
By gretavangroupie

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Nashville can't be that bad, right? More

Kismet Part 1
Kismet Part 2
Kismet Part 3
Kismet Part 4
Kismet Part 5
Kismet Part 7
Kismet Part 8 Part 1

Kismet Part 6

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By gretavangroupie

Pairing: Josh x Reader, Jake x Reader

Word Count: 18.6k

Warnings: Cursing, Alcohol Consumption, Drug Use, Fluff. Angst: Verbal Sparring, Light Degradation, Lying, Arguing, Jealousy, Guilt, Heartbreak, Manipulation Themes. Smut: Kissing, Teasing, Fingering F!Receiving, Oral F!Receiving, Oral M!Receiving, Unprotected Penetrative Sex, Rough Sex, Voyeurism, Public Sex.



You sent the message to her knowing there was a chance she wouldn't respond. You didn't exactly deserve a response after how you treated her that night. It had been practically silent between the two of you for weeks now, just a few pictures here and there. She still invaded your every thought, your every dream, and you'd ruined any chance of it ever being more than that with your petulant jealousy. Nearly thirty minutes had passed since you sent the text, and with no response, you knew you needed to face the reality that she may never text back again.

Though to your surprise, your phone buzzed on the nightstand as you laid in your childhood bed, sulking in your misery, the TV droning on in the background of some movie you couldn't name. Your stomach lurched into your chest as you heard it, immediately snatching it from the charger.


1:08am: Are you still awake?


1:09am: I am... Late night?


1:10am: Yeah, packing to go home for the break. Sorry it took me so long to respond.


1:11am: That's okay. I just want to talk, Y/N. I miss you. I'm really sorry. I know I was out of line.

You see the text bubble pop up, blinking for a few seconds before watching it disappear. Your heart plummets wondering if she's going to reply, and as you start to type another message your phone vibrates in your hands. A smile crosses your face as you see her contact photo filling your screen. Her and Bloo with their faces pushed together on her couch, your favorite smile in the world. You hit the green button and clear your throat. "Hello?"

"Hey." she answers, her voice sweet and quiet.

"Hey baby..." you breathe, feeling your body relax from just the sound of her voice.

"I know it's late, I just... don't want to have this conversation over text."

"Oh, no, it's fine. I'm just laying in bed trying to tell myself I'm tired." you laugh.

"You in Michigan?" she asks, a little louder than a whisper.

"Yeah, for a few days. We're all here...What about you, you said you're going home for break?" you ask, genuinely curious of her plans.

"Yeah, I leave in the morning with Bloo to drive to my mom's. Gonna stay with her for a few days before I come back for finals." she answers.

"How's Bloo? Does he miss me?" you ask, letting a small laugh leave your lips.

"Mmm...I think he does. He's starting to mope around less though, so I think that's a good sign."

"He's forgotten about me." you sigh.

"Nooo. No he hasn't. He couldn't." she giggles.

"Y/N..." you start, wondering how you're going to piece together this apology. "I'm sorry for how I acted that night. I shouldn't have said those things. I had a shitty night and I drank too much... I know that's no excuse, but it's the truth. I miss you so fucking bad. All I think about is the next time I'll get to talk to you. So seeing you out with Dave, doing what I wanted to be doing with you, just...I don't know, it struck a nerve. I know I have no right to feel like that, I just want to tell you the truth, because that's what you deserve. I'm really sorry for acting like that and I hope you can forgive me."

"Jake, I...I miss you too..." she trails off. You can tell there's more she wants to say, but she's quiet.

"Will you forgive me, baby..." you beg.

"I want to, Jake. I do. I just...We talked about this, you said–"

"I know. I know what I said. There's just something about you that makes me... I don't know. Protective." you answer, trying to find the words.

"You don't have to be protective of me, Jake." she breathes.

"I want to be." you admit.

"But we aren't...together, Jake..." she trails off.

"I know." you answer quietly, your true feelings begging to come out. "You're right. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I just... I don't want you to flip out on me every time you see me with another guy. I don't freak out when I see pictures of you with a million girls vying for your attention, or hanging on you in photos..."

She's right, you hadn't really considered that. "I'm a fucking idiot."

"Noooo. No. You're not, you're just...on tour and missing home. That's all. This will all be over soon though, right? Only a little longer?" she asks sweetly.

"Another month, then home to you." you say, the words slipping out before you could catch them. "If you'll still have me.

"Of course I'll have you, Jake. I miss you every single day. I'll tell you again, Dave is just a friend. I actually haven't seen him outside of classes since that night. I promise, your mind is just trying to play tricks on you." she laughs.

"So... are we good? You forgive me? Got my girl back?" you ask, nervously.

"Yes and I forgive you...but you better start calling more. Bloo really does miss you. I miss you."

"Swear I'll call baby. Fuck, I can't wait to see you. Both of you." you confess.

"Can't wait to see you too, Jake. But let me go to bed, I have a long drive tomorrow with an unruly passenger." she laughs.

"Yeah, yeah, of course. I– Thanks for... calling and you know, talking. I just haven't been able to think straight since that night and I couldn't take it anymore." you say.

"No problem, sorry it's so late and all. I guess I just missed your voice." she says sweetly, and you can hear a yawn on her end of the phone.

"I'll call you tomorrow?" you ask.

"I'd like that." and you're sure you can almost hear her smile.

"Night, baby."

"Goodnight Jake." she says, ending the call.

Fucking finally.



"And you're absolutely positive it has to be Die Hard?" you ask as Josh smiles smugly on the other end of a Facetime call. He's laid back on his fluffy hotel room pillow, his freshly showered curls resting against the white fabric.

"It's one of the best Christmas films ever made. So yes. Plus it's my turn to pick anyways, Cherry." he answers matter-of-factly.

"Fine. But I get the next two." you bargain, sending him a smirk.

You see the dimple form in his cheek as he shakes his head, "Fine, fine. Just tell me when you're ready so we can hit play."

You hover your cursor over the play button on your laptop, attempting to start the movie at the same time. You and Josh had gotten into a bit of a routine, swapping your phone calls for Facetimes, and now spending your Facetimes watching movies together.

"Okay, 3, 2, 1." you say, hitting the play button and seeing the production logo roll through.

"Ahh, a classic. Get comfortable Cherry. Prop your phone up where I can see you." he instructs, his voice a little stern, but you know that's just how he speaks. You shuffle around, leaning your phone against a pillow. "Damn, it's almost like I'm there."

"Not too much longer?" you ask, letting your eyes catch his.

"About two weeks. Now hush, it's starting." he smiles, sending you a little wink.

About twenty-five minutes into the movie you see your phone screen flash, catching your attention. Shit.

"What's up Cherry? Need to pause for a second?" Josh asks, his face obscured by Jake's contact ringing through call waiting.

"Fuck fuck fuck..." you groan, deciding what to do.

"Cherry..." Josh presses.

"Sorry, it's– It's Jake, he's trying to Facetime."

"Mmm, well, he's too late. He'll have to wait." he scoffs.

"Yeah. Yeah, you're right. Just give me a second." you respond, declining the call, and once again being met with Josh's face.

"I knew you'd make the right choice." he remarks, with a smirk.

"Ugh, shut up. Hold on." you say, opening your text thread with Jake.


10:02pm: Can I call you back later? Right in the middle of something.


10:03pm: I'll probably be asleep. Just calling to see your face, miss you and Bloo.


10:04pm: Tomorrow?


10:05pm: Definitely, night baby.


10:05pm: Goodnight ❤️

Swiping out of your texts you reopen your active call, seeing Josh waiting for you to come back onto the screen. "You quite done?"

"Stop before I hang up and call him back." you warn.

"Alright, alright, sheesh, just a joke. You know I'll wait for you, Cherry baby." he says softly.

You let out a sigh, "Okay, you ready?"

"Yep, hit it."


"You ready to go honey?" your mom asks, attaching Bloo's leash to his collar.

"Yeah, I think so, I think I have everything." you say, looking around the house.

"I'm so glad you were able to come home for a little while, the place just isn't the same without you." She smiles tearfully.

"Well, we have our trip to look forward to, right?" you smile, grabbing the leash from her hands.

"Oh! Yes! Actually I talked to Karen just yesterday and we finally got it all ironed out." she smiles. "We are gonna meet Karen and the boys in Savannah for a nice little beach vacation!"

"Oh, the–the guys are coming this year?" you ask, shocked, trying not to arouse suspicion.

"Yep! Said they both jumped on board immediately." she grinned.

"Oh, wow. Okay that sounds fun..." your mind suddenly swirling with anxiety.

"So we have that to look forward to!" she says excitedly. "Be safe driving home honey, call me when you get back so I know you're safe."

"I will mom, thank you for everything and I love you! Come on Bloo!" you say, ushering him out the front door and letting him jump into your car. You wave to your mom again as you pull out of the driveway, a pit forming in your stomach as you realize your week of relaxation is going to be anything but.

The number on the exit signs are starting to look more familiar, and in the distance you can see the twinkling of the city lights against the dark sky. Letting your playlist shuffle through your favorites you count down to your exit, ready to get the hell out of the car and into your bed. As you put on your blinker to merge off of the freeway your phone rings through your speakers. You quickly press the button to answer, smiling as you see Jake's name flash across the display.

"Hello?" you answer cheerfully.

"Hey baby, how's your drive going?" he asks, his voice velvety smooth and calm.

"Only have about fifteen minutes left. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel." you laugh, disgruntling Bloo in the backseat.

"Oh really? I thought you wouldn't be back until late tonight?" he asks, and you can hear the squeak of his leather couch in the background.

"Yeah, decided to get an earlier start this morning– Oh! My mother told me that you would be joining us for the vacation this year..." you say suggestively.

"Hmm...I wonder why." he laughs, and you can practically hear his smile through the phone. "Hey, did you eat already? I can bring you some dinner..."

"Oh, yeah I ate about an hour ago...But– You could still come over... If you wanted to... I know it's last minute and all–"

"Yes. Okay." he answers all too quickly.

"Eager?" you joke, hoping to rile him up.

"For you, always." he answers smugly.

"Okay, good. I have a little surprise for you anyways."

"Mmm, that makes two of us." he growls. "See you soon." he says, ending the call. You feel a flutter of excitement in your chest at the thought of seeing him after so many months.

As you pull onto your street you quickly scurry inside with Bloo, depositing your things at the door and rushing to your bedroom to freshen up after eight hours in the car. Realizing none of your things were in their normal place you run back to the front door, grabbing your toiletry bag, and running back to the bathroom. After a quick spritz of perfume, brushing your teeth and your hair, you let out a huff, knowing he will most likely be here any minute.

