When I get outside I pull out my phone and call Payback for a ride to the medical wing. After a few minutes he pulls up with Fanboy in the passenger seat. I hop in and we take off. Neither one tries to talk to me, realizing that I'm in no mood for conversation at the moment.

Once we pull up in front of the doors I jump out, mumbling a quick thank you before taking off for the doors. Inside I ask for Bob Floyds room and am pointed down the hall and told room 127. When I arrive at the room, the door is open, showing two beds holding Phoenix and Bob with a curtain separating the two beds. The curtain is currently pulled back as the two talk to each other quietly.

I knock on the door bringing their attention to me. Phoenix is the first to speak.

"I heard you made quite the scene on the tarmac trying to get to our sweet little Robert here before they carted him away." she calls with a smirk.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." I send a wink back. "How are you guys feeling? Any serious injuries?"

"Other than my pride, I'm fine. Just some mild whiplash."

"Ok, not bad. Bob, what about you?" I ask, turning towards his bed.

"I have a Sprained wrist and some stitches in my hairline from hitting my head on one of the parachute lines, and a killer headache. But other than that I'm ok too." Bob adds.

I nod my head along with both of their injuries, "Good because I'm not sure what I would do if either of you died today. I can't lose you guys." I say, looking down at my hands. Trying not to let the tears fall.

After a few moments I felt a hand on my chin lifting my face. When I look up Bob is there giving me a small smile, then pulls me towards his hospital bed sitting us both down.

"I told you last night and earlier, I would never leave you like that. I know your dad died in similar circumstances. I'm sorry you had to watch it all happen, unable to help. But look at me and Phoenix, we are ok. We made it out ok."

Bob wipes some tears off my face that I couldn't keep from falling.

After a few deep breaths Bob helps me lay back and holds me while my breathing evans back out. The three of us just talk about life and laugh about random things.

My eyes start to get heavy as I relax more and more into Bob. Just when I think I'll fall asleep the door is ripped open and a pale Bradley rushes in. I sit up fast looking at my panting brother with wide eyes.

"Bradley what's going on?"

"It's Ice Nic."

Just like that my small little bubble of happiness popped. My breathing turns shallow and I feel the looming panic attack.

"Nic I need you to focus on your breathing. Deep breaths now come on, with me." Bradley led me through some deep breaths before I could form a sentence.

"He can't be gone Bradley, he was fine. Everything was fine."

Bradley shook his head, "The cancer had been back for a while Nic. It stopped responding to the chemo. He and Sarah decided to just let the cancer take its course. He passed earlier this evening."

"Why didn't they tell us? They are practically the only family we have left bradley! What are we going to do now?" I cry out collapsing to the ground.

Bob is by my side in a heartbeat pulling me into his lap. I look up at Bradley as He kneels in front of me.

"Ice's funeral is going to be the day after tomorrow, so I'm here to take you to the Kazansky's with Sarah and the kids. I came here to pick you up, and tell these two that training has been canceled for the funeral. All naval aviators in the area have been told to attend in their dress whites. So I guess I'll see you guys there."

Bob then helped me off the floor, whipped my eyes and whispered in my ear. "I'll see you soon, ok? You aren't going to go through this alone. I'm here for you. Call me when you get to the Kazanky's." With that he hugged me tight and pressed a kiss to my forehead before leading me to Bradley's open arms.

Phoenix chimes in "I'm only a call away. If you need me don't hesitate to call. Day or night." She then pulls me into a tight hug before letting me go again.

Looking back once as Bradley walks me out of the room, Phoenix and Bob are talking to each other with somber expressions.

Once Bradley has me in the car he takes off. The drive to the house is silent with only the sound of the tires on the road. Once we arrive at the house We see Thomas and Emily sitting on the porch with drinks in their hands. As soon as the car comes to a stop I hop out of the car and run towards Emily, throwing my arms around her.

Bradley is the first to speak, "got any drinks to share?"

"Yeah they are in the cooler by the swingset." Thomas responds with no emotions.

Emily and I finally pull apart and sit on the steps by thomas. Then Bradley joins us after grabbing him and I a beer.

"Did you guys know?" I ask quietly.

"Not really. We knew it was back, but not that he had stopped treatments." Emily responds, picking at her beer label.

"Why didn't they tell us?" Bradley chimes in.

"I'm not sure." Thomas responds. "I guess dad made mom promise not to tell us. The only other person who knew was Mav, and that's only because dad called him over after the whole Him and Bradley almost burning in incident." Thomas adds.

I rolled my eyes, "Of course Mav knew. Just another thing he's lied to us about."

Thomas looks at me confused, "Why is there hate towards Mav, What did he do this time?"

