Celestial University

By imdepressedbcofu

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With a dark past in her hometown, Ivy Howards gets sent to a new school. A school of magic. She uncovers a ne... More

01 - New Welcomes
02 - First Touch
04 - Violet Aura

03 - Vampire Without the Vampire?

2 1 0
By imdepressedbcofu

It's thursday.

I'm already so worn out, it's like nothings working.

No one can sense any ounce of magic in me.

I'm starting to feel worthless, like it was an entire accident that I made it to this school, it feels lonely, and knowing today was vampire day made me feel even worse about myself.

I sigh, getting out of bed and putting on a tight dark blue skirt, which had a small slit on the side, with a white button up. I wore tights underneath, throwing on the only pair of shoes I had here. I go to the restroom and plug in my straightener, straightening the loose waves from my hair, and making it silky smooth. My hair has always been weirdly healthy, it always looked glossy even without treatment.

I put on my regular makeup, mascara, some concealer, and a little blush, adding a little faded wing with some eyeshadow.

"Who are you dressing up for?" Zaria giggles as she steps into the restroom, going through her drawer and pulling out a toothbrush.

"The glorious vampire," I say sarcastically.

She giggles and puts her toothbrush in her mouth, brushing her teeth.

"I'm going to head to class early, so I can get the awkward "hm you're new here," talk out of the way before anyone else gets there," I look at Zarias reflection from the mirror and she nods.

"Are you sure you know the way?" she says after spitting out the toothpaste.

"I'll manage," I shrug, heading to the kitchen and grabbing a donut Arella stole from the dining hall.

I walk down the steps of the dorm pulling out my phone to scroll through, instead of making awkward eye contact, when I get bumped into from behind me.

I just alarmingly turn, my mouth full, I cover it, "sorry."

"Walk faster," Cain says, walking beside me.

"Excuse me?" I swallow my donut.

"Why are you coming to vampire classes if you can survive off of donuts," he doesn't even look at me, his raspy voice and emotionless face feels cold.

"I dunno," I shrug, "ask Principal Muave."

"Maybe I will," he looks at me, his lips forming a straight line.

"Why are you even talking to me," I take the last bite of my donut, filling my mouth.

"Because," he simply says.

I finish chewing and I swallow, "because why?"

"Because you don't know the way to class," he raises a brow at me, finally some sort of facial expression.

"I do," I don't.

He stops in his place, "okay, Ivy."

He says my name, my heart flutters a little.

"Which way?" the hall ahead of us splits into two, it's obviously left.

"Left," I cross my arms, starting to walk in that direction.

"Lauren told you," he rolls his eyes.

"You're just mad I'm right," I smile up at him, confidently.

"You wish," he glares at me.

"So are you going to tell me what that was?" I blink at him.

"What what was?" he looks confused.

"Yesterday? The black magic you used on me?" I raise a brow back at him, "I thought all vampires did was suck blood."

"We're fast and strong too," he smirks at me.

"Okay but where does that include your magic?" I roll my eyes again. This guy is seriously getting on my nerves.

"It doesn't," he abruptly turns into a classroom.

"Hey!" I turn and catch up to him, "then what was that? Are you special or something?"

"Or something, I think," he continues walking to a seat towards the back of the class, "you should speak to the teacher before everyone gets here."

"You're weird," I cross my arms, turning on my heel to go up to the teacher. I find a man with a beard sitting behind a long desk, "hi."

"Ivy Howard, correct?" he doesn't look up at me, making me feel uneasy.

"Yes," I sigh, knowing today would be useless once again.

"Todays special just for you, well go to the field to practice strength and speed," he looks up at me.

"I am not strong nor fast," I frown at him.

"Or so you think," he smirks, "can you sit next to Cain Whitten, since you guys already seem to know each other."

"Do I have to?" I turn back to Cain, he's already death glaring me.

"You can sit next to Rosalin if you'd like," he points at another empty seat.

"Yeah no thanks, I'll take the first option," I widen my eyes. No chance I'm sitting next to her.

He says nothing and just signals for me to take a seat. I sigh and walk over to Cain.

She's still going to want to slit your throat open i hope you know that.

I hear Cains voice in my mind, making my eyes widen. I stop in my tracks.

How did you do that? I stare at him.

He blinks at me, amused, maybe you are a vampire, Ivy.

