I May Be Blind, But I Can Sti...

By FairyqueenX777

65.7K 1.9K 302

After fighting 2 wars, defeating multiple monsters and going blind in Tartarus, Percy Jackson just wants to l... More

Percy Jackson Gets a Visitor
Percy Gets a Fun Job Opportunity
Percy Bonds with Happy
The Avengers Meet a Demigod
Percy Gets Another Future Brother-In-Law
Gods Don't Know How to Mind Their Business (what else is new)
The Avengers Trigger a Panic Attack
Percy Sees Some Weird Trees
Sally Is a Good Mom
Estella is a Great Artist
Peter Knows More About Myths Than Percy
Percy Goes To The Empire State Building
Percy Hosts a Family Reunion
Percy Meets Fury's Great Great Great Great....
Percy Should Really Stay Awake
Percy Falls in Love with Annabeth (again)
Percy Fights Some Superheroes
Annabeth Meets the Avengers
Percy Swims To Europe
The Cold Never Bothered Percy Anyway
Percy Gets a Thank You??
Percy Keeps Up Tradition
Percy Doesn't Like the Smell of Apples

Annabeth Has a Plan (Shocker)

1.2K 45 9
By FairyqueenX777

"But first we need to look back." Annabeth said after dropping the bomb that she knew how to defeat Eris, the goddess of discord. 

"Do we have to? Can't we just go after her?" Clint asked. Percy could practically hear his girlfriend rolling her eyes. 

"No we can't. We can't solve a problem without all of the information or context." She huffed in annoyance. "Do you guys just go after bad guys without any information?" She asked no one in particular. 

"They are bad guys. That's all the information needed." Steve answered. Percy could feel Annabeth's blood pressure rising. 

"Well, Annabeth does things differently. And if you want her help, you're going to have to do it her way." Percy smiled in Annabeth's direction and she nudged him playfully. Their love language has turned more towards touch after Percy lost his sight. Knowing she was there, that she was healthy and as safe as she could be, was all Percy wanted and needed. 

"Fine. Give us a history lesson." Tony said. They all sat in the couches and chairs around the common room. Percy sat in a single chair since he knew Annabeth would be walking around the area when she was explaining, waving her hands around with passion. 

"I would have brought a white board for a better explanation but I can only write correctly in Greek." She laughed. It was hard to remember that Annabeth was still dyslexic when she read so much. It was just that all her books were in ancient Greek.

"What?" Peter asked. He was perched on the couch next to Natasha.

"I'm dyslexic in English since my brain is hardwired to read ancient Greek." Annabeth explained. "All Greek demigods are." Peter stood up fast. 

"That's why?" He yelled excitedly. "I can read Greek?" He laughed loudly. 

"Yep." Percy responded.

"Now, listen carefully." Annabeth said with a stern voice. The voice reminded Percy of their time on the Argo 2 when Annabeth was practically the leader and would tell them all what to do in the heat of battle. "Eris is the goddess of discord and chaos. She's also known as the 'war starter' because she was the one who began the Trojan War. She is also not liked by the other gods besides Ares. In fact she was banned from Mount Olympus a few decades ago."

"Why was she banned?" Steve asked. 

"The gods wouldn't tell me." Percy answered. 

"Right, we don't know why she was banned but the gods haven't seen or heard of her since then. It is completely possible that she's angry with the gods and that this 'new world' she wants to create is an act of revenge." Annabeth was paced across the room. Percy would hear her footsteps come closer and further every few seconds. Her Imperial Gold foot was inside her combat boots but Percy could feel, or rather not feel, the lack of blood going to her foot. "Now, after reading each poem and story she appears in, none of them mention a weakness. But we know a few things for sure. One," Percy imagined she was holding up one finger. "She wants you guys dead." He heard a few uncomfortable shuffles. "Two, Eris' mother is Nyx, goddess of the Night. And three, the opposite of discord is harmony."

"Isn't harmony a goddess?" Bucky said. Annabeth hummed in agreement.

"Correct. Harmonia is the goddess of harmony. She is said to sooth the discord that Eris created in Ancient Greece. So, here is the question, where is she?" Annabeth could practically see her with her hands on her hips and her brow creased in concentration.

"Okay," Percy heard Steve stand up. "We have the information and a good idea of who we are dealing with, plus, this is not our first time fighting a god." Tony stood also.

"What's the plan, blondie?" Percy frowned at the nickname.

"My name is Annabeth." She corrected in annoyance. "And the plan is to find Harmonia. With her help, we can fight Eris during the day."

"If her mom is Night itself then she would have the advantage. Attacking during the day, like you said, would give us the advantage. Good thinking." Natasha complained causing Annabeth to blush again.  

"Having a god's help with be extremely beneficial so we first need to find Harmonia." Annabeth added.

"Will she help us?" Percy spoke up. "Isn't not like we have the best track record for having the god's help." Annabeth was silent for a moment.

"If the other gods don't want her so called 'new world' then wouldn't they want to help stop it?" Clint asked. Percy knew he should have been right. But Percy was also a second time war hero.

"The main twelve will not help." Percy was certain. He stopped believing in their generosity and helpfulness a long time ago. And every time he is reminded of this, he gets a flashback of a blond face with a white scar across his eye and he shivers. "We're on our own." He whispered. Suddenly the sound of another person entered the room. 

"Sorry I'm late everyone." Dr. Banner announced. "Hello, you must be Annabeth Chase. My name is Bruce Banner but please call me Bruce." Annabeth pretty much ran up to him. 

"Dr. Banner! It's great to meet you!" She said with excitement. "I translated some of your papers in Ancient Greek for some of my friends and I find your medicine techniques fascinating." Percy remembered this. Will and some other Apollo kids had been talking about a scientist and doctor whose medicine could work for demigods since it was used to help super humans. 

"Let's get back on topic, Wise Girl." Percy smirked. Annabeth backed up with a nervous laugh. 

"Well, I come baring news." Bruce said coming more into the common area. "I was looking into Eris more after our last meeting and discovered she had an opposite counterpart named Harmonia. I figured she could help so I asked Thor to ask around and maybe get in touch with her." 

"Me and Percy aren't that serious." Annabeth joked. Percy laughed and heard the chuckle Bruce gave. 

"Thank you, but I think I'm a little old for you." He jokingly replied, playing along. Annabeth walked over and gave Percy a kiss on the top of his head and perched on the arm of the chair he was sitting in.

"Bruce," Tony said to get his attention. "Did he find her?" Bruce sat down roughly on the couch. 

"Yes." Percy perked up. Could the have gotten a break? Could this be easier than he thought? "She's... trapped. He said something about her being chained." Percy's face went pale. He felt the blood leave Annabeth's face. This couldn't be happening. 

"Percy." She whispered from beside him. "Eris and Thanatos are siblings." Percy nodded. 

"She could have used the chains that trapped him to trap Harmonia." Annabeth grabbed his hand and squeezed. 

"Did he say where she was trapped?" Annabeth asked. Her voice not as strong as it was before. If anyone noticed they didn't say anything. 

"Iceland. Which I guess makes some sense given that Iceland is the most peaceful country as of today." Percy clenched his jaw and stood up, not letting go of Annabeth's hand. 

"So we go to Iceland." He turned to where he believed Tony was. "You're rich. You have a private jet?" But it was Fury who answered.

"We can take you anywhere you need to go." He said. Percy turned to Annabeth and kissed the back of her hand.

"Time to save another god."

AND THE PLOT THICKENS! Fun fact: I forgot Bruce last chapter XD so I added him his chapter. 

Feel free to comment, vote and I hope to see you in the next chapter!<3

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