Multiverse Reaction

By TransformerAnimeFanG

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Various characters from different universes react to the same story involving a central protagonist. More

Introducing Eachother
Chapter 0: It was Good
Chapter 1: A New Day
Chapter 2: The Journey
Alternative Endings
What If Po Survived?
What If Po Survived? Part 2
What If Po Survived? Part 3
What If Po Survived? Part 4
What If Po Survived? Part 5
What If Po Survived? Part 6
Author's Note
What If Po Survived? Part 7
Author's Note 2
What If Po Survived? Part 8

Chapter 3 Run Away

266 4 0
By TransformerAnimeFanG

Ken Kaneki: Hey, are you ready to see the last part of slendytubbies?

All: (silently)

Ken Kaneki: good. (snaps fingers and screen turns on)

*Lincoln could be seen in a metal hallway walking normally*.

Lincoln: Hello! Is there anyone here?! *thinking* How strange the station should be full of people and there is no one?

*Lincoln would walk until the next thing he saw shocked him*.

Lincoln: Oh no...

*Everyone was shocked by the scene, it was a dead blue teletubbie*.

Lincoln: (shock) again.

Xenovia: What happened?

Twilight: Ken, don't tell us that Laa laa was responsible for that.

Rias: wait twi, look closely at that teletubby.

Darwin: I think I know what you're talking about, those wounds don't seem to be from claws, rather they look like cuts.

Sweetie Belle: as if something or someone with a sharp weapon had killed them with that.

Lincoln: He's gone...

*Lincoln would see a note that was next to the body*.

Lincoln: *The note says*; Get out of here before it's too late*... but what happened here?

*Lincoln walked down the hallway until in the middle of the hallway he found a laser trap, he just jumped over it and continued. He checked almost the entire place and only found corpses, until he found a metal door that said *secret center*

Lincoln: This is the entrance to the secret center. It's closed, I need to find a way to open it.

*Lincoln would walk around the place until...*.

???: cof cof*

*Everyone was surprised to hear that*.

Rosseweiss: wait that was...

Everyone: Someone!

*Lincoln upon hearing that started to follow the sound and what he found he couldn't believe, it was a survivor, a very injured blue teletubbie*.

*Everyone was amazed to see a survivor at the station*.

Lincoln: Are you okay?

???: Pain, so much pain... Please, you must help us...

Lincoln: Who are you?

Ron: My name is Ron, I work here. We all work here. I am an engineer at this facility.

Lincoln: What happened here?

Ron: Everything happened so fast. This monster came to the station and started killing everyone. It was green and had a chainsaw. But the worst of all is that he had no head, and he was still alive. I had never seen anything like that. It was horrifying.

*Everyone found the description of the monster curious*.

Lincoln: (Wait? He said green...headless...maybe it would be)

Ken Kaneki: Very soon they will know who the monster is.

Ron: Everyone started to lose control, I hid as best I could but he found me. He attacked me but I was able to escape, although I can barely move. I feel a lot of pain. They are all dead.

Lincoln: I'm so sorry...

Ron: Listen, you should contact the military and tell them what happened. You can send a danger signal from the secret center. Once they receive it, they will come and help

Ron: You may need a key card to enter the center.

Lincoln: Where do I get an access card?...

Ron: I think another staff member had a key card to the center on the other side of this door. Someone closed the door in an attempt to trap the monster inside. You can get to the other side by crawling through the vents next to you. That's how I got here. But be careful, that thing is still here.

Lincoln: I'll be back soon.

*Lincoln crawled through the ventilation until he reached the end of the ducts, but when he came out of the ventilation he heard something that scared him a lot*.

(chainsaw sounds)

Ron: No...Please no! AGGGGHHHHH!

*Lincoln hears how he is cut and his blood splashes on the metal walls*.

*Everyone was shocked by what happened. Issei had his eyes down and clenching his fists. Lincoln just looked at the screen regretting what happened*.

Lincoln: but how did he escape?

*Lincoln started to look for the card, he was searching for more than 11 minutes until the next thing he saw left him paralyzed, a flash of light blinded the albino and he appeared in front of him..*.

Lincoln: (shock) w-what the... laa laa.

Fluttershy: laa..laa... (she said in shock)

*Everyone couldn't believe it to see Laa Laa in front of Lincoln*.

*The same flash made disappearing laa laa*.

Lincoln: I'm losing my mind...

*He continued walking and the same flash cuts him off again, this time it appears...*

Lincoln: T-Tinky... winky. The flash disappears again upon apparition.

Lincoln: What's happening to me?

Issei: They are just illusions, they are not real.

Twilight: He's right.

