For now and forever

By Moonfairy28

874K 52.5K 2.4K

"How dare you touch him?" she shouts at the girl standing in front of Abhimanyu. The girl frowns at her sudd... More

2. Sweet Hearts
3. Agnihotri's
4. Ryan N Pakora
5.Sweet memories
6. Reason
7. Wedding Planning
8. Crush
9. Drunk
10. She Cheated
11. You, Me And Our Love
12. Why?
13. Scared
14. A Ray Of Hope
15. Make Me Yours
16. I Am Ready
17. Unexpected News
18. Scared Aaravi
19. Save My Baby
20. New Stone
21. Promise To His Little Surprise.
22. Finally Married
23. My Stupid Girl
24. Life Is Too Short
25. Calm Before A Storm
26. Cotton Candy
27. Broken
28. Nothing Is Alright
29. Stay Strong
30. His Beautiful Hate
31. Sunset
32. Welcome To Fatherhood
33. Pizza
34. Long Drive
35. Their Fairytale Moment
36. Hide You In My Heart
37. Mini Abhimanyu!
38. A Little Angel
39. Meeting Baby Agnihotri
Ryan And Aaruhi's Story๐Ÿ’œ
40. Her Little Bundle Of Strength
41. Parenthood
42. Naming Ceremony
43. It's Time
44. Don't be Scared
45. His Lioness
46. Always Be With You
47. Don't Leave Me, Please
48. Like His Mother
49. Wake Up Soon
50. Breakdown
52. No More Tears
53. Vacation?
54. Little Third Wheel
55. Desire And Passion
Bonus 1
Bonus 2.1
Bonus 2.2
Bonus 3
Bonus 4

51. End Of Sufferings

12.3K 1K 71
By Moonfairy28

Few days later

Yet another lonely morning for him. Abhi gets off from the bed slowly without disturbing Abheer who is peacefully sleeping in the middle of bed. 

Abhi smiles seeing him sleeping in a star position and covers him properly before he walks into the washroom.

He comes in 15 minutes after showering and is dressed in white Kurta and pants. He has an important party meeting today.

After checking Abheer one last time he went out of the room. 

The nurse stood up seeing him entering the room. He looked at Aaravi before asking the nurse to give him some privacy with his wife to which she left the room.

He sat on the bed and placed a loving kiss on Aaravi’s forehead and then softly kissed her lips. 

“I am going for the meeting. I won't be able to spend time with you today, I am sorry, love. But it is important. I promise I will be back then we will have our family time, hmm? I love you, Meri Jaan,” he said in a soft love filled voice while caressing the back of her palm.

He again kisses her lips and closes his eyes pouring his love and pain in the kiss. He pulled back with a smile and placed his lips on her temple.

“Take care and miss me…” he whispered.

As he is about to stand up, he sees his bracelet get tangled with hers. Abhimanyu smiles lightly to himself and detangles the chains of their bracelets.

“Seems like my wife doesn't want me to go away,” he playfully said and placed her hand on her stomach.

“I will be back soon, don't worry, Jaan,” he said, patting her cheek softly and turning around to go.

As he closes the door after exiting the room, Aaravi’s eyes move behind her eyelids and her fingers twitch slightly for a moment before she again goes to her lifeless state. 

“Abheer, mera bachcha…mera sona, did you miss your beautiful Bua, hm?” Aaruhi asked lovingly while playing with Abheer who giggled looking at her and threw his limbs around in excitement. 

Aaruhi chuckled at him and bent slightly to place kisses on his face. His sweet baby laughter echoes in the room warming the environment. Ashika and Priya are smiling looking at them playing.

“Everything seems so incomplete with our Aaravi. Don't know why Mahadev is testing us like this. When will he listen to my prayer and make our Aaravi better,” Priya said as her face turned gloomy with tears in his eyes.

Their eyes went to Aaravi’s figure lying on the bed.

Ashika sigh sadly and caresses her hand. She doesn't know how to console her when she herself is in pain and yearning for her sweet daughter.

Aaruhi picks Abheer in her arms and rocks him while talking to him in her baby voice, making him giggle, looking at her funny faces.

While the ladies busy watching the cute antic of Abheer, Dr. Ishaan knocks on the door lightly to gain their attention.

Ashika stood up seeing him and politely asked him to come inside the room as he came for a routine checkup of Aaravi.

He greets everyone before he asks the nurse who is in charge of Aaravi about her health. While they are discussing Aaravi’s health, Arjun and Jaiveer also come there as they get to know about Ishaan’s visit. 

After half an hour, Ishaan stood up from the chair and turned to Agnihotris who had a worried expression on their face.

“How is everything, Dr. Ishaan?” Arjun asked impatiently to which ishaan give him slight smile and said,

“She is improving slowly. And she reacted yesterday, it's a positive sign. But we have. to be patient. Let her take time and try to involve her in one side talk. Talk to her, share moments with her, share past happy and emotion memories with her…these think might help her,”

Priya sat beside Aaravi on the other side of the bed and started caressing her head gently while listening to Ishaan. 

