Three is the Perfect Number

By davina_forevra

8.4K 384 127

A love story between Kelly, Michelle, and Beyoncé. Kelly and Beyoncé had the perfect relationship built on lo... More

Valentine's Day- A TITPN Oneshot
Subdrop- A TITPN Oneshot


459 19 7
By davina_forevra

Kelly was helping Beyoncé set up for her and Michelle's anniversary. They were making a pallet on the ground so that they would be comfortable lying on the ground. She was rearranging the last sheet. Beyoncé was setting up the telescopes.

Beyoncé appreciated how she didn't have to ask Kelly to help her. Once the last telescope was set up, she hugged Kelly. "Thank you."

"No problem." Kelly smiled. "Just a reminder, I'll be at Solange's house tonight. She's having a few girls over and we're having a sleepover." She couldn't remember the last time she's had a sleepover with a big group of women and just had fun.

"Why?" Beyoncé shook her head. "That's not what me or Michelle want." She said holding Kelly closer.

Kelly's eyes widened. She didn't think that it would be a problem. "I was just trying to give y'all some alone time. It is your and Michelle's anniversary. It's okay if I'm not there." She giggled. "It's been a while since I've checked in on Solo. This will be good."

Beyonce kissed Kelly's forehead. "I just don't want you to feel like we are excluding you." She frowned.

Kelly smiled a genuine smile. If she felt like she was being ignored or neglected, she would have said something. "Beyoncé, you do realize that Michelle and I have an anniversary. You and I have one. There are going to be special occasions that aren't always going to involve one of us and that's okay."

Beyoncé nodded her head. She didn't think about it like that. "Okay. I love you."

"I love you more." Kelly pecked Beyoncé's lips. "But I have to go now. I promised Michelle that I would help her get ready." She let go of Beyonce's neck.

"Be careful," Beyoncé said softly. She walked Kelly to her car before she went to check on her decorations.

When Kelly walked into their house, the first thing she noticed was how quiet it was. She went to find Michelle who was in her office, probably working on more designs. However, the office was empty, so she went upstairs to their bedroom. Michelle was in bed, sleeping peacefully. She giggled softly because of course, Michelle would be asleep. "Michelle." She said softly, trying to wake her up. Her baby didn't move. She rubbed Michelle's arms, causing her to stir and slowly wake up. "Baby, you have to get up now."

One of Michelle's eyes popped open. The first thing she saw was her girlfriend. "Mommy no."

Kelly sighed. "Michelle, come on baby."

"No." Michelle closed her eyes, trying to go back to sleep. "Five more minutes."

"Tenitra!" Kelly yelled, trying to get Michelle up. However, this time she got no verbal response. In fact, all she got was Michelle, making her lie down so she could cuddle with her. With Michelle's head on her shoulder and a leg on top of hers, she tried one more time to wake Michelle. "Mich-" Her baby's finger was on her lip, quieting her. Kelly was powerless against Michelle's cuteness. She figured that ten more minutes wouldn't harm anybody, so she set an alarm for ten minutes before she fell asleep with Michelle.

Michelle woke up to Kelly's alarm going off. She sat up and stretched her body. Her girlfriend woke up and turned the alarm off. She kissed Kelly's lips. "Hi, mommy." She said getting out of bed to go to the bathroom.

"Good morning." Kelly followed behind her. "Are you excited for today?"

"Yes! It's daddy and I's anniversary. You're still helping me get ready, right?" Michelle looked back to Kelly.

"Of course! I didn't come back home to just take a nap with you." Kelly giggled.

Michelle furrowed her eyebrows. "Where did you go?"

Crap! Kelly thought to herself. She was a terrible liar. "It's a surprise."

"Oh." Michelle smiled. She loved surprises from mommy and daddy.

"Mhm." Kelly hummed. "Also, I'm spending the night at Solo's, so you and daddy can have some privacy."

"What? No mommy, you can't!" Michelle frowned. She didn't understand why her mommy was leaving her. "Why?" Her voice cracked as she started to tear up.