You make your way to the kitchen, rummaging through your pantry looking for a rogue bottle of wine, spotting a bottle Jake had brought over previously that never got opened. As you dig out your wine bottle opener you hear a knock at the door and instantly your heart starts to pound. Finally, After months, he's here.

You take a deep, centering breath as you make your way to the front door, spinning the lock as Bloo wiggles excitedly next to you. Swinging the door open you're met with Jake boasting an arm full of small boxes.

"Hey baby..." he breathes, his eyes taking in every inch of you.

A smile spreads across your warmed cheeks, "Hi... I think someone is excited to see you." You say, opening the door to let him inside.

"Oh my buddy!" he cheers, setting the boxes on the coffee table before falling to the floor and wrapping his arms around Bloo. "Oh, I missed you too. Yeah, I did. Mmhmm. Yes. Yes!" He says between licks to his face.

You shut the door and lean against it, watching the two of them have their reunion, crossing your arms across your chest as you laugh. Jake sits up and reaches for your hand, and as you grab it he pulls you to the floor, letting you land on top of him. "You think you're not getting the same treatment?" he smirks, wrapping his arms around you, kissing your face everywhere his lips can reach until you're both in a fit of laughter.

"I missed you baby, shit..." he pants, never letting his hand leave your skin as he sits both of you up. He reaches over towards the coffee table, grabbing the two small boxes and placing them in your hands. "For you and for Bloo. Merry Christmas."

"Jake..." you whine, searching his eyes. You see a flicker of excitement hidden behind them.

You peel off the red paper, revealing a small black box. You gingerly remove the lid, letting your eyes focus on the tiny silver sailboat pendant that rests on the fluff of cotton. A thin silver chain holds the single mast boat as you pinch it between your fingers, letting it twist and spin in the dim light of your living room.

"Jake it's so..."

"Saw it in a little shop in San Francisco...I immediately thought of you. I knew I had to get it. You know why, right?" he asks, grabbing it from your hand and unfastening the clasp. You shake your head a little, letting him slide it around your neck.

"Well, I don't know if you remember but, Annapolis was the first place our families ever went on vacation together. Maryland... Such a random place for a vacation, but it's the sailing capital of the US. S'why we went apparently." he pauses, smoothing his hand over the chain as he takes in the sight of you wearing it. "Then, I don't know... I guess this is kind of stupid, but remember when we were sitting right here, watching 50 First Dates?" he asks, your heart instantly swelling as you nod your head.

"Well, at the end you got all teary eyed and said you would live on a sailboat with me and with Bloo...Ahhh it sounds stupid now that I'm saying it outloud..." he stammers, feeling shy.

"No. It's not stupid at all. I love it. It's– You're so thoughtful, Jake...This is really special. Thank you. So much."

"You're welcome, baby. Just want you to know I was thinking about you. I'm always thinking about you." he says, leaning over and pressing a kiss to your cheek. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, Jake..." you reply, twisting your fingers with his.

"Okay, now Bloo's turn." he smiles, handing you the smaller box. You rip the paper off, and are met with a similar small lidded box, and as you remove the lid you smile.

"Couldn't leave my buddy out." he laughs.

You pluck the silver dog tag from the box, the words 'First Mate' hand stamped into the metal. "God. You are so..." you pause, trying to find the right words. "You think of everything."

"I try to. For you..." he trails off.

Bloo saunters over, and you put him in a headlock as you attach the new tag to his collar.

"It's perfect." he smiles, admiring his work.

"You are." you answer, craning your neck to press your lips to his. His hands find your hips, pulling you into his lap as your mouths reacquaint themselves with each other. This kiss is slow, and sweet, and passionate, and you hope he can feel how happy you are to be with him like this again.

You pull away, not letting your lips go too far as you whisper against his. "Do you want your present?"

"I think this is a pretty good present." he smiles, gripping his hands into your ass.

"Mmm... I think you're gonna like this one a little bit more." you answer, standing up from his lap and walking to the kitchen to find your cell phone. You snatch it off the counter and open your emails, looking for the one you received this morning. You found your place in his lap again, wrapping your arms around his neck.

"Okay, so. Remember this morning when we talked about you joining us on our vacation this year?" you ask.

"I do." he nods.

"Well, I was thinking on my drive home that it would be fun if we could... I don't know, sneak away for a little bit and go on an adventure, just me, you and Bloo."

"Okay..." he presses, raising his eyebrows.

"So, I booked us a kayaking trip for when we're in Savannah. Just us, and Bloo." you said flashing the phone screen at him to see the reservation. "I know it's not a sailboat, but it's kind of cute that we both gifted each other something water themed." you giggle.

"Baby... That's amazing. Shit, I can't wait for that. I've been wanting to do something like that with you and Bloo. Thought about it while I was gone. God, you are perfect. You are. I swear. Thank you. That's going to be such a good day."

You drop your phone to the floor as he wraps his arms around your waist, connecting his lips to yours again, a little more passionately this time. You kiss him back, letting your tongue lick into his mouth as you taste him fully for the first time in months. A small groan leaves your mouth as his fingers slide under the hem of your shirt, feeling the skin he's missed so desperately.

"Fuck, I want you Y/N. Thought about you every single day." he breathes, sucking spots into your skin.

A jagged breath leaves your mouth at the feeling of his lips on your neck. "I want you, Jake."

"Have me. Take me." he breathes, stringing the words together almost indecipherably.

You push up off of the floor, standing and extending your hand to him, which he takes as he stands. As the two of you make your way down the hallway he stops, spinning you to face him and brushing your hair away from your neck.

"Fuck." he breathes, taking in the sight of the small boat. "I have had that for two months, I looked at it every single day wondering how it would look on you."

"And...How does it look?" you reply with a flirtiness in your tone.

He grabs the tiny sailboat between his fingers, gently tugging you forward with it as he connects his lips to yours. "Perfect." he murmurs softly against your lips.

You wrap your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss as his hands slide down your waist, hooking under your knees and pulling your legs to wrap around his waist. He walks you to your bedroom, tossing you down onto the bed with a slight bounce. He pulls his shirt over his head, as he crawls to meet you on the bed, his hands working quickly to rid you of your leggings.

He tosses them to the floor, before moving to your shirt, pulling it over your head as his lips connect with your chest. His kisses are wet and hot, his hands sliding up your arms, letting his fingers link with yours as he holds them over your head.

"Please..." you beg, letting your eyes flash to his.

"You're so pretty when you beg for me. I want you too, baby. I promise. Just want to touch all the places I thought about, first." he says, sucking your nipple into his mouth. His tongue swirls around the hardened bud, letting his teeth graze over the sensitive flesh. Your body arches into his, and you notice his pants are still on.

"Your pants. Please. Let me feel you..." you whine, your hands still restrained over your head.

He removes a hand from yours, unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning the button, pushing the fabric to the floor. He crawls back over you, never letting your hands free from his grip as he returns his mouth to his torturous heavenly assault on your neck.

"Jake...please let me touch you..." you plead, earning you a smile as his lips glide against your stomach.

"You miss me, baby?" he asks, a tinge of familiar arrogance in his voice, and in this moment you remember his twin. You push him from your mind as you feel the tingles forming in your stomach.

"Yes. Yes–please..." you whine.

"Mmm...I missed you too. Watched our little video damn near every night." he pauses, his tongue licking up your stomach. "Not nearly as good as the real thing, though."

He releases one of your hands, and it moves to grip into his hair. Your nails scratch against his scalp, earning you a groan of satisfaction. He looks up to you, as his hand moves and you feel two fingers swipe through your center.

"Sweet, wet little thing. God I fuckin' missed you." he growls, pressing his lips to your center, letting his tongue swipe through your folds. Your hips jerk upward into his mouth, as his hand comes up to press your hips down. His tongue swirls back and forth drawing tight figure eights over your clit, the wet sounds escaping his lips, only proving to make you wetter for him than you already were.

You hand grips tightly into his hair again, as a hiss leaves his mouth. A gentle 'fuck' passing through his lips. He slips a finger inside of you, pressing directly into the place he knows you like best as if he hasn't been gone for months and just did this yesterday.

A moan leaves your mouth at the contact, a ripple of pleasure greater than you've been able to give yourself tearing through your body.

"There she is. There's my girl." he says, the praises flowing from his lips like a waterfall.

"Please, I can't wait... I need you..." you whine, hoping he will approve your request just this once.

"Huh-uh. You're gonna cum for me just like this, first. Want to watch you fall apart on my hand. Only fuckin' thing I've wanted for months."

You knew the power a few filthy words held over you, especially these last few weeks, so you pressed further, knowing you were close. "More...Keep talking..."

"Yeah? Want to hear me whisper dirty words in your ear? Tell you I dreamed of your sweet pussy soaking my hand? Tell you I came with your name on my lips every night? That what you want, baby?" he growled into you, his fingers working diligently inside of you as he let his tongue flick over your clit.

"Yes..." you breathed, feeling the warmth starting to rise from your groin.

"Cum for me, give me what I want..." he demands, with a harsh flick of his tongue. Your eyes meet his just as you tumble over the edge, letting your release sweep you into the riptide of euphoria.

You're a panting mess as you slip back into reality, feeling him crawling up the bed to hover over you. "Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?"

Your cheeks flame red at his compliment and you see a cheeky smile slide across his face. "So beautiful."

"Will you fuck me now?" you ask, feeling a bit forward, but knowing it's what he wants.

"You ready for me?" he responds.

You nod your head quickly as he taps the tip of his cock to your sensitive clit. You hiss at the contact but you're craving him more than you ever have, completely desperate to feel him inside of you.

He presses forward, and you feel every inch of him as he reaches the hilt. He breathes hard into your neck, struggling to catch his breath just from the feeling alone. "Goddamnit, Y/N..."

You tighten around him, needy for more as you feel him jump inside of you. "Baby..." he whines, pulling his hips back before sliding into you again. His eyes practically roll back into his head as you squeeze around him again, and that's his final straw as he pulls out of you and taps your thigh. "On your knees. Please."

You roll over, pushing up to all fours as his hand slides down your spine and rounds your ass. You feel his dick press to your entrance as he lets his hand guide your hips back to him. "Push back onto me baby, arch your back for me."

He definitely knew what he wanted tonight, but you consider that he'd had a few months to figure it out. He thrusts into you as you push back and the rough contact steals the breath from your lungs. "Fuck Jake..."

"Tell me if it's too much." he pants, snapping his hips into you with a loud smack.

"No. Not too much, want more..." you breathe through each thrust.