“My Aaravi will be alright, …” she whispered, making everyone look at her. 

Ishaan smile slightly and said,

“Hopefully soon,” 

“NANUU!! MAM-...” suddenly Vihaan came running inside the room but stopped seeing Ishaan. He is looking pale and breathing heavily.

“Vihu, what happened beta?” Ashika asked with a frown seeing him but her frown turned into a worried expression seeing tears in his eyes.

“Vihaan, what happened?” Arjun asked the same thing feeling an unknown heaviness in his chest.

“Abhi Bha..i, his car got attacked and-” he murmured but his voice breaks in between. 

Ashika stumbles back in shock while others grasp not believing their ears. 

“Where is he?” Jaiveer asked.

Vihaan gulp his tears and said,

“There is no news about Bhai yet….but his car is found near the highway in broken condition,” 

Ashika sat on the sofa behind her as her leg gave up. Priya ran to her and gave her water, seeing her breath uneven.

“Ma, Ab…abhi,-” she tried to say, making Priya shake her head as she wiped her tears.

“Nothing happened to him, Ashi. Don't cry, beta,” She assured her and patted her head.

Arjun controls his emotion and looks at Jaiveer who nodded his head making him nod back.

“Vihaan come with me,” Vihaan nodded immediately and followed Arjun outside in a hurry as they rushed out.

Not after a minute suddenly the room started bugging with Aaravi’s furious heartbeat in the heart monitor making Ishaan immediately jump into action while everyone panicked seeing her shaking body.

“Shit! Nurse injection. Fast!!” he shouted in urgency.

“Aaravi meri bacchi!” Priya cried seeing Ishaan injecting medication in her vein. Ashika cry even more and said,

“Why my children, Ma? Why do my children have to go through all this,” she asked in her totally broken and painful voice.

Jaiveer pat Aaruhi who is silently crying while hugging Abheer tightly in her embrace. 

Suddenly Ishaan froze and his hand stopped before he could inject another injection as he saw Aaravi’s lips trembling and her eyelashes blink. He saw a tear slip from her closed eyes making his lips curve into a smile.

“Aaravi…can you hear me?” he asked in a soft and low voice.

Everyone looks at him and notices his eyes fixed on Aaravi. Aaruhi who is near them saw Aaravi’s lips moving but no sound came from her mouth.

She smiles through her tears and looks at Ashika and others with a smile.

“She is tryin-” she choked in her tears and sniffed before again looking at Aaravi.

Priya and Ashika ran toward Aaravi and saw Aaravi’s lips shaking badly with her whole body.

“Aaravi mera Baccha, wake up Jaan. It's enough now, baby ... .your Ashi Mumma, is waiting for her little girl. See your Manyu, now he gets himself in trouble but don't worry we will take his class for scaring us, okay. Just open your eyes, Aaravi,” Ashika pleaded, making others cry while listening to her emotional words. 

As if Aaravi understands her, she clenches the bed sheet tightly in her fist as if struggling and fighting with something.

Ishaan look at Aaravi with wide eyes then look at Ashika,

“keep talking, she is responding…” he whispered. 

Aaruhi smiles while crying  and cuddles little Abheer more to her chest.

“Where are you Abhi??” she whispered, closing her eyes thinking about her brother as he was the one who is dying for this moment. 

Jaiveer doesn't know if he should be relaxed and happy for Aaravi but then worried ness is eating him thinking about Abhi about whom they have no idea. If he is okay or not.

“Aaravi bachcha, can you hear me Jaan? Please open your eyes, baby. See we are waiting…come on doll,” Ashika said kissing her hand while crying silently.

Aaravi grips her hand as she is holding her hand making Ashika cry in relief. 

Ishaan notices her eyeballs moving behind her eyelids and her breathing turns heavy.

Abhi Bha..i, his car got attacked”

“There is no news about Bhai yet….but his car is found near the highway in broken condition




“M..anyuu” Aaravi tried to voice out but she couldn't. Her throat is hurting badly making it difficult for her speak anything.

Her heart is pacing furiously making her in anxiety. She wanted to shout, cry but couldn't. 

I will be back soon,”

“I love you, Jaan…” 

His soft voice echoes in her head making her more vulnerable.

I love you too Manyu…” her heart cry in pain and helplessness.

And then she heard the sweet voice of Ashika. She knows she is crying. She wanted to tell her not to cry. 

With all her strength she tries to give an assuring squeeze to her hand.

Please wake up, Jaan..”

“I am dying…”

“I need you…”

“I need you…”

Aaravi started feeling restless and suffocated as Abhimanyu's words started echoing inside her head. She is unable to breathe as his words, his cry, his shouting fog her senses. 

She tries to take in air but it's getting hard for her. 

“Please wake up, love..”

“I need you…”

“I need you..”