"Michelle," Kelly sighed, holding her baby in her arms. "It's not a big deal. I leave tonight and I'll be back in the afternoon. It's just that tonight is about you and Bey. And that's okay. It gives me a chance to see how a good friend is doing."

"Have you slept with her?" Michelle asked as tears fell down her face.

Kelly furrowed her eyebrows. That would be gross if she slept with Solange. Solange was five years younger than her and Beyoncé's sister. "No, baby. And I don't plan to." She wiped the tears from Michelle's eyes. "I, honestly, thought that this was a good idea, but seeing how upset it made you and daddy, I definitely should have talked to you two first. I just wanted you to have a good first anniversary without worrying about me. I'm sorry that I made you cry." She kissed the tears as they fell from Michelle's eyes.

"No one asked for you to do that," Michelle said softly. "I want you here. I can't remember the last time I slept in that bed without you. I don't want you to leave. I know you wanted daddy and I to have some alone time, but is that how it's always going to be on anniversaries? Someone always gets left out."

Kelly frowned, "no baby. I don't feel left out. However, I've already given Solo my word that I would be there. How about you and daddy call me sometime tonight and you can tell me all about the date, okay?"

"Okay." Michelle smiled. That was a good deal. At least she wouldn't have to go a whole day without talking to her mommy. "What are you doing at the sleepover?"

"I don't know yet, but I promise to tell you about it on the phone later." Kelly poked Michelle's nose, causing her to scrunch up her face. "I love you."

"I love you too! Can I have a kiss?" Kelly asked, already leaning in.

Michelle connected their lips in a slow kiss. They kissed for a few seconds before Kelly pulled away.

Kelly smiled. "I need to get you ready before Daddy thinks we are doing something else. Do you know what you are wearing tonight?" She started the water, so she could bathe Michelle.

"Yes mommy!" Michelle pointed to her clothes that were on the chair.

"Perfect." Kelly untied the knot of Michelle's pajama pants and pulled them down. Her baby went to take her own shirt off, but her hands were smacked away immediately. "That's my job." She took Michelle's shirt off next. She took Michelle's panties off, adding them to the pile of clothes on the floor. "Get in, baby. I'll join you in a few minutes."

"Thank you, mommy." Michelle got into the shower just like she was told to.


Michelle gave Kelly one last kiss goodbye before she stepped out of the car. Kelly was kind enough to drop her off on the way to Solange's. Beyoncé had asked her to meet her at the park down the road. When they arrived, Beyoncé was already waiting for them. She opened the car door for Michelle.

"Wow." Beyoncé smiled, looking at Michelle's outfit. "You are absolutely stunning." She kissed Michelle's cheek.

Michelle, who was blushing, thanked Beyoncé. "You too, daddy." That earned her another kiss this time on the lips.

"Thank you for dropping her off." Beyoncé leaned into the car to give Kelly some kisses. "Drive safe and text us when you make it to Solo's house."

"Yes sir." Kelly said, starting the engine. "Have fun!" She drove off with Michelle and Beyoncé waving bye.

Michelle turned to Beyoncé. "So why am I at a park this late in the evening?"

Beyoncé giggled. "It's a surprise."

"Is that a telescope?!" Michelle said, jumping up and down. She always wanted one growing up, but she didn't bother asking her parents because the answer would be no anyway. She frowned a little bit thinking about that time in her life, but before she could think too long about it, she felt arms wrapped around her and a head on her shoulder. She leaned into Beyoncé's embrace.

Beyoncé kissed Michelle's shoulder. "What are you thinking about, baby?"

Michelle sighed softly. "I've never had a telescope before. I used to want one when I was around ten. I wanted to know what a star looked up close and personal, but I didn't want to be an astronaut because I didn't want t0 die. So a telescope was the best way, but they were crazy expensive."

Beyoncé held Michelle tighter. "You would look hot as fuck as an astronaut. That's gotta be your next Halloween costume." Michelle giggled, causing her to giggle too. "But seriously, you don't need a telescope to see a star. You see one each and every time you look into the mirror."

Michelle felt warmth all over her body. "Thank you." She whispered.