"More?" he asks, bringing his knee up and planting his foot on the bed. He places both hands on your hips, forcefully pulling you back before letting one hand snake up your back to rest at the junction of your neck and shoulder. He uses this for leverage, pulling you closer to him as he fucks into you.

"So goddamn tight. So fucking good for me." he grunts, letting his hand wrap around the front of your throat.

"Do it." you beg, desperate to feel his fingers tighten around your neck. You feel the tension building inside of you again, and you're certain that one more harsh thrust and the lack of blood flow to your brain would be enough to send you over the edge once again. His fingers grip into your skin as he delivers another wicked snap of his hips, catapulting you into your orgasm as you clench tightly around him.

"Baby, I'm– Fuck, I'm there. I'm–" he groans, trying hard to stave off his own release.

"No. I want it. Give it to me." you beg through strangled breath. He releases your throat, wrapping both of his arms around your waist and pulling you up to rest against his chest as he spills into you with a few gentle thrusts. His moans are loud in your ear as you rest your head on his shoulder, letting his hands palm your tits as he works himself through his come down.

The two of you collapse into the sheets, sweating and panting. He pulls out of you and rolls to face you, pressing his lips to yours in a rapid succession of kisses, a desperate attempt to show you how much he needed everything you just gave him.

A shower was needed, the two of you washing quickly with a few shared kisses and touches in between, a few laughs and a long, wet hug. You let him wrap you in a towel before the two of you make your way back to the bedroom, sliding on pajamas and falling back into your bed. His hands ran lazily over your back, his eyes tired and a yawn slipping in between every few words.

"Did you that video every night?" you ask shyly.

A small laugh leaves his chest, "Almost. Was missing you pretty bad there at the end."

"Couldn't you know..." you trailed off.

"What...?" he questions.

"Found someone to..."

"What? No. Why would I do that?" he asks like you're insane.

"Well, we aren't–"

"No. That's not me. That's more of a Josh thing." he says, waving his hand in the air.

"A Josh thing?" you ask, feeling a bit of the color he brought to your cheeks drain as you process what he just said.

He huffs out a breath, "Yeah, typical tour behavior. Finds someone somewhere, regrets it the next morning."

"He does that often?" you ask nonchalantly, trying not to make it seem like you're invested in the answer.

"Pretty much. Think he learned his lesson on Halloween though." he laughs, clearly replaying the memory in his mind.

"Halloween?" you ask, the wheels turning in your mind. The night you two fought. The night you and Josh were...

"Mmhm... was glued to his phone all night, then got pissed off and left with some chick. We had to go pick him up at her place the next morning, he looked like dog shit and then got sick a few days later."

You feel your heart sink and you wonder if he would have gone home with that girl if the two of you had continued texting. You try to brush off the sour feeling, remembering that it's Jake's arms you're laying in, not Josh's.

"I'm glad that shit doesn't really interest me." he says, running his fingers through your hair. "You're all I really wanted anyways."

You lean over and press a kiss to his soft warm lips, letting his hands wrap around your waist as he pulls you close to him. "I wanted you too," you answer, your voice a little withdrawn. You try to bring yourself back into the moment with Jake, not letting Josh and his tendencies ruin your reunion with Jake. His voice pulls you from your thoughts, a welcome distraction.

"Remember a few weeks ago I told you about that guitar collab I'm working on?" he asks, changing the subject.

"Mhmm..." you hum against his chest.

"I fly out to Montana next week to look at prototypes for my very own model."

"Really? That's so amazing, Jake!" you gush, knowing he was excited about this for the past few weeks.

"Yeah, I'm stoked. I know it's going to be a long tedious process, but so worth it. I'll be flying back and forth for a few weeks to make final decisions, then we have to shoot some press and promo for it..." he trails off. "I know I've been gone, and I know we just got back to...well, this. But, I'm gonna be back and forth for just a little while longer." he says, a little bit of solemn energy in his voice.

"That's–that's okay Jake. Don't worry about me, just go do your thing. You know I'll be here."

"I hoped you'd say that. You know it's you I wanna come back to, right?" he asks, letting his thumb drift under your eye.

You smile softly and nod your head, feeling his lips press to your forehead as your eyes grow heavy. You feel Bloo jump up into the bed, Jake welcoming him with open arms as he settles on the opposite side of him. He lets out a content sigh as he pats Bloo's chest.

"I'll be back for Valentine's Day though..." he says, his voice sleepy as he rolls to pull you in tight.

"Yeah? You got a hot date?" you say playfully, pressing your ass into him.

"I think she's pretty hot." he touts, grabbing a handful of your ass as you turn off the lamp.

"Is this your way of asking me to be your Valentine, Jake?" you giggle.

He lays a soft kiss behind your ear, letting his velvety smooth voice fill your mind. "Something like that..."

You stand outside of Josh's front door, the winter wind blowing your hair in front of your eyes. Just a few days after New Years, you're holding his Christmas present in your hands, wrapped neatly in some brown paper with a simple bow of twine.

He opens the door, his usual handsome half smile on his face, wearing his usual long sleeve white t-shirt. His hair is a little longer than it was the last time you saw him, peeking out around the back of his neck, and his eyes are a little brighter, like his battery has been recharged after all of the excitement of being on the road for a few months.

"Well look who it is..." he says, and you feel the way your cheeks flush. A smile creeps onto your face as he looks you over. "Get in here. It's cold."

You step inside, unzipping your boots and slipping them off. You shrug off your jacket, but his house is always a little chilly, so you've come prepared this time in a sweater.

"You didn't bring your friend with you."

"Bloo? No. He's fine at home. And he doesn't seem to be a fan of you anyway." You answer, snickering as he leads you towards the living room.

"I think the fact that there are seemingly two of me makes him uneasy." He suggests with a philosophical air as he sits on the couch, but you know it's bullshit.

"You don't look that similar. Plus... It doesn't make me uneasy." You quip playfully, shrugging.

Josh rolls his eyes in response, not giving you the reaction you wanted. He looks up at you, silence falling over the room for a beat. Some music is playing softly and it looks like he was in the middle of writing in his journal- the book is closed, but his pens and pencils are laid out on the coffee table.

"Here," you say, offering him the little box in your hands. "For Christmas."

He accepts it tentatively, holding your gaze as his long fingers graze yours briefly. You watch his hands carefully as he pinches the twine between his thumb and forefinger, gently untying the knot with one pull. You swallow thickly as you watch his nimble fingers, the veins in his hands appearing and disappearing as he moves.

You perch yourself on the arm of the sofa as he slips a single finger under the taped flap on the underside, popping it free. He unwraps the gift with impressive neatness, folding the brown paper over a few times to make it smaller, then he tucks it under his leg.

He lifts the top of the box free and reveals the suncatcher inside. It's a circle, intended to be the sun, with a thin gold ring around it and a few smaller crystals dangling from it. He gently plucks it out of the box, looking it over.

"I don't put up a Christmas tree, Cherry." He says with a smug smile.

"It's not..." You say, trailing off, a little frustrated. "It's a suncatcher."

"Oh." He says, looking it over again.

"You have a thousand windows in here and not a single blind, curtain, or decoration. I figured it's a start." You say, feeling your cheeks heat up. He hates it. He thinks it's stupid. You want the ground to swallow you up. "It's... It's nothing. I just saw it while you were away and thought of you. That's all."

He senses your nervousness and offers you a little smile.

"Thank you. You're a sweetheart." He finally says, putting it down on the coffee table next to his closed journal and probably cold tea. You don't say anything in response, choosing to just give him a halfhearted smile instead while you curse yourself for getting him anything in the first place.

"I didn't have time to get you a gift, but I did light the fireplace in anticipation of your arrival. That counts for something, right?" He says, laughing softly as you sit sideways on the couch, looking over at him. You don't buy that he didn't have time to get you a gift, knowing that Jake did, but you push it from your mind.

"It does feel warmer in here. Thank you." You respond, giving him a little shy smile. You can feel him trying to pull your walls back down.

"What did you get up to for the holidays? Mom doing okay down there on her own?" He asks, putting his arm over the back of the couch and getting comfortable.

"It was really just her and I... and Bloo. I saw some old friends for dinner once or twice but other than that, her and I just hung out. It was nice." You say, resting your head on your hand. "She's doing okay being by herself, though. She and your mom are still constantly on the phone." You pause for a minute, thinking back fondly on their friendship. "How was Michigan?"

Josh chuckles softly. He looks over at the coffee table, like he's considering his answer.

"It was fine. Jake was in a piss-poor mood the entire time thanks to someone. So that put a bit of a damper on things."

"Oh, please. You know how he gets when you guys go away." You say, coming to his defense as well as your own.

"I know how he gets when we go away and leave you unattended." He says, his comment definitely holding some weight as his eyes rake over you. "Look at you, knocking on my door the same day his flight leaves. Heard you got into some trouble on Halloween, even."

You tilt your chin down, looking at him like you're disappointed in him for the remark.

"I heard you did too." You shoot back, raising your brows.

"That's where you're wrong, Cherry. I don't get into trouble, I don't play games, and I don't owe anyone anything." He says it calmly with such an arrogant tone that you feel your face get hot.

"No, I... I didn't mean–"

"See, I'm not Jake." He continues, and you can sense some annoyance in his tone. "I'm not your little boyfriend. You don't catch me crying when you get out of my bed and hop right into his before the sheets are cold, do you?" He says bluntly. Your eyes go a little wide. This isn't even close to how you imagined this conversation going.

"I wasn't actually giving you a hard time." You say, your tone clipped. "If I was, I would have called you up the moment I found out." You explain with the smallest amount of contempt in your voice. "But I didn't. I was just teasing you. I'm glad you had a good time with whoever."

He's quiet for a moment, looking over at you like he's discerning whether or not you're telling the truth. The record crackling softly underneath the conversation has stopped, so when he stands up, you figure he's heading to change or flip it.

You watch as he walks away, flips the vinyl, then starts the second side. You surmise he can feel your eyes on him, because when he turns around, he's back to his usual self, smiling smugly at you.

"I missed you, you know." He says on his way back over. He sits back down closer to you this time, seemingly trying to butter you up after his little outburst.

"I know." You answer, fighting a smile as you try and play the game. He gives you a surprised suck of his teeth, leaning closer, toying with the ends of your hair.

"You're not mad at me?" He says, his voice a soft, boyish melody in your ear.

"No, Josh." You answer truthfully. There may have been a little pit of jealousy buried down deep somewhere, but you're rational enough to know that it's not justified. "You're not my 'little boyfriend,' so I'm not mad." You lie, because buried even deeper than that jealousy is a glimmer of hope, that maybe, eventually, he could be.

"Can I kiss you?"

