Red River, Oregon

By luciferlover1234

244 81 42

Creed Moonridge and his brother Killian move into a new town for a new life. They want to leave their nightma... More

One House
One Nightmare
One Brother
One Visitor
One Trip
One Sunday
One Halloween
One Night
One Kill
One Question
One Body
One Posse
One Explanation
One Rescuer
One Church
One Visit
One Cave
One Video
One Meeting
One Sidecar
One Omelet
One Hanging
One Family
One Future

One Dinner

8 4 2
By luciferlover1234

 "I'm not ready for this!" Creed was nervous. He cooked a wonderful dinner but he couldn't eat it. Shit. He hunted last night so he wasn't hungry. "What am I supposed to tell him? I can't eat!" Creed was not okay with this.

"Just tell Haven that you are full and you made it for him. I'm taking Lois out for a while. Two hours, maybe three. Enjoy!" Killian smiled.

"I hate you. They are coming." Creed took a breath. He stood up and sighed. "I can't do this."

"Yes, you can. Go and get laid!" Killian smiled.

"No! I can't!" Creed was scared to hurt Haven. He wasn't human and Killian didn't seem to care. "You go get laid!"

"I'm working on it. I met the hottest shop boy today!" Killian smiled and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Whore!" Creed teased.

Killian laughed. "I wish!"

"It's overrated!" Creed smiled and Killian laughed as the doorbell rang. "Get the door." He sighed.

Killian led Haven to the kitchen and was holding Lois' hand. "Do you want to go to a movie?" He watched the little one.

Lois smiled. "Yes!" She winked at Killian and he almost laughed. This girl was smart.

Killian nodded. "Kidnapping Lois and we are seeing a movie. Night! Back in three hours." He didn't wait. They were out the door.

Haven inhaled sharply. Creed glared at the hall that led to the door. "I hate him." He turned to Haven. "I'm sorry about him. He is a pain in the ass. He thinks I should move on."

"You should...but I don't know anything, Creed. This smells fantastic." Haven looked at the table. Real plates. He touched one. "Glass?"

"I know. I actually bought real plates and wine glasses. I grabbed a bottle from the cellar. I have no idea about wine, so it could be bad." Creed was so nervous. "I...this is just dinner."

Haven smiled. "Good. I'm not looking for anything complicated, Creed."

"Well, I am complicated, Haven. Very." He looked sad and poured the wine. He smelled it and took a sip. "This is good!" He took another.

Haven took a sip as the timer went off. "Delicious."

Creed smiled and took the pan from the oven. He wasn't thinking about anything and didn't use oven mitts or a towel. Haven noticed. Creed set it on the island and Haven stared at him. Creed looked down and realized his mistake. Well, shit. How did he explain this? "Uh..."

Haven put up a hand. "I don't want to know, right?"

Creed shook his head and turned around. He wiped a tear. "No." He cleared his throat. "Dinner is ready."

"Creed." Haven was worried. He sighed and turned. "I told you that I won't ask but that was weird. Are you okay? Did you burn your hand?" He looked at his hands that Creed was holding together.

"No, Sweetheart. I'm fine. I wasn't thinking but dinner is done and you should eat before it gets cold." Creed smiled as he loaded a platter with dinner. He set it on the table and sat in a chair. This was a mistake.

Haven took some meat and veggies and he took a bite. "So good!"

Creed smiled. "Good. I love to cook." He didn't make a move to try to pretend. "I don't want to pretend with you. I can't eat this but I...just want you to enjoy it. I'm not a regular person, Haven. I'm not. I don't know how to pretend either."

Haven smiled and nodded. "I don't want you to pretend anything with me, Creed. I dated a woman that pretended. She told me lies and led me on and as soon as she had Lois, she was gone. We were engaged and she said she loved me. She was a player. She was beautiful but she just wanted to party. She never wanted kids. I thought we were in love."

"My parents ditched me when they found out I was keeping Lois. I couldn't do anything else. They come from high society and they kept their scandals secret. Mine was out in the open. I was bi with a child. Out and proud and that was too much for them. I don't need another pretender." Haven inhaled.

"Okay." Creed took a breath. "What a dick!"