*Lincoln took a few steps and the flash appeared again to another of the teletubbies*.

Lincoln: P-po.

*And he disappears in front of Lincoln, Lincoln couldn't believe what he was seeing those he couldn't save, but the next thing he saw left him speechless*.

Tinky winky, laa laa and Po: Come play with us!

*Everyone couldn't believe it to see those who had died in front of them*.

*Fluttershy had tears in her eyes from seeing laa laa*.

Fluttershy: (tearing) laa...laa *sniff* laa...laa *sniff*.

Lincoln: (whispering) I'm sorry laa laa, tinky winky, I'm so sorry.- *The last thing he said left him crying*.

Asia: *hugging Lincoln* Don't blame yourself, Lincoln, it's not your fault.

Lincoln: *sniff* I'm sorry, please forgive me!

*The ghosts of the teletubbies disappear leaving Lincoln alone, he manages to find the key card, takes it and leaves the room. But what he sees leaves him paralyzed*.

*Ron's body mutilated and dismembered in a pool of blood*.

Lincoln: I'm so sorry Ron...

Apple Bloom: *crying* Why does it have to happen to lincoln, to those tubbies to everyone in that world?

Applejack: I don't know but we can only hope to find out the answer to that.

Sweetie Belle: There's so many possibilities.

*He left the place to go to the door of the secret center, but the same flash appears and the one that appears is...*.

Lincoln: what the... Dipsy

*The flash appears again and this time what Lincoln saw he couldn't believe*.

*Everyone couldn't believe it, seeing Dipsy's body without a head walking and with a chainsaw*.

Lincoln: Dipsy...I- I'm sorry.

*Lincoln had no choice but to run*.

Lincoln: Dipsy, this isn't you!!

*He did not respond and continued chasing him until Lincoln remembered the laser trap. At that point, Lincoln reached where the trap was, and since Dipsy had no head, he did not notice the trap and activated it, killing him in the process. Lincoln approaches Dipsy's corpse, takes the chainsaw and goes to the door of the secret center*.

Kiba: Well you kill and escape from him.

Luan: *making a pun* I guess didn't saw it coming hahaha get it, saw it.

*Everyone just stares at her serious*.

Fluttershy: Even Pinkie Pie makes better jokes than you do.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, pinkie can make me laugh, you on the other hand your annoying.

Issei: Worse than Riser.

Gumball: Worse than Banana Joe.

Lincoln: Guys as much as I love to hear you'll tear my sister a new one, let's keep watching.

Ken Kaneki: I agree and now, are you all ready to see the real culprit?

*Everyone was shocked to hear that*.

Lincoln: wait, you said "real culprit."

Ken Kaneki: Yes, so that you no longer blame yourself for everything.

Ken Kaneki: well now look at the screen.

*Everyone turns and sees the screen*.

*Lincoln can be seen with the chainsaw on his back and he walked to the bottom of some stairs until he couldn't believe what he saw*.

Lincoln: Noo Noo?

All: Noo Noo.

Lincoln: What the hell...?

*Noo Noo approaches Lincoln*.

Lincoln: What are you doing here?

Noo Noo: I'm making them better. I making things better.

Gasper: What does he mean  "better".

Applejack: I have no idea.

Lincoln: What do you mean?

Noo Noo: I'm making them better I making things better

Lincoln: Wait... You did this!?

Noo Noo: Yes. I did it.

*Hearing that left everyone in shock, especially for Lincoln and Fluttershy*.

Rarity (shock and upset): He...did it.


*Fluttershy had her eyes down, crying and upset, Lincoln looked at the screen with anger*.

Lincoln: Change them back!

Noo Noo: That's impossible, who they used to be disappeared forever. When one consumes the infected porridge, one dies hours later. The user then awakens again, but not as a servant being, eternally undead. Reborn, the consumer will no longer feel emotion, he is empty inside. With only one desire, that of murdering the living and making it reborn. Over time the consumer will begin to mutate. They will become stronger, taller, faster and perhaps even grow new limbs to help kill their prey.

Noo Noo: This, is the way
teletubbies should be.

Rainbow dash: THAT'S NOT TRUE!.*.she screamed in annoyance*.

*Some had their eyes lowered with anger and others looked at the screen with anger, Ken had his eyes lowered.

*Issei clenched his fists in frustration and anger*.

Fluttershy: bastard... bastard... bastard. (She said whispering).

Lincoln: But why did you do it Noo Noo?

Noo Noo: The Machines are making mistakes when creating teletubbies. They are making them weak. Teletubbies have limited minds and their emotions are a weakness.

*Everyone looked at the screen with hate noo noo*.