Beyoncé squeezed her. Michelle was so cute. "You want to look at the stars with me?"

"I thought that you would never ask." Michelle turned her head towards Beyoncé.

"Follow me!" Beyoncé took Michelle's hand leading them into the park. She took them to her spot that she had set up. There was food, candles, rose petals, and a pallet of sheets that they could lay on.

Michelle's jaw dropped as she looked at the sheets. It looked so comfortable. "All of this is for me?"

"Yes, baby." Beyoncé handed Michelle a piece of paper.

Michelle read it and her eyes lit up. It was a receipt. Beyoncé had bought her a star and named it Tenitra. There were coordinates of where the star was. "I want to see it."

Beyoncé pointed to the telescope. "I already have it set up for you. Just take a look."

Michelle looked through it, and the star was absolutely beautiful and glowing bright. "She is incredible." She whispered. "I love it! Thank you!" She ran to Beyoncé, who was stuffing a chocolate chip cookie into her mouth, and hugged her.

Beyoncé was starving. She hadn't eaten anything after breakfast this morning. "No problem."

"Are you hungry?" Michelle said, pulling back to see her daddy's face.

"I'm starving." Beyoncé giggled. "Can we eat now?"

"Yes!" Michelle agreed. "I am starving too."

Beyoncé and Michelle both sat on the pallet and ate their food to check in with each other.

"How has work been going for you, daddy?" Michelle asked, setting her empty plate down.

"It's been good and busy, but I'm glad that my schedule allows me to have time to spend with my girls." Beyoncé smiled at Michelle. "How are you feeling about your designs?"

Michelle pursed her lips thinking about her pieces. "I think they're perfect for now. I'm finished with that set. They're ready." She nodded with a smirk.

Beyoncé cleared the plates and they laid on their backs to look at the stars. The night sky was full of stars. Beyoncé was looking up at the sky, but she felt Michelle's eyes on her. She turned her head, so their eyes met, giving Michelle a small smile.

Michelle smiled back. "I got you something. I know we were supposed to do presents tomorrow, but I want to give you mine today."

"Okay." Beyoncé sat up, causing Michelle to sit up too.

Michelle pulled a small box from her purse and gave it to Beyoncé. "Open it."

Beyoncé opened the black box to see a silver necklace. On it was a diamond in the shape of a heart. Beyoncé loved it. "It's beautiful!" She hugged Michelle. "Thank you!" Beyoncé grabbed her hair, gathering it and moving it out of Michelle's way. "Put it on me." She gave the necklace to Michelle and leaned forward, placing her hand on her baby's thigh for support.

Michelle could feel Beyoncé's breath on her cheek. She swallowed hard as she took the necklace from her daddy. She let out a shaking breath. Beyoncé was so close to her. Up close, her beauty was absolutely breathtaking. Michelle tried to focus as much as she could to put the necklace on. The tricky part was clasping it behind Beyoncé's neck without looking. She struggled on the first two tries, but when Beyoncé picked her up and put her on her lap, she got it. Just before she was kissed on her neck. "Done." She felt Beyoncé smile against her skin.

"Damn." Beyoncé giggled, looking at Michelle. "I was just about to make it difficult for you."

"I know." Michelle laughed.

"Come here." Beyoncé softly demanded. She met Michelle halfway, kissing her passionately. Her tongue slipped into Michelle's mouth with no problems. She moaned, but pulled away.

"Let's go home, daddy." Michelle said, looking at Beyoncé's lips.

Beyoncé pecked Michelle's lips again. "I have to clean up really quick and then we can go. Okay?"

Michelle nodded. "Okay. I'll help. And thank you again. I loved it." She got up to help.

It took the two less than twenty minutes to pack up and clean everything.


"Can we call mommy?" Michelle cutely asked as her and Beyonce stepped into the guest house. "Of course, baby. But let's go get in bed first, ok?" Beyonce replied, Michelle nodding her head as they went upstairs.

