Fierce Consort

By zhnovels

53.9K 680 17

Due to various reasons, Luo Huai Yuan only had the dirty thoughts but not the courage in his past life, and m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 69.2
Chapter 70
Chapter 70.2
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 72.2
Chapter 73
Chapter 73.2
Chapter 74
Chapter 74.2
Chapter 75
Chapter 75.2
Chapter 76
Chapter 76.2
Chapter 77
Chapter 77.2
Chapter 78
Chapter 78.2
Chapter 79
Chapter 79.2
Chapter 80
Chapter 80.2
Chapter 81.2
Chapter 82
Chapter 82.2
Chapter 83
Chapter 83.2
Chapter 84
Chapter 84.2
Chapter 85
Chapter 85.2
Chapter 86
Chapter 86.2
Chapter 87
Chapter 87.2
Chapter 88
Chapter 88.2
Chapter 89
Chapter 89.2
Chapter 90
Chapter 90.2
Chapter 91
Chapter 91.2
Chapter 92
Chapter 92.2
Chapter 93
Chapter 93.2
Chapter 94
Chapter 94.2
Chapter 95
Chapter 95.2
Chapter 96
Chapter 96.2
Chapter 97
Chapter 97.2
Chapter 98
Chapter 98.2
Chapter 99
Chapter 99.2
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102 - Part 1
Chapter 102 - Part 2
Chapter 103
Chapter 104 - Part 1
Chapter 104 - Part 2
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118 - Part 1
Chapter 118 - Part 2
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164
Chapter 165
Chapter 166

Chapter 81

226 4 0
By zhnovels

After giving Luo Huai Yuan a beating last time, Yan Yan didn't show it on the surface but she actually felt a little guilty inside.

After returning to the Guiyan Chambers, she felt guiltier the more she thought about it. She thus had Mei Xiang bring over the package Xiao An Zi brought over.

"This was made by a nana in the palace. Apparently the concubines in the palace all use these things. The palace maids in the palace are too much, to actually offer up such a thing to obtain rewards!"

Ah Yan didn't seem to realize that downplaying the matter only made it worse. Luckily the words "in the palace" and "the concubines" represented a majestic status in the hearts of Mei Xiang and the group of little lasses. Therefore, their eyes were all fixed on the package and didn't notice Yan Yan's slightly awkward expression.

Actually, she didn't want to do this. She wanted to get rid of the evidence but felt like she'd be letting the little fatty's kind intentions down. Especially since she had beaten him up. But if she didn't get rid of it, she couldn't hide something like this from her personal maids. She might as well be true to herself and take it out openly.

"Mei Xiang, take a look. Do you think this thing is really useful?"

Mei Xiang was the best at needlework out of the group. She naturally was better qualified to judge.

Mei Xiang opened the little pacakage. There were only four or five things inside. There were two pieces of triangular shaped objects which were exquisitely made. There were even some cloud patterns embroidered on it. One was bright red and the other was blue. They were both embroidered with pale blue cloud patterns. There were another two irregularly shaped pads. They were soft and seemed to be padded with cotton.

Since they knew the intended purpose, they generally understood how it should be used. Me Xiang's eyes grew brighter the more she looked and encouraged Yan Yan: "Miss, how about giving it a try?"

Yan Yan gave her a glance and put on a front: "We don't know if it's good yet."

"This servant feels it looks pretty good. We'll only know after trying it."

The two went into the bathroom. Mei Xiang helped Yan Yan take off her skirt and carefully helped her put it on. Because Yan Yan didn't understand what it was used for and was also a little shy, she was in a fluster. Putting on a little pad was more tiring than an entire morning of training.

Once everything was in place, it fit very snugly. The panties also had a thin piece of string that could be tied up. It wasn't like those menstrual straps which were tied around the waist. Those straps were uncomfortable if tied too tightly but also cannot be too loose.

These private feminine matters weren't convenient to discuss. After Yan Yan got her period, Shen Yi Yao had personally come to explain in detail to her daughter. She then ordered the maids to make preparations. Such methods were usually passed from mother to daughter, and were all very traditional solutions.

A menstrual strap filled with clean plant ash on the inside. After it was used, the plant ash would be poured out and the strap would be washed and filled with new plant ash and reused.