His voice pulls you from your thoughts. His lips meet your jaw first, a sweet brush of his facial hair across your skin sending goosebumps up your arms. You nod against him, reaching towards the back of his neck to help him along. When his soft lips meet yours, a sigh leaves your chest. You missed him too.

He helps you into his lap and your lips reconnect, wasting no time at all. You can feel the hard outline of him against you as he pulls your hips down with a little force, his teeth nipping at your bottom lip almost mischievously as the friction makes your hips buck in search for more.

"Can I touch you?"

You hum affirmatively, feeling his slightly chilly hand slide into the front of your pants against your abdomen. Your muscles tense slightly as you adjust to the temperature difference while his hand keeps moving, slipping into your cotton underwear.

"Fuck... you're so warm," he murmurs, not hesitating as he slips two fingers inside you, curling them forward and watching your jaw fall slack. He takes in every detail of your face, your reaction fueling him.

Between the way his stare and his fingers are making you feel, you can't help but let your head fall backwards, a drawn out moan escaping as he works you.

"Why is this pretty pussy so wet, huh?" He asks, licking softly at the skin of your neck now that it's exposed. "I think you walk in here and it just happens. Classic conditioning?"

You can't help but let out a laugh, lifting your head again.

"Do you ever shut up?" You quip, your smile crinkling the edges of your eyes.

He lifts his free hand, miming like he's zipping his lips and throwing away the key. You purse your lips, taking your turn to give him a look of disbelief. He doesn't say another word, but he curls his fingers so deliciously you can't help but cry out.

You lower your head to kiss him, teeth bumping together. He lets out a small groan against you, panting into your mouth as he starts to fuck his fingers into you faster.

"Keep going..." You sigh against him. You can feel him tempted to respond, but he stays silent, just listening, keeping a consistent pace with his fingers inside you. It's not long before he has you breathless, teetering on the edge.

He's dedicated to proving he knows how to be quiet, and you know it by the way he's humming, mumbling unintelligible praises with his mouth closed. You know he wants to feel you tighten around him and soak his fingers, and he doesn't need to say it out loud. His dark eyes are boring into you as he adds a little more pressure, pressing and stroking against the inside of you until you feel like you're floating.

With a small yelp and a vice grip on the overgrown hair at the back of his head, you start to tremble, collapsing into him, your climax taking you. You feel the way your body sucks his fingers in, never wanting to let them go, never wanting to let him leave again. He gives you a pleased hum as you come down, your quickened breaths soon slowing and deepening as he waits patiently for you to come down.

He withdraws his hand from your pants and tugs at the waistband, silently asking you to take them off. You don't hesitate to hop up from the couch and slide them off. He stands up with you, taking you by surprise and pushing you towards the couch. You kneel on the cushions, putting your hands on the back of it. For a moment you feel exposed, looking out the floor-to-ceiling windows of his home into the woods of his backyard. It's unlikely anyone would see you, but your natural reaction is a tinge of nervousness.

You know he's behind you, unphased, the little voyeur he is. You laugh softly to yourself as he unzips his pants, folding them in half and tossing them over the arm of the couch.

You feel his fingers as he reaches out, grazing over the small of your back. He trails them down to your ass, his touch sweet and firm. After a gentle squeeze, his fingers slip between your legs.

"You look so pretty like this," he says as he breaks his silence, and you turn your head over your shoulder, acknowledging the fact that, no, he doesn't ever shut up. That couldn't have even been five minutes. You watch as his eyes travel over the most intimate parts of you, admiring you, his hand lazily exploring your wetness, being surprisingly mindful of how sensitive you are, and decide not to give him trouble about it. The compliment feels good.

He pushes a single finger into you, which in turn makes you arch your back, pushing back against him. You feel warm all over as he applies a little pressure. He lets out a breathy laugh at your reaction, slipping his finger out of you. He takes a step closer, rubbing the tip of himself against you for a moment.

"You want it, Cherry?" he rasps, and you hear the lewd sound of him slipping against you, soaked and dizzy with want. "Say please," he taunts, and you huff in frustration.

Wordlessly, you shift your hips, arching your back just enough to get the wide, pillow-soft head of his cock to slip inside you.

"Oh, you little brat." He grunts, and from the sound of his voice, you know his jaw is clenched. You try to push back against him, but he backs away, refusing to give you what you want. It feels good, but you're not sated. You've thought about this for too long. It's not enough.

"Please," you whine, and he sucks his teeth in response.

"Listen to you begging... don't you have any shame, Cherry girl? How did you survive while I was away?" He pauses. "While we were away." He adds, slipping in just a little further, pulling a punched moan from you. "Greedy thing."

"Josh..." you huff, and he chuckles softly, moving in a touch deeper.

"I'm just taking it slow... don't want to hurt you..." he says, his voice dripping with fake concern.

"I swear to g-"

His hips snap before you're finished, cutting you off as he stuffs you full and sends you forward into the couch. You gasp at the feeling, trying to look at him over your shoulder.

"You're welcome." He whispers, his tone smug. "Now stop your whining."

He hasn't started moving yet, but you can feel warmth burning in your lower belly, your walls fluttering around him. He runs his hand down your back, taking a deep breath.

"You're so fucking warm and tight... Goddamn, Cherry." He says, and you can feel him flex inside you, his body tensed up as he's fighting the urge to fuck into you. He savors the feeling for a little longer before finally pulling back with a slow drag that makes your head spin.

"God, I missed you..." you say, your voice soft and muffled by the throw blanket on the back of the couch. You almost immediately regret it, because you know he's going to take it and run with it.

"Missed me?" He asks, sucking in a sharp breath between his teeth as he starts to set a steady pace, your hips bouncing off of his as he pulls you against them. "Or missed fucking me?"

"Both," you answer truthfully. He picks up the pace a little more, thrusting with a bit of force, gripping your waist with both of his hands. He seems to reward you for your honesty, giving a pleased hum as he reaches around, his fingers dragging sloppy circles around your bundle of nerves. Your legs shake slightly, your hands gripping the back of his leather couch for leverage.

"Josh..." You cry out, lifting your head. Your hair falls over your back and he abandons your clit, taking the opportunity to gather it up, wrapping it once around his fist.

"I know, Cherry-pie. I can feel it. You gonna give it to me? Your pretty pussy gonna tell me how much she missed me?" He says, his voice raspy and winded. You replace his hand with your own, and even though it's not the same it'll work.

You nod quickly against his hold on your hair, feeling your body start to tense up. Your thighs are quivering, muscles taught.

"Breathe, baby." He says, his voice soft. "Gonna be sore tomorrow. Relax." He says, coaxing you along. You take a deep breath, filling your lungs, releasing it with a choked moan as your climax starts to take you.

"Josh..." You gasp, your voice wavering in rhythm with each thrust he delivers, your neck bent as he holds on to your hair.

"Right... behind you..." He says, his words clipped as he speaks through clenched teeth. He sounds so needy that you want to bundle up the sound of his voice for a rainy day, the desperation of it enough to make you dizzy.

He chases his own end, fucking you deeper and harder, to the point that each stroke reverberates through your hips, your bones, painful in the sweetest way. He lets out a low groan as his hips start to stutter, his hand tightening in your hair. You hiss softly at the pain, but he soon lets go, pulling out of you and wrapping his hand around his cock. He pushes the underside of it against your ass, and you feel him stroking himself quickly. He curses before you feel him start to paint your lower back with his seed, whiny, pained sounds escaping his lips as he does.

You pull your hair over your shoulder, looking back at him as he comes back down.

"Fuck me." He says, a chill running up his spine. You laugh at the vision of him as he shudders, a tiny, fucked out giggle bubbling out of you. "That's a sight." He says, admiring his work.

Your cheeks flush as he grins brightly at you, his cheeks rosy and glowing, and you can't help but smile in return.

"Come on. Let me clean up my mess." He says, walking off towards the stairs, assuming you're going to follow.

The night that follows isn't what you usually get with Josh. You're not sure if it's because you haven't seen him in a while, or because Jake is out of town, or because he's just been lonely while on the road. The two of you take a long, hot shower, Josh babbling softly about what he saw on the road, the crowds, the small towns, the fans he met. You listen and ask the occasional question, but much prefer to hear his thoughts strung together without interruption.

You dry off, Josh kindly offering you a soft black t-shirt to wear. You borrow his hairbrush, getting a few knots out of your wet hair. He uses a gentle, unscented moisturizer, so you borrow some for your face, shooting him a smirk as you put it back on his countertop, knowing he wants to say something about you not asking permission or making yourself right at home.

Once you're seemingly dry, dressed, and finished, you move to walk out of his bedroom and track down your clothes.

"Hey..." He says, holding his towel in his arms, some sweatpants hanging low on his hips. "Where are you going?"

You furrow a brow at him. Who is this man in front of you and where did he send Josh?

"To... get my stuff? I'm sure you want to get to bed." You answer. You've learned not to overstay your welcome.

The air is heavy for a moment and you swear you see the gears turning in his head. Then he speaks in a soft, almost boyish voice.

"Why don't you stay?"

The second half of January speeds along once your classes start back up. You see Josh every few days while Jake is in and out of town. When Jake is around, he's usually at your house. You start to feel yourself getting a little overwhelmed between the two of them. It's hard to keep yourself focused on school, your attention always being pulled in some direction. It comes to a head when Jake comes home on a Sunday evening and Josh, in typical fashion, calls you up, expecting to make plans for the same day.

"Just come over." He says, like he doesn't want to hear whatever your response it. "I got that wine you like and I'm half hard on the couch."

"Josh. It's fucking freezing outside." You lie, putting him on speaker as you braid your hair in your bathroom mirror, the 6pm sky pitch black outside. Jake is flying home as the two of you speak and you're going to spend the evening at his house.

"I'll get a remote start installed in your car if you come over." He offers, and you can hear the smile in his voice.

"Josh..." you warn, tying up your first finished braid. "I'm already in bed."

"Come onnnnnn." He whines. "Please, Cherry girl?" You sigh, biting down on your lip as you debate telling him the truth.

"Jake's on his way back." You divulge, not saying anything more just yet.


"So... I said I would go over for a little while when he got home." You share with a sigh.

"Why wait all night for him when I'm here... on the line... begging for you to come pay me a visit?" He asks, his voice low and tempting. You're silent for a moment as you curse the warmth building between your thighs. He knows you're considering taking the bait by how long it's taking you to respond.

"Tell him you'll see him tomorrow. You're tired. You're busy. You're bored of him. Just... just come over. Let me bury my face between your legs for a bit, then I'll send you on your merry way. Scout's honor."