Beyonce and Michelle took their clothes off except their bras and underwear. Beyonce then sat up next to Michelle as she called Kelly to FaceTime. Kelly immediately answered, "Hi my baby!!" Kelly squealed looking at her on FaceTime. "Aren't you going to say hi to me?" Beyonce asked, now laying on Michelle's shoulder. "Hi, daddy." Kelly said with a smile. Beyonce greeted her back as she started to kiss Michelle's shoulder.

"Are you enjoying yourself at the sleepover?" Michelle curiously asked. "I am! We just ate and now we are about to watch another movie. We just watched Freddy vs. Jason and there was this girl that looked like someone I know. It was really good though." Kelly explained. "How was the date with Daddy?" Kelly asked.

Michelle had a huge smile on her face. "It was beautiful. Daddy had set up a whole park for me with rose petals and candles and alll my favorite foods. She bought me my own telescope and a star! A whole star and named it after my first name, isn't it amazing?!" Michelle rambled out of excitement.

Kelly chuckled with a smile, she loved seeing her baby happy and full of joy especially after everything she has gone through. Kelly couldn't wait for her and Michelle's anniversary so she can give that love and joy to her on her own. And of course make her baby feel good in more ways than one.

"That definitely sounds amazing, baby. I'm glad you had a great time. So what are you and daddy about to do?" Kelly asked, grabbing her wine and sipping on it a little.

"Well that's up to you, baby. We could just chill and cuddle, watch a movie, or have fun in some other way." Beyonce suggested while she placed a kiss on Michelle's neck.

Kelly smirked at Beyonce knowing what the choice was going to be.

Beyonce kept kissing and sucking on Michelle's shoulder causing Michelle to squirm at the sensations she was now feeling down below. "Well, I'll let you and daddy have your fun. You be good for her, ok?" Kelly said about to hang up. "B-Bye mommy, I love you." Michelle whimpered out as now Beyonce was rubbing her clit. "I love you too, baby. Don't be too rough on her, daddy!" Kelly said, now hanging up.

"I make no promises." Beyoncé said more to herself than anyone. Michelle looked at Beyonce, smiling at the expression on her face. "I feel icky, can we go shower?" Michelle asked, referring to her nether regions. "That's fine baby." Beyonce replied now knowing her next step in terms of intimacy.

Beyonce got out of bed to get the shower ready while Michelle waited for Beyoncé to tell her that it was ready. A few minutes later, a naked Beyoncé came to pick her up, despite her telling Beyoncé that she could walk to the bathroom. At least for now, she could. In the morning, it may be a different story.

Beyoncé placed Michelle on her feet before the shower door. She took Michelle's bra off. When Michelle tried to take her own panties off, Beyoncé's hands were there to gently pull them away. "That's my job."

Michelle giggled. Mommy said that to her earlier which was true. Kelly always insisted on being the one to undress her. "I thought that was mommy's job." She said teasingly.

Beyoncé hooked her fingers into the side of Michelle's panties, pulling down. "It is but mommy isn't here, so now it's my job."

"She told you that?" Michelle said, stepping forward.

Beyoncé rolled her eyes playfully. "Yup! She also said that if you gave me any trouble, I was allowed to spank you." She said jokingly. They didn't have that type of relationship, and spanking wasn't a thing for them. Also, Beyoncé and Kelly didn't believe in hitting their baby when she acted up. They were always gentle with each other and they would be extra gentle with Michelle. "And right now you're being naughty." Beyoncé winked at Michelle.

Michelle knew that Beyoncé was just joking. They couldn't hurt a fly. "Well..." She took off running, laughing loudly as she left the bathroom.

It took Beyoncé about five seconds to catch Michelle who screamed dramatically as she was lifted from off the ground. "Where do you think you're going?" She said laughing at Michelle.

"You're really fast, daddy. You could have given me a head start. Cheater." Michelle said as Beyoncé carried her bridal style to the shower.

"No way! I got you fair and square." Beyoncé pecked Michelle's temple. "Let's take our shower, baby." Michelle opened the door for then and this time, Beyoncé didn't let her baby down until they were in the shower.

"Can I wash you, daddy?" Michelle said, picking up a loofah.

"Of course, baby! You don't have to ask." Beyoncé gave the bodywash.

