By serene_fictionist

143K 14.1K 4.4K

Raelynn Baker A woman who escaped the viciously blinding nights of forced prostitution. Snatched from the emb... More

Author's Note
Meet the leads!!!
Prologue - HIM
Prologue - HER
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

Chapter 4

2.1K 198 23
By serene_fictionist


(1 day ago)

"Glad you've come, Mr. Marino.", Katherina Reece greeted me with a courteous smile, extending her hand in greeting.

"Thank you for the invitation, Mrs. Reece, and congratulations on the new milestone your company has reached.", I replied formally , shaking her hand.

"Thank you, Mr. Marino, and please enjoy the party, maybe this may help you find a prospective bride.", she said, a subtle mischief lacing her tone.

"Has this topic reached your notice too, Mrs. Reece?", I asked calmly.

She chuckled, nodding.

"You're 26.", she said.

"Precisely my point. I'm just 26.", I replied.

"Well, then, enjoy dating at least.", she suggested, smiling, her voice laced with a tease.

I shook my head slightly.

This topic has been a constant discussion at home and now, much to my displeasure, it's reaching beyond the walls of my house.

"Come on now, don't force him, Kate, love happens when it happens, one cannot plan it.", Michael Reece said, draping a hand around Katherina's waist, nodding at me in greeting.

I gave him a curt nod, greeting back.

"Well, then, I won't keep you occupied on this topic anymore, Mr. Marino, hope you have a good evening.", Katherina said, offering me a glass of wine.

Accepting the glass, I nodded.

Soon after they excused themselves, I was swarmed with men and women from various sectors of business and acquaintances from government elites.

It was tiring.

While most of them either try selling their business idea to gain an investment, the others try introducing their daughters to me in an attempt to strike a relationship.

As stoic as my countenance is, the very thought of forcing a bond of marriage for financial and political gains disgusts me, a pinch of anger prickling within.

After a long time amidst people's ulterior conversations and greetings, I stepped out of the hall, into the back garden, the sky as wide, dark and soothing as ever.

Basking in the cool breeze, I walked further away from the dazzling lights and the fake smiles.

If Theo wasn't down with a sudden fever and weakness, he would've been the one attending this party, sparing me the waste of time.

As I walked further into the garden, I noticed a woman in a knee length black dress standing alone near a tree.

I stood a little away from her.

I hope she won't try to strike up a conversation.

As I was deep in my thoughts, waiting for a call from one of my men, I heard a faint male voice.

Disregarding it, I sipped my wine, still thinking about the mission I had sent a group of my men on.

"But no one would notice here. I even booked a room in a -", the faint male voice continued.

His words caught my attention.

A slight frown pulled my brows together.

I looked to my side and when I did, I saw the woman from before tackle the man skillfully and slam him against the tree.

Surprised, I continued staring.

"Aahh-", before he could let a scream out, she muffled his voice by pressing her forearm firmly against the side of his neck.

"Speak one more word in front of me one more time and I'll fracture your spine to an extent you won't be able to sit up ever again.", she warned him, her voice cold.

Unknowingly, very faintly, my lips tilted up at the corner at her words and the promise in her tone, a hint of authority lacing her voice.

I tried to look at her properly, but it was too dark and her hair was falling over her face.

Who is she?

Letting go of her hold on the man, she deliberately stepped on his calf with her pointed heel and walked past him.


Realizing I had to leave early today, I started walking back to the hall, a few feet behind her.

After taking a few steps, I noticed a broken glass with a white drink spilled over in the grass and took an involuntary step to the side abruptly, trying to avoid stepping on it.

As soon as I took a step to the side, the woman turned around, swinging her hand to my neck fiercely.

I caught her hand mid-air, halting her hit.

At that moment, she tripped and was going to fall backwards.

Instinctively, I pulled her by her hand, twirling her, her body falling onto my chest, her back flush against me, my right hand over her shoulder blades, her left arm clutching mine.

I was surprised at the sudden turn of events.

She looked up at me sideways, my face inches away from hers, her mild scent invading my nostrils.

When her eyes met mine, I halted for a moment.


The raw rage beaming through that rare shade of amber eyes was directed not just at me, but it looked like she was angry at something more.

Before I could let go of her, she pushed herself away from me and I retracted my hand, stepping back.

Turning around, she looked up at me, her furious eyes betraying her calm face.

"You were going to fall, so I acted on instinct.", I said, clearing my throat awkwardly at the situation.

She didn't say anything.

But I could read the judgment in those eyes.

As immoral as I was, I never had and never will intend to behave inappropriately with a woman and I would hate to be branded as a pervert.

So, I tried filling the silence to ease the tension before explaining my actions.

"Your stance while hitting me was wide. It is fairly disadvantageous in combat.", I said calmly.

It was an observation and I thought she would find it useful.

"And you are?", she asked rudely, her tone stiff.

