I love you with no fear. Book...

By EdenRhett

73 0 2

Delilah thought nothing in the world could be worse then losing her father but losing her brother had to be o... More

The gold
The heist
The darkest hour
My druthers
The bonfire
The cross
The coastal venture
Season 3


5 0 0
By EdenRhett

"You sure this is the place Pope?" We ask as we pull up to this limbreys house.

"Pretty sure."

"Talk about home security." JJ mentions looking through the gate. "Are those spikes to keep people out?"

"The slave quarters over there. These spikes were to keep people in." Pope explains to us.

"Oh. Lovely." I mutter.

"You think that was too much?" Pope asks as he knocked quite loudly on the door.

"It echoed the entire house. That's for sure. They definitely heard it." JJ replies.

"You must be Pope." We hear as we go to turn around and come face to face with a tall brunette, who won't lie would definitely look like he'd attack us.

"Um are you Mr Limbrey?" Pope asks him.

"Ms. Limbrey was expecting you yesterday." He tells us.

"Oh yeah sorry. My car broke down on the way up here. Carburettor blew up in the middle of nowheresville." Pope explains.

"Yeah she was real upset when you didn't show." He says eyeing the rest of us.

"We tried to call but there was no number on the invitation."

"We got here as fast as we could." JJ cuts it short.

"She also expected you to come alone." He tells us continuing to eye us which makes me quite uncomfortable.

"I mean these are my friends, they helped me find the royal merchant too-" before Pope gets cut off.

"The instructions were explicit. You friends can stay outside." He tells us which results in Pope leaving us outside while we keep the car running just in case.
"Does that look voluntary?" Kiara questions as we look out the window to see the three of them walking out to the backyard, with Pope looking back at us.

"That would be negative." JJ responds. "Wait they're going into the alley." He tells us.

"Ok let's meet them on the other side." I tell Kiara as she starts the car and drives around the back.

"Where'd they go?" Kiara asks as we had lost sight of them.

"What if they went underground?" JJ suggests.

"Could be a possibility." I reply.

"Because in C.H.U.D, when they took people down into the sewers, it would turn humans into humanoids cause of the radiation. And then all of a sudden-"

"Focus. That doesn't make any sense." Kiara cuts him off completely trying to look out the window for any sight of Pope.

"Yeah babe no. That's not what this is." I laugh at him.

After a few more minutes of waiting we see Pope run out of the gate puffing like a maniac.

"Holy shit Pope you good?" I asks him the minute he jumps in the car.

"Yeah go go!" He ushers Kiara. All of us super confused until we see the guy who opened the door for us in another car following us making Kira drive faster.

"Ok since the car broke down again now what's the plan?" I ask frustratedly as our car had broken down and now we're on foot.

"Never trust mechanics man." JJ states.

"Um guys I think he has a gun." Kiara points out as the car turns the corner and coming straight at us.

"Fuck this just run!" I yell and take off in any direction, hearing the other guys following me.

After a few moments of running, all of us are quite tired but the guy chasing after us was now out of his car and running after us, which now we need to run faster.

"Get to the alleyway. Come on!" JJ yells as he grabs my hand and turns me around the corner.

As we turn the corner, everything is in slow motion.

My brother right in front of me.

And Sarah Cameron.

"What the fuck." I breathe out.

"Get in!" John B yells at us. Since I don't even want to know but they were riding on a bike with a chair on the back so now Jb was pedaling while the boys were pushing as fast as we could go. Cause they were also on the run from a guy as well.

"Pedal JB! They're catching up!" We yell at him, before we see Pope fall and trip and then roll over. But catches up fairly quickly with just enough speed to not be caught.

The guy latches onto the bike before JJ and Sarah both push his head down resulting in him falling over and stopping him from coming after us.

"Suck on that asshole!" We yell back at the guys chasing after us as we finally lose them. Cheering all the way back.
As we grab the boat to head back home, the entire way back we all catch up with JB and Sarah and they explain all the things they did in the Bahamas and how they almost got caught in Wards house.

"Anybody else starving?" JJ whines. "We need to grab some sort of breakfast."

