By serene_fictionist

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Raelynn Baker A woman who escaped the viciously blinding nights of forced prostitution. Snatched from the emb... More

Author's Note
Meet the leads!!!
Prologue - HIM
Prologue - HER
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 1

2.1K 193 29
By serene_fictionist


People were noisily bustling in, women waltzing around in their well designed gowns, men dressed in dark shaded suits, lights shimmering, air enveloped with the odor of expensive wine and sounds of wealthy lies and I am ........ well, standing aloof, bored.

Dressed in a knee length black dress with an elegant piece of pearls adorning my neck, my wavy chestnut brown hair falling freely down my mid back, my eyes lined with a black tint, lips coated in a mild shade of maroon, I was standing in the humongous hall that was crowded with people from all sections of the elite - business, political, entertainment, sports and media.

Why am I here?

Good question.

"Ms. Baker, good evening, I've come to greet you as soon as I noticed you here.", an averagely tall, 50-something man, came walking towards me, a polite smile on his face.

"Good evening, Mr. Carl.", I nodded politely.

He's the chief editor of one of the most famous magazines in the country. He's neither good nor bad. Mostly does what's good for his magazine.

"I've seen the share price of your brand. It's escalating in a steady graph. I might ring you up for a cover interview this year.", he commented.

"Quite out of image for you, isn't it? Your magazine always puts people from established businesses or industries on the cover. To what do I owe such a lucrative proposal?", I asked, a courteous smile curving my lips.

He laughed lightly.

"You are one of the trending topics among the elites these days, Ms. Baker, you sure know, don't you?", he said.

"That's very flattering of you, Mr. Carl. But if it's coming from you, is it safe to assume I'm on good terms in the industry?", I asked.

"Being invited to this party itself proves you're already among the elites. Also, I've been hearing about the construction of your new factory. A big one, if I'm not wrong.", he commented, sipping his wine.

Digging news.

That's exactly what his profession is.

"I'm afraid it's not as big as the rumors say.", I replied politely.

"I'll take my leave then, Ms. Baker, I'll be looking forward to making a story on CLAY. Have a good evening.", he greeted and walked away to meet others.


The confectionery brand I had started three years ago, during the final semester of my college.

After escaping out of that hell 7 years ago, I managed to cite reasons for my gap in high school and requested for continuing my education.

I had to meet a lot of people, explain and cite various reasons, some legal procedures and some financial inheritances I received from my father's will, I was finally able to continue my education.

I worked extra hard and looking at my impressive grades, the school proposed a direct jump to the senior year, considering my age as well, and I readily accepted it.

It was a very tough year with all the sudden school work, part-time jobs, my psychological instability, the frequent nightmares, insomnia and deep rooted fear.

But, I fought, just as I had been doing all through my life since the day I was kidnapped at 16.

I was working part-time in a bakery during my college years, the owner of that bakery being an old man whose son had moved out to Paris for his job. When the owner grew too old to handle the bakery further, I offered to take up the small space on lease to open a confectionery of my own.

With the money I had saved from two internships of my second year in college and adding the little I received from my father's will, I paid the lease for the first six months.

It was a huge risk.

If I couldn't make profits, all the money I had meticulously saved would have gone in naught.

With the slight training I had from baking in that store and the recipes my mother and I had tried when I was young, I started making a variety of treats in different forms and colors.

The first two months prevailed in complete loss and I had been anxious about running it further.

I tried hard and experimented on different tastes, baked multiple cakes and treats, gave away a few for free in order to gain their feedback and even distributed them on the streets for free.

After four months of loss, I had reached the taste I had been trying to get and from there on there was no looking back.

The treats I baked with the new recipe, when distributed freely on the streets, brought a huge positive response.

On each wrapper that I gave them, I had left a handwritten note of the name and address of the store.

Before long, students from the university started visiting, the word slowly spreading to kids and their parents, and then to everyone in general.

All of them wanted to taste the unique recipes of the new store - CLAY.

I don't know why I came up with that name. It was just a spontaneous thought.

From there on, the growth had been increasingly steep.

Not long after, the store was bustling with people and I had decided to lease a bigger space. Much to my surprise, an investor showed interest and proposed it to be developed as a brand.

That offer changed the shape of my career.

The rest is history.

Hence, here I'm standing, in the middle of a boring party.

"You seem to be bored, Raelynn.", a female voice caught my attention.

I turned around and came face to face with the host.

Katherina Reece.

"Not at all, mam. You've hosted a very glamorous party.", I replied, the usual courteous smile gracing my lips.

Chuckling softly, she clinked her glass with mine.

"Maybe you can find a prospective, young and dashing groom.", she smiled mischievously.

"I'm honestly not in search of one.", I answered, chuckling.

I had met her a few times in various charity drills.

She's a woman with strong beliefs and knows how to play her game well. She has my genuine respect and admiration.

At that moment, the crowd slowly started going quiet as if someone very important had just arrived.

"Oh, he's here.", Katherina mumbled, pleased.

"Excuse me.", she smiled, looking at me and I smiled back, nodding.

Shaking my head at the sudden enthusiasm among men and women in business, I turned around to walk to the garden.