"Oh you know, the usual, Ignore me for years, act as if that didn't affect me at all and still not give me an answer as to why he pulled away." I shrug.

"Alrighty then, got it. Just let me know what vibe we are giving off at lunch tomorrow." Emily chimes in.

"I'm sorry, what lunch?" I ask, looking at the three of them.

Emily gives me a confused look, "Mom is having lunch here tomorrow with a bunch of the naval admirals and people who flew with dad. I thought Bradley told you on the way over." She trails off.

My head snaps towards Bradley who looks sheepish. "No. He didn't tell me. Why didn't you tell me Bradley?" I ask, feeling more and more overwhelmed.

"Because you spent the entire drive here either sleeping or crying looking out the window. I didn't want to pile more on you after already watching your best friend and Boyfriend's jet crash. You didn't need more." He defends.

"That's not for you to decide how much I can handle Bradley. I deserved to know that I would have to face Pete tomorrow, especially after everything you have already been keeping from me." With that I stand up and walk into the house.

Before shutting the door I hear Thomas ask Bradley if I'm doing ok.

"I think she is just emotionally exhausted from everything, the training, watching Pete and I fight, her best friend and guy going down. It's all a lot."

I didn't stop walking until I had made it to the room I called mine growing up. Immediately laying myself down on the queen size bed. Nothing in this room had changed much since childhood, the walls were still a light pink color with white curtains on the windows. It doesn't take long for sleep to take over.

I'm woken up about an hour later by Sarah. I guess I missed dinner because she comes in with a bowl of soup and some crackers.

"I brought you some food, Dove." She says sitting down on the edge of my bed.

I rolled over to face her before speaking, "Why didn't you tell us he was sick?"

"It was his last request that you kids not see him so weak. He wanted you all to remember him as the strong uncle Ice you all are used to." She says with a small somber smile.

I begin to tear up again, "I didn't even get to say goodbye." I then rolled back over, ignoring the food. I hear Sarah quietly speaking to someone as she walks out the door, "Call him, she needs someone here." Then everything around me fades, as sleep takes over again. 

Bob's Pov

Phoenix and I had just been discharged with a clean bill of health when Rooster called Phoenix.

"Are you still with Bob?"

"Yeah he's right here. Why?"

"How fast can you get him and yourself to the Kazansky's?"

"If I had to guess, like 10 minutes. What is going on?"

"She isn't coping. She refuses to come out of her room and is refusing food."

"We are on our way. Just have to go to the apartments to grab some stuff."

Within 10 minutes of us getting discharged we were all packed up for the funeral, and lunch in, and on our way to the kazansky's house.

When we pull up Rooster is waiting by the front door. I grab my bag and walk up. "Is she still not eating?" I ask.

"She hasn't eaten, she cried herself to sleep I think." Rooster says, leading me into the house and up the stairs. We walk down to the last door where an older last is sitting. When she sees us she stands, "You must be Robert, I'm Sarah Kazansky." She holds out her hand to me.

I shake her hand, "You can call me Bob. Is she asleep?" I ask.

"I think so. I haven't heard anything from the room in about half an hour."

"Are you ok if I go in?" I ask, looking between both Rooster and Sarah.

"Of course, go right ahead." Sarah says, letting me pass.

When I walk into the room, I am met with Light pink walls, and a queen size bed with a sleeping figure.

I set my overnight bag by the side of the bed before approaching the sleeping figure. Nic has tear stained cheeks and a red nose. Without waking her up I take a seat on the bed next to her. After about a half an hour Nic rolls towards me and lays her head on my lap. I take my book out of my bag and begin to read, absentmindedly running my hands through her hair.

A few hours later Nic stretches and begins to wake up. She has a dazed look on her face for a few moments before realizing she isn't alone.

Looking up she makes eye contact with me, "How long have you been here?"

"A few hours. Bradley called me and Nat to come over. Said you weren't eating." I give her a pointed look. "You have to eat Nic. I know everything seems like it's falling apart around you, but you have to at least take care of yourself. Promise me you'll take care of yourself."

"I know, I'm sorry. It's just been a very stressful 24 hrs. I just don't feel hungry." She looks down, breaking eye contact with me.

I lift her chin with one hand, "Little bird, I need you to promise me that you will take care of yourself, no matter what happens."

"I promise, I won't miss any more meals."

"Good. Now I have something for you." I lean over to my bag and pull out a few protein bars. "Eat at least one of these, then I'll let you go back to sleep."

She rolls her eyes but takes the bars from me anyways. After she eats 2 of the bars she lays her head back down on my chest.

"Thank you." She whispers.

"For what Nic?"

"For just being here." With that she drifts back to sleep. 

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