If Love Could Win (a HBO Max...

By Hopeanddream8174

178 13 0

Nevaeh Raven, a seventeen year old girl, heads back to her home city of Gotham for the funeral of her childho... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 3

27 2 0
By Hopeanddream8174

I returned to the hotel late in the afternoon after crying for hours at the theater. The first thing I did when I got back was hand out NDAs to all the employees and managers, as after what happened this morning it would be best if other guests don't find out a Claw member is staying here. They were instructed to give warning to guests that already knew to keep their mouths shut or lawyers will be getting involved. I decided to rest in my room for a couple of hours before heading out to do an area sweep, feeling the need to know just how much worse this city has become.
Stripping down I change into black leggings and a long sleeve black shirt with a U-shape neckline, lacing up my black combat boots and throwing on my new jacket. I head out of the building and hit the streets, deciding to walk as if it looks like you have something valuable it's more likely that you'll get jumped.
        Gotham is a different type of dangerous at night.
My feet carry me to a place I know too well, the rundown buildings and littered streets. With each step it's like your foot is met with broken glass or dry blood, the stench of rotting flesh and vomit consuming the air. Shouting and gunshots are heard in the distance but not a single sign anywhere that help is on the way, no sirens or flashing blue and red lights. No, why help a place so far gone that even cops ignore?
        That's Crime Alley for you.
Being back here is like I never left, five years and nothing has changed, well maybe except for the fact that there is more crime. Right on brand. I don't even bother to have my guard up, already expecting to be attacked because it's unavoidable seeing as I'm a girl walking alone late at night.
As if on cue two men grab me, one of them covering my mouth and gripping my hands while the other takes hold of my legs as they drag me away. They smell of alcohol and cigarettes, even in darkness the veins of their hands visible as they shake which shows that the two of them are heroin addicts. It's clear they are middle aged with how forced their breathing is, too many years smoking completely destroying their lungs. They take me into a dark alley and lay me on the ground, one of them trying to remove my pants.
        Let's get this over with.
"Come on, man. Hurry up!" The man covering my mouth grits.
"I'm trying, hold her still!"
I roll my eyes and decide to put these fools out of their misery. My leg shoots up and knees the guy in the side of the head while I bite down on the hand over my mouth, blood pouring onto my tongue.
"Ugh! You bitch!" The guy screams, pulling his hand away from my lips.
Freeing my hands I punch him in the face causing him to stumble back, blood trickling down his nose and hand. I kick the other guy in the face to get him off before springing to my feet, not even breaking a sweat as I gaze at these pathetic excuses for people. They scramble to their feet and lunge at me, attempting to restrain me again. Effortlessly I douge them, kneeing one in the balls causing him to fall to his knees while side kicking the other in the stomach. Out of the corner of my eyes I see the guy on his knees pull out a knife.
I do quick work in getting rid of the other guy, dislocating his arm before slamming him into the dumpster head first. Disposing of him I drew my attention to the other one, noticing him trying to rise to his feet with blade clutched in his hand. He doesn't even register his surroundings before I roundhouse kick him in the face, the blade flying to the ground at impact. I grab his head and start bashing his head into the brick wall beside us, his cries of pain music to my ears.
When I'm satisfied I toss his body into the dumpster along with his friend, dusting myself off as I collect myself. I saunter out of the alley like nothing happened and am about to continue on my way when something catches my attention. More like someone. Clear in my field of vision is none other than Dick Grayson, trekking into a shady building that is known as a drug cook house.
I observe him as he enters before following him in the shadows, staying out of sight as he searches for a specific room. He walks into one of the labs and starts studying everything around him until he finds a table filled with test tubes and books. The equipment is full of yellow liquid that seems to have been through many trials while other tests have been shattered onto the ground.
"What were you up to, Jason?" I hear Dick say and my body stills.
The sound of footsteps snaps me out of it and I hastily jump up to the ceiling, stabilizing myself onto one of the support beams. A man comes rushing in and lunges as Dick, running his mouth about how he's not supposed to be there. Let's just say Dick pacified the situation very quickly before grabbing the tests and hightailing it out of there. I jump down and approach the table, skimming through everything before reaching my conclusion and leaving.
Anti-fear toxin, Jason was making anti-fear toxin.
I'm not even go there right now.
Upon arriving back at the hotel I shower, scrubbing off the disgusting touch of those men and the alley. My thoughts are filled with Jason as I drag a pair of black sweats up my legs and throw on a gray long sleeve crop top, crawling into the bed as I stare up at the ceiling. I check my phone to find multiple texts from Violet and a few from Xavier. Replying back, I tell them I'm okay and that I'll be home soon, not wanting to worry them anymore than I already do.
I chuckle at the thought of my family back home. When I left Gotham five years ago I traveled all the way to Greendale, the few memories I have from toddler years leading me there to the only person I remember from that time. Violet Spellman. When my mother was pregnant with me she lived in Greendale so my father's friend could keep an eye on her, wanting to ensure that his plan went the way he wanted. It just so happened that his friend also had a plan of his own, having used his power to "bless" one of his follower's whose wife was having trouble conceiving with a child. Turned out that the "blessing" was actually "blessings" and that they were actually his, not his follower's.
It was twisted but I wouldn't have expected anything less of him as he feeds off evil. Lucifer Morningstar, the fallen angel and ruler of Hell. It's no surprise that he would be buddies with my father as they have the same mind set. Violet and her fraternal twin Sabrina were born, Sabrina being taken by the Spellman family while Violet was raised in Hell in secret by the man himself. Violet and I consider ourselves as cousins despite not being related by blood. When I arrived at her doorstep after eight years of being missing she broke down, apparently remembering me as well.
She welcomed me with open arms and told me how she escaped Hell when she was only six. It didn't take long for her to meet someone and be taken in, living with her new friend's family and hiding from the world. I was so happy for her, especially after I met her friend.
Xavier Rhodes is hands down one of the most amazing people I've ever met, has so much care for others that he took Violet in without a second thought. His parents were on the fence at first but came to love Violet, only made it hurt more when they passed away in an accident a few years later. Xavier inherited the house when he was only ten, the people of Greendale letting it be as it's a small town and no one likes it when the banks get involved.
The two of them live alone and keep to themselves, working jobs to build on the large sum of money Xavier was left. Apparently the two of them went from being best friends to dating, only having been official for a month when I arrived. They insisted I live with them and after pleading I finally agreed, not really having much choice as it would be better to stay with them and learn more about what is to become of me. Xavier and I developed a sibling relationship as I did with Violet, all of us getting along great and cherishing our memories.
One of my favorites was made two months ago when I watched the two of them get married after dating for the last five years. I was so happy for them but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous. My smile was wide when I heard the news and was by Vi's side as she planned everything, I even made her wedding dress. But I was envious that I would never get that opportunity, the opportunity to be with the person I love and get married.
The one thing I've ever wanted I'll never have because it's impossible, destiny having a terrible outcome for me. Each day I get closer to that fate, my time here running out faster than I would have liked. With that I force my eyes to close and hope that sleep will drag me under even for a short amount of time.
Only eight months left.

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