Sam: What did he say...

Twilight: *She had an annoyed face in her head cursing noo noo for what he said about emotions*.

Spike: How can say that?

Fluttershy: A WEAKNESS! *she screamed, annoyed with the



Noo Noo: They are limiting themselves from their true greatness, I am removing those limits. That's why I infected the custard, to make them better

Lincoln: Bastard. I'm going to stop you Noo Noo here and now.

Noo Noo: I'm afraid not. From here I hacked into the artificial intelligence mainframe. I control all the machines, now I control everything. Like the rest of the living, it's time for you to die. Goodbye, Lincoln...

*Noo Noo leaves the place leaving Lincoln alone then the frame focuses on one of the annoucers*.

Irina: Why is it getting closer to that?

Rias: And the music, I believe something is going to happen.

Anais: Something Bad?

Akeno: It seems so.

Lincoln: What the?

*The announcer comes out of the ground with a large robot body*.

Everyone: WHAT!!!

Rarity: It was a giant machine?

Asia: I thought they were just poles attach to the ground.

Announcer: Weapon system online.

*Both lincolns*

Lincoln/Lincoln: I'm not afraid.

*The battle begins with lincoln attacking the announcer with the chainsaw*.

Lori: You got this Lincoln.

Rias: Don't give up.

Darwin: Show them who you are.

Applejack: Your doing great.

Irina: Your doing amazing *whispers the next phrase* my little bunny.

Lincoln: What?

Irina: *blushing* Nothing.

Ken Kaneki: *chuckles*.

*Lincoln manages to to destroy one of the announcers arms off then it would show a saw behind him which then the announcer replaces his arm with the saw*.

Announcer: Angry Mode: Activated, you will be destroyed.

Fluttershy: Oh no.

Gumball: Be careful man.

Issei: One wrong move and your sliced.

*The fight continues as lincoln dodge everything attack from the announcer and by the end lincoln successfully defeats the announcer*.

*Everyone was applauding for Lincoln's Victory*.

Kiba: good job lincoln.

Lincoln: Thank you.

Apple Bloom: wow Lincoln you were incredible. *she would say with stars in her eyes*.

Ken Kaneki: Right?

Lincoln: stay down.

*Lincoln walks to the console and says the following*.

Lincoln: Mayday, Mayday! Guardian to the military, do you copy me? Change. We need your help... NOW!

*The screen goes dark*

Ken Kaneki: So how's was the fight.

Issei: It was amazing especially with the background music, it made it 10 times better.

Darwin: Like a video Game.

Pinkie Pie: Yippe, it was amazing, *looks at lincoln* I'll be making you a victory cake.

Xenovia: *hugs lincoln* you were great.

Koneko: *joins the hug* you were so brave.

Twilight: Your a brave soldier.

Luna: You rock big bro.

Lincoln: Thank you all for the support.

*The screen and brightens again, Lincoln is seen leaving the station and stops noo noo*.

Lincoln: Noo noo stop!

Noo noo: why are you here? You should be dead.

Lincoln: I won't let you get away with it!

Noo noo: It's too late, I already did it. The machines are creating an army of newborns. The other lands are flooding, infecting all life as we speak.

Lincoln: Newborns?

Noo noo: Yes, they are part of my creation. Infecting the mush is step one of my plan, I have infected the teletubbie creation machines. Now when a new teletubbie is created they already have the virus in their body. The only side effect is that these have no hair, but that doesn't matter to the undead. They are my New borns.

Lincoln: Wait "no hair", so that's what I found in the secret room.

*Everyone who listened was surprised to hear that the creatures that were with Lincoln in the secret room were those "newborns"*.

Noo noo: yes, I underestimated you Lincoln by defeating the announcer, you have shown me that you are of great value. You are much smarter and stronger than I thought, you are different from the rest. If you join me you and I can make this world a better place.

*Everyone in the room looked at Lincoln while Lincoln looked at the screen waiting for his other self's response*.


*Everyone had a smile at Lincoln's response*.

Rias: Well said Lincoln. *she say mentally*.

Lori: good decision brother.

Anais: You know how to make good decisions.

Spike: Good Thinking.

Noo noo: so be it, I see that you will never understand.

*The next thing they saw they were surprised to see that behind noo noo a red teletubbie was approaching*.

Fluttershy: Po! She is alive. -*she said with tears in the eyes*.

*But when the camera zooms in on Po's face, those smiles changed to horrified faces. Po's face was pale, eyeless with tears of blood*.

Noo noo: Po kill him.

*The fight began with Lincoln fighting against po, tears can be seen in his eyes as he's forced to fight someone he couldn't save*.

