The Honor Guard

By Dragonsound1

106 10 3

For years the Knight's Honor Guard, an elite group of swordsmen & protectors of the Royal Family, has only be... More

The Arrow through the Apple
A Proper Lady
Secrets in the Garden
Looking for a Fight
The Warning
A Change of Course
Strength & Courage
News from the East

Striking a Deadly Deal

4 0 0
By Dragonsound1

Frieda Reiss was lonely.

With her younger sister at the Academy now and Eld having to be more careful about sneaking off to see her, the castle felt a lot bigger.

Her days were filled with lessons, etiquette classes, and training to prepare her for her life as a member of the Royal Family.

Oh and the suitors from the party. The teas and parties were exhausting. She was still trying to find a way to avoid being married off as long as she could.


As Historia was packing to leave she confessed that she saw Eld and her in the Royal gardens.

"You can't tell anyone Historia! Not anyone at the Academy or here!"

Historia smiled at her sister. "Your secret is safe with me. But what about becoming Queen?"

Frieda sat on the bed putting her hands in her head. "I don't know. As a member of the Honor Guard Eld is forbidden to get involved with the royal family, but Historia...I love him."

"What about the suitors, and father?"

"My plan is to stall as long as I can...that's all I got so far."

Historia sat down beside her sister. "If I could I would change the laws of this land."

"Lucky as a page you aren't allowed to be involved in romance, all though I'm sure those pages will be tripping over themselves" Frieda said with a giggle.

"'s kinda pointless..." Historia said looking out the window. "Boys don't really interest me." She said wistfully.

"What do you mean by that?"

Historia turned to her sister and smiled. "I let you know when I figure it out."

Frieda was roaming the castle, trying to calm her mind.

She hoped her sister was doing well, and was eagerly expecting her next letter.

As she turned the corner, she heard a commotion going on down the hall.

Frieda raised an eyebrow and crept down the hallway. Who would be coming to the palace at this late in the evening.

"Where is King Reiss?" A voice demanded.

"Who wants to know?" A Royal guard asked.

Frieda stood at the end of the hall trying to listen.

"We have an appointment so to speak." Said a cool female voice.

"On whose authority?" The guard raised his voice.

"On this authority" the female said, and Frieda she heard the unsheathing of a blade.

Her heart began to race.

"Now now I don't think there is any reason for that. It would make such a mess"

Frieda was confused to hear the voice of Tom Ksaver, one of her father's most trusted advisors.

"Please excuse the rudeness of the and your associates can follow me." He said.

Frieda craned her neck around the corner seeing Tom leading a group of people clad in black away.

Sir Daniels went back to his post, with his back to Frieda.

Frieda picked up the skirt of her dress and tip-toed behind him. She was grateful for the many times her and Historia had snuck until the kitchens for late night food. Tom and the strangers didn't even notice Frieda following them.

Frieda had expected them to go to the council room or even her father's study, but they made a turn, and then another.

"Where are they going?" She thought.

Tom led them to a giant painting of the Royal Family.

Freida, hiding behind a suit of armor, was even more confused.

Tom looked around and then felt behind the painting, there was a clicking noise and the painting swung open.

She watched as the group climbed into a secret passage way, cursing to herself as the painting closed.

Frieda knew she should turn back, not wanting to get into any trouble, but she couldn't resist.

She made her way to the painting, feeling around hoping to figure out what Tom had done to get the secret door to open.

"Come on..." she pleaded with the door.

She was elated and a bit nervous when she heard the clicking sound. The painting opened and Frieda made her way down the secret passage way.

She followed the sound of voices, struggling to see in the dark.

"I was told there wouldn't be any civilian casualties."

Frieda instantly recognized her father's voice as she got closer.

The door was closed, and she was surprised it was unguarded. She held her breath placing her ear against the door.

"They got in our way" the female voice said.

"Zeke gave me his word, I was told that the civilians would be allowed to flee or would be taken captive, that you needed workers for your refineries"

"Well if we are being honest...woman and children aren't the most reliable sources of labor" said a male voice. "And you were the one who guided us there"

"Yes!" There was the sound of hands slamming on the table. "Rakago is known for its metal workings and blacksmiths."

There was a silence.

"Did you get what you needed?" King Reiss asked.

"Yes but if we are to move forward we will need more ore, more blacksmiths...more labor." The man named Zeke said.

Frieda felt a chill down her spine. What was her father involved in. Did he really sell out his own people, was he going to do it again?

"The next village I would recommended is Shiganshina..."


"You have a history with that place?"

"I tried to eliminate a problem, similar to the problem you have, but things didn't go as planned." Zeke said.

"A descendant of the dragon born..."

"Dragon born?" Frieda thought. She had heard the myths but that's all she thought they were.

"Never thought a young boy could take down three grown mercenaries"

"Where is she now?" King Reiss asked.

"I don't wasn't safe for me to go back to find out"

Another pause.

"Speaking of dragon borns, that whore of yours..."

"Eliminated when her daughter was a small child. She doesn't even remember...she believes the Queen is her mother."

Dread began creeping upon Frieda.

"And the dragon born daughter is at the Academy, destined to be a member of the Honor Guard, never knowing anything about who she truly I've held up my end. Now when will those new weapons be available"

Frieda felt numb as she listened to her father making deals to sell out his kingdom and its people for what she didn't understand.

She heard a loud thud on the table. "This is one of the first models, a small piece called a pistol...and this" there was a louder thud, "is a revolver, the way the barrel spins. These can kill with one shot"

Frieda let out a gasp, suddenly covering her mouth.

"What was that? Is there a guard outside the door?" The woman named Yelena asked.

"There shouldn't be, but Tom go see if we have any unexpected guests or rats"

"I'll do it" another voice said.

"Very well Calvi" Zeke said.

Frieda heard a strange clicking sound and footsteps. Panicked, Frieda turned and began running up the path.

She didn't stop until she was secure in her bedroom. Frieda leaned against the door trying to slow her heartbeat.

After what felt like eons a cool breeze flowed into the room. Frieda realized her balcony door was open and went to close it.

She stopped upon hearing some familiar voices.

"I'm glad King Reiss was able to see it our way" Yelena said.

"It's just too dangerous to keep her alive" Calvi said.

"Well once everything falls into motion, and King Reiss makes his move, the Honor Guard will have no choice but to get involved, should give us perfect opportunity to kill Historia" Zeke said.

Frieda clamped her hand to her mouth, feeling sick.

She slid to the floor the words ringing in her ear.

"To kill Historia"

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