Death Becomes Us (Dazai x Rea...

Por starsforbreakfast

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Y/n L/n, an agency member with an ability known as Deus ex Machina, meets Dazai Osamu. Fresh from the mafia... Más

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Fourteen

279 14 3
Por starsforbreakfast

A/N this is a long one guys, sorry. Also if you read the original version of this story, it's mostly taken from that just as a heads up. After this chapter we are officially past everything I ever wrote of the then or now sections of the old book. Enjoy!


Y/n spent the next day following her target. From the time Atsushi woke up, she was on his tail. He had a relatively normal life, she had observed. All he'd done until noon was have breakfast and go into work. Y/n perched on the roof of the building across the Street from the Agency, eyes fixed on the door for any suspicious activity or chance to capture her target. Much to her chagrin, it was suspicious activity she saw first when a blond woman she'd encountered on a job a few years before slipped through the Agency's door. Y/n remembered her affiliation with the city's Port Mafia and when she saw the woman exiting the building with Atsushi, Tanizaki, and Naomi trailing behind her, assumed her employer must have contacted them as well.

Y/n followed, them discretely until they reached a small, dead end ally. She looked on as another Port Mafia member appeared, cornering the group. Y/n didn't want to intercede, didn't want to deal with the difficulties of Naomi and Tanizaki seeing her should she intercede. After a while, it became clear that if she didn't step in, the fight would end with Atsushi, Tanizaki, and Naomi dead and she wanted that even less. Without much thought or attention to her surroundings, she jumped down from the roof using her ability to  emanate a bright light meant to stun all those involved.

It had been pure instinct to be honest. She had seen the danger her old friends were in along with her prize, seen the pain being inflicted on them. She had acted, materialized her wings, used her ability.

She just happened to have acted at the exact same moment Dazai appeared, practically from thin air, and moved to disable the were-tiger and mafia member's abilities. Y/n noticed him just as her feet hit the ground, creating a creator from the impact and shaking everyone off their feet excluding the man in the tan jacket.

"Y/n...?" he stuttered out after a moment, confusion and shock painting his delicate features.

She stood up from her crouched position, her back turned to him.

"Dazai." was all she said, her voice cold, before walking over to the were-tiger and grabbing his arm.

"What are you doing?" asked Dazai from behind her as the silver haired boy looked up, eyes wide.

"You're... you're that girl... with the groceries..." Atsushi mumbled through his surprise.

Y/n nodded once before she answered Dazai's question.

"I'm doing my job." 

"You're wings they're... they're translucent?"

As he said the word 'translucent' the word 'gone' slipped through Y/n's lips and she, at last turned to face the man, the were-tiger's arm still firmly in her grasp.

"Gone?" he questioned, shock flooding his features.

"Gone." Y/n confirmed, allowing her wings to disappear before taking a few steps toward the exit of the ally which Dazai was blocking.

"What do you think you're doing!" screamed one of the two mafia members suddenly, the blond one, pulling a gun from who knows where and sending a barrage of bullets in Y/n's direction.

Dazai looked on as her wings turned to metal, something he had never seen Y/n do before. She wrapped them around Atsushi and herself, using them to guard against the bullets before spreading them open once again and shooting a feather out to hit the blond woman in the head, knocking her out.

"Who are you?" mumbled the other mafia member in amazement.

"Death?" Atsushi muttered from beside Y/n, not seeming to be entirely aware of the words coming from his mouth.

Y/n looked down at him, an odd sort of expression on her face. She was quiet for a moment.

"Sometimes. Not today."

"This is L/n F/n, an ability user." Dazai stated haughtily, crossing his arms over his chest, "An angel."

Y/n dropped Atsushi's arm and stalked over to where Dazai stood, anger flooding her senses as she grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to her level.

"Do not pretend to know me pretty boy," she hissed, "I am not who I was. I am dangerous now, even gods like yourself bow before me."


"Dazai. Dazai. Dazai. Dazai." Y/n said repeatedly, tugging on the mans jacket as they walked back in the direction of the Agency.