"I'll see what I can do." You say, sighing. Picking up your phone, you see the last text Jake sent telling you he'd be back at his house around 11pm. You start to type a message to him as you hear Josh humming on the other line, not hanging up until he gets the answer he wants from you.


6:13pm: Hey... I've got an awful migraine and I kind of just want to try and sleep it off. Can we get together in the morning? Coffee before my class at 11, maybe? Sorry to bail on you... 🙁

You send the text and put your phone back down on the counter, grabbing your toothbrush. Josh is going about his business on the other line. You hear his tea kettle, then the sound of a mug being pulled from the cabinet. A tea bag crinkles near the speaker. Your phone buzzes shortly after.


6:16pm: Poor baby. Get some rest. I'll text you in the morning and we can find some time to get together.

"What's the verdict?" Josh asks, having heard your phone buzz.

You spit out your toothpaste, then answer him with a little snark.

"I'm getting a remote start for my car."

After that night, you start to reconsider your decision making. It's getting harder to keep your stories straight. More difficult to keep up with the two of them. It's draining your energy and taking your focus away from your schoolwork. You withdraw a little, trying to get your head straight.

The universe, hearing your plea, gives you a break from the two of them when the freezing weather and campus germs land you with a cold. You spend the last week of the month alone, both of them keeping their distance, knowing they have to keep themselves and their weak immune systems safe from the plague you picked up on campus. It buys you some time to think and try to pay attention to your studies.


It's a freezing cold February afternoon as you sit in your bed, your laptop warming your thighs as you try and get some schoolwork done. You've been holed up working for a few hours, using your Sunday to catch up so you weren't pulling any all-nighters during the week.

Realizing your stomach is slightly empty, you flip the blankets off of you, kicking your legs over the bed and heading for the kitchen. When you look out of the back door, you're met with a surprising view- snow?

There had been some snow while you were away, nothing but some light flurries, but this time it seems to be sticking. It's coming down heavily, and you're completely and utterly unprepared. You don't own a shovel, you don't think, and you don't have your landlord's key to the shed out back.

Bloo trots out of the bedroom, sitting down at the sliding glass door and looking out, then over his shoulder at you.

"I know buddy. I didn't think to get you a winter coat." You say, closing the fridge. Padding across the floor in your sock clad feet, you grab your phone off of your bed and send Jake a picture of the view through the door, Bloo sitting and watching the snowflakes in the foreground. He's out of town for the next few days, so the least you can do is update him on the freak Nashville snow storm outside of your door. You call Bloo into your lap after you hit send, hugging him for a moment in the quiet. Jake doesn't take too long to answer, your phone buzzing a few minutes later.


5:21pm: I'm missing it? Oh come on.


5:22pm: Wish you were here. (I don't have a shovel.)


5:22pm: And I miss you.


5:23pm: You should call Josh. He can make it through the snow in his truck and he could use a workout.

You exhale a little laugh out of your nose at his text- not because what he's saying is anything absurd, but because of the sheer irony. He doesn't realize what he's doing. The way he's so trusting, encouraging you to invite his twin over during a snowstorm, is making you feel god awful.


5:25pm: Maybe. Hopefully it just melts...


5:25pm: Oh, and then re-freezes into ice? Brilliant!


5:26pm: Blah blah blah, you know everything about snow because you're from Michigan, we get it. 😉

You sigh and pull up your contacts, dialing Josh's number. He answers on the first ring, like he was already holding his phone.

"Hello?" He says in a brassy, cartoony voice. He's in a good mood, you can already tell.

"Hi. Is this Mr. Josh Kiszka?" You ask, stifling a laugh.

"It is. Who gave you this number?" He asks with mock confusion.

You laugh into the phone, standing up from your spot on the floor.

"I was referred by your twin brother. I don't own a shovel, so he strongly advised me to ask you to come and clear the walkway. Wants to be sure I don't slip and crack my head open like a watermelon." You explain, pretending it's a business arrangement. "And my dog needs a spot in the grass to pee."

You hear him sigh on the other end of the line. A little groan comes through too, like he's stretching after sitting for a while.

"Alright, Cherry. I guess I can do that. If he insists." He says, a little tongue in cheek. "I'll be there in a bit."

You quickly tidy your house, which you've been holed up in for hours. You light some candles, re-make your bed, fluff the throw pillows, and put on some quiet music. Grabbing your laptop, you open it and set it on the kitchen counter, getting in a few words between tasks as you pull out ingredients for dinner. You had planned to make some soup because of the cold, and now that it's snowing, it's the perfect meal. You hope Josh isn't persnickety about his food.

Soon enough, you hear the crunch of his tire. Looking out the window, you see he's pulled up in front of your house rather than in the driveway so he can shovel it.

"Bloo.." you sing out, calling him from the window. He joins you in the kitchen, ears perked up, nubby tail wagging as much as it can. You give him a treat and hold another in your clasped hand. "Let's not bark at Josh today, okay? Can we try that?"

You open the door before Josh has a chance to knock, trying to lessen the stress on Bloo. You remind Bloo to sit, watching him carefully as Josh stands in the threshold of your home. He's bundled in a khaki colored jacket with a white hoodie underneath, a beanie over his head and ears.

"Hi." You smile, looking between him and Bloo.

"He's getting better..." Josh remarks, his expression showing he's a little impressed. You watch as Josh stretches out his hand gently, letting Bloo sniff it. Bloo's little nose twitches once or twice, then he stands from where he's sitting, trying to get closer to Josh.

He sniffs his snowboots first, then up his legs, landing on his jacket pockets. He sniffs a little more intensely before looking at Josh's face and tilting his head.

"Here," you say, offering Josh the treat in your hand. "Spoiled dog thinks everyone carries treats in their pockets for him."

Josh lifts his eyes to meet yours, his face a little unsure, but takes the treat anyway, wanting to at least try for you which you find pretty sweet. He holds the little bone out with an open palm and Bloo accepts it, licking Josh's hand as he does, which earns him a soft grunt of displeasure.

Josh's eyes move to the kitchen, where you're in the middle of prepping dinner.

"What are you making?"

"I figured you would be pretty cold after shoveling, so... I'm making butternut squash soup. But if you don't like it, you don't have to stay..." You say, preemptively hurting your own feelings, hoping to lessen the sting when he inevitably leaves.

"I love soup." He says, and he grins. He grins excitedly. About soup. You think it's a silly thing to pull that amount of emotion from him, but his grin is contagious, so you can't help but smile back at him as Bloo sniffs around his feet some more.

"Oh. Well good." You nod once, watching as he zips up his jacket.

"I'll leave you to it." He says, giving you a little wink. He turns to leave, but you reach for his hand quickly, pulling him towards you. You place a tender kiss to his lips, feeling his surprise, but it soon fades and he kisses you right back.

"Thank you. For um, for coming." You say, a little sheepish.

"You got it, Cherry." He heads for the door again and you snicker at the way the hood of his sweater sticks out of the back of his jacket as he goes.

You get back to the kitchen, the squash still simmering. You see Bloo watching you carefully, so you offer him a little chunk of it from the counter, but he turns his nose up and leaves you to work alone.

Once you puree the vegetables and get them into the pot with your broth and herbs, you put the top on and shuffle over to the window. Josh is almost done with your small driveway, the path from the steps already done.

You slip on your boots and jacket, shuffling to the back door. You slide it open and call Bloo, who stops in his tracks and looks out at the snow reluctantly.

"Come on, buddy. It's snow." You encourage, patting his rear-end softly. He takes a few more steps forward, skeptical, but his interest is piqued. He dips a curious paw into the snow, sniffing the ground, then two.

You eye him with a little smile, watching him re-discover snow for the first time in two years. In a flash, he bolts out into the yard, sending a dusting of fresh snow up into the air with every step and kick. Josh, who is standing at the fence gate, watches with a surprised expression, a flicker of joy in his eyes. You look at each other before your attention is pulled back to Bloo, having the time of his life as he runs around in the backyard while the sky seems to darken.

"I think he just needs like... a little square of grass. I'm not sure if he'll go in the snow." You say as Josh approaches with his shovel. He nods wordlessly, pulling his bright eyes from the ridiculous and lanky display Bloo is still putting on. He makes a clearing for Bloo, then shoos you off of the small patio to clear that too. Once he's done, he takes a deep breath, leaning the shovel on the back of the house.

"Aren't you cold?" He asks, brushing some snow off of his pants. You shake your head, crossing your arms over your chest.

"I've been inside by the stove." You answer, looking at his face. His cheeks are rosy and his little nose is red. "Come on. Let's get you inside."

He slips off his boots and leaves them at the back door. You hold out an arm to take his jacket from him once he takes it off, and he hands it off to you without a second thought. He tugs his beanie off, leaving his hair a little sweaty and flat and you swear, in that moment, he's stolen your heart.

He catches you looking at him, furrowing a brow, like he's wondering what your problem is. You shake your head, hiding your smile and walking towards the coat rack. You leave him to explore your home, walking slowly around the perimeter and glancing at the personal details scattered throughout. As he pokes around, you stir the soup in the pot, making sure it's simmering and the bottom of the pot isn't burning.

"Smells nice." He says, stepping in behind you, his hands finding your hips, his chin resting on your shoulder. You give a little hum, tilting your head to rest against his.

"I know you try not to eat dairy, so I used coconut milk." You say softly. He exhales softly through his nose, almost a laugh.

"Well, aren't you thoughtful?"

It's about ten seconds of domestic bliss before you hear the sound of Bloo's paws pounding on the back door, scaring the two of you back to reality. Josh huffs, taking it upon himself to walk over and let him back inside.

After the two of you eat dinner, you find yourselves snuggled on the couch. Josh sits with his head tilted down, his eyes straining to focus on the screen. His hat hair is still flat as ever, endearing you to reach out and pull him closer by the back of his neck.

"Careful. You're getting pretty handsy." He warns jokingly as he looks up into your eyes, his own reflecting back how tired he really is. You can't help but laugh, scratching softly at the hair on the nape of his neck affectionately.

"You're tired." You say quietly as he wraps his arms around your waist, nuzzling into you between your face and shoulder. He takes a deep breath in like he's about to yawn, but doesn't let himself. You're not sure what time it is, but you're feeling a little sleepy yourself.

"Are you sending me to bed?" He asks, his voice a little hoarse and slightly muffled. You try to speak, but you lose a bit of courage as you imagine the sting of rejection, especially after having spent a nice evening with him. You would hate to ruin it, but at the same time, you would hate to watch him walk out the door. So you speak anyway, nervously parroting the words he said to you a few weeks ago.

"You should stay."

