I never knew you were the som...

By Ayana2570

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"And who do you suspect I should marry then? June?" "What? Oh god no. No way." Alex stares at Henry with utte... More



939 24 5
By Ayana2570

"I have some amazing news!" Alex practically jumps out at Henry as he enters the house. Henry knows he should be used to Alex' lunatic behavior and constant overflow of energy but somehow, he is just not there yet. His heart beats fast in his chest as he tries to calm down after Alex' sneak-attack.

"Damn you, Alex! Are you trying to kill me?" Henry clutches his chest and leans against the doorframe a moment before pushing him backwards into the house with his hand on Alex' chest.

"Why would I try to kill you? That would be insane." Silently, Henry agrees and nods at that statement because it would be insane, which right now fits Alex rather well. But he doesn't get to say it out loud since Alex is too wired for Henry to even get a chance of getting a word in. "Especially now that I've gotten you a slot at a charity concert!"

"Are you serious!?" Without even giving it a second thought, he scoops Alex up and spins them both around. "I'm in? I'm preforming at a real bloody concert!!!!?"

"YES!!" Alex screams with delight, spreading his arms to the sides as Henry twirls them, trusting Henry to not drop him. Even a little giggle escapes him. A sound Henry unfortunately must admit to himself, tugs at his heartstrings. More that he wants it too.

Even though they have agreed on being open to the possibility of sex, it hasn't repeated itself since that one night, three days ago. Which is probably for the best. No matter how good it was.

Henry puts Alex back down, which causes Alex to pout slightly. Apparently, he likes being lifted, and Henry stores that info in the back of his head to use at another opportunity.

"So, I'm singing at a concert... with a live audience..."

"Yeah baby!" Alex jumps up and down in excitement with a wide contagious grin on his face, and then gives Henry the paper with the agreement Alex has made on his behave. "It's not the best spot – you are one of the first performers, but it's a chance of getting people to hear you sing."

"It's perfect Alex. Thank you so much." While still clutching the paper to his chest he pulls Alex in for a hug with his free arm, and without any hesitance Alex wraps his arms around Henry's neck. After a moment, Alex leans back slightly, looking at Henry with their noses almost touching.

"See, aren't you glad we are engaged now?" Alex wiggles his eyebrows at him.

"Like that has anything to do with it." Henry states calmly – or as calm as he can be with Alex so close to him – and then removes his arm from Alex' waist, but Alex doesn't let go of Henry.

"It has everything to do with it, babe."

"Don't call me babe..." Henry shakes his head with a deep sigh. "And are you seriously telling me that you wouldn't have fought for me to get this chance, if we weren't engaged?"

"What? No, of course not. That's not what I'm saying." Alex tilts his head and narrows his eyes at Henry, and Henry can't resist to think about how perfectly he is lined up for Henry to kiss him. But he restraints himself. He is not going to be the first one to initiate any kind of intimacy. That's Alex' thing. "I'm just saying, that haven't we been engaged, you had been on your way to jolly ol' England, without having a breakthrough in America. But since we are, you are now going to be a huge fucking star!" Alex jumps and wraps his legs around Henry's waist, and instinctively Henry catches him with a firm grip on Alex' ass." Too late Henry notices what he has done, but then Alex' lips is on his, and he just lets himself get dragged into the pleasure of soft lips, gentle biting and twisting tongues.

Henry knows he shouldn't be doing this. Alex is the type of person that does things without having any deeper meaning or thought to it. He just exists in the moment, which is perfectly fine – unless you are Henry and completely in love with a man that does not love you back. And Henry knows that no matter how much he tries, he can't deny the fact that he is spiraling deeper and deeper into the sinkhole that is his love for Alexander Claremont-Diaz. The man that asked Henry to marry him, just for a chance to enhance their careers.

Still, knowing all of this, Henry finds himself carrying Alex to the bedroom and Alex doesn't waste any time at all. He uses one hand to unbutton Henry's shirt as they approach the bedroom, and by the time he puts Alex down on the bed, both his shirt and pants are open, which is a mystery to Henry how Alex did that. But it is not something he gets to ponder over for long, because Alex has already removed his own shirt and pants while Henry had been busy looking down at himself and now Alex is pulling Henry down on top of him. Henry comes to find that he fits just as perfectly in between Alex legs, as Alex fits in between his.

As they kiss passionately, one hand is grasping Alex' soft curls while the other is already working Alex' dick and Alex moans and whimpers and tries to pull Henry closer – even though he can't come any closer without climbing inside Alex' skin.

