By Chi-lekualitz

1.1K 54 4

Tom is a rude, disrespectful and obnoxious person. Well that was what they thought. Tom was known to be a dan... More

Fine, you can come
No one will know
The race
Where is Bill!
It is true
Deep cut
Get going
Just tell me
Cold outside
Where are you?
Let's go somewhere.
Stick to the plan!
How could you take his side
Don't tell him
Enough is enough!
I didn't mean to
Tell me
The accident
Blame myself
He is insane
Do not leave me
Fight dammit!

Don't end up like me

36 3 0
By Chi-lekualitz

Bill's POV

I felt sick the whole car ride. I felt like I was about to throw up. And the fact that Tom was driving fast didn't make me feel any better. Every single sharp turn he made my stomach turn. I was so exhausted. I just wanted to go home and sleep the rest of my life away. I felt confused as well.

Who was that Emmerich and Elijha. Why did Tom get so upset when they brought up Emmerich. They were hiding something from me, I could tell. And I am not going to give up intill I get to the bottom of this. I looked over at Tom. He had his hands rapped around the steering wheel, he was clutching on to it. He looked stressed and tired. His eye was fluttering.

-Are you okay Tom?
I asked him as I looked away from him.

Tom answered quickly.

He was horribly bad at lying. Specially to me. But I didn't want to argue with him so I just kept my mouth shut. Ugh why couldn't he just be honest with me? How hard could it be? Maybe it was because Georg and Gustav were in the car, but they are his friends. Tom has known them he's whole entire life. Tom was only 12 years old when they started becoming friends. And when Tom turned 16 they let him move in with them. Georg was 19 years old and Gustav was only 17 when they and Tom moved in with each other. They even let Tom bring me with him. Which was actually super sweet of them to be honest. They knew that they could get into a lot of trouble. I am not even sure if it's legal for me to live there now. Well at least it wasn't when I was 10, that's all I know. I don't know why we left, Tom said it was because he couldn't stand our parents. Which was true, they were horrible. Tom has been there more for me than what our parents have ever been.

The silence was loud. No one was speaking. The only thing you could hear was the sound of the tires and the ground rubbing against each other. Then Tom made a sharp turn where we were actually supposed to go straight.

-Wait? Where are we going?
I asked.

-We are just going to pick something up.
He said as he smirked.

He stopped outside a big building. The building had lights around the windows and the interns. It kind of looks like Christmas lights but I don't think it was suppose to be Christmas decorations. Or the just wanted to start early, so they wouldn't have to worry about that when December comes around. It was only November, but it wouldn't be that weird if they just wanted to be early. I looked up at a big sign on the front. What the actual fuck! Why did Tom really have to drag me here?  We were outside a fucking whore house/ bar thing.

-What the fuck is this!
I shouted as I felt the rage overflowing.

-HA! Calm down we are actually here to pick something.
He said.

-I'm staying in the car!
I said.

I wasn't in the fucking mood for Tom's stupid "jokes".

-Nope you can't. Just come haha.
He answered as he got out.

I didn't want to go so I just stayed in the car, but of course Tom came and pulled me out.

-Damn I'm just a kid.
I answered trying to let him me stay.

-Yeah and? You are 14 you will be find.
He said.

-My repetition is already bad after being known as your brother! I don't want people to think I'm a perv like you also!
I said.
-Damn you are moody today.

-Calm down Bill it's not a big deal.
Georg said also giving me the same smirk as Tom gave me.

-I will cut you!
I spat.

-It's more like a disco, it will be bitches there but some people are just there to have fun so just blend in with them.
Tom said as we went in.

We walked in, it was drake and it smelled like alcohol. I couldn't see anything at first, but as we went further inside the lights from the disco thing started bringing the place up a little. Enough to see at least. And the first thing we saw when we walked in was two people making out on a fucking table. Tom looked over at me and started laughing at me.

-You can't look at them that way.
He said.

-Why the fuck not!
I snapped.

-Don't be a smart ass because I promise you that you will get beaten up if you do.
Tom said as he took a grip on my hand and pulled me to a pair of chairs and tables.

-Sit here as we pick up that thing.
He said as he walked away.

-You bitch! You aren't picking up something are you! I shouted after him.

He said from a distance while laughing.