You feel him nod as his hands lock together behind your back. He squeezes you tightly, breathing deeply again, losing the battle against his fatigue. You move your head to kiss his temple gently, then nudge him so he'll get up. He gets to his feet slowly, stretching with his arms over his head. You see the way his belly peeks out under his hoodie, his soft skin brushed with the lightest dusting of hair.

You yourself stand up, letting Bloo out once more while Josh heads to the bathroom. You meet him in your bedroom while you wait for Bloo, picking out some pajamas and putting them out on your side of the bed. You hear the water turn off, then see Josh slink out of the bathroom, rubbing his eyes. He gives you a little smile.

You quickly take his place, getting into your pajamas and washing up, reappearing into your room to see Josh in his briefs, answering a text as he sits on the edge of your bed. He doesn't look up at you as you walk by, stepping out to retrieve Bloo. You quickly retrieve him, locking up the house and turning off the lights, making sure you remembered to blow out your candles too.

Once you're done, Bloo follows you into your bedroom, seeing Josh sitting on the side of the bed. They eye each other suspiciously.

"The dog doesn't sleep in your bed, does he?"


"No. He has his own. Don't fret." You say, laughing softly. You pull the covers down on your side of the bed, slipping under them. Bloo circles in his bed a few times before plopping down and sighing.

Josh follows your lead, getting comfortable. He lays on his back, lifting his arm to summon you closer. You snuggle up, resting your head on his shoulder, looking at his impossibly bright phone phone propped up on his shirtless chest. He's about ¾ of the way through the Sunday New York Times crossword.

"I thought you were sleepy." You say, your voice soft. His skin smells so sweet, like soap and a tinge of sweat from earlier, that you can barely resist nuzzling against him again.

"Gotta finish. I'll lose my streak." He says lowly, and you can feel his voice rumble through his chest where you're resting. "This is what I was doing when you called me."

You look at the next clue that pops up on the screen.

"Three letters... Lunchbox favorite?" He says, like he's unsure. The two of you think in silence for a moment.

"PBJ." You mumble, and you watch as he uses his thumb to type while he holds his phone from the top of the screen with the rest of his hand.

"Ahhh. Good one." He says, seeing the letters turn blue.

You answer a few more before you doze off, the warmth of his chest and the sound of his heartbeat lulling you to sleep as he nibbles on his lip in thought, determined to keep up his streak.

When you wake in the morning, it's not on your own. The sun is barely up, peeking through the curtains of your bedroom. Josh is behind you, his hands wandering with a sleepy languidness across your body. He doesn't linger anywhere too long, touch anywhere too aggressively, but it's clear he's trying to wake you up.

"Morning." You whisper, a tired smile tugging at your lips.

Feeling and hearing that you're finally awake, he pushes you gently onto your back, moving over you. You look up at him, and close your eyes again, putting your arm over your face while he situates himself between your thighs.

You hook your leg over him, pulling him a little closer. He leans over onto his arm and you feel him tremble a bit, then hiss as if he's in pain. You move your arm to look at him, and his brow is knitted up.

"You okay?" You ask, still whispering.

"Sore." He says, rolling his shoulders and neck, like he didn't realize he was hurting until he started.

He tugs at your shorts, unrelenting despite his discomfort. You let him toss them to the floor and watch as he pulls your leg over his hip, kneeling down a little lower before freeing himself from his briefs. You look down to see him hard and heavy in his own hand, the wide head of him making your stomach flutter.

"Don't hurt yourself..." You say, looking up at his puffy face, his lips pouty from sleep.

"I'll be gentle." He says, leaning in to capture your lips in a sleepy kiss, his movements slow and sweet. When he lifts his head, he spits into his hand and strokes himself a few times, which you think is considerate despite the raunchiness of the action.

He pushes into you slowly and you wince slightly as he stretches you, listening to the sound of his breathing as he sinks in further. You can't help the whimper that escapes you as he thrusts, slow and shallow at first. He buries his head in your neck, taking his time with you.

He's gentle like he said he would be, which you originally thought was for his own sake, but you have grown to realize is benefitting both of you. He starts to push a little deeper, feeling you adjust to him, getting wetter and taking him with less resistance.

He lifts his head to kiss you again, his lips lazily locking with yours as he thrusts, now pulling out almost fully before pushing all the way back in, never breaking the kiss. He breathes harshly through his nose, obviously exerting himself when he said he wouldn't.

"Fuck, you feel good. I'm not gonna last long." He admits, ducking his head back down to kiss your throat and neck, his lips latching on to a sensitive spot that makes you clench around him as he drags it between his teeth.

You cry out at the feeling, which only encourages him more, and he grabs your leg to push it up closer to your chest. The angle nearly knocks the breath out of you, and paired with how he's picking up his pace, you know you're done for. His hips start to snap into you as he chases his own end, pushing you over the edge yourself. Your back arches off of the bed as you soak him, squeezing around him, your sleep-laced voice releasing a raspy moan that bounces off the walls of your bedroom.

"God, you take me so well..." he groans, his voice strained as his hips start to stutter. It's not long before he's spilling into you, buried to the hilt, stilling himself. You can feel him pulse inside you, moaning into your pillow as he finishes. His hips jerk a few times before he finally lets go of your leg, resting on top of you and catching his breath.

It's silent for a good while before he rolls off of you. You feel like you could definitely sleep longer, but you're not sure if your schedule allows.

"What time is it?" You ask, seeing he's already sitting up and on his phone.

"Ten to seven."

"Why would you not just say 6:50?" You ask quietly with a bit of a playful attitude, pulling your covers back over you.

"Okay, it's 6:50, smartass. You know what time it is either way." He grumbles with a smirk, standing up. "I have a meeting at 8. Mind if I use your shower?"

"As long as you're quiet." You mumble back, letting your eyes flutter closed. You nestle into your bed, despite feeling a little sticky and sweaty. You have to shower before class and change the sheets anyway.

Your eyes are closed, but you hear him close the bathroom door and start the water. You're happy to get another half hour of sleep, Josh quiet as a mouse as he gets himself ready and leaves without waking.

You're woken too soon by Bloo's cold nose on your hand, whining softly to be let outside, since Josh didn't know to do it.

After throwing on your robe and stripping your bed, you hop into the shower. You turn up the hot water, washing your hair and feeling your muscles relax. You let your mind wander as you think through your class schedule, what you have to bring with you, what you want for lunch, what your plans are this weekend.. If today is the 9th, Saturday is... the 14th.

Valentine's day.

You shake your head and try to forget the thought, not allowing yourself to have any expectations of him. Valentine's day is for couples.

You turn off the water and pull back the shower curtain, looking at the mirror. At the top is a message written in lipstick, the handwriting neat and boyish, making your heart lurch in your chest.

"Later Sunshine - xoxo"

Your week goes on and Thursday proves to be the day from hell. Your classes were awful, your mood was miserable, and the traffic on your drive home was enough to make you cry out of frustration. You finally get home and trudge through the slush left from the snowstorm earlier in the week, up the steps of your porch. When you get to your front door, there's a big red box on your welcome mat, a white satin bow tied neatly around it. You bend down to pick it up, inspecting it for any kind of card or label, but there doesn't seem to be one on the outside.

You bring it inside, Bloo sniffing at it. "Move, buddy. Please..." You say, frustrated, putting the box down on the kitchen table. You walk back to the door to slip off your shoes, hang up your keys and jacket, then shuffle back over to the table.

Tugging on the bow, it comes undone and you pull it from under and around the box. It's not very heavy, so you're not sure what to expect as you lift off the top. The lid slides off of the glossy box with ease. Whatever is inside is wrapped in delicate white paper and there's a note on top. It's custom stationery, the paper thick and smooth.

— FROM THE DESK OF JOSHUA M. KISZKA — 'Saw these and thought of you, Cherry. xoxo'

You put the note down on the table and pull open the tissue paper. Laying side by side are two sets of fairly expensive looking lingerie, both drastically different.

On the left is a baby pink set. The bra has ruffles along the straps and under the cups, white lace with pink detailing. The cups themselves are unlined and translucent mesh, the edges scalloped, and along the mesh fabric are little red cherries printed all over. The bottoms are cheeky and ruffled around the waistband to match, adorned with the same cherry motif as the bra.

The set on the right is deep midnight black, and with a more careful eye, you realize that it's incredibly similar to the other one, but instead of ruffles and cherries, the black one has intricate lace inlays and the mesh is dotted with tiny clusters of embroidered stars. It's more daring, mysterious and way less sweet.

There's no mistaking he sent two of them for a reason. That little smartass.

You take the note and fold it up, hiding it away in your textbook on the table. You can't help but smile as you look down at both sets again, shaking your head and putting the lid back over the box.

As Saturday rolls around you find yourself reaching for the black lacy thing so generously gifted to you by Jake's very own twin. It feels a little wrong, you'll admit, but this is what he bought it for, right? With a fresh blowout falling over your shoulders, you slide your legs through the skimpy shred of fabric, admiring yourself in the mirror and applauding Josh for his incredible taste.

Fastening the bra behind your back, you take another look at yourself before pulling the deep red dress over your body. It stops short at the middle of your thighs, a long set of buttons fastened down the center of the dress. Knowing the buttons were part of the fun your first night together, you thought this dress would be the perfect reminder of how you ended up here in the first place.

Your phone ringing on your bed pulls you from your thoughts, and a blush slides across your cheeks as you see Jake's face on your screen. You tap the green button to answer the call. "Hello handsome..."

"Hey baby... You almost ready for me?" he asks, a little shuffling in the background.

"Mmm, almost, just getting your surprise ready for later." you answer playfully.

"My surprise, huh?" he asks, hearing his keys jingle in his hand.

"Yeah, I think you'll like this one." you taunt.

"How long do I have to wait for said surprise?" he questions.

"Oh, just a little while. You on your way?"

"Gettin' in the car now. Be there in a second." he answers, hearing his car door shut behind him.

"See you then." you say ending the call.

You smooth the dress over your hips, and just knowing what lies beneath it is enough to have you feeling worked up. You slip on your heels, under Jake's specific orders to 'dress up', and not a minute later was his fist knocking on your door.

With a spray of perfume you're dashing to the front door, anxious to see him after almost two weeks apart. Twisting the lock you instruct Bloo to back up, and as his nails click across the floor you open the door to possibly the most handsome version of Jake you'd ever seen. Dressed to the nines in a pair of wool trousers, a black button down shirt, and a matching wool waistcoat. A cluster of silver necklaces hung down his chest, and a pair of dark glasses shielded his eyes. He pushed them up into his hair as he saw you, a shocked look on his face as he took in the sight of you.