"Please..." Alex begs as Henry's lips moves from Alex' mouth to his neck and then the collarbone, sucking and biting and kissing. "Please, Henry... Please..." And Alex doesn't have to elaborate at all; Henry knows what Alex wants, as he has always known what Alex want or needs before he says it – although usually it has varied from coffee to sleep (this being a rather new territory for them) so he moves further down... kissing, biting, licking... all the way to Alex' throbbing dick. Alex props himself up on his elbows, watching Henry intensely – and with a lot more patient than Henry had three days ago – while he licks Alex from the base to the tip with his full, wet tongue. Henry's tongue darts out, sliding over his own lips, enjoying every flavor that is Alex before sucking the tip into his mouth, then taking it deep into his throat, while his tongue massages the vein on the underside of Alex' cock. "Oh fuck..." Alex pants with sweat beading at his forehead; he pushes his head down into the pillow and arches his back, and Henry is enjoying every second of Alex and how explicit he is in his enjoyment. Henry grabs one of Alex legs, and puts is over his shoulder, then he kisses his way over Alex' balls down towards the soft pleasurable spot right behind them. He licks and sucks at it, and Alex writhes under his sweet torture, clutching fistfuls of the sheets while swearing profoundly and very, very loud.

As Alex gets closer and closer to his orgasm – which Henry hears as much as feels and sees in the way Alex' entire body spasms – he grabs Henry's' head, pushing him closer to his hole, and Henry takes the hint. He stiffens his tongue and pushes it slightly pass the rim, again and again while Alex jerks himself off until he comes in an ecstasy, screaming Henry's name from the top of his lungs.


Heaven... that's all Alex can think. This is what heaven must be like and all the narrowminded bigots has got it all wrong. Heaven most definitely is LGBTQ friendly, otherwise this wouldn't be that fucking good. Alex is still soaring when Henry lies down next to him on his back, and Alex wants nothing more than to just cover Henry's entire body with his own and then go to sleep, but he is pretty sure that Henry would stop him from doing that. Henry doesn't seem to be as much of a cuddler as Alex is and he is doing his best to not always overstep Henry's boundaries. Which, to be honest, he isn't all that good at.

"That was insane, Fox. Holy shit... I knew you would be talented, but fuck..."

"Do you ever just stay quiet for more than 30 seconds?" Henry's voice is drained of all emotions, and Alex doesn't really know what to do or say. He has never felt this vulnerable after and orgasm before and he needs validation from Henry which he fears he won't get. Not when Henry sounds like he is regretting everything that has something to do with Alex.

"Are you mad at me?" the words only come out as a whisper and Alex isn't even sure that Henry hears them. Especially because he doesn't answer right away and the wait and silence are clenching Alex heart, crushing it more and more with every second that passes by till he fear he will no longer be able to ever feel anything ever again. But then Henry speaks, and his heart can beath freely again.

"Why do you always assume I'm mad...? I'm not mad, Alex. I can't be mad at you. Well, not for long anyway." He says in the most British way possible, and Alex can feel the tears of relieve threatening to fall. He hadn't even realized how close he had been to crying out of fear that Henry hated him now.

"Then what's wrong?" Alex turns his head towards Henry, "and don't tell me that nothing is wrong. I can tell something is wrong."

"Nothing is wrong." Henry's shrugs and Alex – who is unable to repress his intrusive thoughts – kicks Henry right over the side of the bed. Only realizing what he has done when he hears the thumb from Henry's body colliding with the floor and the swearwords following. "GODDAMNIT ALEX! You stupid fucking moron! Why the hell did you do that?!" And when Henry's head jus pops up from the floor, glaring at Alex, he has no choice but to cover his mouth in an attempt to silence the laughter that rumbles through his body.

"In fairness." He chuckles slightly, "I did tell you not to say that."

"You didn't say you would kick me off the bed, Diaz!" Henry stands up and winces slightly before limping away from the bed.

"I'm sorry!" Alex shouts, but it might not seem as genuine as Alex has intended it to be, when he can't disguise his laughter completely.

"Piss of!" Henry stretches his body and rolls his shoulders to ease of the pain in his muscles, then closes his pants and shirt before leaving the bedroom.

"I really am sorry!!" Alex shouts, this time succeeding in controlling his laughter. He hadn't meant to piss Henry off this much. He had maybe been slightly annoyed at the fact that Henry hadn't shown Alex the affection he desperately wanted. But now any chance of affection seems to have completely disappeared. Alex covers his head with his arms, silently cursing himself out for not being better at controlling his own impulses. After a few seconds, he follows Henry into the dining room – butt naked.

"Don't." Henry's back is turned to Alex, but Alex doesn't need to be watching Henry to know he is dealing with something more – and quite possibly worse – than Alex kicking him out of the bed.

"Henry..." Alex voice is more strained than he wants it to be, but at least it makes Henry turn around to look at him.