I raise a brow at hearing his voice in my mind again, I just take a seat next to him.

"No but seriously how the fuck did you do that," I turn to him.

"Exactly how you just did," he shrugs.

"And why would that mean I'm a vampire?" I blink.

"Because only vampires can communicate telepathically," he cocks his head to the side, the ends of his lips move upwards.

Are you smiling? I giggle.

Suddenly his face moved back to being emotionless.

Never. His eyes move down to my lips, then back to my eyes.

"Why have you never tried doing that to me?" I raise a brow.

"Because I thought you wouldn't hear me," he copies my face, "and I thought there was no chance you'd be a vampire until I overheard."

"Overheard what?" I stare at him.

"You," he looks at my lips again, "you're very interesting you know."

"Is that a compliment?" I laugh.

"No, you're interesting but I'm not interested," he rolls his crystal clear blue eyes.

"Mhmm," I roll my eyes back. That hurt just a little.

Why can't I read your mind? He doesn't look at me.

Is this not reading my mind? I continue staring at him, I don't care if he's not looking.

No, it's what you're letting me hear. he pulls out his phone.

So? I raise a brow.

So I can't hear all of your thoughts, or smell you, or sense you. He never looks up at me, he just stares at his phone as he scrolls through instagram.

You can hear everyones thoughs? I laugh, I probably look psychotic. Isn't that overwhelming?

I don't get overwhelmed. He finally looks up at me and makes eye contact, turning towards Rosalie. She's mad you're laughing while staring at me.

I giggle. How come you can read minds?

Family stuff. He blankly says, going back onto his phone when the bell rings.

"Okay guys lets get started," the teacher speaks, "we won't be staying in class today so everyone go to the field, Whitten, walk Howards please."

Cain nods and everyone slowly but surely zaps away. The classroom is empty within 5 seconds, leaving me and him. All alone.

"So, have you ever felt fully satisfied in what you eat?" his face stays straight as we get up to leave the class.

"Yes?" I question my answer, quickly remembering my eighth grade track ceremony, "oh my god one time in eight the school had this ceremony and the pasta was sooo good I like actually genuinely fully devoured that meal and almost threw up because of how full I was. It was so good though."

"Ew," he blinks, "so how do you speak telepathically if you don't need blood."

"I'm a witch!" I put my finger up, laughing at the thought of me doing voodoo on someone.

"Witches can't speak telepathically," he narrows his eyes at me. We keep walking through the school.

"Then I don't know," I shrug, "I thought it was obvious I'm still trying to figure that out."

"Who are your parents?" he looks down at me. I'm just now re-realizing how fucking tall he is.

"Dunno," I shrug. Technically I don't know who my "real" parents are.

"What do you mean you "dunno"?" he puts up air quotes, "did you just like grow up alone or some shit."

"Who the fuck do you think I am?" I laugh, "I was adopted when I was what? Like 5 months old?"

"Okay how was I supposed to know that?" He rolls his eyes.

"I don't know, you're a mind reader or whatever," I cross my arms. We make it into a big field of grass, where we're met with a bunch of vampires.

"Cain!" that bratty voice is suddenly right in front of us, making us stop in our tracks, "want to partner up!"

She glares at me, barely even looking at him.


His serious tone made me jump.

"Why? You don't have a partner," she blinks up at him, it looks like she's trying extremely hard to give him fuck me eyes.

"Can you not see her?" he puts his hand on the low of my back, moving me closer to him.

"Um," I look between them.

Just play along, Ivy.

She's going to hate me, Cain.

She already does.

I side eye him and he smiles down at me.

"You're willingly partnering up with her," she says through her gritty teeth, I can see her fangs starting to come out, as her eyes start glistening.

"Well based off of Mr. Tanners mind, he was planning on it anyways, so why make it a hustle for him?" he leaves it at that and walks away, his hand never leaves my back, it sent shivers up my spine how delicate he was being.

Just say what you want to say through your mind, everyone here can hear a singular breath you take. He glares at me, noticing my breath hitch before i started screaming at him.

Why would you do that. I stare at him. Dead in the eyes. It was intimidating having a staring contest with a vampire.

All she wants me for is for popularity it pisses me off, he rolls his eyes, I nod in understandment.

"Cain," Mr, Tanner walks up to us, "can you help her try and be fast? I feel like that would be her specialty if any."