She doesn't know who I am?


"Vincent Marino", I introduced myself, extending my hand.

"I'm afraid I cannot shake your hand, Mr. Marino, my palm is stained with tree dust.", she said haughtily, her eyes screaming a smirk.

Turning around, she walked away, leaving my hand hanging in the air.

I stood there, stunned.

Did that woman just walk away even after hearing my name?

Is she not right in the head?

Who is she anyway?

Since the past eight years, no one has ever had the audacity to walk past me in ignorance.

The very thought pricked me, my mood souring down.

Clenching my jaw faintly at the subtle anger I felt, I walked back in and left the party, remembering I had a mission to overlook.

The whole drive to my house was displeasing, the memory of her walking away disturbing me.

If there's ever a next time I meet that woman, I'm going to return the favor.


As soon as I reached my mansion, I walked in, the entire house silent, all my siblings asleep in their rooms as it was already past 12.

Checking on my brother, Theo, once, I went to my home office, waiting for the news from the group I sent on an activity.

Removing my blazer and tie, unbuttoning my shirt slightly at the top and folding my sleeves up to my elbows, I sat at my table, picking up work where I left it.

Working on the files of a meeting I had to attend tomorrow, I spent hours occupied by it.

At around 3 in the morning, Cavin, my most trusted subordinate, walked into the room hastily.

"Sir-", he stood, waiting for my attention.

I nodded at him to speak.

"The mission ... it failed, sir.", he said cautiously.

"Failed?", I asked, closing the files, my voice calculative, concealing the shock.

"They evacuated even before our men could reach their meeting place. I'm afraid the information was somehow leaked.", he informed.

Standing up, I walked to the window, clenching my jaw, my hands finding their way into the pockets.

"The spies I planted are loyal, Cavin, there cannot be a leak.", I said firmly, staring into the dark outside.

"Yes, sir, but I think it was not the spy we planted, but someone from within us who leaked it.", he said.

"There's a mole.", I stated.

"Yes, sir. There's no other way they could've known about our secret attack", he replied.

"Find out who it is. We cannot jeopardize our strategies any further.", I ordered, turning to him.

"Yes, sir.", he replied and walked away, closing the door.

Unable to sleep, I worked out in the gym for hours, trying to clear my head and formulate a way to deal with the danger looming over my family.

The plan had already been set. Today's move was the most crucial step. If we had gotten hold of those who had planned to meet, we would've found everything about their scheming and all those who are involved in it.

To fail in it is a great setback. A chance like this might not come yet again.

It could have set a path to eradicate our enemies once and for all. The thought of failing this is filling me with undeniable anger and disappointment.

The longer this fight gets prolonged, the more dangerous it is to my family.

At around 7, I decided to leave for the office, having to finalize the finances before setting out for the meeting.

After a few hours and a few minutes of driving, we finally reached the head office of CLAY.

This project was being handled by Theo, but since he's not in a position to attend the meeting, I had to step in.

We were received with great respect and I was led to the conference room, the secretary walking away to inform the CEO of our arrival.

The office was not big, but the design and themes used in the interior were sophisticated and elegant.

After a few moments, the door opened and in walked the CEO.

When my sight fell on her, I was surprised.

The woman I met last night is Raelynn Baker?

I've heard plenty about this woman from Theo and from the talks going on about her among the investors.

She is a trending news at present among the investors and business magazine editors.

Theo admires her genuinely.

But that didn't fade away the fresh memory of her insulting me.

When she walked to me to greet me, I paid her debt by giving her the same feeling of embarrassment.

As an additional interest, I looked up at her, my gaze underlying with mock, sealing my victory.

If there's one thing I hate more than anything, it is the weight of embarrassment and humiliation.

I had spent every ounce of my sweat and blood to earn respect, from family and from the world. I will not allow a dent to it.

And when someone gives me that, I return the favor tenfold.

She embarrassed me in private, so I had my fill by embarrassing her in company.

Seeing my mocking gaze, her eyes flickered with embarrassment and anger, the very two emotions I had anticipated to witness.

As the meeting continued, I was fairly impressed at her way of handling her words, neither too pleasing nor too entitled, she had a firm tone and demanded what she wanted in precise terms without hesitation, her commitment towards her work reflecting in her presentation.

Despite dealing with a corporation as big as the Marinos, she didn't show an ounce of inferiority in her stature.

And by the end of the meeting, Raelynn Baker has successfully earnt my respect.

However, I didn't back down when she refused to stick her hand out in greeting first.

I had never been the one to greet first.

"Sir", my secretary, Norah, probed me cautiously.

"I hope Ms. Baker's hand is not stained with tree dust or anything of that sort.", I commented, my gaze stern, trying to force those unwavering amber eyes to give in.

"I hope Mr. Marino's hand is not stained with coffee droplets or anything of that sort.", she commented, her tone lacing with mock, her eyes gazing at me leisurely, piercing mine.