"For the love of God, Alex. Put some clothes on." Is all he says when he sees him.

"Talk to me." Alex ignores Henry's outburst.

"Not when you are naked!" Henry pulls of his own shirt and hands it to Alex without looking at him. The shirt is too big for Alex, but he puts it on anyway, loving how it smells like Henry and still feels warm from his skin.

"All covered up now." Alex turns Henry around with a hand on his shoulder. "Now talk to me. It isn't the sucking my dick and eating my ass, right? Please say it isn't... that might break my self-esteem, if you hated it that much." Alex tries to joke with the situation, but only the corner of Henry's lips twitches so it doesn't have the affect he had hoped for. "In all seriousness," Alex continues, "is it me? Like, not the sex thing but me in general? I know I'm a lot... people can't be around me for too long because I'm too much, and you have been forced to be around me for..."

"Stop talking." Henry says sternly and Alex shuts up instantly. This is it. He is going to tell him that he can't deal with Alex' mood swings and energy bursts and... and... Alex-ness in general. "Yes, you can be a lot, Alex. But it's nothing I can't handle. I might even like the fact that you are a lot. It gives me room to be less, sometimes. And I need that. So, it has nothing to do with that. I promise." When Henry suddenly starts to grin and reaches for the buttons on Alex shirt, he finds himself utterly confused. "You buttoned it up wrong." Henry explains with a chuckle and Alex can feel the blushing creeping up on him. Of course, his chaotic messy side decides to make an appearance right now. But Henry doesn't seem to mind. He just redoes the buttons with soft steady movement that Alex truly envies. Henry is the perfectly calm balance to Alex craziness and Alex truly wishes he can say exactly that. But then again, haven't Henry just kind of stated that exact same fact?

"You are the calm to my crazy as much as I am the crazy to your calm... right?" Alex finds himself saying before he can stop his mouth form talking.

"Yes." Henry swallows thickly before putting his lips on Alex'. And what a kiss. It is making Alex' legs go soft in a way he has never tried before and he finds himself in need of support, so he puts his arms around Henry's neck. Completely forgetting that they were supposed to talk. Talk about what was bothering Henry.


As they break the kiss, Alex seems slightly disorientated, and Henry finds comfort in the fact that he now knows how to derail Alex when he gets close to finding out the truth. Because Alex can never know.

He can never know that the reason why Henry couldn't do anything but stare at the ceiling after giving Alex his orgasm, was the fact that he had never felt so deeply and emotionally connected to anyone as he had in that moment. And he can never know that Henry wasn't mad at getting kicked of the bed. Not in the slightest. No, he had found it to be so endearing and adorable that Alex always just acts before thinking and it had made him love him even more. It had made this fake relationship seem all too real.

That is something Alex can never know.

"I think I need to go over some of my songs..." Henry says while Alex still seems to be struggling to figure out how to stand by himself. "I need to pick out the perfect set. It's a huge opportunity."

"Yeah... right. Of course. Makes sense." Alex says as Henry gently removes Alex' arms from his neck. Once he has Alex secured, by making him grab the back of a chair instead, Henry takes the piano bench and begins to play a medley of his songs. Not to try and make the perfect set for the concert; no, he needs it to calm his mind and his heart. He needs to get lost in his music until he is sure he is able to think properly again without having Alex occupy his every thought. But of course – the clueless monstrosity that unfortunately happens to be the love of his life - sits down next to Henry on the bench, making him question his entire reason to live. Because what is the point if he can't have all of Alex, all of the time?

"I like that one." Alex nudges Henry with his elbow. "It's one om my favorites." Henry closes his eyes and tries not to think about how he wrote this exact song while watching a montage of Alex laughing and smiling in his head. How every word was chosen with such love and care just to make Henry able to grasp the love he – back then – only just had found out he felt. Especially after years of being told by his grandfather that people like him was an abomination that did not possess the capability to love someone and that no one could ever love him for who he was.

Of course, that song is Alex' favorite. How could it not be? Alex' sole purpose in life is to make Henry suffer. Henry is sure of this.

"I'm not sure it suits the concert." Henry states dryly.

"Of course, it does. It is about love and the purity of feeling that first string of emotions that you can't really grasp. It fits a charity concert for raising money – and awareness – to support the teenagers within the LGBTQ community that struggles to accept themselves or to be accepted by others.

Henry stops playing and turns to Alex.

"LGBTQ? You chose a charity within the community... within my community?" Henry feels his heart is about to burst wide open with love for this stupid, beautiful, oblivious, incredible man.

"Yeah of course. It's my community now too... Right, darling?" Alex taps the ring on Henry's finger and Henry has to fight the urge to push Alex of the bench while screaming at him to stop making him fall more in love. But unlike Alex, he can show restraint.

