Transformers: Shattered Glass

By Daleandjakup97

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A retelling of the first live action film of Transformers. However in this universe, it is different from the... More

Chapter 1- Battle Of Tyger Pax
Chapter 2- Pursuit Of The Allspark
Chapter 3- Megatron's Planetfall
Chapter 4- Blind Insanity
Chapter 5- The Order Of The Witwiccans
Chapter 6- Heated Tensions
Chapter 7- Discovery And Excavation
Chapter 8- Race For The Target Planet
Chapter 9- Race For The Target Planet Part 2
Chapter 10- Frozen Flashbacks
Chapter 11- Reinforcements
Chapter 12- The Diversion
Chapter 13- The Diversion Part 2
Chapter 14- The Great War
Chapter 15- The Great War Part 2
Chapter 16- War Withdrawal
Chapter 17- Visions And Transfers
Chapter 18- Start Of A Big Moment
Chapter 19- A Nefarious Start
Chapter 20- Boulder In Recession
Chapter 21- Wanted: Bonnie And Clyde
Chapter 22- Wanted: Bonnie And Clyde Part 2
Chapter 23- Project: Iceman
Chapter 24- Project: Black Knife
Chapter 26- The Continuation War
Chapter 27- Playing Gods And Monsters
Chapter 28- Playing Gods And Monsters Part 2
Chapter 29- War's End
Chapter 30- Taking Initiative
Chapter 31- Into The Nifty Fifties

Chapter 25- Project: Black Knife Part 2

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By Daleandjakup97

Sector Seven Base, Hoover Dam
Margo Simmons and her father Walter had arrived at base. "So, how many N.B.E.'s have you found?" asked Walter. Margo showed him some photos and answered, "At least four that we know of..." Walter looked at the photos with interest gleaming in his eyes. They were a Handley Page Type O, a Grumman XP-50, a J3-A 4-6-4 Hudson steam engine, and a Volvo LV4.

"I seem to recall in the report of the Newells' murder," said Simmons. "A Volvo LV4 crashed into the Newells' Pontiac Landau Sedan, right?" With a frown, Margo replied, "Yes." He turned to her and asked, "Did you ever ask yourself why both the LV4 and Bréguet 14 were at Westchester?" She responded, "All that mattered to me was getting justice for the sole survivor of that crash." Simmons chuckled, "Imagine that, an N.B.E. being held accountable for murder. Imagine how the public would react if we brought one to a courtroom." Margo said coldly, "No, I'd bring the justice the same way I did to Bonnie and Clyde's car." Simmons nodded forlornly, "You're right in that regard." His daughter looked at him in surprise as Simmons explained, "When I first explored the Arctic with Wells and a crew, not only did we encounter N.B.E.-01, but another of its kind burst into the ice and attacked us. Killed one of our men. A Secret Service agent." Margo began to consider the possibility of her and her estranged father were alike in that regard. Of course, it didn't justify Simmons being absent during her entire childhood, but still it felt both strange and heartwarming to have some kind of connection with Walter Simmons himself.

Roy Thompson then entered the room as he announced, "Hey, Margo. The agents and I have gathered everything from the old man's home, so..." Roy stopped abruptly as he took a look at the Handley Page Type O photograph. "I remember that one from my time at Europe," recalled Roy, with a humorless chuckle. "Big, hunchbacked, loud, and had five eyes. Started a fight with several other N.B.E.'s. Damn fight broke up the band, y'know." Margo turned to him and asked, "How many of the N.B.E.'s did you see during the Great War?" Roy answered, "These four here, plus seven others, and... three more and two sets of similar lookin' ones. Those ones were with some English folks. Pretty weird people. And there was this one-eyed one with giant bugs and four-eyed long-haired N.B.E.'s." Simmons blinked, "They were all in the Great War?" Roy nodded as Margo asked, "So the weird English folks... do you know who they are?" He nodded, "Yeah. They call themselves the Order of Witwiccans. I saw a few of 'em treat the N.B.E.'s like they were gods or somethin'. Like I said, weird." The gears inside Simmons' head spun as he asked, "Do you think they would be up for a meeting?" Roy shrugged, "Maybe. But that can of worms is invite only. They say you gotta be 'remarkable' to join." Simmons smiled, "I have a feeling that it won't be a problem."