I wanted to die-” 

Her eyes open with a jerk while gasping for air. Ashika looks at her, not believing her eyes. Priya covers her mouth in surprise seeing Aaravi’s eyes open.

“Aaravi..” Ashika softly caresses her face as she is breathing furiously.

“Relax Aaravi. Try to breathe slowly. Don't panic, okay…” Ishaan instructs her, seeing her hyperventilating.

But instead of listening to him, her eyes are searching for a particular person in the room. Tears are flowing down her eyes.

“Ma..many..yu-” she whispered with difficulty, feeling her heart heavy not finding Abhimanyu around her.

“He will be here soon…but first relax yourself, beta. Don't panic, Aaravi,” Jaiveer said, making her shake her head. She tries to sit but her body is feeling numb and heavy. 

“Calm down Aaravi. Don't stress yourself. Just relax,” Ishaan said to her but she refused and looked at Ashika with her teary eyes.

“Man..nyu,” she whispered in a breathy voice to which Ashika held her trembling hand between her palm.

“He has gone for w..ork but I will call him and ask him to c..ome right now okay? But you have to listen to Dr. Ishaan and stop stressing, hmm?” Ashika softly said to her and wiped the tears from her cheek gently. 

But Aaravi stares at her with her pleading eyes making Ashika feel weak. Jaiveer comes near Aaravi and pat her head gently and affectionately, making Aaravi tear up.

“He will be here, Aaravi,” But she eyes telling him she knows they are hiding and lying to her.

He smiled sadly. She sobs, fisting the bed sheet tightly in her palm as her body is shaking, feeling her inside restless. 

“Don't cry, mera bachcha. You just get your consciousness back. I am calling your Manyu, okay but first you have to calm down,” Priya said.

The door of the room opened, making everyone turn. Ashika stood up as she saw Abhimanyu standing there. Everyone sighed in relief, seeing him alright standing in front of everyone.

He comes inside and a worried frown forms on his face seeing everyone surrounding Aaravi’s bed.

“Aaravi,” he whispered to himself and went near Aaravi feeling sudden panic inside him. 

Seeing him coming, everyone steps aside to let him meet Aaravi who desperately wants to meet him.

Abhimanyu halted in the middle seeing Aaravi looking at him with her teary eyes. He blinked his eyes, caught in surprise. But he comes out of his shock when Aaravi smiles at him and weakly raises her left hand, gesturing him to come near. 

Abhimanyu felt burning in his eyes and soon his vision turned blurry. He couldn't believe his eyes so he looked at everyone for his answer. And seeing everyone giving him a wide smile and Ashika nodded slowly as happy tears left from her eyes.

“It's real, Abhi. Go, she is waiting for her Manyu,” Priya said smiling happily.

Abhi turned to her only to see her in tears and looking at him with a longing look, making his heart race in excitement.

Finally, his wait is over. His suffering is over. His Aaravi is here. It is so overwhelming for him. He can't control but let his tears free. 

He sat on the floor beside the bed and held her hand which she forward to him.

“Finally, ... .you made me wait so long,” he whispered in a hoarse voice, kissing her fingers lovingly. 

Aaravi smiles at him and cries silently seeing him so vulnerable in front of her. His broken state hurts her. 

She wanted to console him and assure him but she couldn't due to pain in her throat. She gulped the painful lump forming in her throat with difficulty and shook her head telling him not to cry.

But he has his eyes closed touching his head with her hand as he is feeling her warmth and assuring himself that he is not dreaming. She is finally awake and alright in front of him. 

“She is alright Abhi…” Jaiveer pat his head seeing his shoulders shaking as he has his face hidden by her hand.

Aaruhi smiles seeing his brother so emotional and crying like a baby. She can't believe he is the same cold-faced Politician who scares the person with his single glare.

Ashika shared a look with Priya who nodded with a small understanding smile. 

“Dr. Ishaan if you allow, could we give them some time with each other?” she slowly asked to which Ishaan agreed.

Everyone left the emotional couple alone with each other in the room.

Aaravi sighs sadly while looking at Abhi who is still sniffing but slowly while holding her hand. She finds it heartbreaking yet adorable. 

Why does he have to be so loving ? She is really blessed to have him as her soulmate. She considered herself the most lucky woman to have a man like him who loves her, adores her, and respects her like the way she wants and deserves. 

She took her hand from his hold making him look at her and his eyes…his beautiful eyes filled with lots of love, yearning and complaints stare at her making her heart clench in pain.

She wipes the tears from his cheeks and shakes her head as her own tears roll down from her eyes seeing his glossy eyes.

“D..don’t,” she mouthed with a slight shake of her head while caressing his cheek as her palm was cupping his cheek.

They stare into each other’s teary eyes with lots of emotions in them and silently sharing their pain and suffering through their teary gaze. 


Thank you so much for reading.

Hope you all love the chapter.

Please don't forget to VOTE N COMMENTS in this chapter.

See you all soon

Take care
Bye bye

Lots of love❤️💜

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