Michelle took the bodywash. She squirted some onto the loofah and held the loofah under the water, squeezing it twice, so there were white suds. She started to wash Beyonce. Tonight was no different than any other night she's cleaned Beyoncé. Eyes watched her carefully.

Beyoncé loved when Michelle would bathe her. Her baby was always gentle. She never scrubbed too hard and paid close attention to what she was doing. Beyoncé assumed that this is what it's like to be a mannequin in Michelle's office, watching Michelle sow a dress, sowing it so the pieces fit perfectly together, tailoring it to accentuate the curves of her perfect body, and creating wearable art that the whole world deserved to see. Michelle was a beautiful woman inside and out. So talented and humble. For her to meet someone so incredible by chance was insane to believe. Despite Michelle's circumstances at the time, Beyoncé knew that she was the lucky one and she would spend every day of her life cherishing the gift that was Michelle. A blessing to both her and Kelly.

Michelle didn't know what happened. One minute she was bathing her girlfriend. The next minute, Beyonce was lifting her head, forcing her to look at her. There was a hunger in Beyoncé's eyes that Michelle immediately recognized and it made her so wet. Beyoncé's lips were on hers. She parted her lips because she wanted to taste her girlfriend. The kiss was electric. She could feel the hair on her arms stand up. She felt her legs go weak, but Beyoncé was one step ahead of her. Her back was against the wall a second later. She was tired of the teasing. She wanted more. Needed more.

Beyoncé pulled away from Michelle long enough to hear her baby say daddy please. She wanted more too, so who was she to deny what they both needed. Carefully, she lined herself up with Michelle's entrance. "I love you." She said softly moving her hips.

Michelle whined as she felt Beyoncé go deeper and deeper inside of her. She held on tightly, her nails digging into Beyoncé's back. Their hips finally met. She moaned, putting one hand flat against Beyoncé's stomach.

Beyoncé inhaled sharply. She exhaled slowly, putting her forehead on Michelle's. She was giving Michelle enough time to adjust, so when she moved her hand away, Beyoncé picked up one of Michelle's legs. "You ready?"

Michelle nodded her head. "Yes." Beyoncé's arms wrapped around her to support her weight. Their lips connected as Beyoncé's hips moved. She moaned softly. Thankfully her girlfriend didn't start off slowly.

Beyoncé moaned loudly into Michelle's mouth. Her girlfriend felt so good. Just like every time before. She planned to make love to Michelle not fuck her; however, she didn't care too much about the original plan to pull out. Instead, she went faster and harder.

"Can I cum, daddy?" Michelle barely got out. She felt so good and wanted cum. Her stomach was tightening. "Please!"

"Yes baby." Beyoncé hit Michelle's g-spot, causing Michelle to orgasm. She wasn't ready yet, so as her baby was shaking in her arms, she slowed her movements but never pulled out. She waited patiently for Michelle to catch her breath before picking up her pace. This time she and Michelle came at the same time.

They quickly finished cleaning each other before Beyoncé put them in bed.

They lay in each other's arms, sweat glistening on their bodies as their breathing slowly returned to normal. Beyoncé traced lazy circles on Michelle's back, her touch gentle and soothing. "I love you," she whispered, pressing a soft kiss to the top of Michelle's head.

Michelle sighed contentedly, her body still buzzing with pleasure. She snuggled closer to Beyoncé, reveling in the afterglow of their lovemaking. The room was filled with a peaceful silence, broken only by their synchronized breathing.

Beyoncé's fingers continued to trace delicate patterns on Michelle's back, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. Michelle's heart swelled with love and gratitude for the woman wrapped around her. She couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the depth of their connection, the way they were able to bring each other so much pleasure and comfort.

It made Michelle hungry for more.

She tilted her head up and pressed her lips against Beyoncé's neck, leaving a trail of soft kisses along the way. Beyoncé's breath hitched, and she instinctively tilted her head to give Michelle better access. The sensation of warm lips on her skin sent shivers down her spine.