*Everyone was worried about lincoln while the current lincoln can't believe he has to fight his dead friend despite never meeting eachother*.

Sweetie Belle: This is too much for lincoln.

*While Lincoln was fighting with po, the others heard Lincoln arguing with noo noo while fighting*.

Lincoln: It's all your fault, damn machine!

Noo noo: HAHAHAHAHA how pathetic you are, with those feelings you have you are very weak.

*Everyone looked down with frustration*

Asia: Bastard... Bastard... Bastard... Bastard.

Twilight: no..n....n.o...n.o...they are not a weakness.

Leni: he lies, feelings are the most beautiful thing in life.


*Everyone had a smile at what he said, those from mlp felt happiness because of the albino's will for feelings*.

Rainbow dash: you have earned my respect.

Rias: Same as mine, Lincoln-san.

Rosseweiss: Mine too.

*The fight continues as lincoln continued fighting po until she transformed again*.

*Everyone was shocked how Po had transformed, fluttershy was scared and crying seeing po transform into a scary creature, rainbow dash went to cheer fluttershy while everyone else watch the screen*.

Issei: Damn it, don't give up lincoln.

*Lincoln was avoiding Po's attacks as he hears noo noo telling him something*.

Noo Noo: You know something, I've always wondered why teletubbies emotions were weak and what I'm seeing in you is what proves my point, emotions always gets in the way of everything, you are no different, your weak, your stupid, you think emotions make you special well your wrong your nothing, that's why you were assign to be alone for 10 years and now you will die alone like the pathetic mistake you are.

*Everyone was beyond angry at Noo Noo for saying such things*.


Lori: I'll turn it into a human pretzel if I can figure how.

Koneko: Lincoln is not a mistake, he's a miracle for stopping this mess.

Leni: Linky is the best brother anyone can ask for.

Rarity: He's such a gentlemen and cutie.

Spike: He's a great friend.


Noo Noo: Enough, Po Finish him.

*Po then transformed into her final form*.

*Everone was again shocked but the younger audience were beyond scared of the horrible thing Po just transformed into*.

Fluttershy: OH MY GOD!!!

Apple Bloom: *crying* Applejack I'm scared.

Applejack: Shh Shh, it's okay, she won't hurt you.

Sweetie Belle *hugs her sister* She's scary.

Rarity: I know Sweetie Belle, but don't worry lincoln will put an end to her.

*Gasper, Asia and Irina hugged Issei for witnessing that*.

Issei: Don't worry it's in another universe, let's just keep watching.

Twilight: He's right.

*The fight ends and Lincoln approaches noo noo*

Noo noo: we could have worked together, we could have improved the world, do you think you have won? Your world is about to turn to ashes. It's too late.

Issei: Lincoln, finish him off. *said it seriously*.

Fluttershy: FINISH THAT BASTARD! *she angrily scream*.

*The ponies were surprised to hear Fluttershy so upset*.

*Lincoln: SHUT UP!!!

*He kills him with the chainsaw, finishing him off once and for all*.

Lincoln: It's over.

*Sounds of a helicopter are heard*.

Lincoln: But wh-. It's the military, they're here.

*The helicopter goes down and the soldiers come out*.

SGT. Miles: I'm Sergeant Miles. We receive a danger signal. What is the problem?

Lincoln: It's horrible, everyone is dead.

SGT. Miles: Calm down. Who is dead?

Soldier: Sir, this way!

*The soldier approaches the sergeant*.

Soldier: You might want to see this.

*Lincoln, the sergeant and the soldier ran to the mountain and what they saw left them in shock*.

SGT. Miles: Dear God.

*Everyone couldn't believe it, a horde of New borns ready to invade the world*.

SGT. Miles: Prepare all units for an invasion The screen darkens and Lincoln is heard saying.

Lincoln (voice): We must fight

(screen turns off)

*Everyone in the room was quiet, until Ken speaks*.

Ken Kaneki: What did you think?

Xenovia: It was amazing, watching Lincoln fight was my favorite part.

*Fluttershy approaches Lincoln*.

Lincoln: What's wrong Fluttershy?

Fluttershy: I just want to tell you that I'm sorry for what you had to go through, none of it was your fault.

Lincoln: thank you at least the real culprit and monster is dead.

Fluttershy: w-well I also wanted to give you this as a thank you for defending feelings.

*Gives him a kiss on the cheek*.

Lincoln: You're welcome, Fluttershy.

*The High School DxD girls also do the same*.

Ken Kaneki: Your one lucky kid.

Lincoln: *covered in kisses* At a young age, I agree.

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