Haven laughed. "I know!" He ate in silence.

"I have secrets but I would never pretend with feelings and never toy with your emotions. Never. I like you, Haven, and I shouldn't."

"Killian told me it was time to move on but I have past left scars. Very visible. Who I was, was killed. The soccer playing whore that I was is dead. I'm this now." Creed took a breath.

Haven looked at him and sipped his wine. "And what is this? You. What are you now since you're not a soccer playing whore?"

Creed laughed. He rubbed his eyes. "I am a monster but I would never hurt you. Never. I just don't want to lie to you. I don't want to hide things from you but I'm not ready. I'm afraid that I would lose you and..." He stopped. "As a friend."

Haven nodded and looked at his plate. "I like you, Creed."

Creed groaned. "I know. I like you too. I shouldn't. I'm sorry you met me. I really can't date but I love to talk to you and that isn't some line. It's not! Lois is great and if I was normal, I would love to be with you and part of your family...but ...I am fucked!" He took a breath.

"Hey!" Haven stared. This guy was a mess. "Maybe if you just tell me and we can deal with it, then maybe you can move on!"

Creed shook his head. "Sorry. When I'm ready, I will. I promise but I don't want to lie to you, Haven. I will try."

Haven smiled. "Okay. I won't ask and we can just eat dinner together and I promise to ignore anything that seems weird."

"Like taking hot pans from the oven with no oven mitts?" Creed smiled.

Haven laughed. "Yes! Like that. We can take our time. I'm good with that, I have Lois to think about anyway. It's tough to date and be a single dad."

"It has to be. Life is tough anyway, I couldn't imagine adding a person to be in charge of. Although, I have Killian!" Creed teased. Haven nodded. He finished his plate as they sat in silence for a while.

"Creed. This was really nice. You really cooked this?" Haven had to ask.

"I did. I will always try to be honest with you. As honest as I can. Okay?" Creed watched Haven nod. "I love to cook. Killian is very spoiled. I have dinner on the table when he gets home every night and then we grade papers. That is my life."

"Do you eat with him?" Haven watched him.

"No." Creed took a breath. He couldn't tell Haven but he couldn't lie. "I am on a very strict diet, Haven. I eat alone." No one wanted to see a vampire hunt.

"So, can I ask how your parents died?" Haven was worried that this was too far.

Creed took a breath. He looked at this man's brown eyes. He was going to try for him. "Well, it's...the story is not good and it was my fault."

"Was it a drunk driving accident?" Haven was guessing. He had some theories.

Creed laughed. "Sorry. No. I wish. No." He took a breath. "I invited the wrong girl into my house just for sex. One night of lousy sex. It was a mistake that I can never take back. She slaughtered my parents." He wiped a tear.

Haven stared at Creed. "What?"

Creed nodded and looked Haven in the eye. "She was going to kill Killian but I stopped her."


Creed shook his head. No details. "I killed her." He looked into Haven's eyes. He downed his wine and stared at the table. "I wasn't left with a choice. She destroyed our family. She destroyed me." He stood up and walked to the living room. He figured Haven would leave. He would let him.

Haven touched Creed's back. "Creed."

Creed shook his head. "I am a murderer, Haven." He whispered it.

"No! You were protecting your brother!" Haven disagreed. It sounded like self defense and he didn't have the whole story.

"That's what the cops said. There was an investigation and everything. I didn't even do jail time. I deserved worse. It was all my fault and our parents paid with their lives." He was almost crying.

Creed took a breath to fix his voice. "They were wonderful. My dad was a businessman and my mom was a bonafide hippie. They were so cute together. They were still in love after almost twenty-five years of marriage. I always wanted that."

"Her name was Rain and my dad was George. They were exact opposites but he came home every night with his suit and tie, she would greet him in some bohemian dress and they would make out for ten minutes by the front door. I always said it was gross but it was amazing. Even when they argued, it ended with sex. We learned to go away." Creed smiled and wiped a tear. "I miss them."

Haven had no idea what to say. He slid his hand to Creed's shoulder. "Hey."

Creed wiped his face. "Haven."

"Creed." Haven wanted to touch him.

