By millumi_ky123

4.7K 176 9

°•MALE READER X KILLING STALKING!!~ -M/N L/N.. Is yang seungbae's younger brother and Sangwoo's school's old... More

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446 25 2
By millumi_ky123

Seungbaes POV:

'after that day, i made sure to check out Oh Sangwoo's house often'

'just incase he forgets something..'

'but the longer i did that, the more impatient..'

'and daring i became..'

I stared at sangwoo's quite house as i tapped my fingers against the steering wheel impatiently as i watched the place with nothing happening or someone passing by

I made sure to keep my distance away to avoid suspicion's from him (oh sangwoo)

I sat there trying my best to contain myself from doing anything to that place as i then paused

My eyes widened a little when i saw sangwoo exiting his house "hm?"

"is he leaving..?" i muttered as i watched him take a look from left and right before walking away from his house..  I then checked my watch "3:30 p.m."




'i noticed on my every patrol that Oh Sangwoo would leave the house everyday at 3:30...' i thought as i continued on keeping my eye at him everytime i patrol everyday.. 'and return at 7:30'














M/n's POV:

I stared at my phone as the time slowly past by..

'it's already 7pm and hyung's still not home yet..' i thought to myself while staring at the empty place while sitting on thr couch at the living room

'his been coming home late for a while now isn't he..? Is he really that busy? How about i go visit him on his office tommorow.. Maybe also bring him some food..ah wait.. It's xday tommorow right?  So that means his not hoing to work tomorrow right? Ah.. Then maybe on the next day after tommorow' i thought to myself before going back to bed











•°the next day°•










Third person's POV:

After a long hour seungbae fixed his stuff's on his desk as he then prepared on leaving to patrol and spy at sangwoo's house again...

He took the keys and bid goodbye on the other officer's at the office before leaving and start the patrol

"that guy seems to love going on patrol nowadays" one of the police officers said while watching at seungbae leave the police station












Seungbae's POV:

After leaving the police station i quickly went to patrol around the street on sangwoo's house but made sure to keep my distant 'today's no different'

'it looks like his talking to someone..' i thought to myself as i watched sangwoo exiting his home but turned his head to say something back inside his house 'is there someone inside?'

I quickly went to action and rushed towards sangwoo's house gate right after he just left

I sped walk towards the door while also inspecting the place, looking around as i noticed some cigarette buds on a empty plant pot

I pressed both of my palms against the door and leaned my head on it as i tried to listen on any noise inside only to be greeted with silence "i can't tell if anyone's in here.."

"but he was definitely talking to someone.." i muttered to myself as i remembered sangwoo earlier seemingly to talk to someone on the door before he left 'i can't find anything out like this..'

As my gaze lowered i then noticed a small circular thing down on the door...

I slowly bent down to open it as i then took a peek inside

I then started looking around inside the house and it was really an quite place

'a foot?' i thought as i saw a foot slowly crawl away inside on the edge of the door 'someone was crawling around'

I thought for a moment before knocking on the door but only received silence... I then started knocking even more louder

"POLICE! OPEN THE DOOR!" I said while still knocking loudly 'there's definitely someone there!'

'i wasn't imagining it' i though while knocking even more louder "IT'S THE POLICE!"

"there was definitely.." i mumbled while slowly benting down to peek at the small circular door at the door

I was so focused on trying to look insidw the house that i didn't even notice or hear someone walking towards me

"police did you say?" i heard someone suddenly speak as i got startled and quickly turned my head to look at who just spoke

It was sangwoo...

"what brings you here?" he uttered while staring down at me and he was also holding a small plastic bag on his grasp

"ah.." i then quickly got up and felt sweat starting to bead around my forehead "i-i'm from the police"

"..." he didn't say anything and just stared at me "ah.. I'm in plain clothes right now so it might be hard to belive.."

"..but it's the truth" i said while rummaging through my jacket and then pulled out my police badge and showed it to him

"okay, i get that, but why're you here?" he said after looking at my police badge

"it's nothing much.." i murmured while placing my badge back inside ny pocket "there were reports of a strange sound being outside"

I watched as he turned his head to look at the empty silence street before turning back to me

"a report?" he said before curving his lips on a small grin "sorry but i live by myself"

"i heard something, so i thought someone was inside.." i started "do you have a pet perhaps?"