This was not fucking funny. I was just sitting there looking around the crowd. Everyone was dancing around. The DJ was playing Everybody by backstreet boys. Come on, I don't wanna be here. I just wanted to go home. My eyes were hurting, it felt like they were bleeding. I robbed my eyes trying to get the stinging feeling out. But that was stupid, it just became worse. It felt like small glass shards were in my eyes. My vision was starting to blur. Then all of a sudden I saw someone walking towards me. At first glance I couldn't tell who it was but then my eyes focused at the person face. It was that girl I met at the race, Leonie. She also had a friend with her with long black hair. She looked very young, not my age of course. But maybe 17 or 18.

-Hi Bill!
Leonie said.

-Um hey.
I answered.

-If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here?
She asked.

-I'm just waiting for Tom to "pick up" something.
I said.

-Haha! Oh I'm sorry I just don't think he is here to just pick up something.
Leonie friend said as she tried to hold her laugh.

Leonie said as she hit her on the arm.

-Yeah, yeah. My name is Madison. And you can't sit here someone will seduce you if you just sit here all alone.
Madison said.

-What why would they?
I asked.

Madison gave me a look that told what ever she was going to say, was going to be rude.

-Well you kind of have a.. Ee how do I say this without being rude? Um you have a beautiful face and you have a feminine face shape. And your lashes are incredibly pretty. And-

-I get it!
I said interrupting Madison.

-Do you want to come with us?
Leonie asked.

-I guess.
I said as I got up from the chair.

Madison took me by the arm and dragged me to the dance floor. Leonie followed us but then someone asked her for a dance so it was just me and Madison.

-How is it like? Having Tom kaulitz as your brother.
Madison asked me.

-Well, I don't know.
I answered trying to avoid the questions but she didn't give up so easily.

-But do you ever feel afraid or scared around him?


-Has he ever done anything to you? Like has he raised his hand against you?

-No he hasn't. And he won't.

-Have you ever seen him doing something to a person? Like hurting them.

-NO! I haven't can we please talk about something else I don't wanna talk about Tom.
I spat.

-Oh, I'm sorry I didn't thought you would mind talking about him.
She said.

-I am also sorry didn't mean to shout. You have asked me many questions now so I think it's fair if I can asked you one.

-Yeah sure go ahead.

-Do you know who Emmerich is?

Madison whole face changed. Her eyes widened as she raised her eyebrows. She looked right at me and said.

-I can't tell you.

-What? Why not?

-I have to go now I have to find Leonie. Bye Bill.
She said as she just walked of.

What was that? Clearly she new who he was and what he had done. But why didn't she want to tell me? I had so many unanswered questions. Georg and Gustav was even scared. And I have known them for 4 years and I have never ever seen them scared. But as soon as they brought up Emmerich they got afraid. Well not afraid, but they clearly had something against him. And they said that he almost won over them. Tom maybe doesn't show that he was scared, but I could tell that he was. He never wanted to talk about him, and as soon as someone did, he got angry.

I was standing by the bar where Madison had left me and then all of a sudden some bumped into me. I almost tripped but I catch myself on the counter. That person turned around and took a grip on my shirt.

-HEY! You made me drop my drink!
He screamed at me.

He was probably around his 30s. He was a big guy. And I don't mean big in fat. He was strong as fuck.

-You back into me.
I argued back.

Everyone in the room looked over at us.

-You should be careful with who you mess with you little bitch.

-Who are you calling a bitch. Have you looked yourself in the mirror lately.

-Oh you think your funny?

-Yeah kind of.

-Well you aren't! You are just a stupid kid!

-Bro you are the one acting like a child, you bump into me and blamed me for dropping your drink. Which you clearly dropped yourself.

Anger ripped through him. He lead over looked me straight in the eyes.

-You have big mouth for someone your age.

-You have a small brain for someone your age punk.

As I said that he lost his temper completely, he took a swing at me and hit me across my face.And then he took another hit on my stomach that made me fall to the floor. As I fell I hit my head on a table on my way down. My head was pounding. I clutched my stomach. I closed my eyes and pressed my hands against my stomach to ease the pain. Damn that actually hurt.

-Stop! He's just a kid!
Leonie scream at him.

-And why would I care he is acting to tuft for someone his age and size.
He screamed back at her.