"Baby..." it came out almost breathless as he directed you backwards into the house. His hands instantly enveloped your waist, pulling you into him as his lips met yours. "Fucking christ." he swallowed hard. His hand traveled down your leg, and back up, sliding under the skirt of your dress until his finger was grazing the straps of your thong.

"My, my, what do we have here?" he asks, running his fingers along the mesh fabric.

"You'll find out later, if you're good." you respond flirtatiously.

"What if I want to find out now?" he growls against your neck.

"Then you'd spoil your surprise."

"Just a peek..." he pleads. "I want to see you so I can fantasize about the filthy things I want to do to you when we get home."

You snicker, stepping back and lifting your dress just enough to let him see the scanty fabric of your barely there panties. You spin, as his jaw drops to the floor. "Do not tell me the bra matches, or we will not be making it to that reservation."

"Okay, then I won't tell you." you wink, feeling his hand reattach to your bare hip.

"Fuck, are they–they're mesh. See through...and are those...are those little stars?" he asks, feeling the fabric with his fingers.

You nod and give him a shy smile. "You like?"

"I swear to god it's like I picked them out myself. It's–it's exactly what I would have picked. You did fuckin' good baby. It's a shame I'm going to rip them off of you at the first opportunity." he pauses, "Or maybe I'll just fuck you with them on, hm? Would you like that? My naughty little thing..."

You feel a rush of guilt wash over you at his words. Exactly what he would have picked. Of course. Josh knew him better than anyone. Then you realize this is exactly why he did it. He knew you'd wear them for Jake, but you'd be thinking of him the whole time. Asshole.

"I'm glad you love it baby." you answer, pressing a kiss to his lips. "I just need to grab my purse and we can go."

He releases you, adjusting himself in his pants as you walk to your bedroom to grab your things. You can hear him in the living room, flipping through channels on the TV. You search your room for your phone, but remember throwing it to the coffee table as he knocked on the door. Your heels click loudly against the floor as you pull your coat over your shoulders. "You ready?"

"Yep, just getting this situated for Bloo." he says, raising the volume on the TV. You look at the screen to see Mariska Hargitay shouting into her cell phone.


"The TV. He likes the TV on when he's alone." he states, as if you were crazy to question him. You laugh and shake your head as he places the remote on the coffee table. "He likes Law & Order babe, I don't know what to tell you."

"You're insane." you laugh, reaching for your phone. He grabs it for you, preparing to hand it to you as it buzzes in his hand. His eyes flash to the screen and he furrows his brow, letting his eyes flick up to yours.

"Uh, Josh just uh...Josh texted you." he says, a flash of confusion in his voice.

"What?" you ask, grabbing the phone from his hands. Your eyes flick down the message. Jesus Christ Josh, why now?


6:42pm: I think I'll need to see both to leave a five star review...

With Jake over your shoulder you type a quick reply, to ease his suspicions.


6:43pm: Wrong number

"He does this all the time. He texts me on accident at least once a week. Must have two Y/N's in his phone." you say, pretending to be confused as you shove it into your bag.

"Hmm. Yeah that seems like him. Well, let's go. Don't want to be late." he says, placing his hand on the small of your back and ushering you out the door. You knew you were going to have to lay it on thick tonight to make up for his brother's obviously purposeful intervention. "Bye Bloo, be a good boy!"

As you slip into the front seat of his car, you quickly pull your phone from your purse, feeling it buzz again on your walk to the car. You roll your eyes as you read Josh's messages and Jake slides into the driver's seat.


6:45pm: Mhmm...Have fun with Jake tonight. Let me know if you need me to come back and do any more plowing.


6:45pm: Shoveling** whatever 😏

You lock your phone and stash it in your purse for the night, effectively pushing Josh to the wayside as you feel Jake's hand slide across your leg, "Ready, beautiful?"

You link your fingers with his and squeeze his hand. "Yep, I'm all yours."


You hop out of your Uber, thanking the driver politely before scurrying to the front door of the bar. You were pulled from your trash TV marathon while trying to study for an exam. Josh insisted you come out and have a drink, claiming you've been a hermit for too long. He was half right. The only people you had had a conversation with in the last week were either your classmates, your mom, or him and his brother.

You pull open the door and step in, the music a little loud. It's a Thursday night, but that doesn't really matter in Nashville. You scan the bar, then the tables, then the booths, searching for the most easily identifiable person you know. But you don't spot him anywhere.

As you're about to give up, you feel a pair of arms slip under your own and around your waist. He laughs softly in your ear and you smell his cologne, spinning around to look at him. He's definitely a little drunk, his smile wide and his cheeks tinted pink.

"I can't believe I lured you out of your den." He jokes, yelling over the music.

"Very funny." You say, rolling your eyes with a smirk. "I need a drink."

With a nod of his head, Josh directs you towards the bar. You follow close behind, hopping up onto the stool next to the one he chooses for himself.

"I'm here with some friends, but I want you to myself for a little while." He says, leaning his elbow on the bar in your direction. "Get whatever you want. It's on me."

You give him a little glance, half flirty, half snarky.

"You didn't tell me I'd have to meet new people." You say, rolling your eyes. "I would have gotten dressed up... or stayed home.."

"You have to talk to someone that isn't your dog, Cherry. Plus, they're good people. You think I keep bad company?"

"You are bad company." You quip, only to be interrupted by the bartender stopping over to place two coasters in front of you and take your orders.

"I'll have a tequila soda with some extra, uh, limes please." He says. "And whatever she's having. The tab is under Kiszka."

You curse yourself as your brain immediately reminds you that if you were with Jake, he would have ordered for you. You wonder where he is. What he's doing. Who he's with.

"And for you?" The bartender asks, snapping you out of it.

"Oh, um, I'll have the same, please. Thanks."

One drink leads to two, then the bartender drops off a third, and you're nursing it slowly.

"I'm glad you came out. It's nice to see you somewhere besides my bed." He flirts, shooting you a little wink.

Your filter is no longer functioning after two and a half mixed drinks. You raise a brow at him, tilting your head with a smirk.

"I'm sure it is."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He questions, and you snicker a little.

"Just that you're a voyeur and I bet you'd bend me over this bar if it wouldn't get you arrested in all 50 states and 193 countries."

You see him run his tongue along his teeth, shaking his head softly like he's been caught. He leans in a little closer.

"And I bet you would let me."

You feel your cheeks heat up, pinching your straw between your fingers and taking a sip. You don't really have anything to say to him because he's right.

"Admit it." He pushes. "I want you to say it."

You take a shaky breath, squirming in your seat.

"Yeah. I would let you." You cross your legs, trying to settle yourself down.

"You'd let the whole bar see you stretched pretty and pink around me? Bent over like you were the other day, taking me so well?"

"You better stop." You warn, an empty threat. Your cheeks are pink and you're fighting a dirty grin.

You see him look over his shoulder, then back at the bar in front of him. He finishes the last sip of his drink, putting his glass down on the shiny wood bar top.

"Let's go." He commands, hopping off the barstool. He takes your glass out of your hand, putting it next to his on the counter, pulling you out of your seat as well.

"Where are you taking me?!" You ask as he pulls you through the bar.

He doesn't answer your question. He wordlessly opens one of the bathroom doors, ushering you in with a forceful push on your lower back.

"Are you crazy?!" You ask, watching him lock the door. The room is small, smells like industrial cleaner, and there are paper towels all over the floor. You stare at him, trying to predict his next move.

He's on you before you can expect it, pushing you back against the sink. He kisses you hard, your surprised hum fighting against the sound of the muffled music coming from outside the door.

"Yeah. I am." He says dryly. "Now take your panties off or I'll just push them to the side and make a mess of them." He mumbles against your lips, and it's clear he means business. You slip them off as he nips at your neck, his hands sliding up your shirt to touch the warm skin at your waist. He quickly lifts you onto the sink, the cold porcelain pulling a little squeak from you.

"Come on, Cherry. Spread those thighs for me..." He says, stepping closer to you. He unbuttons his pants, tugging them down. His breath is warm against your lips as you can taste the lingering extra lime on his tongue.

Your body submits to him as you brace yourself with your arms behind you, spreading your thighs. He shoves your skirt further up your body, his eyes lowered between your bodies. He drags himself through your wetness, a little chuckle passing his perfect, pouty lips.

"You're soaked, Cherry... Calling me the voyeur when you're messing your pretty panties thinking about getting filled to the brim on your barstool." He mumbles, slowly pressing inside you. You shake your head, rolling your lips between your teeth to silence yourself.

"I think you're secretly a little slut. You blush and shake your head.." He says, nudging inside you. "Scolding me when my words make you all warm between your thighs... Josh!" He says, a little mockery of your voice. "You like it. It's why you can't stay away. You'd do anything I asked."

You watch him carefully, unable to argue as he disarms you more with every inch of himself he slides into you. When he's finally buried to the hilt, he stops, as deep as he can go, savoring the feeling of the head of his cock pressed tight against your cervix.

Your jaw drops at the sensation, your mouth open and inviting as your brow knits together in pleasure and pain. He looks at your lips, then your eyes, then back to your lips, his mind working. Before you can compose yourself, he takes the opportunity to spit directly in your mouth, giving you a filthy smirk when he pulls back, wiping the remnants from his lips and chin with the back of his hand.

He watches as you swallow it with a moan.

"That's what I thought." He gives a little nod, then a quick raise of his brows. His devilish smirk grows, the wheels turning in his head. "I'll see what else I can give you... if you're so thirsty." He snaps his hips into you, making you see stars.

He seems to remember where the two of you are. He picks up a quick pace, his strokes shallow and fast. He knows your body well enough to take the initiative and move his thumb down to brush broad strokes over it and help you along.

His eyes are locked on to yours, the warmth of his brown irises making his lust-blown pupils look even bigger. You feel like you're on fire- the nervousness seeping through you mixing with the way he knows just how to touch you is making your head feel foggy. The tension of your orgasm is threatening to snap any second now, your moans bouncing off of the dingy bathroom walls. Your brain is void of everything but him, your arms wrapping around his neck to pull him closer, as if he's not already inside you, pressed against you. You lick into his mouth as he breathes heavily, his thrusts becoming inconsistent. You scratch gently at the hair on the nape of his neck, a wordless check-in.

"Gotta hurry up." He says, and you know that's his prideful way of telling you he's not going to last, but he's disguising it as a fear of getting caught. "Come on, Cherry... Say my name."

The demand breathes out of him with enough aggression to make your stomach flip. It helps you along, pulling a gasp from your chest before you release the breath to the tune of his name, needy and desperate as you fall apart for him.

He barely waits for you to come down, grunting as he pulls out of you.