He nods, "Yes sir."

"Oh also," he just stares at Cain, making him shake his head.

"Ask her," he waves a hand towards me.

"Later," the teacher scans me up and down walking away after a second. I wonder what they're on about.

"What was that?" I look at Cain.

He asked me what you were. He stares at me, his lips in a straight line like always.

I hum. I thought everyone knew I didn't know.

He also said he couldn't telepathically communicate with you. He looks away from me.

What? Then how come you can? I stare at Cain, extremely confused.

He just shrugs and starts teaching me the lesson. Everyone seems to be judging me.

─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───

I'm back at the dorm, Cain snuck me out of class early because I was tired and wanted a shower. Not sure why he helped me but boy did I need it.

I cleaned myself up and took a quick 10 minute power nap before lunch started.

When I woke up I noticed it was exactly lunch time so I got up and rushed to the dining hall.

I walk down the steps quickly and when I made it in I got my food and sat at my designated seat, my roomates weren't there yet. I looked over at the vampires table and notices Cain was already there. The center of attention in that table. He didn't speak nor look at anyone. Look at anyone but me. I roll my eyes at him when we make eye contact, I can almost see a smirk on his face. I look down at my food and dig in.

Where are your friends? His voice makes me jump.

I look up and glare at him, don't know. Can't you hear them?

Yup. One of them is right-

"Hey Ivy," Arella smiles at me, setting her trey down, I jump up at the real voice next to me.

"Oh my god, you scared me, hi," I laugh, watching her take a seat across from me.

"What were you thinkin' about?" she raises a brow at me, "wasn't today vampire classes?"

I nod, "too bad Laur couldn't take me."

Why? Wasn't it fun going with me? I look at him in the corner of my eye, he's amused.

Arella looks at me suspiciously, turning to see what I was looking at. I turn too and see he's gone.

"Do you mind if I sit with her for today?" His deep voice rings from behind me, making me gasp.

"Holy fuck-"

"Oh! Um...yeah," Arella looks flushed, "I'll see you in training, Ivy, you too Cain."

He sits directly next to me.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I blink at him, "you're literally putting a target on my back by not one, not two, but the entire fucking school."

"Nobody cares about you that much Ivy," he rolls his eyes.

"Why are you here," I stare at his face, seeing him this close, at the same level as me made me realize how perfect he was.

"You're fun to bother," he shrugs.

"What do you guys even eat here?" I sigh, taking a forkfull of lasagna in my mouth.

"Did you not see the blood bags in the refrigerators?" he watches my every move.

"Oh, right," The thought of where they even got the blood makes me feel wheezy.

"You don't like blood?"

"Why would I like blood?" I giggle.

"Because you can, ya know," speak telepathically.

With you. I roll my eyes. "you can probably just do that with everyone since you're a-"

Suddenly his hand reaches my lips, covering my mouth. I struggle pulling his hand off my face.

Don't say shit out loud, Howard. He warns.

Why? I'm genuinely confused.

Lots of ears, especially supernatural hearing vampire ears. Eat. He nods towards my plate, I side eye him and do as told. Not because he told me to but because it was really good lasagna.

"Do all vampires have supernatural hearing?" I cover my mouth.

"Yeah, some better than others, just like you humans," he smiles, immediately dropping it.

"If I were a human I would not be here," I scowl at him, "but I do have good hearing, like on my first day of school-" I remembered Laur could be listening, I heard Lauren, Zaria, and Arella shit talking me from my room, Laur said it was weird that I was even there and that if none of them could sense anything that there was probably nothing there.

Lauren said that, he looks at me with his blank stare, I nod.

"Well how did you end up here? I know you won't tell everyone but I don't talk to people," he stares at me, leaning his head on his hand.

"So why are you talking to me?" I raise a brow.

"Don't change the subject," He blinks at me. His eyes are so cold. So emotionless, yet so many emotions when you look deeper in, "stop staring into my soul."

I laugh, "well if you thought you were the lucky one to be the first I told my backstory to you thought wrong."

"But we have a connection, Ivy," he touches my hand with his, the black aura reveals itself.

"Don't do that," I stare at him.

"Why? It feels a little bit good doesn't it?" his eyes meet mine again. Why does he make my stomach flutter?

"People will see," I frown at him.

"Screw them," he shrugs.