The unconscious bodies of Tanizaki and Naomi were slung over his shoulders. He was treating them with the utmost care, as if they were still badly injured from the fight. It did not escape Atsushi's notice however, that when Y/n had joined them, all their wounds had  disappeared. He vaguely recalled having learned she had a healing ability, maybe this was it.

"What." Dazai snapped finally, not turning around to face Y/n as they turned onto the block the Agency building was located on.

"I need him. Lemme have him." She whined, pointing to the were-tiger.

"No." Dazai sharply replied and she let out a sigh. 

They had reached the door now and Atsushi opened it, holding it open for Dazai who walked through. Before Atsushi followed, he turned back to Y/n who was lingering by the door.

"Are... are you gonna make me come up?" she asked quietly.

"Y/n," Dazai wearily replied, stopping in his tracks and turning to face her from where he stood in the hallway, "I can't make you do anything."

Atsushi saw something in her in that moment, some hesitation as she turned to leave. 

"They really miss you, you know." he called after her.

She stopped walking, turning her head ever so slightly to the side, the only sign she had heard his words.

"They told me about you the other day, they all really miss you. I think they'd be happy to see you... even if you did just try to kidnap me."

"They... they miss me?" she repeated, turning around to face Atsushi once again.

With a sigh, Dazai walked back to the doorway and, dropping Junichiro and Naomi onto Atsushi's shoulders as he reached it, exited the building. His face was contorted with some odd mixture of grief and rage as he made his way over to Y/n and, grabbing her wrist in his hand, dragged her upstairs.

"What the fuck was that!?" she yelled, wrenching her hand from Dazai's grasp as they entered the office.

Atsushi quickly handed off the siblings to Yosano, uncertain of their well being even if they appeared on the outside to be unharmed.

"What the fuck was that!" yelled Dazai in response, pointing to Y/n acusatorialy, "You disappear with no explanation for two whole fucking years and then just one day, out of the blue, show back up with no wings, a whole host of new aspects to your ability, and you try and kidnap our newest member!"

"Whats all the commotion in here." groaned Kunikida, pushing his glasses up as he entered the room, "some of us are- Y/n?"

"Did you just say Y/n?" asked Rampo as he stood up from his desk.

"Hi guys." she said awkwardly with a little wave.

"Y/n!" yelled Rampo suddenly, launching himself into the girls arms, "It is you!"

Y/n nearly lost her balance before Kunikida pulled him off of her.

"Thanks Kunikida." she said with a relieved smile.

"Its nice to have you back." Kunikida responded, ruffling her hair slightly, "I'm glad you're not dead."

Her translucent wings reappeared as Yosano entered and room.

"The Tanazaki siblings were entirely unharmed," she said, seemingly disappointed as she stripped the rubbed gloves from her hands, "I am unsure as to why you handed them off to me."

"Unharmed?" Dazai repeated, "I watched them get shot."

"Yosano!" cried Y/n suddenly, running over to Yosano and allowing the older woman to catch her in her arms.

"Y/n-chan!?" she exclaimed in surprise, setting the girl back on her feet, "You're.... You're back! You're okay! Where have you been!?"

"Oh you know, around." laughed Y/n, a big smile across her face, "I missed you."

"Are you back? I missed you too!"

"No she is not back." interrupted Dazai as he stonily crossed his arms, "I caught her trying to kidnap Atsushi. I think she was after the alleged seven billion yen bounty on his head."

"I'm gonna leave you two to figure this out." said Yosano after a moment, putting her hands up and taking a seat at the nearest desk.

"Yeah, I think we should leave this between them." nodded Rampo as he and Kunikida found seats of their own.

"Isn't it invasive to sit and watch?" Atsushi asked, taking a chair next to Kunikida who shook his head.

"We all are apart of this if she was after you."

"So why not join the conversation?" asked Kenji who had overheard the commotion and joined them.

"I think these two have some... other things to work out." Yosano replied, crossing her arms.

With a sigh Y/n turned to face Dazai, placing her hands on her hips and letting her translucent wings hang behind her.

"You still wear my coat?" asked Dazai, approaching her and taking the tan fabric of Y/n's coat between his fingers.