"sigh*.. No..I hate nosy things, you see..." he sighed while scratching the back of his neck

I stared at him for a moment before speaking "ah, right.. But since i received a complaint, i have to check"

"ah.. Is that so?" he said while turning his gaze away

"would that be alright?" i said

"..." he was silent for a moment before walking past me and went to slide up and down the passcode cover on the door as i heard him start mumbling "one.. Two.. Three.. Four.. Five.. Six.. Seven.. Eight..."

"what?" i uttered before he turned back around to me with an closed eyed smile as he started pinning in the passwords on his passcode lock

"okay! Be my guest!" he sais while opening the door "after you"

'what the hell..' i thought while slowly entering inside his home


The door banged as it closed shut while my head quickly jerked back

"oops. sorry, must've been the wind.." he said before walking past me

'i don't know what you're playing at, but..' i thought while removing my shoes before setting a foot on the floor '..you're going to regret letting me inside.. Like you said..'

'i'm a gloomy guy, after all'



"you don't have a girlfriend, do you?"

"yep, i thought not"

"what kinda girl would be attracted to a gloomy guy like you? Or maybe you have some kinda problem..?"

"that's enough" i said

"i kid, i kid. If your interested,i can introduce you to someone"

(that was when seungbae were taking a pic on sangwoo's driver licences)


I followed behind sangwoo as he walked Forward

As we walk i noticed an open room as i side glanced at it.. 

As i continued following behind sangwoo we then came inside a room that seemed like the kitchen

'was he cooking?' i thought while staring at an cutting board with half vutted vegetable on it 'he stopped halfway...'

'i guess he left because he ran out of ingredients..' was conclusion as i then turned my gaze around to inspect the place 'whay timing..'

"please feel free to look around" sangwoo said while taking a seat on the kitchen counter,covering the sight of the cutting board i saw earlier

"yes.." i murmured as i then noticed an office chair at the corner infront of the sink 'why's there a chair infront of the sink..'

"i was wondering.." sangwoo started

"yes?" i muttered as i turned back to him

"why are you in plain clothes? Don't you need to wear your uniform? Or are you a detective?"

"ah.. no" i said as i quickly thought of an excuse "i just have somewhere to be after this"

"anyway.." i tried to chang the subject "this is a pretty big place for one person"

'enough about me' i then turned my head back to him 'let's talk about you'

"don't you have any family?" i asked

"did you just move in?" he said right after my question

"huh..?" i hummed

"i'm pretty famous here" he said "i guess you didn't know.."

"that's right" i agreed "i was working in seoul for a long time, so i don't know much about this place, there have been a lot of incidents in this neighborhood.."

"isn't living by yourself a little dangerous? There aren't many people around.." i muttered while walking towards an sluding door to open and check what's inside before turning my head back to him

"yeah, it's pretty quite because not many people live in this neighborhood" he replied "but i haven't been going out at night because of how dangerous it is.."

"which is why i'm so surprised you received a complaint.." he mutters

"..ah, exactly.." i utter as i could feel my sweat beading again "..do you mind if i check the second floor?"

"please do" he oblied as i then slowly started to climb the stairs up with him standing still down on the edge of the stairs behind me..













•°meanwhile with m/n°•


















M/n's POV:

I was on my way home while humming some random song that
come's onto my mind as i walk towards the door.. "what day is it today again..? It's xday right? Then that means hyung should be home right now because it's his day off.."

I then stopped infront the door and turned the door knob to open the door only then to find it locked..

"huh..?" i was then left there dumbfounded when the door was locked "is.. Hyung not home today..? Did he leave and went to the police station or something.."

I sighed before reaching out for the keys inside my pocket 'ah.. fuck.. I even also forgot the keys today.. And my phone is.. Inside..'

'ah.. Since the house is locked.. And hyung might be in the police station.. I'll just go visit him then.. And we could come home again, together..' i thought as i then decided to go to the police station and look for hyung


















Seungbae's POV:

After checking the second floor and saw that there were no one and nothing suspicious inside or anything i then slowly started walking back down the stairs and saw that sangwoo were still there standing still

"is everything okay?" he asked

"ah.. Yes, i believe so" i said 'ofcourse not..'