"I can't leave a bad impression on everyone just yet," I frown.

"You're doing fine Ivy," he seems weirdly genuine, I haven't heard him like this at all, or described like this.

"Your friend hates my guts," I look down at my food, I feel like I've lost appetite.

"She's not my friend," he rolls his eyes.

"Sorry- girlfriend," I smile.

"Are you jealous, Howard?" he smirks at me.

"In your dreams vamp boy," the bell rings, I get up to throw away my food, patting his back, "time to beat your ass up."

"In your dreams little lady," he stands up, immediately towering over me. Everytime we're this close I feel weak at my knees.

I roll my eyes and walk past him, throwing my stuff away. He follows behind me without saying a word. We walk to class in silence, it feels like he's my guard or something.

We walk into the class room and immediately part ways into the locker rooms, I grab the clothes I left in there.

As soon as I'm about to close my locker it's slammed shut by a hand with long acrylic red claws as nails.

"New girl," Rosalin stares at me, I turn and look at her, rolling my eyes when I notice who it is.

"What's up," I walk away from her, walking towards one of the stalls so she doesn't stare at me as i get dressed.

"Clearly, since you're new, you don't know a few things," she follows me, I stare at her as I slam the bathroom stall shut, "Ivy."

"Can I not change alone?" this bitch can't take a hint that I do not care.

"Cain is not a guy you get close with," she says, "he doesn't care about you Ivy he just cares about us. The vampires. His kind."

"Okay," I pull my shorts on, putting a cropped tank over, same outfit as always just different colors.

"You get it don't you?" she pauses for a second, "whatever. Stay away from him, Ivy."

I laugh a little. His little fan girls are already up my ass after he sat with me for one lunch period.

I leave the stall, finding Arella rushing in putting on her outfit.

"Hey Arella," I smile at her.

"What was thay Ivy," she seems shocked, "I was looking all over for you I thought you guys ditched for a second."

"As if I'd ditch with him," I laugh.

"I was about ready to make up an excuse for you," she rolls her eyes at me, "anyways when did you guys get so close."

"Everybody hurry up and get out here," A yell is heard behind the door.

"I'll tell you guys about it after class," I flatten my lips, we leave the room.

The training goes normally, I'm paired with Cain, except today instead of verbally correcting me, we speak telepathically. Still a little nerve wracking I can even do it but I'll get the hang of it.

Class ends and Arella gets dressed as fast as she can, rushing me while she's at it.

"Come on!" She pulls my arm, taking me outside the class.

"Ivy! Tell us everything," Zaria stands outside of the class.

"Jesus I didn't think it was that big of a deal," I laugh.

Don't tell them we can talk like this.

I hear his voice turning around and seeing him watching me from his locker, okay.

We walk up to our room, the girls immediately sit me down as Lauren leaves her room.

"Why are you guys like freaking out?" she yawns.

"Cain is like obsessed with Ivy," Arella squeals.

"Cain is in love with himself," I roll my eyes, "he just sat with me during lunch that's all."

"That's all?" A golden blonde hair girled leaves Laurens room behind her. Who the fuck is that?

"This is my girlfriend, her names Natalie," Lauren walks over and sits on one of the barstools in the kitchen, grabbing an orange.

"You can call me Nat, since obviously you're worthy if THE Cain sat with you, was it just you two? Was it in your little table? How did it happen? Have you guys talked before?" she starts bombing me with questions.


"Where were you two during lunch?" Zaria raises a brow.

"We just stayed in here," Laur rolled her eyes "nothing new."

"Did you guys at least go to class?" Arella crosses her arms.

"For a little," Natalie smiles, sitting next to me, "so?"

"Well we got partnered again for my day with the vampires," I start.

"Wow. The school is really rooting for you two," Arella giggles.

"Did anything come out of your vamp lessons?" Zaria stares at me hopefully.

"Well I was pretty fast-"

"Just try and contain your energy, like a ball in your chest, just imagine it going down to your legs and run," Cain stares at me, "like this"

He's at the other side of the field in a blink of an eye.

"You really expect ME to do that?" I cross my arms, he appears next to me.

"Maybe," he shrugs.

I breathe. In. And out. A ball of energy. I close my eyes, imagining it forming in my chest, snd moving to my legs, I open my eyes and start running, I get to the other side of the field in about 3 seconds. THREE SECONDS? I must have been tripping.