He had given it to her a long time ago, back when they had first started dating. They had been out on a walk together and she had gotten cold. He had offered her his jacket and when Y/n had tried to return it the next day, he had unequivocally refused to take it back. It was ratty with the years and there had been two holes cut in the back for her wings, but it was still the same coat.

"Yeah, so what?" responded Y/n defensively, pulling away from him.

"So what?" Dazai repeated, anger seeping into his eyes once more, "So what, you left me thats what. You broke your promise and you have the... the audacity to still wear that fucking coat?"

Y/n said nothing but took a step back, her wings closing in around her a bit.

"You broke the one promise you ever made me, and yet you still wear that fucking coat?" Dazai asked angrily once again.

"Okay so I broke a promise, I lied. I hurt you. Im the villain." she said after a moment, throwing her hands up in defeat.

"God how are you so calm about this! Why am I the only angry one, the only upset one! I thought you loved me too! Why do you think I went after you! Why do you think I tried to save you? You knock me out and leave without a single fucking word, not a single word, and then you just suddenly reappear with no wings!? What the fuck happened!?"

"I... I can't tell you." she stuttered.

"Why not!?" yelled Dazai, taking a step forward as Y/n took another small step back.

"Because I just can't!" she cried, her wings now close around her shoulders.

"Wont you at least admit that I deserved a better goodbye!?"

"I did the best that I could, Dazai. Please, understand that."

"I deserved better."

She scoffed, placing her hands on her hips.

"I'm glad you finally have some self worth but this really isn't the place to input it." she shot back angrily.

"I deserved better!"

Y/n scoffed again, running her hands through her wild hair. She looked around the room, examining every detail, before finally turning to him once again. Her breathing was heavy.

"You don't understand!" she yelled suddenly, truly meeting Dazai's eyes for the first time and taking a few steps towards him, "You don't understand! I died that day! Saying goodbye to you was the hardest thing I ever had to do and if you can't get it through your thick fucking skull that maybe there was something else going on then I don't need to be here anymore."

With that, her wings disappeared and she stalked towards the door but Dazai quickly blocked her path.

"Something else?"

"Yes." she hissed, trying to walked around Dazai but he kept blocking her path.

"Tell me, please." Dazai responded, now leaning his back against the door so she really couldn't leave, "Help me understand."

Y/n let out a little yell of frustration and threw her hands up in irritation. Dazai grabbed both her shoulders, her gaze automatically meeting his.

"Y/n I know you. This... this isn't you."

"Don't pretend it hasn't been two years. People change Dazai." She said, pushing past him at last.

Dazai didn't turn to face her as she placed her hand on the doorknob.

Y/n opened her mouth as if to start speaking but before she could get a word out, Dazai spoke.

"You're afraid of heights, though you're embarrassed to admit it. Its why you never fly too far off the ground."

Y/n froze, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

"You love to bake and to read. You collect sundresses and even though you work as a bounty hunter now they're still practically all you wear. I used to think you wore them because of your wings, now I think you just like them knowing your wings are gone. Y/n, I know. I know about the charities and the orphanages. I know you. I just don't know what happened. I don't understand what happened that day, to you, to us. Please, help me understand."

Dazai turned to face her and placed his hand on top of hers on the doorknob.

"You've been stalking me?" she muttered, looking away, "After all you knew about me you decided that was the best course of action?"

"I wanted to keep an eye on you. I still..."

"You still... you still what, Dazai." her tone was cold and flat, her eyes tired.

"I still.... I still know you."

Y/n forcefully took her hand from the knob and walked over to the window.

"Yeah well maybe you shouldn't."

"Can you at least help me try to understand what happened?"

Y/n opened the window and slipped herself out onto the ledge, taking a seat.

"I could only save one of us and I chose you." she said, her eyes closed and face to the sky.

"Why me? From what?" he pleaded, "I wasn't worth saving from anything."

"Dazai Osamu, you were always worth saving and I can loose everything and be okay, just not you. I can't loose you."

And with a little push, she shoved herself off the edge and flew away.

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