Michelle bit Beyoncé's neck gently. She felt her thigh grip tightly, so she gently licked over it. Then sucked it, leaving a small bruise behind. Kelly taught her how to do that the first weekend she met her. Unlike Kelly, Beyoncé didn't like too many hickeys. When she was younger, she was so focused on not getting caught by her parents. If they saw a hickey on her neck, then they would start asking questions and that would have put Kelly in harm's way. So Kelly could only give her one in a non-visible spot. Even though they're older and out, that is one thing that stayed with her. She was a lawyer now, and it would be highly inappropriate for her to have one visible. Plus Kelly would give her too many and sometimes it would hurt. She was so happy when she learned that Michelle loved them.

Knowing that Kelly was the main one who liked hickeys, Michelle was content with just giving Beyoncé one. She pushed Beyoncé onto her back and sat up. She licked her lips, grabbing Beyoncé's dick and was immediately stopped.

"Not tonight, baby." Beyoncé sat up.

"Why?" Michelle asked. She wasn't offended at all. She just wanted to make sure everything was alright with her girlfriend. "Are you okay, daddy?"

Beyoncé nodded her head. "Yes I'm alright. It's just that you're going to be so sore in the morning. I don't want your jaw to be sore either." She kissed Michelle's cheek.

"Oh." Michelle said with a smile. "Can we do something else?"

"Absolutely!" Beyoncé's eyes sparkled. "Do you want to ride my face? It would make me very, very happy."

Michelle nodded her head. "Lay down." She giggled. This was by far the best anniversary she's ever had.


Michelle woke up with kisses on her cheek. Because of the fun and exhausting time she and Beyoncé had last night, she turned back over groaning softly. "Wake up my baby." Beyoncé whispered once again kissing Michelle.

"How can I get up when you fucked the feeling out of my legs? You probably got me pregnant too." Michelle whined as Beyonce kissed her neck where various hickies had formed from last night's activities. "Would that be a bad thing? I mean it would give me and Kelly more of an excuse to completely cater to you." Beyoncé said in a rebuttal.

Michelle now sat up straight in the bed thinking. "Maybe it wouldn't be so bad right now. But let me get my fashion career started before I pop out babies." Michelle rasped, her voice now beginning to hurt from last night.

Beyoncé laughed as she watched Michelle. "I don't know. You would look pretty sexy with a baby bump." She said, her hand now seductively stroking Michelle's stomach. Michelle blushed, playfully pushing Beyoncé away. "I got to get dressed, Bey." Michelle softly said trying to get up but was stopped by Beyonce.

"Just stay in bed, baby. I have a surprise for you." Beyonce said quickly getting up and going back to the main house to grab something.

Michelle raised an eyebrow, curious about what Beyoncé had in store for her. She lay back down on the bed, propping herself up on the pillows. Beyoncé soon returned with a small, wrapped box in her hand. She climbed back onto the bed and handed the package to Michelle.

"What's this?" Michelle asked, excitement brewing in her chest as she took the box from Beyoncé's hands. "I've had this for nine months now. I gave the same thing to Kelly during our first anniversary and now it only feels right to give the same thing to you."

Michelle's heart swelled with love and anticipation as she unwrapped the gift. Inside the box was a heart-shaped diamond ring with a rose gold band. Michelle gasped at the beautiful piece of jewelry, tears welling up in her eyes. "Bey, it's beautiful. I don't know what to say," she whispered, her fingers tracing the smooth edges of the diamond.

"You don't have to say anything, baby. Just put it on and let me show you how much I love you," Beyoncé said, moving closer to Michelle and taking her hand in hers. Michelle slipped the ring onto her finger, feeling it fit perfectly like a puzzle piece. Beyoncé's eyes filled with admiration and love as she leaned in to kiss Michelle deeply.

Michelle couldn't believe that for an entire year, she was able to be loved and cared for by this woman. Her life changed so quickly in the best way possible and now a year after she and Beyonce met, she was being loved by two incredible women and she had a family.

Tears started to fall from Michelle's eyes at these thoughts, and Beyoncé wiped them away gently with her thumb. "My love, why are you crying?" Beyoncé asked, concern lacing her voice.