The blinding brightness of the lights and the customary smiles of people is starting to hurt my head.

Walking out of the hall, to the garden behind, the fresh air soothing my mood, a cool breeze caressing my face, I was going to walk away from all the noise, until someone decided to disturb me.

"Ms. Baker", someone called.

Wearing a plastic smile as usual, I turned around and walked to the group of guests waving at me to join them.


Kill me already!

"Guys, this is Raelynn Baker, -", the introductions went on for I don't know how long.

The onset of a headache soured my mood even more.

I had to be a part of their conversation for more than an hour, just because I didn't want to go back in and I couldn't just walk away from them and stand all alone.

Being unnecessarily rude would get me nowhere. I have to be as social as people come to grab the smallest of the opportunities to grow.

Much to my relief, one by one, they started to excuse themselves to indulge back in the party.

Once they were gone, I took a deep breath, basking under the sky.

"You look as gorgeous as ever, Ms. Baker.", some stupid man decided to disturb me yet again.

This is why I hate social gatherings. Not a moment's peace!

I didn't need to turn around to recognize that disgusting voice.

I ignored his comment.

The bast**d had the audacity to make vulgar proposals to me in front of my staff a few weeks ago.

"Angry, I see.", he chuckled, standing beside me.


"I shouldn't have brought that topic up in front of your secretary, I understand.", he continued.

One more word and I will break his jaw.

"But, no one would notice here. I also booked a room in a 7-star hotel for-", he continued in his vulgar voice, his hand an inch away from touching my waist.

Before he could finish his sentence, I turned around, grabbing his hand mid air, twisting his wrist in an awkward angle until a crack sound echoed, kicked him at the back of his knee and slammed him face first to the tree in front of us, holding his twisted palm behind his back in a tight grip.

"Aaahh-", I muffled his voice by shoving my forearm against the back of his neck, pushing his face harsher into the tree.

"Shut up.", I said coldly.

"Let one word out in front of me one more time and I will fracture your spine to an extent you won't be able to sit up in your life ever again.", I said in an eerily calm voice, meaning every word.

"S-Sorry", he stuttered out in a pained voice.

I let go of his disgusting palm and stepped back, deliberately stepping on his calf with my thin, pointed shoe heel.

I was a little too far in the garden from the main hall where all the commotion was still fresh.

Maybe it's better to just blend in than encounter such creeps.

As I took a few steps forward, I noticed a shadow of a man on the ground, the sound of his footsteps coming from behind me.

Did he see me thrashing that man?

I cannot afford any legal problems.

I clicked my tongue in annoyance.

This is a very important year in my investment plan.

But, when the man behind me suddenly took a step closer to me, my defensive instincts sprouted rapidly, warning bells ringing in my brain.

Acting on impulse, I raised my right arm and turned around, positioning in a way I could hit the man's neck with the edge of my palm, to render him unconscious in one swift move.

To my utter surprise, the man caught my arm mid air, halting my actions.

Before I could comprehend further, due to the sudden movement, the heel of my shoe tripped on a tiny stone in the grass and I was going to fall back, losing balance.

I saw his eyes slightly widening seeing me falling backwards.

In a swift move, he pulled me by my hand he was holding and twirled me around, my back colliding to his chest, his arm over my shoulder blades, still holding my right forearm, and my left palm gripping his for support, my breath hitching.

It all happened so fast that I didn't realize my position for a moment.

I was standing, my back flush against his chest, his right arm over my shoulder, my left hand tightly gripping his.

I turned my head to the side, my eyes glancing at him sideways, my heart racing as my face was an inch closer to his, his breath fanning my nose and cheeks, his gray eyes piercing into my amber ones.

Realizing our position, I pushed his hand off of me, startled, and he let me go.

Stepping away, I turned to face him, a wave of fury coursing through me, my brain yelling at me to stay calm.

I looked at him stoically, trying my best to curb my growing anger.

"You were going to fall, so I acted on instinct.", he said, his voice deep and bold, clearing his throat a little.


Does he expect me to thank him?

"Your stance while hitting me was wide. It's fairly disadvantageous in combat.", he said, his voice calm and stoic, after a moment's silence.

"And you are?", I asked stiffly, frowning, more precisely, rudely.

Who does he think he is to advise me?

I couldn't see his face completely due to the darkness and the dim light falling on us from the faraway party hall.

All I could notice was his tall form, his gray eyes and glimpses of his stubbled jaw.

"Vincent Marino", he introduced himself in a stoic tone, forwarding his right hand, a thick signet resting on his ring finger, his left hand elegantly holding a glass of wine.

I looked him straight in his gray eyes, a subtle mocking smile curving my lips.

"I'm afraid I can't shake your hand, Mr. Marino, my palm is stained with tree dust.", I said in a supposedly polite tone.

Turning around, I walked away haughtily, leaving his hand hanging in the air, smirking in petty revenge.

Little did I know, this was just the first of many encounters we were going to have, the next one being sooner that I could expect!


Phew! That was a long chapter?

How was the chapter? 🤞

How was their meet? 😏

She embarrassed Vince! 😂

What's your opinion on her? 🤭

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow.

Do follow me on Insta with the same ID.

Yours lovingly,


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