"We're gonna find some food." Sarah tells the guys as Kiara and I follow her.
"Jackpot!" Kiara raises her voice as she holds up a huge watermelon.

"Ok so you really got married?" Kiara interrogates Sarah.

"It wasn't exactly legal but yeah." She smiles.

"Ahhhh, new sister alert." I laugh with her.

"Am I crazy or is there definitely something going on between you and Pope?" Sarah questions Kiara.

"Oh there one hundred percent is." I answer, smirking at her.

"Maybe." She smirks back.

"That's not a no."

"It's not a no."

"Actually, another thing. Delilah." Sarah faces me.

"Yes?" I ask eating a slice of watermelon.

"You and JJ. When did that happen?"

"Um a long time ago. It was while you guys were still here actually. I think it was like right before you left." I explain.

"And you didn't think to tell us." She hits my shoulder, also with Kie giving me shocked eyes.

"I mean I wanted too but I could never find the right time. Like my brother was on the run since he was wanted and you want me to just walk over to you and be like 'oh yeah JJ and I like official now'?" I asks sarcastically.

"Yes exactly that." They laugh at me, shoving more watermelon into their mouths.
"Hey." We say as we all hop back into the boat with the rest of the guys. "What are y'all talking about?"


"Dropping lures."

"What's that?"

"We got breakfast." We say as we pass the watermelon around.
"Gotta be honest, not exactly looking forward to the check in at home." Kiara states as we pull up to our house, tying the boat to the dock. "My parents probably already arranged my funeral."

"I predict unpleasantries at the Heyward household after I left his truck in Charleston."

"No one knows we're here right? And you two aren't gonna get into trouble for showing up 12 hours later. Am I right or am I right?" JJ points out.

"You're not wrong." Pope admits.

"So that means we have 12 hours to do whatever we want."

"The cops could be looking for us. It could be really stupid." Sarah buts in.

"Sarah Cameron.." JJ starts walking over to her. "You've heard of my philosophy right?"

"No." She turns her head away from him smiling.

"Stupid things have good outcomes all the time. Who's with me.? Let's get some beer!" He yells
Basically half our night now consists of drinking, smoking weed, hot tub with party lights, and a shit ton of dancing and cheering.

"I never made good grades in school, when I get out I act like a fool. They say I come in the party and cause a commotion. I'm smooth, yeah they call me lotion." Pope tries to rap, ending in all of us just laughing at him.

"Get it Pope!" I laugh.

As the night goes on, we're all quite drunk and high. Pope and JJ were wresting and somehow Pope won that.

"Really!" Sarah yells surprisingly as we watch Kiara walk off after Pope.

"Way to be discreet!" JJ yells as well.

"Have fun you two!"

"I leave and this is what happens?" JB asks with a smile.

Jb then gets up to grab another drink while JJ follows and they have their little bro time. While I'm still sat with Sarah.

"I can't believe you've been gone for so long." I admit. "Won't lie, I missed you a lot more then I thought I would." We laugh.

"I'll take the compliment." She replies taking a sip of her beer.

"I can't believe your married to my brother."

"Oh shush. You missed him just as much.." she jokes.

"Yeah, yeah I did" I admit sadly.

"Ok we're here now and we're not leaving, no need to turn this conversation all sappy." She drunkenly states.

"Very true. You know you're actually so gorgeous if I wasn't dating JJ I'd so make out with you right now." I tell her giggling.

"No cause same." She replies also giggling.

"What are you two giggling about?" JJ asks as the boys walk back over to us.

"Oh nothing." We smirk at each other before we see Jb boat go past.

"Wow. Pope poking on the pogue." Jb states as we watch them drive past.

All of a sudden JJ tries to make conversation but it seems only Jb, Sarah's and I had heard the noise.

"Wait wait wait." Jb stops JJ from talking. "What was that?"

"Your chicken?"

"I heard a car door."

"Nah I heard it too." I say standing up from my seat.

"Tree." Jb points as we all rush up the tree as fast as we could. We wait for a few minutes before we seee Rafe and Barry walking around underneath us.

We all make eye contact with each other before we notice they both have a gun, making us keep as quiet as we possibly can.