"Don't call me darling." He just responds flatly.

"What can I call you then? You shoot down everything."

"Hen-ry." He pronounces the name very clearly. "And maybe even Fox – if you are feeling daring."

"That's not fun..." Alex pouts and Henry really wants to kiss those pursing lips. "How about love."

"NO!" Alex jumps at Henry's outburst. "Definitely not that. Never that."


"No. Just no." Henry can feel the usual Alex-is-driving-me-insane-headache approaching fast.

"Grumpy." Alex retorts then kisses Henry's cheek before getting off the bench. "I'm gonna take a shower. I'm all sweaty because of... well because you made me all sweaty. This is your doing." Alex puts his hands on his hips, staring Henry down and Henry doesn't even dare to look at Alex. He knows how bloody tempting he must look right now in Henry's shirt, naked underneath, legs slightly apart and that scowl on his face. "You should be the one to wash it off me." Alex says with a smirk.

"Not going to happen." Henry keeps his eyes locked onto the notes in front of him.

"Why not?"

Henry has no answer for this. Not one he can say, anyway. For somehow, he doesn't think: Because then I would end up fucking you against the shower wall; would make Alex back off.

"Just because." Henry says then gestures to the piano. "I need to pick the songs."

"That can wait." Alex puts his arms around Henry form behind and rests his chin on Henry's shoulder. "Come take a shower with me... I promise I'll make it worth your time." Henry shudders at the insinuation – something he knows Alex can feel. "Please."

And just like that, Henry has no other choice.


"I hate you." Henry complaints while Alex is undressing him in the bathroom, but the words have no edge to them.

"I'm sure you do." With no hesitation whatsoever, Alex puts his lips on Henry's dick that isn't completely hard yet, Alex thrives on the idea of sucking him hard, and he way Henry groans just makes it all the more satisfying.

"I really, really do." Henry bucks his hips, just as last time, but this time Alex is prepared. He has learned from the last time, that Henry can't control his hip movements, when his body is overwhelmed with pleasure, and Alex thinks it's the hottest thing ever. Henry not being able to control himself? What could be hotter than that?

"Christ, Alex. Shit, I'm so sorry..." Henry has a hand on Alex' head, fingers deeply buried within his curls, trying to pull Alex of him, but Alex has no intention of stopping. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean too." The only answer Henry gets form Alex, is a deepthroating one. Alex had no idea he could actually do that, but he did. Apparently, wanting to prove a point is a great motivator. "OH fuck!" Henry tightens his grip on Alex' hair, causing Alex to moan around Henry's dick. The combination of the hard grip and Henry swearing is really doing things to Alex. The desire – no, the need – to hear Henry swear again, makes Alex grab Henry's butt-cheeks firmly and push his dick even deeper into his throat, so deep that he knows he probably won't be able to eat solid food for a week, but who cares. He can live of soup if it means hearing Henry unravel all the way out of his British politeness. "FUCKING HELL...!" Henry's legs trembles and he puts the other hand on Alex head too. And Alex can tell he is doing his very best to not just control Alex' head and fucking his throat. But Alex wants him to do exactly that. He loves the impatience and raw nature of Henry when he is being pleasured. It's a direct contradiction of the everyday Henry, and Alex relishes in the fact that he is the only one to see this side of Henry. Now, anyway. To spur Henry on, Alex puts his hand on Henry's – taking great pleasure in feeling his ring on Henry's finger – and guides Henry to pull him of, then push him back down. "Are you sure?" Henry asks with great concern in his voice but Alex just nods – as much as he is capable of doing with Henry's dick in his throat. Something flashes briefly through Henry's eyes, but it's gone too quick for Alex to figure out what it means and then Henry pulls Alex off him – almost letting his dick fall from his mouth, and when Alex looks up into Henry's eyes, Henry snaps his hips while simultaneously pushing Alex back down. The motion causes Alex to instantly start leaking precum. He has never known he would like something like this. It isn't even established in his own deep, dark fantasies that he likes being manhandled, but it is truly exquisite. While Henry keeps fucking his mouth with wild erratic motions, Alex fists his own dick just as wild and erratic and when Henry comes down his throat with a growl, Alex comes all over his own hand.

Henry doesn't even let go of Alex hair, until his erection is gone and his body trembling so wildly, that he can no longer stand. On shaky legs, Henry sits down on the floor, next to Alex with his back against the shower, they never made it into.

"You are full of surprises Diaz..." Henry mumbles and Alex can't answer. His throat too sore. Instead, he climbs onto Henry's lab and kisses him before burying his face into Henry's neck. Demanding the affection, he so violently crave. And when Henry puts his arms around him everything feels just right.

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