I hear Cain hum from the other side of the field.

"Was that fast?" I say in a normal inside voice, knowing he can hear me.

"Can you hear me?" he says loudly.

"Duh," I raise a brow.

He appears next to me again, "really?"

"Yes?" I'm confused, per usual.

"I just spoke from one hundred meters away and you were able to hear me?" he raises a brow.

"You screamed, of course I heard you," I rolled my eyes.

"I spoke."

"Nuh uh," I blank stare at him, deciding I want to try to run again, I do, I make it across faster this time.

"How do you not need blood?" hes next to me again.

"Because I'm not a vampire?" I blink.

"Then why are you fast?" why can you do this?


"Why don't you need blood? Why have you never craved it? How can you hear me?" he keeps the questions flowing.

"I don't know Cain!" I cut him off, "I just want you to sleep I feel gross and ew and you're making my head throb."

He sighs, "Alright then."

"And then he snuck me out of class and brought me to the dorm," I finish the story, "but I didn't hear you two."

I stare at Laur and Natalia.

"We were at her dorm until after lunch," Laur rolls her eyes.

"Ooookay," Zaria drags it out.

"So basically you're a weirdo that's a vampire without the vampire?" Laur narrows her eyes at me.

"She's not a weirdo," Arella scowls, "but all you could do was be fast?"

"And I was able to hear him talking from far away," I add.

"So can you hear everything?" Zaria raises her brows.

"Not sure, I think I can only hear if I focus though, not really just anyone and everything," I shrug.

"Theres two people below us," Natalie says, "what are they doing?"

"Who is it?" I raise a brow.

"Just try, I'll tell you in 5 seconds if you cant answer," she crosses her arms in front of her body.

I close my eyes, trying to listen, "I hear something, but not clearly."

"It's Aria and Jake," she says, suddenly I can hear them clearly.

My eyes are still closed and I hear laughing, "crack the egg on the bowl! Not the table!" she laughs.

"They're baking?" I open my eyes, seeing Natalia and Laurens jaw drop.

"So you are some sort of vampire," Lauren claps.

"Or maybe she's a witch or something, she probably secretly knows spells to make her fast, or hear," Natalie looks at me.

"I swear I knew nothing about this world up until like two weeks ago-"

"Principal Mauve did say that," Arella glares at Nat.

"But what if this is all part of her grand scheme," Nat crosses her arms.

"What?" I scowl at her.

"You're hiding something," she narrows her eyes at me, taking a step towards me.

"Something I'm not comfortable with the whole world knowing," I become uncomfortable.

"Why? Because you're evil?" she takes another step.


Knock knock knock.

Natalie rolls her eyes, walking towards the door to open it, she only slightly opens it to see who it is, she lowers her voice, "what are you doing here?"

No words are spoken, just silence.

"Whatever," she rolls her eyes, slamming the door shut.

"What was he doing here?" Laur furrows her brows.

"Nothing. Whatever," Natalie takes one last glance at me before grabbing Laurs hand and taking her into her room, slamming the door shut too.

Arella and Zaria snap their heads towards me, Zaria starts "Who was it?"

"What are they saying?" Arella asks.

"Was it Cain?" Zaria looks excited.

"I don't know. I don't know. And I doubt it," I look at each of them, answering their questions.

"Why do you doubt it was Cain?" Zaria crosses her arms upset.

"Because why would he be in our hall?" I raise a brow.

"He lives down the hall, to the left. He has his own room. Lucky bastard," Arella rolls her eyes.

"Seriously? Did he manipulate someone into letting him?" I feel disgusted at the idea that he seriously thought he deserved a better treatment than everyone here.

"Who knows," Arella shrugs.

"Let's go on a walk," Zaria picks her phone up and walks towards the door. Me and Arella blink at her, "Now?!"

We jump up at the sudden urgent tone and follow her out. As we make it to the courtyard, I look up and see the stars shining brighter than I've ever seen them.

"I just felt uncomfortable knowing Laur and Nat could hear our conversation," Zaria smiles shyly.

"Oh," I look down, "do you think Natalie hates me now?"

"No!" Zaria says.

"Probably," Arella shrugs, me and Zaria look at her, "I mean she sounded like she did."

"She just doesn't let people in easy," Arella trails off, "just give her some time."


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