"I just can't believe how lucky I am to have you and Kelly in my life. I never thought I would have a love like this," Michelle said, choking on a sob.

Beyoncé pulled Michelle into a tight embrace, holding her close and rubbing soothing circles into her back. "You deserve all the love in the world, Michelle. We will always be here for you," Beyoncé said, her voice soft and comforting.

Michelle felt a warmth spread through her as she leaned into Beyoncé's embrace, feeling safe and cherished.

After Michelle finished wiping her tears, Beyonce helped her get up from the bed as she was still sore from last night's activities. Michelle winced as she stood up, feeling the soreness in her limbs from their wild lovemaking the night before. Beyoncé chuckled softly, pressing a gentle kiss to Michelle's forehead.

"Maybe we should take it easy today," Beyoncé suggested a playful glint in her eyes. Michelle grinned at Beyoncé's suggestion. "As if we ever take it easy," she replied, her voice teasing.

Beyoncé chuckled, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, maybe we can take a break from the wild stuff and just cuddle," she said, wrapping her arms around Michelle's waist and pulling her close as both of them walked downstairs to the kitchen area.

Michelle's jaw dropped at all the food around her. Something that Beyonce learned very quickly was that Michelle loves food. Just like her and Kelly do."I had multiple chefs come just a while ago to make all this for us." Beyonce said. "I included your favorite- French Toast!"

Michelle's eyes lit up at the sight of the French toast. She had always loved it and Beyoncé knew exactly how to pamper her. Michelle jumped into Beyoncé's arms, kissing her all over as she squealed with delight. Beyoncé laughed, her heart swelling with love and happiness. She couldn't believe how lucky she was to have found such an incredible woman like Michelle.

After the hug, Beyonce and Michelle walked over to the breakfast table and after a quick yet powerful prayer from Beyonce, they began to eat.

The morning sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow over the kitchen as Beyoncé and Michelle sat side by side at the breakfast table. The tantalizing aroma of freshly cooked French toast filled the air, making their mouths water in anticipation.

As they dug into their plates, savoring every bite of the decadent breakfast, Michelle couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her. It wasn't just the delicious food that brought her joy, but the simple act of sharing breakfast with Beyoncé. Both Kelly and Beyonce have seen Michelle in incredibly vulnerable moments and sweet moments like these reminded Michelle of just how fortunate she was to have found true love.

Michelle drifted off just thinking about what she has experienced over the last year, from meeting Beyonce outside the sex club and the night they had together to four months later spending those few days with Kelly to now having both of them in her life and her making the journey to become a fashion designer with her first show coming up soon. It was definitely a little nerve-wracking considering that she gets anxious and very shy around crowds.

Beyonce noticed Michelle in la la land and not eating the last of her food. She reached across the table, gently placing her hand on Michelle's. "Hey, baby, what's on your mind?" Beyoncé asked softly, concern lacing her voice.

Michelle snapped out of her reverie, a blush creeping up her cheeks. She smiled sheepishly at Beyoncé. "Oh, sorry, I was just lost in thought for a moment." Michelle's voice was filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness. "I was thinking about my upcoming fashion show. It's been my dream to showcase my designs, and now it's finally happening."

Beyoncé's eyes sparkled with pride as she squeezed Michelle's hand reassuringly smiling at the girl in front of her.

"I am so proud of you, babe," Beyoncé said, her voice filled with genuine admiration. "I've seen your passion and dedication firsthand, and I know you're going to blow everyone away with your talent." She leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a husky whisper. "Just like you blow me away every day with the way you have grown into such a strong and fearless woman. I've seen you overcome so much trauma and embrace your true self, and it's been the most beautiful journey to witness."

Michelle's heart swelled with love and gratitude for Beyoncé's unwavering support. She knew deep down that she was lucky to have found not just one, but two incredible women who understood her on a profound level. And it wasn't just their physical beauty that captivated her, but their inner strength and kindness as well. Each day, they showed her what unconditional love truly meant.

Michelle couldn't be happier to have the life she has now and she was incredibly excited to see where the future takes her with Beyonce and Kelly.

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