I suppressed a chuckle at that.

The woman is indeed interesting.

We finally shook our hands and I was surprised at the roughness of her palm.

She trains!

I looked down for a split second and looked back up at her, the surprise in my eyes faintly visible.

She retracted her hand, the meeting was announced complete and I finally walked out of there.

"Raelynn Baker", I muttered under my breath.

She is filled with surprises!

As soon as I got into my car, Cavin looked at me, his eyes tense.

I looked at him, waiting for him to speak.

"The mole we planted at Silas's is dead, sir.", he informed.

"When?", I asked calmly, suppressing the wave of anger erupting within me.

"At 2 in the midnight.", he answered.

I clenched my fist, looking out of the window.

Silas was the bait to fish out the others. The mole in his warehouse was the most important chess piece.

"Someone from within our close group is leaking the information, Cavin, there was no other way he would've been suspected, let alone killed. Find the mole soon.", I ordered coldly.

For every attack on my family and my subordinates, I will collect the damage in blood.

Just you wait, Romero.

As I was sizzling in anger, my phone rang, startling me.

I frowned at the principal's name flashing on the screen.

Concerned for my siblings' safety, I answered the call immediately.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Marino.", the principal greeted politely, his voice hesitant.

"Good afternoon. What's the matter, Mr. Johnson?", I asked calmly.

"It's your brother, Dylan, sir. He got into a fight with a classmate and punched the guy until he bled and fell unconscious. The student is being admitted to the hospital, sir. He's in a bad condition.", the principal informed me.

Rubbing my forehead to control my rage, I told him I'll meet him at school.

After meeting the principal and trying to get an explanation out of Dylan, who was refusing to utter a single word, the anger was only mounting.

Deciding to deal with the matter personally, I brought Dylan out of the school and to the car.

As we sat in the car, and the driver started driving to my office, I looked at Dylan, but he was looking elsewhere.

"Do not test my patience, Dylan, I do not need your silence. I want an answer.", I asked in a stern tone.

He stiffened and cast his gaze down, his jaw clenched.

"It was not my fault.", he replied vaguely.

"That's not my answer. Why did you punch the kid that brutally?", I asked yet again.

"It's not my fault, Vince, can't you trust me?", he asked exasperatedly, anger lacing his tone.

Clenching my jaw and caressing my signet ring to curb my growing fury, I looked him right in the eyes.

Unable to hold my gaze, he looked away.

"The rule was clear. I will not accept violence of any form in school until unless absolutely necessary. To be pushed to break that rule, there must be a strong reason. I want you to give me that reason.", I said in a deceptively calm voice.

Bouncing his leg anxiously, he looked out of the window for a brief moment.

"I'm hungry. I haven't eaten since last night. I want to eat in that cafe.", he said in an evasive tone, but I could sense the underlying hesitation.

"Cavin, stop at the cafe.", I ordered.

"Yes, sir.", he replied.

Settling inside the small, old cafe, he ordered a few items.

The cafe was too small, the tables too close to each other, the customers being a mother and her child and a woman sitting behind Dylan, her back facing me, the whole cafe drowning in silence except for the occasional sound of cutlery.

"You're being trained not to exhibit your skills or strength before a bunch of school kids. Do you at least have a remote idea of the scene you've created today? The kid you've beaten up is now lying in a hospital with multiple fractures on his jaw and limbs. I will not let you off the hook without hearing the reason.", I warned calmly, not intending to be heard by others.

I could not wait any longer for the answer. I have an important meeting with the group that failed at the mission yesterday and later with the board over the upcoming projects. I was in a hurry and Dylan refusing to answer was the cherry on the top.

"It was not my fault, Vince, if he had not provoked me, I wouldn't have hit him.", he said.

"That's exactly my question, Dylan. What did he say or do to provoke you?", I raised my voice slightly.

He averted his gaze, leaning back, his eyes tense and angry.

Before I could question again, a woman stumbled over, placing her palms loudly on the table, the coffee cup in her hand falling, the sizzling hot coffee spilling out on my right hand and my clothes, my skin burning harshly.

That was the last straw.

"What the f**k! Vince, are you okay?", Dylan asked, shocked.

When I looked up at the woman, her head turned to my side, hair falling over her face.

When she looked up, her amber eyes met my gray ones, annoyance at the whole situation swirling in mine.

Looking at her, a taunt rolled out automatically,

"A very nice way of taking revenge, Ms. Baker, my hand is indeed stained with coffee now."


Phew! That was a long chapter!

How was the chapter?

Vince is at the edge of his anger. 😬

Although not in a very good situation, Dylan is here! 😂

Well, Vince clearly doesn't like being disrespected. 😅

The drama is yet to begin, readers, the sparks should fly and so will the bullets! 😁

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow.

Do follow me on Insta with the same ID.

Yours lovingly,


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