Castle Folgan, Later
A high-ranking member of the Order of the Witwiccans, a young boy, and the ever timid and loyal Headmaster Cogman walked down the hallways. "I-If I may be so bold, my lord Burton," said Cogman. "P-Perhaps we shouldn't be too hasty with this decision. What would the lords Bumblebee and Hot Rod think?" Burton turned to him and frowned, "Have you not notice the climate the world is in, Cogman? Especially in Germany? Hitler has just become their supreme leader and God knows there's going to be another war and this time, there will be no alliance between us and the Decepticons. So yes, I think it is necessary and if you have a problem with it, you can spend the rest of your natural life in the stables!" Cogman recoiled at that and let a slight whimper before Burton and his son left.

"I'm saying we are wasting time with staying anonymous and we should scorch the planet so we won't have any more interference," said Bumblebee, with his arms crossed. Hot Rod played around with his flames and sighed, "Looks, I hears ya. But aren't youse jumpin' the blaster? So we's destroy the world and gets the Allspark, if we find it, 'course. In case ya didn't notice, we's in the most powerful secret society on Earth. Our servos literally in everything: money, Energon, weapons, politics, whatevs!" Bumblebee narrowed his red optics and stated, "What about Optimus Prime? If he arrives here and all we have to show for it is a bunch of rusted fogies, he will put us through empurata and hang our faces on the wall!" Hot Rod rolled his optics and snapped, "Will youse just fuggidaboutit with Ops for one scrappin' cycle! He's light years away from here and we's got plenty of time for seachin' the damn Allspark and a little bit of fun along the way. Youse talkin' bout Ops like he's relevant is givin' me's a serious processor ache, so if ya don't shaddup about him, I'll burn your fraggin' voice box! Capiche?" The two Autobots glared at each other's red optics as they heard a small cough and turned to see who made it.

It was Lord Burton and his son with Cogman slouching with a timid demeanor. "Whaddaya want, Burt?" asked Hot Rod uninterested. Burton cleared his throat and answered, "We just received a communication from an organization of interest. Have you heard of Sector Seven?" Hot Rod scoffed, "Those stalkers? What do they want? An autograph?" Burton replied, "No. An alliance. With some of the Seekers now joining the Decepticons, this Sector Seven wishes to work with us." Bumblebee questioned, "And what exactly have they done that's remarkable?" Burton pulled out a paper and responded, "According to this, they bravely faced an Nonbiological Extraterrestrial, or N.B.E., that is what they call your kind, both at the Arctic Circle and the Colorado River and another one who was Bonnie and Clyde's getaway vehicle." Hot Rod said dismissively, "Wonderful, tell 'em they's in."

The three left as Bumblebee questioned, "Are you sure it's a good idea to work with this Sector Seven?" Hot Rod shrugged, "Look, if they knows bout Cybertronians, they mights know something bout the Allspark. Get me?" The white and black Autobot thought about it and relented, "Fine. Let's just make sure this doesn't blow up in our faceplates."

Witwicky Mansion, Springfield, Missouri, August 13, 1938
The entire Witwicky crime family held their heads in mourning as the great Captain Archibald Amundsen Witwicky had passed away. Tragically the doctors could not help heal the former feared pirate captain. Clarence Witwicky and his son Herbert placed flowers on Archibald's crypt as everyone else followed along. The priest said his closing prayer before eventually the crypt was lowered into the ground. Clarence could almost hear the voice of his father shouting in wild craze, "Their War, Our World!" Despite the maddening reputation the late Captain Witwicky had in his final years, Clarence made sure to keep their name feared and respected. After all, business was booming in the Witwicky Crime Family. Hopefully it continues that way. If not, Clarence would make sure Herbert keeps it that way when he takes over.

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