Yan Yan had several menstrual straps which were all made by her personal maids. Yan Yan had paid attention to how it was made, but still felt it was very unbearable. First of all, even if the plant ash was specially burnt, it was still ash. Ash was black, and just looking at it made the shy Ah Yan feel uncomfortable. But everyone used it, from Shen Yi Yao all the way to the little lasses. At most the period strap would be more finely made, and the mistress's plant ash was specially burnt.

There was no need to mention how uncomfortable Yan Yan was when her period came for the first time. Not only was her body uncomfortable, her heart felt very embarrassed as well. But she could only accept it since she was a girl. When she was young she felt boys and girls were the same. She was actually more impressive than many boys her age. Only now did she realize that there were differences in their physiologies.

During those days of the month, Yan Yan would be irritable and easily angered. Not only did she feel unwell, she also had to change up her habits. She couldn't train, couldn't ride a horse and couldn't run around. She could only move as little as possible, and sit instead of stand. She was obviously unaccustomed to it.

Yan Yan tried moving around and felt it was a lot easier. She didn't have to worry about the straps shifting accidentally.

"Miss, how is it?"

Yan Yan put on her pale blue innerwear and let her skirt down, nodding, "Acceptable."

After washing their hands, they went back into the eastern room. Yan Yan felt better the more she walked. She sat for a while before being unable to resist running over to the Lincang Residence.
Normally the miss did her best to avoid moving under these circumstances. How was this only "acceptable"?

The few maids whispered to themselves. A couple of them couldn't resist wanting to try making one for themselves.

On this day, Yan Yan's mood was unusually good. Before she went to sleep, she ordered Mei Xiang to make a few more based on the samples. Xiao An Zi had said these couldn't be reused.

After two days, Luo Huai Yuan reappeared with a slightly less swollen face. Despite still being a little awkward, Yan Yan gave him a very pleasant smile.

Luo Huai Yuan was stunned by her beauty until he didn't know up from down. Looks like the modern saying was correct. If you love her, be a considerate little pad for her! The fact that he put a lot of effort into developing "Little Fatty Luo branded pads of love, version two" naturally won't be mentioned.


"Yao'er, are you still angry with me? You've ignored me for three years over a small matter. It should be enough. Now that I've personally come to bring you back, you should more or less leave me some face. Even if nothing else, Ah Yan is no longer young. It's about time to discuss her marriage. We shouldn't delay our daughter's matter."

In the Jinhua Hall, Yan Ting sat in the black painted chair. His face was full of smiles and he looked earnest and eager.

Shen Yi Yao looked at the person before her, at his smile which was both unfamiliar yet familiar. She looked at the helpless adoration on his face and closed her eyes. "It's about time for Ah Yan to discuss marriage. I have naturally considered this matter."

"Then come back with me, alright?"

Yan Ting grabbed Shen Yi Yao's hand. She moved and used drinking tea as an excuse to pull her hand back. "Let's wait a few more days. It'll take time to pack."

"That's fine. I'll come pick you up in two days."
Shen Yi Yao nodded.

Yan Ting left the Peaceful Garden's gates and galloped away on his horse.

He was a little smug and was a little disdainful of Shen Yi Yao. No matter what, she was still a woman. After treating her coldly for a while, she was naturally no longer as stubborn. Turns out the Shen household's arrogance only amounted to this much!

Yan Ting naturally wouldn't bring up his plans at this time. Ah Yan had to discuss marriage at some pont. Shen Yi Yao would naturally go look around. At that time, he just had to casually mention the matter. Perhaps her own thoughts would end up getting stirred?

After all, that was a prince!

By the time Yan Yan heard the news and hurried to the Jinhua Hall, Yan Ting had already left. Shen Yi Yao was doing needlework on the kiln. Yan Yan went to her side and furrowed her brows: "Are you really going back with him?"

Shen Yi Yao smiled at her and said gently: "You aren't young anymore. It's not good to delay your matters. Actually, mom had already planned on heading back to the estate before. I just kept pushing it back, so this timing works out."

Yan Yan actually understood this as well. It was just hard for her to accept that they were going back just like that. In her opinion, it was best if they could never go back. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem possible.

" you want to back?"

Shen Yi Yao still had a gentle appearance. "What mom wants isn't important. Anywhere is the same to me now. It's just that you cannot be delayed, and your brother as well. He cannot stay at the manor forever."

Yan Yan pursed her lips tightly. After a while, she said "if you're willing, so be it!" before leaving.
Shen Yi Yao looked worriedly at her daugher's back and lightly sighed. She rubbed her brows.