'since he went insinde that room..' i thought as i remembered the foot the i saw on the edge of the door earlier 'but it would be too unnatural to ask him to show me the wardrobe, he'll definitely suspect something'













°with m/n°•








M/n's POV:

(so no one would get confused use this color to indicate who's talking
🔴:police officer 2
🔵:police officer 1)


Soon enough i then finally arrived at police station

I stared at the place as i stood still there infront of it.. 'it's this place right..? I'm pretty sure it was this one'

I hesitated for a moment before then deciding to enter inside as i saw two officers sitting inside seemingly like they were just talking to each other as they didn't even notice me enter

"er..  Ehem ehem excuse me" i cleared my throat to gain they're attention as they turned to look at me at the same time

🔴"ah sorry, how may we help you today?" one of them quickly stood up as they approched me with a wide smile

"well, is officer yang seungbae, here today?" i asked

🔴"oh, yang seungbae? I'm not pretty sure but are you here to bring something to him? Or anything..? "
(he doesn't know if seungbae came to work today because he didn't pretty much care)

"ah.. No, i'm here for him.. Is he not here..?"

🔴"hm i see, wait let me check" he said before turning around to face the other officer who were still sitting on his chair infront his desk "yo, is seungbae here today?"

🔵"eh? Seungbae? Is he even suppose to work today? But no, i didn't see him today." the other one said before turning to look at me "is there something you need from him? Maybe we can help"











Seungbae's POV:

"are you done?" he asked "you said you had somewhere to get to after this, right? Don't you need to get going?"

"thank you for-" i quickly then cutted him off by pulling out my phone and pressed it beside my ear and pretended as if someone just called me

"ah, hello?" i said "ah, yes Seargent! Yes! Yes!"

I continued on pretending as if i was talking to someone on the phone while walking back towards the kitchen

"yeah, ah i see.." i muttered while still walking "that's great.."

As i walk i then leaned one of my arm on the kitchen counter and happened to face the chopping board that still contained the unfinished cutted vegetables


M/n's POV:

"erm.. Well if his not here today, can i.. Make a phone call here, just for a moment, i'll be quick" i said while scratching the side of my neck 'hyung is not home and his not here either.. Did he go somewhere today?'

🔵"oh ofcourse! You can use my phone, here, feel free to call someone" he said while standing up to approach me and hand me his phone

"thank you.." i muttered as i took the phoen and dialed hyungs number.."
















Seungbae's POV:

"Ah! You mean for me?" i continued talking on the phone "it's fine.."

"same old-" i was then cutted off when my phone suddenly started ringing as i frozed

I then looked at who called me as it showed the name of the caller

'soonkyung?! That bastard, why would he.. ' I answered the call and braught it back beside my ear "yes?"


M/n: "Hyung? It's m/n, i'm here at the police station.. Your not here or at home today, did you go somewhere..?"

Seungbae: "m-m/n?? Why do you have ssonkyung's phone? And what are you doing there?" i asked surprised that it would be m/n talking on the phone

M/n: "ah.. i thought you were home but you weren't, so i came here to police station but i guess your not, and i borrowed their phone because i forgot my phone and keys inside the house.. Again"

Seungbae: "ha.. Okay i'll get there, so wait for me"

M/n: "okay, bye hyung"


'arg..'  as the call ended i then turned my head to sangwoo who were watching me i didn't know if he heard my call but that doesn't matter 'dammit'

'i can't..' i thought as i then started to walk "ah"

"excuse me" i muttered while walking past him and went towards the door 'Stay here any longer'

But i then slightly paused when i reached closer to the open wardrobe room 'that wardrobe' i thought but then decided to ignore it and continue on walking

"officer" i then heard sangwoo call out making me stop on my tracks and turn my head back to him "come to think of it, there's a place you haven't seen, yet"

"huh?" i muttered

"the wardrobe you just walked past" he said while turning his gaze on the open wardrobe with his arms crossed over his chest "you haven't looked in there yet"











































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