"I don't want any of that to be a reason." Creed stated out of nowhere.

"A reason for what?" Haven was lost for a second.

"A reason that you kiss me." Creed took a breath. "I don't need you to feel sorry for me. I don't want that. I have Killian for that. I want to kiss you because I like you. I want you to kiss me because you like me."

Haven smiled. "I do like you. This is the most honest relationship I have ever had, Creed."

Creed turned around and took him by surprise when he crushed his mouth to Haven's mouth and released him just as abruptly. Haven inhaled, stared at Creed and kissed Creed back. He wrapped around this pretty man and just held him. Creed touched Haven's face and smiled as he pulled away.

Creed looked into his soft brown eyes. Haven stared at Creed, his eyes were shining blue and iridescent. He closed his eyes and kissed Haven again. Haven melted into him as he wrapped his arms around Haven. He was going to ask about Creed's eyes but he decided to let it go. They were glowing blue and pretty. Whatever. Haven just kissed Creed again.

"Let's take this to the couch." Haven was breathless.

"Mmm. You are a genius!" Creed dragged Haven to the couch. He spent the rest of their time kissing. He heard the car pull down the lane and he sat up. "They're back." He sighed.

"How do you know?" Haven watched Creed.

"Questions are bad. I just know." Creed smiled into those brown eyes that he memorized. "I never want to hurt you, Haven. Never. You and Lois will always be safe. I promise." He touched his face and kissed him again. Haven just melted and Creed gave up.

Forget it, Creed thought. Forget everything. He didn't stop kissing Haven as Killian and Lois walked in. His tongue finally found Haven's mouth and never wanted to leave it.

"About time!" Killian smiled at the couple kissing on the couch. Creed was lying on top of Haven and Haven didn't look upset. "Want some ice cream, Lois?"

"I do!" Lois smiled and watched her dad kissing Creed. She liked that.

"We should probably join them for ice cream." Haven mumbled as their lips connected again.

"I know. Don't want to now!" Creed smiled and kissed Haven softly. Haven moaned. "Don't do that! My willpower is already low." He kissed Haven slowly.

"I know. Kiss me again!" Haven sighed. He was doomed. Creed sighed and kissed him again very slowly. He let his lips linger on Haven's after each kiss.

"Hey, you lovers want a scoop?" Killian was there. He was enjoying this. Creed was finally kissing someone. About time. "You know we're back, right?"

Creed laughed. "We don't care. I just got him to kiss me, go away!"

Haven hit him with a throw pillow. "I'm the one who had to work hard for this!" He smiled. He touched Creed's face. "We should join them." He kissed Creed again and felt him melt.

"Dad!" Lois was there. She sat on the other couch and smiled. She knew that would end this.

"Lois!" Haven sat up and Creed sat up and straightened his shirt. Haven's hands were inside it. He had almost pulled it off. Haven blushed and Creed covered his face. "Did you have a nice time?" He looked up at his brother as Lois answered.
"I did. Did you know that there is an indoor bouncy house? We found it and I played for a couple of hours. This one boy wouldn't leave me alone! He was five and annoying." Lois looked upset.

"Boys will annoy you your whole life, Lois." Creed smiled. "It's because you are pretty like your dad."

"Nice!" Killian smiled and sat in a chair. He took a bite of ice cream. "Get things worked out?"

"Shut up." Creed glared and then smiled.

Killian just nodded. "Good."

Haven blushed. "We are working things out and coming to agreements. Not too many questions and I am overlooking some things."

Killian watched Haven. He wondered what Creed did. "Oh?"

"No questions, Killian." Creed glared. "Haven can bail if things get too weird, with my blessing." He looked at Haven. "I mean that. No harm will ever come to you or Lois. Ever." He watched Haven as he nodded.

"Oh, I see. Weird like that. Got it." Killian smiled.

"So, will Killian be my uncle!" Lois smiled. "I don't have any uncles!"

"I would love to be your uncle, even if they mess this up, I will always be your uncle! Deal?" Killian smiled.

Lois smiled. "Deal!" She turned to Haven. "Dad, don't mess this up!"

Haven just laughed. It was time to go.

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