He was acting like a moron. A freak! He really couldn't handle a kid back talking to him. I opened my eyes and looked at him his whole face was blurry to me but he was just about to take another hit at me. At that moment I started to freak out. If he punched me once more I would actually pass out. So I had to think of something quickly. Before he had the chance to take another hit I took a bottle and hit him right in the head. The glass shattered right into his head. He screamed in agony.

He screamed as he lifted his hand and was about to hit me again even after all the pain he was in.

I just laid there as I closed my eyes, waiting for the punch. I understood that after this everything would go black. ThenI heard the sound of a punch. I flinched as I heard the sound, but I didn't feel anything.

-Oh shit!
I heard the man say.

I opened my eyes and saw Tom standing in front of me. And then I realized that man had hit Tom instead of me. This was not going to end well. The music stopped. People backed away from them so there was a big gap between them and Tom. I also backed away.

-So you hit me.
Tom said as he wiped of he blood from the corner of his mouth.

-You came in the way I wasn't supposed to hit you. The man answered as he backed up a little but Tom just took a step closer.

-Why would you hit kid?
Tom asked calmly, weirdly enough.

-Why the hell do you care! The kid has a attitude that I don't fucking appreciate!
The man shouted.

-HA! I know, doesn't he? But you don't get to lay hands against him, or else I will do the same thing to you okay?
Tom answered.

-I'm not fucking scared of you! You are just as stupid as that idiot!
The man said as he pointed at me.

Oh shit. As he said that everyone in the room let out a loud gasp. Why would he say something like that? TO TOM! I looked around the room and everyone was shocked at what the man had said to Tom.

-SAY THAT AGAIN! Tom said as he pulled out his gun and pointed it at the man's chest.

The man got really quite and just looked at Tom. The man's whole facial expression changed and so his attitude as Tom took out his gun. At that moment he realized who he was actually fighting against.

-Say it again. I dare you.
Tom said with a smirk.

-I'm sorry.

-Don't apologize to me you moron!
Tom spat.

-I'm really sorry.
The man said as he looked at me.

Tom screamed.

The man shouted choking in his own tears.

-Listen to me closely, consider yourself lucky, but if you ever raise your hands at him or anyone again, I promise you next time I will pull the trigger.
Tom said as he put down his gun.

Tom turned around and walked towards me. He stopped right in front of me, and looked at me. He didn't look angry, he looked  disappointment. I didn't dare to look back at him so I just looked down at the ground. He took a hard grip on my soured hand and dragged me up to my feet. The stinging pain shot through my whole body. He pressed so hard onto my hand that I couldn't hold back the urge to scream.

-Ow! Let go! You are hurting me!
I screamed as my hand ached.

But that just made him harden the grip. He dragged me out of the building and threw me in the car. I let out a gasp when he let go of my hand. I watched him as he walked around the car and as he opened the car door and jumped in. Georg and Gustav was already in the car. I looked down at my hand, the blood had went through the bandage. The amount of pain I was in right now was staggering me to death. It was unbelievable.

-Explain to me what you were thinking!
Tom screamed at me as he turned the key, that made the car briefly chortled, then began to grumbled.

-He bumped into me and acted like it was my fault! Then he started to be rude so I did the same and the he hit me right in the face. And the he took another hit in my stomach. So I smashed a glass bottle in his head.
I said still being angry at him.

-WHAT! You hit in the head with a fucking bottle! Are you crazy!? I told you not to go around back talking!
Tom screamed at me as he drove off.

I shouted back at him.

-Bill you don't seem to understand. I don't want you to end up like me! I'm a failure! I am a mistake! And I want you to be better then me. I want you to be able to walk around without being feared by everyone. I want you to become something great. I would rather die then let you become anything like me! I am a horrible person and I don't understand how you can care for me? How can you love somebody like me! I am always walking around in shame. I am disgusted at myself.
Tom said.

His breath came in short, ragged gasps between sobs. I got quite. I didn't know what to say. I looked over at him. His eyes glistened with unleashed tears that he quickly blinked away.

-I'm sorry Bill.
Tom whispered.

Sorrow pulsed through his veins with every beat of his heart.

-I got so scared when I saw you there. I thought you were going to die. I got so worried I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm really sorry.
Tom said as a tear rolled down he's cheek.

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