Although three years didn't seem like a long time, they realized they had to pack a lot of things after really deciding to go back.

From clothes to accessories, the various bits and pieces added together was more than they had brought over when they moved in.

Yan Ting came back once after two days, but Shen Yi Yao didn't leave with him right away. She had him return with two carriages of their things first. At the Weiyuan Marquis Estate, the Jinse Pavilion and Ningxiang Chambers had their doors wide opened. The servants washed and cleaned, preparing to welcome the mistress home.

These actions shocked everyone at the Weiyuan Marquis Estate.

She was coming back?

The eldest branch's Xue-shi wasn't too surprised. She had long expected this.

She was coming back?

The third branch's Chen-shi was a little startled. The memories of her second sis-in-law and her niece was already a little fuzzy.

She was coming back!

Of course, there were many who still remembered the terrifying third miss, especially the estate's servants. There were many people who told their new friends at the Ziyu Pavilion:

"It was fine before, but the third miss is about to return. If that person at the Ziyu Pavilion doesn't know her place, don't you go charging in as well!"

"It's best if you changed your job. Don't be hesitant over that amount of silver."

"Don't go against the third miss. Careful she doesn't peel your skin off!"

Such whispers spread throughout the estate. Those spreading the news all made sure everyone knew how terrifying that third miss was.

Man'er had naturally heard these rumors but she didn't believe them. How could a fourteen year old lass make others so frightened?!

She returned to the Ziyu Pavilion and mentioned this matter to Concubine Lan. Her tone was indignant.

Concubine Lan didn't say anything but her expression was a little frightened.

The madam was returning?

Concubine Lan was Qiong Lan.

Qiong Lan used to be a virgin kept by the brothel. She had been raised there. The matron there saw she was good looking and selected her for meticulous teachings. There were a few other girls with her and they were to become the pillars of the brothel in the future.

Qiong Lan had been sold off by her family. This had happened too long ago and she didn't have any memories of her home. Her earliest memories were of the brothel.

The matron treated them very well from a young age and Qiong Lan knew why. This was because she expected them to earn her money in the future. She treated them as golden geese.

Qiong Lan grew older day by day. She knew that her days of entertaining guests like her older sisters at the brothel weren't far off. She knew that the matron was about to sell her first time for a good price, and she cried at night.

Unexpectedly, she was purchased and gifted to Lord Yan.

Qiong Lan felt she was really lucky. No one was willing to live a life where their arms were pillows for thousands and their lips were tasted by tens of thousands. She felt that Lord Yan was her savior.

When she first arrived at the Weiyuan Marquis Estate, Qiong Lan was very cautious. She knew her status was lowly and that the masters here could walk all over her. This lasted until she got pregnant and gave birth to the fifth young master.

Her days as a prostitute gradually grew distant. She was now Concubine Lan of the Weiyuan Marquis Estate.The old madam viewed her highly after she gave birth to a son. She was also usually cherished by the lord. She lived a life of extravagance and was followed by servants wherever she went. Now that she had a son, she had someone to rely on in the future. Since the madam wasn't in the estate, she didn't have to go pay respects every day. The servants saw Concubine Lan was becoming powerful within the estate and were willing to flatter her.
She had assumed the rest of her life would be smooth sailing, but the madam was unexpectedly returning!

Qiong Lan had heard about the madam. When she had first entered the estate, she knew the madam was of noble birth and was in a loving relationship with the lord. However, she wasn't liked by the old madam. Qiong Lan had heard the old madam curse the madam disdainfully, and had also heard the madam had taken the third miss and fourth young master to recuperate at the manor.

She had thought the madam had only done so because she was hated by the old madam. After all, the Grand Xi emphasized filial piety. What could a daughter-in-law who wasn't liked by her mother-in-law do, even if her husband loves her? Could he choose his wife over his mom?!

Normally when interacting with the lord, she had never heard him bring up the madam. She thus started thinking that mutual affection couldn't withstand a pretty face. The madam was over thirty already. How could a mature woman over thirty compare to her?

Only when she really saw Shen Yi Yao....


Luo Huai Yuan naturally knew his mother-in-law was taking the little consort and the little brother-in-law back to the Weiyuan Marquis Estate.

He even knew the reason. It was actually to discuss the little consort's marriage?

This bolt of thunder crashed upon Luo Huai Yuan's head from the blue, cooking him to a crisp.

The little consort was his! Ah Yan was his!

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