"On your knees, come on." He encourages in a rush, stroking himself. You don't hesitate to hop off the sink and drop down to your knees, looking up at him. "Open up, Cherry. Can't... fuck... can't wait." He says, his fist slipping quickly along the length of him.

You part your lips and it's seconds before he's spilling over your outstretched tongue, whining and cursing as he does. You swallow all of it down, licking along the underside of him, not letting any of it go to waste. You swipe your thumb under your bottom lip, gathering every drop.

He looks down at you with a smile, his face flushed, his chest rapidly rising and falling. His expression is almost unreadable, a mix between what you think is something sweet, maybe pride, and something filthy. He offers a hand to help you up and you start to fix your skirt.

"Why don't we go get you another drink, hmm?" He says, zipping up his pants and tugging his shirt down.

When the two of you reemerge, he walks towards a table with six or seven people already seated around it. He seems to freeze for a second, stopping in his tracks. He looks back at you, then at the table again. He slides into the booth and makes some room for you.

He hops right into a conversation, catching up quietly with the girl to his right. He doesn't bother to make any introductions, leaving you to fend for yourself at the end of the table. It's a little jarring and you feel incredibly out of place.

"Do you want me to flag our server down so you can get a drink?" The guy next to you asks. He has dark hair and an impressive mustache. You smile politely, shaking your head.

"I'm okay for right now. Thank you, though." You say, your voice louder than usual to make it over the music.

He turns away, focusing on the group again as they all chat. You're seemingly alone again, observing Josh and the girl next to him, who seem to have a bit of chemistry.

"Yeah, let's get you a drink," you hear him say to her. He looks around the table for a menu, but doesn't see one.

"Oh. Here." You push the plastic stand in front of you towards him. It holds a slip of paper with a QR code asking patrons to scan for the menu.

"I hate these fucking things," he grumbles, snatching it from your hand and pulling out his phone. "Doesn't anyone appreciate physical media anymore?"

You roll your eyes. He's such an old man, whining about kids these days and their cell phones.

"This bar caters to millennials. Most people our age are constantly on their phones anyway." You add, and it feels like the rest of the table looks at you. You shrink a little.

"It's so much more meaningful to hold something in your hands. That's why we release physical copies of all our music. It's just... it's different. It doesn't feel the same to stream something, to just press a button. It's why people have started collecting vinyl and using film again." Josh answers, slightly argumentative.

"Okay, sure, maybe a majority of your fans, but that's still a minority when you look at people in our age bracket and younger." You say, confident that he's misunderstanding you. "In one of my classes, we were..."

"Oh, yeah, I'm sure Vanderbilt has taught you all about being completely out of touch." He bites, and you balk at his statement. What's gotten into him?

"Oh, god. You go to Vanderbilt?" The girl next to him asks, stifling a judgmental laugh. You feel your cheeks flush red as the man who just fucked you in the bathroom and his little blonde girlfriend embarrass you in front of five other strangers.

"I do, yeah." You answer, feeling small.

You look at Josh, your eyes a wordless plea for him to stick up for you, to come to your defense.

When you see her lean over to whisper in his ear, and his only reaction is a laugh, you know it's time for you to leave.

"Speaking of... I do have classes tomorrow. I think I better head out." You say, pulling out your phone to call an Uber home. You push out your chair and stand up, trying to get Josh's attention. "Have a nice night, guys." You say to the rest of the table, realizing you can't even say it was nice meeting them, because technically you didn't. A few of them give you little waves and say quiet but friendly goodbyes.

Josh seems to have forgotten you exist. He scrolls through the menu on his phone, pointing out a drink to the blonde next to him. He doesn't even bother to say goodbye.

You turn on your heel, cheeks burning as you try and hold it together until you're out the door.

After the incident at the bar, you give Josh a bit of the silent treatment. He attempted to reach out the next morning, but you left him on read. He was cold to you so soon after you were intimate that it pushed you away. Maybe that was his goal. Either way, you were left feeling like you have had enough of him.

Part of you is a little thankful, because Jake is back in town and you're looking forward to spending some time with him, giving up the juggling act for a while.

You wake up on Sunday morning, having already made arrangements with Jake for him to come take Bloo out for their usual run now that it's a little warmer. Getting out of bed and walking into the kitchen, you smell coffee. Jake came and stole your dog in the early hours and was thoughtful enough to start the coffee pot for you. You smile, tugging your robe around you a little tighter, the morning temperature a bit chilly.

Pouring yourself a cup, you pivot to look out the window, knowing they'll be back any moment. You blow over the rim, waiting for it to cool down. You watch the cars go by, the breeze shaking the trees outside your window. Soon enough, motion at the end of your street grabs your attention.

You spot Bloo first, trotting at a medium speed in his harness. Behind him is Jake, jogging down the street in a fitted, long sleeved, black workout shirt with a high neckline. He's got on some black running shorts- the short inseam of them nearly making your heart stop as you lay eyes on his perfect thighs. He slows to a stop as he approaches your house, pulling his headphones out of his ears. He pushes the stray strands of hair from his face, the rest of it tied into a bun at the back of his head.

Bloo knows they're home and turns to walk up the driveway on his own. Jake follows, pocketing his AirPod case and shrugging his shoulder up to wipe some sweat dripping down the side of his face. He starts fishing in his pockets for his keys, so you take a few steps towards the door, unlocking and opening it for him.

"You're up early," he says, smiling as he makes his way up the steps towards you. Bloo starts to tug at his leash, eager to say good morning too.

"Little do you know, I was asleep by 9 last night." You answer with a smirk, unclipping Bloo's lead and unbuckling his harness. You stand back up to look at Jake, your eyes roaming from the bottom up as you come back to your full height.

He's a sight for sore eyes. You drag your eyes away from his muscular thighs, making pit stops at each of his hips, noting the way the waistband of his shorts hugs him just right, meeting the bottom of his sinfully tight, moisture-wicking shirt.

"Hear that, buddy?" He says to Bloo as he waits patiently for his treat. "She's full of energy. Maybe she'll play with us today." His smile is a little devilish as he takes a treat from the jar and hands it to Bloo.

"I was actually thinking we could go to that art show in the park. If you have time." You say, sipping your coffee with a soft smile.

"We can do that... Mind if I shower first?" He asks, still a little winded.

"Yeah, that's fine. I still have to get out of my robe. No rush." you say, gesturing at yourself with your hand. He grins, pulling you in by the tie of it and placing a kiss to your lips.

You pull away, grimacing and sputtering a little because of the sweat he just smeared on your lips and face. He chuckles, letting go of you.

"Thought you liked me sweaty?" He asks, his voice laced with faux offense.

"It's a little early..." You answer with a smirk as he goes walking off towards the bathroom, shaking his head.

You drop your mug in the sink and by the time you get to your bedroom, the door is cracked and you hear the shower running. As you get ready, you pop in to grab your moisturizer and put some on before the mirror has fogged up. Behind you, you see he's hung his sweaty clothes over the shower rod.

"I'll wash these while we're out." You say over the water, reaching on your tiptoes to grab them from where they hang. You quickly check the labels to see the washing instructions. Both bear the signature Lululemon logo and you roll your eyes at his expensive taste. "You air dry them, right?"

" I supposed to?" He asks, the sound of water falling to the shower floor getting a little louder and you can imagine he's rinsing his hair.

"Oh my god." You answer, stepping out of the bathroom with a laugh.

"Thank you baby!" He calls as you go, his tone asking for forgiveness.

You toss them into the washer on cold and then busy yourself getting ready. Tossing on a thin sweater and some jeans, you brush your hair and run a flat iron over it to fix the bumps your messy bun left in it. The water turns off and you hear him squeeze the excess water out of his hair. As you finish your light makeup, you hear him call out to you.

"Y/N?" He says, and you hear some concern in his voice.

Knowing he probably forgot to grab a towel, you grab one from the linen closet and jog over to the door. When you push it open, you see he already has one wrapped around his waist. He's staring at the upper right hand corner of your mirror.

Your eyes follow the direction of his eyes and you see that his hot shower has fogged up most of the surface, but the message Josh left for you, despite being wiped away, is clear as day. You must have left it too long before cleaning it off and the oils from the lipstick stuck to the glass, keeping it from fogging up.

When he finally speaks, you feel your stomach sink.

"...Is that Josh's handwriting?"


You know you've doomed yourself immediately. He spoke clearly and his question made sense, so it's obvious you only said that to stall and come up with an excuse.

"You heard me." He says, and his tone makes your blood run cold.

"Uh, it is. Yeah," you admit, nodding.

"Why the fuck is he leaving you notes on your bathroom mirror? When was he even here?" He asks, stepping over the lip of the shower and getting closer to you. He's studying your face. He wants to know if you're lying.

"When he came to clear my driveway. When you were away in February."

You can see he's angry and the gears in his head are turning. You need to cover your ass. You need to explain yourself.

"He came over and it was snowing badly. He shoveled for a long while and I made dinner but it wasn't done in time and he was all sweaty from shoveling and so he showered while I finished up." You say, your words coming out fast and full of fear.

Jake still doesn't say anything, but you can see he's mad. His chest and neck are red, his eyes narrowed as he puts pieces together.

"You know how he is," you offer, tilting your head, trying to convince him. You're on the verge of over explaining.

"How is he?" Jake asks, a nasty bite in his words despite his chilling calmness. "Enlighten me." he purrs, leaning a hand on the edge of the sink.

You blink, feeling like you need to choose your next words carefully. It takes you a minute to string them together. A minute too long.

"Answer me!" Jake shouts as he slams his fist on the counter, making you jump. Bloo hears from the other room and barks, his nails skidding across the hardwood floor as he runs to get to you.

Jake's eyes flash to the doorway, seeing Bloo assessing the situation. Bloo doesn't growl, but he seems to be on the verge of barking again, a rumble coming from him against your leg. You immediately see guilt paint Jake's features as he lifts his hand from the counter and runs it through his hair.

"He... he likes to cause trouble. He probably wanted you to... to see it." You try to keep yourself from stammering. Jake blinks, looking at you flatly.

"Why would he do that? He knows we're not together." Jake says, calling your bluff. "I find it odd that he would have any interest in making me think you two are fooling around if he knows things aren't like that between us. What trouble would that cause?"

You take a shaky breath, shrugging nervously and shaking your head a little. You don't know what to say. You go to speak, but he cuts you off.

"Oh my god...You fucked him, didn't you..." he breathes, shaking his own head in denial of the image his mind was conjuring up.

"Jake–" you start, but again he shakes his head, silencing you as he only wants to hear the answer you couldn't bear to admit.

"Tell me now, Y/N. Did you fuck my brother?"








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