"Shit!" Rafe yells as Barry had searched the whole house and still didn't find anything. Or mainly us.

Rafe then uses his anger and shoots the tree where we had carved Jb names and then accidentally shoots upwards, shooting the exact branch JJ was sitting on making my heart stop for a millisecond.

"I'm okay." He mouths to me.
"Hey guys don't tie up!" JJ yells at Kiara and Pope who finally arrive back with the boat. "We're dipping."

"We gotta get the hell out of here."

"Rafe knows we're here." Sarah explains to the two of them. "So we have to leave like now.

"Okay " Kiara says without a second thought. "If Rafe and Barry know it's only a matter of time before everyone knows." Kiara states as we pull into a little bush area.

"I have an idea. With me back, my dad's going to have to choose between me and Rafe. He's gonna choose me." Sarah tries to suggest.

"Just listen please." Jb tries to reason with her. "Ward keeps lying to you. He won't agree after all that's happened."

"But he's my dad and I know he loves me. I'm just asking for two hours." She says as she stands up and walks away.
"Sarah!" We yell and run towards her as we see her pull in finally. It had been a few hours and by look on her face, I don't think the plan worked.

"You guys were right. It didn't work." She sniffs. We just nods our heads sadly in response.

"Well that settles it. Now yall need to load up in the paddy wagon and get the heck out of the dodge right now" JJ explains.

"Right you'll need supplies and you'll have to split as soon as possible." Pope adds in.

"Guys I think it's too late." Kiara points out looking straight ahead. When we all turn our heads we see a few cop boats coming towards us.

"They followed you here? Must've been your father."

"We have to find another way out."

"Stay on the beach with your hands in the air!" They yell at us.

Shit!" I yell as we start to take off running again and into the bushes. JB and Sarah slightly behind since she was still recovering from her shot wound.

It got to the point where we had nowhere else to run and had to get in the lake instead and just swim seeing them jump in as well.

We had eventually made it out and hide behind a tree, but start freaking out a tiny bit more when we hear the sirens of the cop cars.

We were surrounded.

We had no way out.

We were trapped.

"No getting out of this. We gotta make a stand." JJ replies and whips the gun out of his pocket.

He makes eye contact with me and gives me a slight nod to which I copy his actions as he loads the gun.

As JJ was about to move JB grabs ahold of him and holds him against the tree and takes the gun out of his hands and throws it on the floor.

"Jb what are you doing?"I whisper to him.

"It's gonna be alright.." he whispers to the both of us.

"Get your hands up!" The cops yell at us as they pile in one by one, whipping their guns at us.

Immediately the six of us put our hands in the air and walk out showing we had nothing on us.

"Listen Shoupe I wanna testify." John B tells him as Shoupe walks closer to him.

Everyone was standing there with our hands up and Jb kneels on the floor with his hands on his head.

Once he was on the floor, the officer Tomas comes over to arrest him but instead grabs him and throws him to the ground and kicking him. Instantly throwing everyone into a screaming match.

I genuinely don't care that there are guns pointing to my head, the fact is my brother and getting beaten up over something he didn't do.

And of course I'm gonna intervene.

"Asshole get off him!" I yell as I walk forward hearing everyone yelling at me to stay in my spot.

I know they're not gonna shoot me, I'm no harm but the minute someone lays a hand on my brother. Nothing else matters to me.

I staunch on over and kick Tomas in the head trying to get him off my brother.

Obviously it didn't do much but it did knock him off a bit before he went to go back at it.

"Get off you fat piece of shit!" I continue to yell as I keep going to land a punch but starting to be held back by officers.

"This is for peterkin." He says as he punches him and knocks my brother out cold.

Giving me the energy i need to get out of the officers grasp.

"I'm gonna kill you!" I yell one last time before I walk over and attempt to strangle him from behind, pulling him to the floor as more officers try and grab ahold of me.

Eventually they take John B away against my protest and I'm practically thrown into JJ while I watch them take John B away from me. Again.

"Hey hey it's okay. We'll get him back." He whispers to me grabbing ahold of my arms and pulling me into him as I let one tear escape.

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